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[quote][b]Mini-update (5/29/24):[/b] I've been away for so long that FR went and added pinglist widgets, so I figured I may as well get one set up for the lore thread here. I've been dealing with some IRL stuff, but I'm planning on continuing this lore. Hope to see you guys around![/quote] [center][size=7][font=Chiller][b][color=#dad6c8]«[/color] [color=#731d08]Pinglist[/color] [color=#dad6c8]»[/color][/b][/font][/size] [pinglist=30092] [color=#dad6c8]___________________________________________________________[/color] [size=2][url=][color=#731d08]Thread Info[/color][/url] [color=#dad6c8]|[/color] [url=][color=#731d08]Table of Contents[/color][/url] [color=#dad6c8]|[/color] [url=][color=#731d08]Location[/color][/url] [color=#dad6c8]|[/color] [url=][color=#731d08]Clan Members[/color][/url] [color=#dad6c8]|[/color] [url=][color=#731d08]Culture[/color][/url] [color=#dad6c8]|[/color] [url=][color=#731d08]Gallery[/color][/url] [color=#dad6c8]|[/color] [url=][color=#731d08]Other[/color][/url] [color=#dad6c8]|[/color] [url=][color=#731d08]Pinglist[/color][/url][/size]
Mini-update (5/29/24): I've been away for so long that FR went and added pinglist widgets, so I figured I may as well get one set up for the lore thread here. I've been dealing with some IRL stuff, but I'm planning on continuing this lore. Hope to see you guys around!

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Thread Info | Table of Contents | Location | Clan Members | Culture | Gallery | Other | Pinglist
she/they; FR +1
pings/DMs ok

Bitter Sap Clan (AU lore)
Saga's Lore Archives
Ooooh, very excited. Time for a reread to refresh my memory. [emoji=gaoler star size=1]
Ooooh, very excited. Time for a reread to refresh my memory.
Oohh, good to see you back! I'll hop on that pinglist, and I'll need to find time for a re-read to refresh my memory as well!
Oohh, good to see you back! I'll hop on that pinglist, and I'll need to find time for a re-read to refresh my memory as well!
Pyrouge | Butch Lesbian | They/Them | +3 FR

A mercenary band forged from darkness and desperation seek out a way to survive in a changing, dangerous world. [Modified Pinkerlocke + Lore]
[center][color=#731d08][b]New Beginnings[/b][/color] [color=#dad6c8]-[/color] [color=#731d08]VIII[/color] [color=#dad6c8]-[/color] [size=2][color=grey]SUMMER[/color][/size] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [size=2][url=]<< Previous[/url] | [url=]Next >>[/url][/size] [color=#dad6c8]___________________________________________________________[/color][/center] Luckystone spent a rather tense night and morning watching over his mate and the injured elk. He had done what he could for the animal after Lightfoot’s condition improved, though he wasn’t sure how much it would actually help. Either Lightfoot or Swiftrunner had managed to get a decent bite around the throat. The Fae grimaced as he watched the elk take staggered breaths. If Spiritsong hadn’t been around, Luckystone would have put the poor creature out of its misery. He wasn’t sure what would happen if the elk ended up dying… The massive dragon did not seem like the forgiving type. ‘[i]At least they remained outside during the night…[/i]’ Luckystone thought to himself, certain that the cold emanating from Spiritsong would have spelled disaster for the three of them. It was still rather touch and go at this point how quickly the two would recover. He hadn’t managed to sleep and his magical reserves were running low, which was rather worrying. Luckystone’s head fins drooped as his thoughts turned to Swiftrunner, ‘[i]I hope he made it through the night… There wasn’t much I could do for him at the time. I’m not even sure I could help him now even if I wanted to…[/i]’ The Fae was pulled out of his thoughts when something blocked the sunlight and threw the cave into darkness. He tensed until realizing it was Spiritsong. It didn’t take long for the giant dragon to reach him and drop a pile of plants in front of the elk. The chill that accompanied Spiritsong quickly followed and Luckystone couldn’t help but shiver. There was something… unsettling about their power and he couldn’t quite figure out what it was. It was only when Spiritsong paused to look down at him questioningly that the Fae realized something. “It was you!” his head fins stood straight up in alarm, “It was your magic that called me here, made me feel better. Can you do that again? I can try to heal them again if you do!” ‘[i]No.[/i]’ Spiritsong immediately shook their head and turned around to leave so the cave could warm up once more. “What? Why not?!” Luckystone leapt into the air and flew up so they could speak face to face, adjusting his position as Spiritsong walked outside, “I’m sure this would work!” Spiritsong stood at the entrance of the cave and gestured toward the clearing that lay before them with their chin, ‘[i]What do you see before you?[/i]’ The mist that had obscured the area yesterday had cleared, leaving the carpet of bones visible. From the giant ice spikes on one side of the area to the other, the ground was littered with the bones of dragons. A tight smile crossed their lips as they faced the Fae once more, ‘[i]You are the first to hear my song and survive it. Do you think you will be as fortunate the second time?[/i]’ Luckystone’s wings faltered as he took in the scene before him, only half-hearing Spiritsong’s words. Most of the bones had broken down over time as the huge dragon walked across the clearing from the cliffside to the cave’s entrance, but enough skulls had managed to survive this destruction. Dozens of skulls from different breeds remained. If he hadn’t been so stunned by this discovery, Luckystone would have noticed an even bigger pile that laid at the base of the cliff. The Fae fluttered down to the ground and reached out to touch what appeared to be a rather large Tundra skull with a shaky paw. He wasn’t sure what was worse – hoping that it would be some twisted illusion or that it remained solid under his touch. ‘[i]Do you know how [b]hungry[/b] I’ve been?[/i]’ ‘[i]By the Icewarden…[/i]’ Luckystone thought as horror settled in his chest, with a chill not caused by the cold creeping up his neck as his eyes flitted from one skull to the next, ‘[i]...They’re a cannibal![/i]’ He froze in terror when he felt the larger dragon’s breaths upon his back. ‘[i]Well, little Iceborn?[/i]’ Sneered the voice in his head, ‘[i]Do you really want to risk your life for theirs? Can you keep your oath without it? I wonder…[/i]’ Spiritsong chuckled from their place behind him. It took all of Luckystone’s willpower to not bolt for the skies and flee. [center][color=#dad6c8]______________[/center] Morning came and went before the still form of the injured Wildclaw moved, his shaky limbs barely able to push his body off the ground. Swiftrunner had managed to survive the night and wasn’t keen on risking it another time. It didn’t matter that most predators seemed to avoid the forest – he would be wrong in this assumption, they were absolutely there – Swiftrunner was determined to find out what had happened to his clanmates after the initial attack. His eyes were still rather cloudy and only let him patches of blurs a short distance away, but he knew that he could never forgive himself if he didn’t at least try to find them. A quick flex of his wings ended up making him cringe in pain as the frostbitten edges ripped into the undamaged skin. Any flying was definitely out of the question now. The Wildclaw carefully tucked his wings against his sides as he looked around the clearing, listening and smelling for anything that might be nearby or offer a clue for him to follow. There was nothing… Swiftrunner kicked at the ground in frustration and let out a low, wordless snarl. With limited sight and no remaining tracks the best choice would be to return to the lair and wait for Luckystone and Lightfoot to return. He could see familiar landmarks if he was close enough. Not to mention the current physical handicap of his injuries – fighting would be extremely difficult. With great reluctance, Swiftrunner turned towards home as best he could and started walking, hating himself more with every step. [center][color=#dad6c8]___________________________________________________________[/color] [size=2]And we're back! If you guys still want to be pinged, please add yourself to the pinglist widget. <3[/size] [size=1]@pinglist-30092 @Miasmajesty @Vicegrips @Avalonian[/size] [color=#dad6c8]___________________________________________________________[/color] [size=2][url=][color=#731d08]Thread Info[/color][/url] [color=#dad6c8]|[/color] [url=][color=#731d08]Table of Contents[/color][/url] [color=#dad6c8]|[/color] [url=][color=#731d08]Location[/color][/url] [color=#dad6c8]|[/color] [url=][color=#731d08]Clan Members[/color][/url] [color=#dad6c8]|[/color] [url=][color=#731d08]Culture[/color][/url] [color=#dad6c8]|[/color] [url=][color=#731d08]Gallery[/color][/url] [color=#dad6c8]|[/color] [url=][color=#731d08]Other[/color][/url] [color=#dad6c8]|[/color] [url=][color=#731d08]Pinglist[/color][/url][/size][/center]
New Beginnings
- VIII -

66733418p.png 63192562p.png 64718452p.png

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Luckystone spent a rather tense night and morning watching over his mate and the injured elk. He had done what he could for the animal after Lightfoot’s condition improved, though he wasn’t sure how much it would actually help. Either Lightfoot or Swiftrunner had managed to get a decent bite around the throat. The Fae grimaced as he watched the elk take staggered breaths. If Spiritsong hadn’t been around, Luckystone would have put the poor creature out of its misery. He wasn’t sure what would happen if the elk ended up dying… The massive dragon did not seem like the forgiving type.

At least they remained outside during the night…’ Luckystone thought to himself, certain that the cold emanating from Spiritsong would have spelled disaster for the three of them. It was still rather touch and go at this point how quickly the two would recover. He hadn’t managed to sleep and his magical reserves were running low, which was rather worrying. Luckystone’s head fins drooped as his thoughts turned to Swiftrunner, ‘I hope he made it through the night… There wasn’t much I could do for him at the time. I’m not even sure I could help him now even if I wanted to…

The Fae was pulled out of his thoughts when something blocked the sunlight and threw the cave into darkness. He tensed until realizing it was Spiritsong.

It didn’t take long for the giant dragon to reach him and drop a pile of plants in front of the elk. The chill that accompanied Spiritsong quickly followed and Luckystone couldn’t help but shiver. There was something… unsettling about their power and he couldn’t quite figure out what it was. It was only when Spiritsong paused to look down at him questioningly that the Fae realized something.

“It was you!” his head fins stood straight up in alarm, “It was your magic that called me here, made me feel better. Can you do that again? I can try to heal them again if you do!”

No.’ Spiritsong immediately shook their head and turned around to leave so the cave could warm up once more.

“What? Why not?!” Luckystone leapt into the air and flew up so they could speak face to face, adjusting his position as Spiritsong walked outside, “I’m sure this would work!”

Spiritsong stood at the entrance of the cave and gestured toward the clearing that lay before them with their chin, ‘What do you see before you?’ The mist that had obscured the area yesterday had cleared, leaving the carpet of bones visible. From the giant ice spikes on one side of the area to the other, the ground was littered with the bones of dragons. A tight smile crossed their lips as they faced the Fae once more, ‘You are the first to hear my song and survive it. Do you think you will be as fortunate the second time?

Luckystone’s wings faltered as he took in the scene before him, only half-hearing Spiritsong’s words. Most of the bones had broken down over time as the huge dragon walked across the clearing from the cliffside to the cave’s entrance, but enough skulls had managed to survive this destruction. Dozens of skulls from different breeds remained. If he hadn’t been so stunned by this discovery, Luckystone would have noticed an even bigger pile that laid at the base of the cliff. The Fae fluttered down to the ground and reached out to touch what appeared to be a rather large Tundra skull with a shaky paw. He wasn’t sure what was worse – hoping that it would be some twisted illusion or that it remained solid under his touch.

Do you know how hungry I’ve been?

By the Icewarden…’ Luckystone thought as horror settled in his chest, with a chill not caused by the cold creeping up his neck as his eyes flitted from one skull to the next, ‘...They’re a cannibal!

He froze in terror when he felt the larger dragon’s breaths upon his back.

Well, little Iceborn?’ Sneered the voice in his head, ‘Do you really want to risk your life for theirs? Can you keep your oath without it? I wonder…’ Spiritsong chuckled from their place behind him.

It took all of Luckystone’s willpower to not bolt for the skies and flee.

Morning came and went before the still form of the injured Wildclaw moved, his shaky limbs barely able to push his body off the ground. Swiftrunner had managed to survive the night and wasn’t keen on risking it another time. It didn’t matter that most predators seemed to avoid the forest – he would be wrong in this assumption, they were absolutely there – Swiftrunner was determined to find out what had happened to his clanmates after the initial attack. His eyes were still rather cloudy and only let him patches of blurs a short distance away, but he knew that he could never forgive himself if he didn’t at least try to find them.

A quick flex of his wings ended up making him cringe in pain as the frostbitten edges ripped into the undamaged skin. Any flying was definitely out of the question now. The Wildclaw carefully tucked his wings against his sides as he looked around the clearing, listening and smelling for anything that might be nearby or offer a clue for him to follow.

There was nothing…

Swiftrunner kicked at the ground in frustration and let out a low, wordless snarl. With limited sight and no remaining tracks the best choice would be to return to the lair and wait for Luckystone and Lightfoot to return. He could see familiar landmarks if he was close enough. Not to mention the current physical handicap of his injuries – fighting would be extremely difficult.

With great reluctance, Swiftrunner turned towards home as best he could and started walking, hating himself more with every step.


And we're back!
If you guys still want to be pinged, please add yourself to the pinglist widget. <3

@Bitter Sap Clan Lore
@Miasmajesty @Vicegrips @Avalonian


Thread Info | Table of Contents | Location | Clan Members | Culture | Gallery | Other | Pinglist
she/they; FR +1
pings/DMs ok

Bitter Sap Clan (AU lore)
Saga's Lore Archives
[center][color=#731d08][b]New Beginnings[/b][/color] [color=#dad6c8]-[/color] [color=#731d08]IX[/color] [color=#dad6c8]-[/color] [size=2][color=grey]SUMMER[/color][/size] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [size=2][url=]<< Previous[/url] | [url=]Next >>[/url][/size] [color=#dad6c8]___________________________________________________________[/color][/center] Spiritsong regarded the tiny Fae that had frozen in front of their nose and stank of fear, the sneer on their face disappearing after a few moments had passed. They resisted letting out a sigh of disappointment. What else could they expect but fear when their reputation was that of an evil monster. True, they did feel hunger and would soon need to sate it, but there was something… new… about this one. Or very old. Spiritsong wasn’t quite sure and that is what made them hesitate. There was something powerful that lurked within the Fae and it called out to their soul. It reminded Spiritsong of something far back in their past, Ages ago. But whatever it was had already faded away with time and they dismissed that train of thought. ‘[i]What do you choose?[/i]’ they asked Luckystone, their breath cold against his back. This newest question startled Luckystone out of his shock and he whirled to face Spiritsong, though his head fins and wings were still raised with alarm as he tried to figure out what to do next. It was jarring to see that many large teeth near his face and he gulped nervously. Physically, there wasn’t much hope at all – he was perfectly bite sized in comparison. Luckystone let out a strangled noise at this revelation and quickly turned his thoughts to magic. That was the difficult part, as he was already running low from yesterday… ‘[i]Well?[/i]’ Spiritsong narrowed their eyes. “A moment, please,” begged Luckystone. There had to be an alternative to taking any magic from the dragon before him. He had a suspicion about why their Ice magic was so strong and didn’t want anything to do with it. Not to mention that the last time he felt the pull of Spiritsong’s magic he had fallen into a trance-like state. And he was beginning to think their talk of maintaining balance was a lie. Taking the lives of so many dragons was unnecessary when there were other food sources out there. But if killing fellow dragons was the point of it… Luckystone mentally shook his head, he was drifting away from the problem he needed to solve right now. Magic. He needed magic. Everything else could wait. There was nothing to be gained from the bones that littered the ground, even if he had wanted to. He glanced at the edges of the clearing toward the giant spikes of ice that blockaded the left and right footpaths to the cave entrance. The magic in them felt old – older than Spiritsong, certainly. Luckystone ran a few ideas through his head before turning back to Spiritsong with nervous determination, “I’m willing to risk my life for my clan, but not through your magic. I’ll find another way.” ‘[i]Oh? And what way is that?[/i]’ “This!” the Fae shouted as he leapt toward the nearest ice spike. He had to use his wings to carry him the rest of the way and dug his claws into it when he landed. The deep cold of the magic within the ice sank into his body, chilling him to his core. Luckystone could see why the barricade was useful and tried to work quickly before it froze him as well, using his remaining magic reserves to tear the spell apart before Spiritsong could react. He was not prepared for what happened next on several levels. Spiritsong was laughing at him. Full out laughing at his efforts, with their form contorting as their laughter twisted into manic cackles. His face reddened from their reaction, half embarrassed for his dramatic leap and half angry for not being taken seriously. Unfortunately, this took his attention away from the spell long enough to have the magic dispel in one massive surge that made his head spin and vision dim. Luckystone felt the ice grow across his body and wings, with the ringing in his ears following soon after as the magic suddenly rushed inward. He felt his body hit the ground more than he could see or hear it and wondered if he had made a mistake just before blacking out… By the time Luckystone regained consciousness, he awoke to very different surroundings. He rubbed at his eyes and blinked quickly to try and get his vision refocused. With the summer sun barely moving throughout the day it was difficult to tell how much time had passed. A blinding glare made him shut his eyes quickly. Carefully and ever so slowly, the Fae cracked one of his eyes open to limit the searing light from blinding him. What he saw made him gasp. The area in front of the cave had been completely demolished, with him at the bottom of a massive icy sphere covered with thick frost, shining brightly from the sun reflecting off of it. Fractal patterns covered everything, some with dizzying complexity when the light hit them just right. The cave entrance had been destroyed as the ice had torn apart the rock as it grew. The sphere appeared to stretch from each of the icy barricades and out toward the cliff. Luckystone clambered to his feet and looked around him once more – Spiritsong was nowhere to be seen. Horror hit him a moment later as he realized the cave and his path to Lightfoot was blocked. “Oh no– no, no, no..!” Luckystone cried as he raced toward what used to be the cave’s entrance, skidding a few times on the ice until he dug his claws into it for better traction. Due to the curve of the sphere he had to climb up its lower half until he was ground level once more. He scratched at the ice to try and clear up the view, only to lurch forward when that section of ice disappeared and its magic rushed back into him with cold clarity. “Lightfoot?!” he called out as he ran down the shortened passage, wide-eyed with worry. One last turn around a corner had Luckystone skidding to a stop. Spiritsong was blocking the way into the room with a strange expression on their face. If he had to hazard a guess, they looked very unnerved. Whatever it was was soon replaced with another far more readable expression. Anger. [center][color=#dad6c8]___________________________________________________________[/color] [size=2]We're almost to the end of this chapter. Just one part left to go![/size] [size=1]@pinglist-30092[/size] [color=#dad6c8]___________________________________________________________[/color] [size=2][url=][color=#731d08]Thread Info[/color][/url] [color=#dad6c8]|[/color] [url=][color=#731d08]Table of Contents[/color][/url] [color=#dad6c8]|[/color] [url=][color=#731d08]Location[/color][/url] [color=#dad6c8]|[/color] [url=][color=#731d08]Clan Members[/color][/url] [color=#dad6c8]|[/color] [url=][color=#731d08]Culture[/color][/url] [color=#dad6c8]|[/color] [url=][color=#731d08]Gallery[/color][/url] [color=#dad6c8]|[/color] [url=][color=#731d08]Other[/color][/url] [color=#dad6c8]|[/color] [url=][color=#731d08]Pinglist[/color][/url][/size][/center]
New Beginnings
- IX -

66733418p.png 63192562p.png

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Spiritsong regarded the tiny Fae that had frozen in front of their nose and stank of fear, the sneer on their face disappearing after a few moments had passed. They resisted letting out a sigh of disappointment. What else could they expect but fear when their reputation was that of an evil monster. True, they did feel hunger and would soon need to sate it, but there was something… new… about this one. Or very old. Spiritsong wasn’t quite sure and that is what made them hesitate. There was something powerful that lurked within the Fae and it called out to their soul. It reminded Spiritsong of something far back in their past, Ages ago. But whatever it was had already faded away with time and they dismissed that train of thought.

What do you choose?’ they asked Luckystone, their breath cold against his back.

This newest question startled Luckystone out of his shock and he whirled to face Spiritsong, though his head fins and wings were still raised with alarm as he tried to figure out what to do next. It was jarring to see that many large teeth near his face and he gulped nervously. Physically, there wasn’t much hope at all – he was perfectly bite sized in comparison. Luckystone let out a strangled noise at this revelation and quickly turned his thoughts to magic. That was the difficult part, as he was already running low from yesterday…

Well?’ Spiritsong narrowed their eyes.

“A moment, please,” begged Luckystone. There had to be an alternative to taking any magic from the dragon before him. He had a suspicion about why their Ice magic was so strong and didn’t want anything to do with it. Not to mention that the last time he felt the pull of Spiritsong’s magic he had fallen into a trance-like state. And he was beginning to think their talk of maintaining balance was a lie. Taking the lives of so many dragons was unnecessary when there were other food sources out there. But if killing fellow dragons was the point of it… Luckystone mentally shook his head, he was drifting away from the problem he needed to solve right now. Magic. He needed magic. Everything else could wait.

There was nothing to be gained from the bones that littered the ground, even if he had wanted to. He glanced at the edges of the clearing toward the giant spikes of ice that blockaded the left and right footpaths to the cave entrance. The magic in them felt old – older than Spiritsong, certainly. Luckystone ran a few ideas through his head before turning back to Spiritsong with nervous determination, “I’m willing to risk my life for my clan, but not through your magic. I’ll find another way.”

Oh? And what way is that?

“This!” the Fae shouted as he leapt toward the nearest ice spike. He had to use his wings to carry him the rest of the way and dug his claws into it when he landed. The deep cold of the magic within the ice sank into his body, chilling him to his core. Luckystone could see why the barricade was useful and tried to work quickly before it froze him as well, using his remaining magic reserves to tear the spell apart before Spiritsong could react.

He was not prepared for what happened next on several levels.

Spiritsong was laughing at him. Full out laughing at his efforts, with their form contorting as their laughter twisted into manic cackles.

His face reddened from their reaction, half embarrassed for his dramatic leap and half angry for not being taken seriously. Unfortunately, this took his attention away from the spell long enough to have the magic dispel in one massive surge that made his head spin and vision dim. Luckystone felt the ice grow across his body and wings, with the ringing in his ears following soon after as the magic suddenly rushed inward. He felt his body hit the ground more than he could see or hear it and wondered if he had made a mistake just before blacking out…

By the time Luckystone regained consciousness, he awoke to very different surroundings. He rubbed at his eyes and blinked quickly to try and get his vision refocused. With the summer sun barely moving throughout the day it was difficult to tell how much time had passed. A blinding glare made him shut his eyes quickly. Carefully and ever so slowly, the Fae cracked one of his eyes open to limit the searing light from blinding him. What he saw made him gasp.

The area in front of the cave had been completely demolished, with him at the bottom of a massive icy sphere covered with thick frost, shining brightly from the sun reflecting off of it. Fractal patterns covered everything, some with dizzying complexity when the light hit them just right. The cave entrance had been destroyed as the ice had torn apart the rock as it grew. The sphere appeared to stretch from each of the icy barricades and out toward the cliff. Luckystone clambered to his feet and looked around him once more – Spiritsong was nowhere to be seen. Horror hit him a moment later as he realized the cave and his path to Lightfoot was blocked.

“Oh no– no, no, no..!” Luckystone cried as he raced toward what used to be the cave’s entrance, skidding a few times on the ice until he dug his claws into it for better traction. Due to the curve of the sphere he had to climb up its lower half until he was ground level once more. He scratched at the ice to try and clear up the view, only to lurch forward when that section of ice disappeared and its magic rushed back into him with cold clarity. “Lightfoot?!” he called out as he ran down the shortened passage, wide-eyed with worry. One last turn around a corner had Luckystone skidding to a stop.

Spiritsong was blocking the way into the room with a strange expression on their face.

If he had to hazard a guess, they looked very unnerved. Whatever it was was soon replaced with another far more readable expression. Anger.


We're almost to the end of this chapter. Just one part left to go!

@Bitter Sap Clan Lore


Thread Info | Table of Contents | Location | Clan Members | Culture | Gallery | Other | Pinglist
she/they; FR +1
pings/DMs ok

Bitter Sap Clan (AU lore)
Saga's Lore Archives
[center][color=#731d08][b]New Beginnings[/b][/color] [color=#dad6c8]-[/color] [color=#731d08]X[/color] [color=#dad6c8]-[/color] [size=2][color=grey]SUMMER[/color] (TW for implied animal death)[/size] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [size=2][url=]<< Previous[/url] | [url=]Next >>[/url][/size] [color=#dad6c8]___________________________________________________________[/color][/center] ‘[i]What did you do?[/i]’ Spiritsong growled down at the little Fae. Their claws flexed into the ground and their wings unfurled to block more of the passageway. The faintest trace of fear was in their eyes before they managed to suppress it, instead letting the chill deepen and leave frost along the walls and floor. Luckystone almost took a step back, but managed to hold his ground. “I-I’m not entirely sure! I pulled at the residual magic in the ice spikes, but I didn’t think they’d react like… well, that.” He grimaced and continued, trying to explain better, “Your magic didn’t leave traces there, so I thought it would be safe to redirect what was left…” His fins drooped as he grew silent. Hopefully that explanation would be okay. Spiritsong didn’t answer right away. Their tail lashed behind them in frustration and hit the wall with a loud CRACK, causing him to scramble backwards as a few pieces of rock broke away. ‘[i]Foolish hatchling–[/i]’ their growl deepened as they brought their face down closer to Luckystone’s height, ‘[i]You cannot repurpose defensive magic for healing, that would have torn their bodies apart the second you tried to touch them! Especially not with magic that old.[/i]’ “...Old magic?” That was news to him, “What made it old magic? Didn’t you make the barricade?” Spiritsong snorted cold air in his face and avoided answering part of his question, ‘[i]I did, but I had a little help… a long time ago.[/i]’ Hidden emotions danced in their eyes as Spiritsong inspected him carefully, ‘[i]And it was old enough that it should have killed you with your clumsy spellwork…[/i]’ Luckystone tensed at their response, not knowing quite how to respond. But the massive dragon pulled their head back to normal height and pulled their wings close to their body, so maybe things would be okay. Spiritsong still looked rather angry – and he was starting to get a little angry at himself, too. If he’d succeeded taking the magic and used it on his mate or the elk… The Fae shivered. He didn’t want to even think of how wrong everything could have ended up. ‘[i]Ah, I see you now realize what a fool’s notion your tampering was, despite your intentions to do good.[/i]’ And then suddenly, their anger shifted into something else. Something that made Luckystone feel as if their gaze was tearing him apart, piece by piece, like a puzzle that didn’t quite make sense. He wasn’t sure if he liked that look any more than he did their anger, but whatever it was Spiritsong covered it up before he could figure it out, ‘[i]My patience is reaching its limit, Small One. It is time for you and yours to leave my home,[/i]’ Spiritsong glanced over their shoulder, ‘[i]Your mate awakens.[/i]’ Luckystone shot forward past Spiritsong – not bothering to question the much larger dragon’s changing moods – down the tunnel and into the room at the end. Lightfoot had pulled herself to her feet and was looking around the cave in confusion by the time he spotted her. The Fae let out a cry out happiness and landed between her fanned horns, “I’m so glad you’re alright, Lightfoot! You really had me worried!” “It’s good to see you too, Luckystone… Ugh, my ribs hurt. What happened? I remember hunting and hearing a strange sound and–” Lightfoot cut herself short when she saw the injured elk beside her. It wasn’t breathing. Her muscles tensed as she looked around, “Where are we? This isn’t our lair.” ‘[i]It is mine.[/i]’ Spiritsong said as they came into view around the corner of the tunnel and into the room. Their eyes met and Spiritsong sneered slightly when the Mirror shuddered in response, ‘[i]I have allowed you to live, despite your trespass. Your mate is quite devoted.[/i]’ Lightfoot let out the meanest and loudest growl that she could before her chest seized with pain. Luckystone jumped down to the ground between the two dragons and stared up at Spiritsong, “Please forgive our ignorance regarding your claim on the elk. We did not know, but that does not excuse what has been done. If you wish to punish anyone for the… death… of Morningfrost, please let it be me. I am sorry I wasn’t able to help her.” He cringed at the mention of the elk’s death. The Fae had noticed its condition when his mate had tensed. Spiritsong glanced between the three – their elk, the Mirror, and the Fae – letting out a brief growl before nodding, ‘[i]True leaders take responsibility for the actions of their clan. I will hold you to your promise, Small One. Invoking the Icewarden… It would not be wise to break such a vow.[/i]’ They approached the pit and towered over them. ‘[i]Leave before I reconsider my agreement.[/i]’ “O-of course!” Luckystone managed to get out. Gods, if they weren’t terrifying when up close. The Fae still wanted to figure out what kind of dragon they were, though that would definitely not be something he wanted to ask about today. Thankfully Lightfoot was already standing up behind him and moving toward the exit. Luckystone quickly followed after her, though he paused just before entering the tunnel to look back at Spiritsong. “...If the promise is kept… would you consider joining my clan? I know how it is to be an outsider among your own flight.” Luckystone wasn’t expecting an answer and he didn’t receive one, but the strange dragon hadn’t said no outright. Maybe they could mend the hurt with time. Lots and lots of time. He did his best to ignore the sound of tearing flesh behind him after turning around, scurrying up the tunnel to catch up with Lightfoot. She wore a similar expression. Apparently, Spiritsong was still willing to eat those they called friends. Lightfoot paused when she saw the icy sphere blocking their way out of the cave and turned to her mate, head tilted with her unspoken question. “Ah…” Luckystone sat down next to her and stared at the blockade. He had forgotten about that. In his haste to get inside it appeared that he did not dismantle the spell entirely. “What was it they said..? Defensive magic…” he muttered to himself. “Wait, you did this?” Lightfoot asked in surprise. “...Not on purpose,” he replied sheepishly, “Let’s see now…” The Fae turned back to his musings. He remembered Spiritsong said it was defensive magic and could only be used for that. So maybe he could change it back? Luckystone grounded himself in his ice element and reached out with his magic toward the sphere. One sharp movement of opening his arms wide caused the sphere to break in half, each side retreating to flank the cave entrance like it had before. Well, sort of. Luckystone had managed to create the barricades again, but he had made thick walls of ice that were smooth enough to see most of the way through them. “...Huh.” Lightfoot whistled in appreciation, “That’s a handy trick. When did you learn to do that?” “This morning – though I’m not sure if I really understand it. Spiritsong made giant spikes. I can tell you more on the way, it you wish. We need to head back and make sure Swiftrunner is okay.” Luckystone looked over her injuries, “Can you still glide?” She nodded and the pair carefully picked their way through the crater and the rocks left behind. Lightfoot paused at the edge of the cliff to flex her wings to be on the safe side. The Mirror twinged at the lingering pain, but it wasn’t bad enough to keep her on the ground. The pair launched into the sky and into a controlled descent to the valley below. Lightfoot winced as she landed a little roughly and folded her wings back to her sides. “I know you invited that… dragon… to join, but… There’s something wrong with them. Really, [i]really[/i] wrong,” she said as she glanced over to him as started the long walk home, “We Mirrors have excellent heat vision and I couldn’t sense them at all. Are they really a dragon or are they a monster pretending to be one?” Luckystone had wondered about that as well, “...You have a point… Whatever they are, it’s probably best to follow their rules for the moment.” “You’re not serious?” “I am. We got pushed into this territory for a reason, Lightfoot. It’s only because of Swiftrunner that the two closest ones have agreed on a tentative truce, so long as we stay in the forest,” he smiled grimly, “We’re stuck here for the moment. Let’s make the best of it that we can.” Lightfoot nodded, even though she didn’t fully agree. She didn’t have the strength to argue right now anyway. “Let’s just find Swiftrunner and go home.” The pair walked in silence the rest of the way back. Neither noticed that Spiritsong was watching them leave from high up on the cliff. They followed the two as closely as they could with their eyes and only turned away when the two were hidden by the trees. [center][color=#dad6c8]___________________________________________________________[/color] [size=2]And so ends this arc. Thanks for reading <3[/size] [size=1]@pinglist-30092[/size] [color=#dad6c8]___________________________________________________________[/color] [size=2][url=][color=#731d08]Thread Info[/color][/url] [color=#dad6c8]|[/color] [url=][color=#731d08]Table of Contents[/color][/url] [color=#dad6c8]|[/color] [url=][color=#731d08]Location[/color][/url] [color=#dad6c8]|[/color] [url=][color=#731d08]Clan Members[/color][/url] [color=#dad6c8]|[/color] [url=][color=#731d08]Culture[/color][/url] [color=#dad6c8]|[/color] [url=][color=#731d08]Gallery[/color][/url] [color=#dad6c8]|[/color] [url=][color=#731d08]Other[/color][/url] [color=#dad6c8]|[/color] [url=][color=#731d08]Pinglist[/color][/url][/size][/center]
New Beginnings
- X -

(TW for implied animal death)

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What did you do?’ Spiritsong growled down at the little Fae. Their claws flexed into the ground and their wings unfurled to block more of the passageway. The faintest trace of fear was in their eyes before they managed to suppress it, instead letting the chill deepen and leave frost along the walls and floor.

Luckystone almost took a step back, but managed to hold his ground. “I-I’m not entirely sure! I pulled at the residual magic in the ice spikes, but I didn’t think they’d react like… well, that.” He grimaced and continued, trying to explain better, “Your magic didn’t leave traces there, so I thought it would be safe to redirect what was left…” His fins drooped as he grew silent. Hopefully that explanation would be okay.

Spiritsong didn’t answer right away. Their tail lashed behind them in frustration and hit the wall with a loud CRACK, causing him to scramble backwards as a few pieces of rock broke away.

Foolish hatchling–’ their growl deepened as they brought their face down closer to Luckystone’s height, ‘You cannot repurpose defensive magic for healing, that would have torn their bodies apart the second you tried to touch them! Especially not with magic that old.

“...Old magic?” That was news to him, “What made it old magic? Didn’t you make the barricade?”

Spiritsong snorted cold air in his face and avoided answering part of his question, ‘I did, but I had a little help… a long time ago.’ Hidden emotions danced in their eyes as Spiritsong inspected him carefully, ‘And it was old enough that it should have killed you with your clumsy spellwork…

Luckystone tensed at their response, not knowing quite how to respond. But the massive dragon pulled their head back to normal height and pulled their wings close to their body, so maybe things would be okay. Spiritsong still looked rather angry – and he was starting to get a little angry at himself, too. If he’d succeeded taking the magic and used it on his mate or the elk… The Fae shivered. He didn’t want to even think of how wrong everything could have ended up.

Ah, I see you now realize what a fool’s notion your tampering was, despite your intentions to do good.

And then suddenly, their anger shifted into something else. Something that made Luckystone feel as if their gaze was tearing him apart, piece by piece, like a puzzle that didn’t quite make sense. He wasn’t sure if he liked that look any more than he did their anger, but whatever it was Spiritsong covered it up before he could figure it out, ‘My patience is reaching its limit, Small One. It is time for you and yours to leave my home,’ Spiritsong glanced over their shoulder, ‘Your mate awakens.

Luckystone shot forward past Spiritsong – not bothering to question the much larger dragon’s changing moods – down the tunnel and into the room at the end. Lightfoot had pulled herself to her feet and was looking around the cave in confusion by the time he spotted her. The Fae let out a cry out happiness and landed between her fanned horns, “I’m so glad you’re alright, Lightfoot! You really had me worried!”

“It’s good to see you too, Luckystone… Ugh, my ribs hurt. What happened? I remember hunting and hearing a strange sound and–” Lightfoot cut herself short when she saw the injured elk beside her. It wasn’t breathing. Her muscles tensed as she looked around, “Where are we? This isn’t our lair.”

It is mine.’ Spiritsong said as they came into view around the corner of the tunnel and into the room. Their eyes met and Spiritsong sneered slightly when the Mirror shuddered in response, ‘I have allowed you to live, despite your trespass. Your mate is quite devoted.

Lightfoot let out the meanest and loudest growl that she could before her chest seized with pain.

Luckystone jumped down to the ground between the two dragons and stared up at Spiritsong, “Please forgive our ignorance regarding your claim on the elk. We did not know, but that does not excuse what has been done. If you wish to punish anyone for the… death… of Morningfrost, please let it be me. I am sorry I wasn’t able to help her.” He cringed at the mention of the elk’s death. The Fae had noticed its condition when his mate had tensed.

Spiritsong glanced between the three – their elk, the Mirror, and the Fae – letting out a brief growl before nodding, ‘True leaders take responsibility for the actions of their clan. I will hold you to your promise, Small One. Invoking the Icewarden… It would not be wise to break such a vow.’ They approached the pit and towered over them. ‘Leave before I reconsider my agreement.

“O-of course!” Luckystone managed to get out. Gods, if they weren’t terrifying when up close. The Fae still wanted to figure out what kind of dragon they were, though that would definitely not be something he wanted to ask about today. Thankfully Lightfoot was already standing up behind him and moving toward the exit. Luckystone quickly followed after her, though he paused just before entering the tunnel to look back at Spiritsong.

“...If the promise is kept… would you consider joining my clan? I know how it is to be an outsider among your own flight.” Luckystone wasn’t expecting an answer and he didn’t receive one, but the strange dragon hadn’t said no outright. Maybe they could mend the hurt with time. Lots and lots of time.

He did his best to ignore the sound of tearing flesh behind him after turning around, scurrying up the tunnel to catch up with Lightfoot. She wore a similar expression. Apparently, Spiritsong was still willing to eat those they called friends.

Lightfoot paused when she saw the icy sphere blocking their way out of the cave and turned to her mate, head tilted with her unspoken question.

“Ah…” Luckystone sat down next to her and stared at the blockade. He had forgotten about that. In his haste to get inside it appeared that he did not dismantle the spell entirely. “What was it they said..? Defensive magic…” he muttered to himself.

“Wait, you did this?” Lightfoot asked in surprise.

“...Not on purpose,” he replied sheepishly, “Let’s see now…” The Fae turned back to his musings. He remembered Spiritsong said it was defensive magic and could only be used for that. So maybe he could change it back? Luckystone grounded himself in his ice element and reached out with his magic toward the sphere. One sharp movement of opening his arms wide caused the sphere to break in half, each side retreating to flank the cave entrance like it had before. Well, sort of.

Luckystone had managed to create the barricades again, but he had made thick walls of ice that were smooth enough to see most of the way through them. “...Huh.”

Lightfoot whistled in appreciation, “That’s a handy trick. When did you learn to do that?”

“This morning – though I’m not sure if I really understand it. Spiritsong made giant spikes. I can tell you more on the way, it you wish. We need to head back and make sure Swiftrunner is okay.” Luckystone looked over her injuries, “Can you still glide?”

She nodded and the pair carefully picked their way through the crater and the rocks left behind. Lightfoot paused at the edge of the cliff to flex her wings to be on the safe side. The Mirror twinged at the lingering pain, but it wasn’t bad enough to keep her on the ground.

The pair launched into the sky and into a controlled descent to the valley below. Lightfoot winced as she landed a little roughly and folded her wings back to her sides. “I know you invited that… dragon… to join, but… There’s something wrong with them. Really, really wrong,” she said as she glanced over to him as started the long walk home, “We Mirrors have excellent heat vision and I couldn’t sense them at all. Are they really a dragon or are they a monster pretending to be one?”

Luckystone had wondered about that as well, “...You have a point… Whatever they are, it’s probably best to follow their rules for the moment.”

“You’re not serious?”

“I am. We got pushed into this territory for a reason, Lightfoot. It’s only because of Swiftrunner that the two closest ones have agreed on a tentative truce, so long as we stay in the forest,” he smiled grimly, “We’re stuck here for the moment. Let’s make the best of it that we can.”

Lightfoot nodded, even though she didn’t fully agree. She didn’t have the strength to argue right now anyway. “Let’s just find Swiftrunner and go home.”

The pair walked in silence the rest of the way back.

Neither noticed that Spiritsong was watching them leave from high up on the cliff. They followed the two as closely as they could with their eyes and only turned away when the two were hidden by the trees.


And so ends this arc. Thanks for reading <3

@Bitter Sap Clan Lore


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she/they; FR +1
pings/DMs ok

Bitter Sap Clan (AU lore)
Saga's Lore Archives
[center][color=#731d08][b]Uneasy Alliance[/b][/color] [color=#dad6c8]-[/color] [color=#731d08]I[/color] [color=#dad6c8]-[/color] [size=2][color=grey]AUTUMN[/color][/size] [url=][img][/img][/url] [size=2][url=]<< Previous[/url][/size] [color=#dad6c8]___________________________________________________________[/color][/center] Luckystone found himself alone with his thoughts by the lair’s firepit once more. It had been several months since their fateful elk hunt and he wondered if he’d made the right decision. Nevertheless, the promise was made and now the clan would be forced to keep it. Both he and Lightfoot had been worried when they passed the still-frozen clearing and their Wildclaw clanmate was nowhere to be seen. The Mirror had quickly sniffed out his trail and the two eventually tracked him down to the tiny river that ran through part of their territory. Swiftrunner was – thankfully – still alive, but greatly weakened from the attack. It had been no small effort to half drag, half carry his body back into the lair. With Lightfoot’s help, Luckystone did his best to remove the bits of dead skin on the wing membranes and plaster the wounds with a healing poultice his mate knew how to make. It had been unfortunate that the frostbitten skin did not make it, but it had to be done before the dead tissue spread even further. Swiftrunner was lucky in that regard, most of his wings had survived the attack from Spiritsong and was still capable of flight over short distances. Unfortunately, his eyes did not. His pupils had clouded over and it was unlikely that his sight would return. Swiftrunner had adapted to his blindness fairly well as the weeks dragged on. Most dragons would not be able to tell the Wildclaw was blind, which was a relief for Luckystone. The Fae had been getting rather stressed about defending their already shaky borders when their little clan was recovering from Spiritsong’s attack after their first major hunt in the area. Two clans lived along the southern edges of the forest they lived in and each would quickly strike if word got out to them about the clan’s condition. Luckystone was worried about the clan led by Frostheart the most. The female Wildclaw was as cold as her name and quick to thin out her own ranks at the soonest sign of weakness. If she ever got wind… Luckystone shuddered. Hopefully it wouldn’t come to that. He also hadn’t heard anything from the massive dragon that called the mountain cliff above their little valley home, Spiritsong. Luckystone was half-relieved there’d been no sign of them, seeing as the Fae knew the dragon’s dark secret of cannibalism. Maybe the clan would get lucky and Spiritsong would eat their more aggressive neighbors. He held back a snort, but felt his head fins ripple with amusement regardless. There’s no way an attack like that would go well. His mood soured when he remembered what was now hiding in the depths of the lair. Soon after they had returned home, Lightfoot had argued that nesting would be worth the risk. There was little chance of strangers willing to wander into the forest, so there wasn’t any other way to boost the clan’s numbers. She had dug out a den that now hosted the most precious resource of all - the eggs of their children. Luckystone only got to see them once before his mate had chased him out. Lightfoot had been rather particular on how to incubate the eggs and it certainly didn’t involve him. He was fairly sure it was a Mirror thing and hadn’t asked. Instead, Luckystone had stepped up into the role of hunter to keep the food stores up. With winter and the looming possibility of three new mouths to feed, they would certainly need to make sure there would be enough food for the long winter. He and Swiftrunner were getting better at finding suitable prey by watching what the elk herd did as they traveled back and forth through the woods. With the elk off-limits the pair had brainstormed possible replacements. Luckystone left the final decision up to Swiftrunner, as he and Lightfoot would be the ones to eat it instead of him. They had been left with smaller prey like the Rasa… and the variety of predators that also called their forest home. Swiftrunner had been thrilled with the challenge and the lair was now decorated with pelts and skulls from their successful hunts. With the weather turning colder, the pelts had become most appreciated for insulating the lair. Luckystone was grateful that he’d had the foresight to stock up on insects during the warmer seasons. Not many bugs wandered around in autumn and even less during winter. He glanced over at the entrance to the nest at the back of the lair and wrung his paws together. As it was the first clutch for him and Lightfoot he had good reason to be nervous – their children would still be rather young during the winter when the Southern Icefield would be thrown into darkness for much of the season. The sooner they hatched, the more relieved he would feel. [center][color=#dad6c8]___________________________________________________________[/color] [size=2]Incoming beans, y'all.[/size] [size=1]@pinglist-30092[/size] [color=#dad6c8]___________________________________________________________[/color] [size=2][url=][color=#731d08]Thread Info[/color][/url] [color=#dad6c8]|[/color] [url=][color=#731d08]Table of Contents[/color][/url] [color=#dad6c8]|[/color] [url=][color=#731d08]Location[/color][/url] [color=#dad6c8]|[/color] [url=][color=#731d08]Clan Members[/color][/url] [color=#dad6c8]|[/color] [url=][color=#731d08]Culture[/color][/url] [color=#dad6c8]|[/color] [url=][color=#731d08]Gallery[/color][/url] [color=#dad6c8]|[/color] [url=][color=#731d08]Other[/color][/url] [color=#dad6c8]|[/color] [url=][color=#731d08]Pinglist[/color][/url][/size][/center]
Uneasy Alliance
- I -


<< Previous

Luckystone found himself alone with his thoughts by the lair’s firepit once more. It had been several months since their fateful elk hunt and he wondered if he’d made the right decision. Nevertheless, the promise was made and now the clan would be forced to keep it.

Both he and Lightfoot had been worried when they passed the still-frozen clearing and their Wildclaw clanmate was nowhere to be seen. The Mirror had quickly sniffed out his trail and the two eventually tracked him down to the tiny river that ran through part of their territory. Swiftrunner was – thankfully – still alive, but greatly weakened from the attack. It had been no small effort to half drag, half carry his body back into the lair.

With Lightfoot’s help, Luckystone did his best to remove the bits of dead skin on the wing membranes and plaster the wounds with a healing poultice his mate knew how to make. It had been unfortunate that the frostbitten skin did not make it, but it had to be done before the dead tissue spread even further. Swiftrunner was lucky in that regard, most of his wings had survived the attack from Spiritsong and was still capable of flight over short distances. Unfortunately, his eyes did not. His pupils had clouded over and it was unlikely that his sight would return.

Swiftrunner had adapted to his blindness fairly well as the weeks dragged on. Most dragons would not be able to tell the Wildclaw was blind, which was a relief for Luckystone.

The Fae had been getting rather stressed about defending their already shaky borders when their little clan was recovering from Spiritsong’s attack after their first major hunt in the area. Two clans lived along the southern edges of the forest they lived in and each would quickly strike if word got out to them about the clan’s condition. Luckystone was worried about the clan led by Frostheart the most. The female Wildclaw was as cold as her name and quick to thin out her own ranks at the soonest sign of weakness. If she ever got wind… Luckystone shuddered. Hopefully it wouldn’t come to that.

He also hadn’t heard anything from the massive dragon that called the mountain cliff above their little valley home, Spiritsong. Luckystone was half-relieved there’d been no sign of them, seeing as the Fae knew the dragon’s dark secret of cannibalism. Maybe the clan would get lucky and Spiritsong would eat their more aggressive neighbors. He held back a snort, but felt his head fins ripple with amusement regardless. There’s no way an attack like that would go well. His mood soured when he remembered what was now hiding in the depths of the lair.

Soon after they had returned home, Lightfoot had argued that nesting would be worth the risk. There was little chance of strangers willing to wander into the forest, so there wasn’t any other way to boost the clan’s numbers. She had dug out a den that now hosted the most precious resource of all - the eggs of their children. Luckystone only got to see them once before his mate had chased him out. Lightfoot had been rather particular on how to incubate the eggs and it certainly didn’t involve him. He was fairly sure it was a Mirror thing and hadn’t asked.

Instead, Luckystone had stepped up into the role of hunter to keep the food stores up. With winter and the looming possibility of three new mouths to feed, they would certainly need to make sure there would be enough food for the long winter. He and Swiftrunner were getting better at finding suitable prey by watching what the elk herd did as they traveled back and forth through the woods. With the elk off-limits the pair had brainstormed possible replacements. Luckystone left the final decision up to Swiftrunner, as he and Lightfoot would be the ones to eat it instead of him. They had been left with smaller prey like the Rasa… and the variety of predators that also called their forest home. Swiftrunner had been thrilled with the challenge and the lair was now decorated with pelts and skulls from their successful hunts. With the weather turning colder, the pelts had become most appreciated for insulating the lair. Luckystone was grateful that he’d had the foresight to stock up on insects during the warmer seasons. Not many bugs wandered around in autumn and even less during winter.

He glanced over at the entrance to the nest at the back of the lair and wrung his paws together. As it was the first clutch for him and Lightfoot he had good reason to be nervous – their children would still be rather young during the winter when the Southern Icefield would be thrown into darkness for much of the season. The sooner they hatched, the more relieved he would feel.


Incoming beans, y'all.

@Bitter Sap Clan Lore


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she/they; FR +1
pings/DMs ok

Bitter Sap Clan (AU lore)
Saga's Lore Archives
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