
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Skin and Accent Survey
Heya! I have a skin and accent shop, but it’s barely gained any traction. My only “successful” skin is a pastel Wildclaw M skin - I made a similar one for Pearlcatcher F and it has no bites, so I’d like to ask some things!

1. Do you prefer skins or accents?
2. What is your preferred “aesthetic”?
3. What is your preferred price range?
4. Do you go after limited skins, or more available ones?
5. Do you prefer signing up on a spreadsheet?
6. What breeds do you like?
7. What breeds do you dislike?
8. Do you prefer buying off of the AH?
9. Do you often order customs?
10. Do you buy customs for fandragons?

Thanks a bunch for your time!
Heya! I have a skin and accent shop, but it’s barely gained any traction. My only “successful” skin is a pastel Wildclaw M skin - I made a similar one for Pearlcatcher F and it has no bites, so I’d like to ask some things!

1. Do you prefer skins or accents?
2. What is your preferred “aesthetic”?
3. What is your preferred price range?
4. Do you go after limited skins, or more available ones?
5. Do you prefer signing up on a spreadsheet?
6. What breeds do you like?
7. What breeds do you dislike?
8. Do you prefer buying off of the AH?
9. Do you often order customs?
10. Do you buy customs for fandragons?

Thanks a bunch for your time!

» Octavia

- Skin Shop
- Art Shop

» FR +1

- Avatar Dragon
- Please always ping me!
Hmm Idk if my answers will help any, but I'd love to partake in this lil survey regardless.

1. Do you prefer skins or accents?
Skincents. I don't like full coverage, and I don't like very little coverage. I like a mix of both.

2. What is your preferred “aesthetic”?
I can vibe with almost anything but I'm highly addicted to fancy attire. So silks, floral things, filigree, etc.. Love it all. I also like ancient era type stuff; like Greek or Egyptian themes for example.

3. What is your preferred price range?
850g-1500g for skins.
500g-800g for accents.

4. Do you go after limited skins, or more available ones?
I don't really pay any attention to limited/more available skins. I just order what I like at the time if I have the gems for it.

5. Do you prefer signing up on a spreadsheet?
No. Not really a fan of using those but if I'm dying for a skin and that's the only way to be put on a list, I will use them.

6. What breeds do you like?
F Obelisks, F Skydancers, M+F Guardians, F Ridgebacks, F Sandsurges, F Auraboas, and M+F Dusthides.

7. What breeds do you dislike?
M Snappers, M+F Coatls, M+F Imperials. Not that I actually dislike them, just that they're all my least fave.

8. Do you prefer buying off of the AH?
I have no preference. Forums or AH. Both are good.

9. Do you often order customs?
Nope. I've ordered one custom my whole FR life. I would love to order more customs but I am poor. :c

10. Do you buy customs for fandragons?
Nah, I make my own.
Hmm Idk if my answers will help any, but I'd love to partake in this lil survey regardless.

1. Do you prefer skins or accents?
Skincents. I don't like full coverage, and I don't like very little coverage. I like a mix of both.

2. What is your preferred “aesthetic”?
I can vibe with almost anything but I'm highly addicted to fancy attire. So silks, floral things, filigree, etc.. Love it all. I also like ancient era type stuff; like Greek or Egyptian themes for example.

3. What is your preferred price range?
850g-1500g for skins.
500g-800g for accents.

4. Do you go after limited skins, or more available ones?
I don't really pay any attention to limited/more available skins. I just order what I like at the time if I have the gems for it.

5. Do you prefer signing up on a spreadsheet?
No. Not really a fan of using those but if I'm dying for a skin and that's the only way to be put on a list, I will use them.

6. What breeds do you like?
F Obelisks, F Skydancers, M+F Guardians, F Ridgebacks, F Sandsurges, F Auraboas, and M+F Dusthides.

7. What breeds do you dislike?
M Snappers, M+F Coatls, M+F Imperials. Not that I actually dislike them, just that they're all my least fave.

8. Do you prefer buying off of the AH?
I have no preference. Forums or AH. Both are good.

9. Do you often order customs?
Nope. I've ordered one custom my whole FR life. I would love to order more customs but I am poor. :c

10. Do you buy customs for fandragons?
Nah, I make my own.
Eco1dmi.png Egg Art Shop

Skin shop

Art Shop
1. Do you prefer skins or accents?
accents for sure, but with enough coverage that I can notice it on the dragon! skincents are good too

2. What is your preferred “aesthetic”?
nature-y, floral, pastel, earthy, birds ??

3. What is your preferred price range?
accents- 400-600g
skins- 850-900g. but ive paid up to 1500-2000g (ouch)

4. Do you go after limited skins, or more available ones?
I only buy any skin if I really like it. limited ones are often a harder sell bc they tend to cost more than I want to pay.

5. Do you prefer signing up on a spreadsheet?
not really. tbh I dont care that much

6. What breeds do you like?
tbh the breed doesn't matter to me as much as the skin itself! ill breed change a dragon to fit the skin. I have a soft spot for f guardians.

7. What breeds do you dislike?
I tend to be picky about/less interested in skins for undertides, abberations, and sandsurges, mostly because I don't have many.

8. Do you prefer buying off of the AH?
ah or pa tend to be the smoothest in my experience. but if I miss an ah sale, I wish id gotten to sign up for a slot!

9. Do you often order customs?
never have! I wouldn't rule it out, I guess. but since I make my own skins sometimes, I default to just making one myself lol

10. Do you buy customs for fandragons?
see above :)
1. Do you prefer skins or accents?
accents for sure, but with enough coverage that I can notice it on the dragon! skincents are good too

2. What is your preferred “aesthetic”?
nature-y, floral, pastel, earthy, birds ??

3. What is your preferred price range?
accents- 400-600g
skins- 850-900g. but ive paid up to 1500-2000g (ouch)

4. Do you go after limited skins, or more available ones?
I only buy any skin if I really like it. limited ones are often a harder sell bc they tend to cost more than I want to pay.

5. Do you prefer signing up on a spreadsheet?
not really. tbh I dont care that much

6. What breeds do you like?
tbh the breed doesn't matter to me as much as the skin itself! ill breed change a dragon to fit the skin. I have a soft spot for f guardians.

7. What breeds do you dislike?
I tend to be picky about/less interested in skins for undertides, abberations, and sandsurges, mostly because I don't have many.

8. Do you prefer buying off of the AH?
ah or pa tend to be the smoothest in my experience. but if I miss an ah sale, I wish id gotten to sign up for a slot!

9. Do you often order customs?
never have! I wouldn't rule it out, I guess. but since I make my own skins sometimes, I default to just making one myself lol

10. Do you buy customs for fandragons?
see above :)
Pale Pink Rose
+2 hours, she/her :)
there is no 'r' in my user!
accent shop
ISO aug 26 2023 hatches
1. Do you prefer skins or accents?

2. What is your preferred “aesthetic”?
well you see it's a little unpredictable as one second I'm interested in one with silks and halos and the next second I'm buying a cow themed accent.

3. What is your preferred price range?
anything over 1.5kg is out of my budget but if I like it a lot then I'll do it.

4. Do you go after limited skins, or more available ones?
limited. it's like going after a rare item ya know?

5. Do you prefer signing up on a spreadsheet?
signing up.

6. What breeds do you like?
F obe and a soft spot for f snaps

7. What breeds do you dislike?
wildclaw, f pose aether, guardians

8. Do you prefer buying off of the AH?

9. Do you often order customs?

10. Do you buy customs for fandragons?
1. Do you prefer skins or accents?

2. What is your preferred “aesthetic”?
well you see it's a little unpredictable as one second I'm interested in one with silks and halos and the next second I'm buying a cow themed accent.

3. What is your preferred price range?
anything over 1.5kg is out of my budget but if I like it a lot then I'll do it.

4. Do you go after limited skins, or more available ones?
limited. it's like going after a rare item ya know?

5. Do you prefer signing up on a spreadsheet?
signing up.

6. What breeds do you like?
F obe and a soft spot for f snaps

7. What breeds do you dislike?
wildclaw, f pose aether, guardians

8. Do you prefer buying off of the AH?

9. Do you often order customs?

10. Do you buy customs for fandragons?
1. Do you prefer skins or accents?
I like accents and skin-cents. Too much coverage is a no-go, but I suppose very minimum coverage is the same.

2. What is your preferred “aesthetic”?
I like silks, plants and nature, space, technology, fantasy, science, angelic, anything that’s eye-catching or has nice colours.

3. What is your preferred price range?
Assuming it’s for a print by the artist / in circulation: < 900g
If it’s a skin that’s already been retired for a while: < 2kg

4. Do you go after limited skins, or more available ones?
I prefer available ones. If it’s limited, it’s probably an old skin that’s been retired of a UMA artist I like.

5. Do you prefer signing up on a spreadsheet?
Prefer signing up on Spreadsheets to what?
(If you mean thread vs sheets, I’m fine with either. No on Google forms though.)

6. What breeds do you like? (for skins)
Wildclaw M, Imperial M, Skydancer M/F, Coatl M, Gaoler M/F
Okay: Imperial F, Obelisk M/F, Spiral M, Aether M/F, Veilspun M/F

7. What breeds do you dislike?
Breeds I don’t have. x-x Especially ancients that aren’t listed above.
Even if it’s a species I like, if I don’t have that breed, I can’t preview an idea of it and I probably won’t be able to use it for a long time.

8. Do you prefer buying off of the AH?
Prefer to what x2? I’m fine buying it anywhere. PA > CR, though.

9. Do you often order customs?
No. They’re too expensive for me and I wouldn’t know what to order either. I’d rather order art, a more permanent item than a custom UMA.

10. Do you buy customs for fandragons?
Also no, I buy whatever skin I think looks nice on them.
1. Do you prefer skins or accents?
I like accents and skin-cents. Too much coverage is a no-go, but I suppose very minimum coverage is the same.

2. What is your preferred “aesthetic”?
I like silks, plants and nature, space, technology, fantasy, science, angelic, anything that’s eye-catching or has nice colours.

3. What is your preferred price range?
Assuming it’s for a print by the artist / in circulation: < 900g
If it’s a skin that’s already been retired for a while: < 2kg

4. Do you go after limited skins, or more available ones?
I prefer available ones. If it’s limited, it’s probably an old skin that’s been retired of a UMA artist I like.

5. Do you prefer signing up on a spreadsheet?
Prefer signing up on Spreadsheets to what?
(If you mean thread vs sheets, I’m fine with either. No on Google forms though.)

6. What breeds do you like? (for skins)
Wildclaw M, Imperial M, Skydancer M/F, Coatl M, Gaoler M/F
Okay: Imperial F, Obelisk M/F, Spiral M, Aether M/F, Veilspun M/F

7. What breeds do you dislike?
Breeds I don’t have. x-x Especially ancients that aren’t listed above.
Even if it’s a species I like, if I don’t have that breed, I can’t preview an idea of it and I probably won’t be able to use it for a long time.

8. Do you prefer buying off of the AH?
Prefer to what x2? I’m fine buying it anywhere. PA > CR, though.

9. Do you often order customs?
No. They’re too expensive for me and I wouldn’t know what to order either. I’d rather order art, a more permanent item than a custom UMA.

10. Do you buy customs for fandragons?
Also no, I buy whatever skin I think looks nice on them.
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1. Do you prefer skins or accents?

I don't like full-cover skins because I want to see at least some of my dragon underneath.

2. What is your preferred “aesthetic”?

Uh. I don't think I have one. There are many different aesthetics that I enjoy, but there's little connection between them.

3. What is your preferred price range?

As cheap as possible, honestly. X'D
(This is why I own so few custom skins)

4. Do you go after limited skins, or more available ones?

That distinction isn't something I consider, unless the more limited skin is so rare that I have no hope of finding a copy without paying an arm and a kidney. (In which case I just give up. XD)

5. Do you prefer signing up on a spreadsheet?


6. What breeds do you like?

In no particular order:
Mirror, Wildclaw, Ridgeback, Gaoler, Obelisk, Spiral, Aether, Skydancer, Tundra, Dusthide, Nocturne, Fae, Auraboa, Bogsneak, Coatl,

7. What breeds do you dislike?

Imperial skins are useless to me. (I'm a G1-only clan. No permas for me.)

8. Do you prefer buying off of the AH?

Yes! Though searching for custom skins on the Auction House is a nightmare because it's impossible to sort them from the flood of Festival skin listings. X'D

9. Do you often order customs?


10. Do you buy customs for fandragons?

Regularly? No.
I would consider it if I found the perfect one, though.
1. Do you prefer skins or accents?

I don't like full-cover skins because I want to see at least some of my dragon underneath.

2. What is your preferred “aesthetic”?

Uh. I don't think I have one. There are many different aesthetics that I enjoy, but there's little connection between them.

3. What is your preferred price range?

As cheap as possible, honestly. X'D
(This is why I own so few custom skins)

4. Do you go after limited skins, or more available ones?

That distinction isn't something I consider, unless the more limited skin is so rare that I have no hope of finding a copy without paying an arm and a kidney. (In which case I just give up. XD)

5. Do you prefer signing up on a spreadsheet?


6. What breeds do you like?

In no particular order:
Mirror, Wildclaw, Ridgeback, Gaoler, Obelisk, Spiral, Aether, Skydancer, Tundra, Dusthide, Nocturne, Fae, Auraboa, Bogsneak, Coatl,

7. What breeds do you dislike?

Imperial skins are useless to me. (I'm a G1-only clan. No permas for me.)

8. Do you prefer buying off of the AH?

Yes! Though searching for custom skins on the Auction House is a nightmare because it's impossible to sort them from the flood of Festival skin listings. X'D

9. Do you often order customs?


10. Do you buy customs for fandragons?

Regularly? No.
I would consider it if I found the perfect one, though.
shadow_banner.pngA shadowy dragon which is representative of Zenzic's persona. An original design.shadow_banner.png
Imagination is the reality of our dreamscape.
1. Do you prefer skins or accents?
For the most part I prefer accents, but some skins can be really nice!

2. What is your preferred “aesthetic”?
Anything plague/sheep/canine related!

3. What is your preferred price range?
I can't answer this accurately, but i've seen some go for 400-500? Idk ;;

4. Do you go after limited skins, or more available ones?
Both! I tend to look for skins after buying dragons, so if a limited skin is being printed i'll try to go after it, however more often the more available ones end up being targets since I am more likely to guarantee eventually getting one of those

5. Do you prefer signing up on a spreadsheet?
Yes! I mean, I like if I can get an acknowledgement from the creator (because that's the easiest tell if someone is active next to forum activity/derg hunger), but the spreadsheet is just the most convenient for every party involved!

6. What breeds do you like?
I love snappers and sandsurges! They just look like little guys to me :)

7. What breeds do you dislike?
This surprised myself, but i'm kinda falling out of love with dusties. I initially liked them when they came out, but now i'm just waiting to either breedchange the one I have into a sandsurge or to just replace it outright. I don't really have an explanation for this lol

8. Do you prefer buying off of the AH?
Just like the limited question, it really depends on if I need the skin at the moment. Stuff being on the AH is a quick way for me to grab it, but if it's actively being printed then i'll just go sign up for it (assuming I have the funds).

9. Do you often order customs?
I would if I ever had funds, but I never have the funds so sadly no ;;

10. Do you buy customs for fandragons?
the same as question nine, I would if I had funds ;;
1. Do you prefer skins or accents?
For the most part I prefer accents, but some skins can be really nice!

2. What is your preferred “aesthetic”?
Anything plague/sheep/canine related!

3. What is your preferred price range?
I can't answer this accurately, but i've seen some go for 400-500? Idk ;;

4. Do you go after limited skins, or more available ones?
Both! I tend to look for skins after buying dragons, so if a limited skin is being printed i'll try to go after it, however more often the more available ones end up being targets since I am more likely to guarantee eventually getting one of those

5. Do you prefer signing up on a spreadsheet?
Yes! I mean, I like if I can get an acknowledgement from the creator (because that's the easiest tell if someone is active next to forum activity/derg hunger), but the spreadsheet is just the most convenient for every party involved!

6. What breeds do you like?
I love snappers and sandsurges! They just look like little guys to me :)

7. What breeds do you dislike?
This surprised myself, but i'm kinda falling out of love with dusties. I initially liked them when they came out, but now i'm just waiting to either breedchange the one I have into a sandsurge or to just replace it outright. I don't really have an explanation for this lol

8. Do you prefer buying off of the AH?
Just like the limited question, it really depends on if I need the skin at the moment. Stuff being on the AH is a quick way for me to grab it, but if it's actively being printed then i'll just go sign up for it (assuming I have the funds).

9. Do you often order customs?
I would if I ever had funds, but I never have the funds so sadly no ;;

10. Do you buy customs for fandragons?
the same as question nine, I would if I had funds ;;
Plague-Only Lair!
1. Do you prefer skins or accents?
Accents cause they're cheaper, but I like skins too :3

2. What is your preferred “aesthetic”?
I don't have a set lair theme and only based on what fits the dragon, but I'm OBSESSED with weirdcore and wanna buy more of those skins :-D

3. What is your preferred price range?
600g or lower for accents, 1000g or lower for skins. this can vary though depending on how much I like the skin/accent!!!

4. Do you go after limited skins, or more available ones?
I don't have a preference. If it's on the AH/up for preorder and it fits a dragon of mine and I really want it, I'll buy it

5. Do you prefer signing up on a spreadsheet?
nopeeee. I find spreadsheets to be a little confusing and it makes me nervous to use

6. What breeds do you like?
I don't gravitate towards specific breeds when buying accents and only buy based off dragons I own, but I really love Veilspun :-)

7. What breeds do you dislike?
I don't dislike any breeds <3

8. Do you prefer buying off of the AH?
yes! it's easier for me an I don't have to talk to anyone-

9. Do you often order customs?
nope, never have. if I want a skin, i usually make it myself (99% of the time I don't get them printed because. poor-)

10. Do you buy customs for fandragons?
same answer as above. I'm currently making skins for fandragons based on will wood songs :-)
1. Do you prefer skins or accents?
Accents cause they're cheaper, but I like skins too :3

2. What is your preferred “aesthetic”?
I don't have a set lair theme and only based on what fits the dragon, but I'm OBSESSED with weirdcore and wanna buy more of those skins :-D

3. What is your preferred price range?
600g or lower for accents, 1000g or lower for skins. this can vary though depending on how much I like the skin/accent!!!

4. Do you go after limited skins, or more available ones?
I don't have a preference. If it's on the AH/up for preorder and it fits a dragon of mine and I really want it, I'll buy it

5. Do you prefer signing up on a spreadsheet?
nopeeee. I find spreadsheets to be a little confusing and it makes me nervous to use

6. What breeds do you like?
I don't gravitate towards specific breeds when buying accents and only buy based off dragons I own, but I really love Veilspun :-)

7. What breeds do you dislike?
I don't dislike any breeds <3

8. Do you prefer buying off of the AH?
yes! it's easier for me an I don't have to talk to anyone-

9. Do you often order customs?
nope, never have. if I want a skin, i usually make it myself (99% of the time I don't get them printed because. poor-)

10. Do you buy customs for fandragons?
same answer as above. I'm currently making skins for fandragons based on will wood songs :-)
Name: Monty
Will Wood
Accent: rest in peace or pieces
Skin: Fishin Fiddles
LF this skin
1. Do you prefer skins or accents?
Skincents, I don't like full coverage skins though.

2. What is your preferred “aesthetic”?
Spooky, horror, goth, plague, demonic, bones/skeletons, synthwave/retro

3. What is your preferred price range?
500-600 for accents, 800-850 for skins

4. Do you go after limited skins, or more available ones?
I don't really factor that in when buying skins

5. Do you prefer signing up on a spreadsheet?
I'm fine with it

6. What breeds do you like?
Aberrations, Obelisks, Skydancer F, Spirals, Sandsurges, Aethers

7. What breeds do you dislike?
Ridgeback M, Coatl F

8. Do you prefer buying off of the AH?
It's fine if I have the funds

9. Do you often order customs?
Almost never, I only have done it once

10. Do you buy customs for fandragons?

1. Do you prefer skins or accents?
Skincents, I don't like full coverage skins though.

2. What is your preferred “aesthetic”?
Spooky, horror, goth, plague, demonic, bones/skeletons, synthwave/retro

3. What is your preferred price range?
500-600 for accents, 800-850 for skins

4. Do you go after limited skins, or more available ones?
I don't really factor that in when buying skins

5. Do you prefer signing up on a spreadsheet?
I'm fine with it

6. What breeds do you like?
Aberrations, Obelisks, Skydancer F, Spirals, Sandsurges, Aethers

7. What breeds do you dislike?
Ridgeback M, Coatl F

8. Do you prefer buying off of the AH?
It's fine if I have the funds

9. Do you often order customs?
Almost never, I only have done it once

10. Do you buy customs for fandragons?

gfCdYdH.gif Ninth | She/Her
Shadow and Bone Hatchery
Skins and Accents
Do you prefer skins or accents?
Skincents. I'm not a fan of full coverage, so usually 30-70% coverage is what I look for.

What is your preferred “aesthetic”?
Highly variable - anything that attracts my attention is my aesthetic.

What is your preferred price range?
<650 for accents, <950 for skincents, and <1200 for skins. If it's a limited release or a custom with extra copies being sold that I really like, I'll go higher.

Do you go after limited skins, or more available ones?
I don't factor that into my uma selection.

Do you prefer signing up on a spreadsheet?
I do prefer a spreadsheet over having to ping the artist to be added to a slot. The spreadsheet gives me the opportunity to add/remove myself before orders are placed and I can see real-time updates.

What breeds do you like?
Gaolers, Wildclaws, and Spirals are my go-to, though I'd love to have more Snappers in my lair... I just... don't have any designs for them yet.

What breeds do you dislike?
None actively. I'm pretty open to having any breed in my lair if I like the design of them.

Do you prefer buying off of the AH?
No - I prefer buying directly from the uma creator, as I like seeing my funds go towards the individual who came up with the concept and letting them know how much I love it.

Do you often order customs?
Yes. I never thought I would when I first joined the site, but I've ordered quite a few customs since I've joined.

Do you buy customs for fandragons?
No... all of my dragons are based off my own original characters from my own original creative works, so I don't have any fandragons in my lair anyways.
Do you prefer skins or accents?
Skincents. I'm not a fan of full coverage, so usually 30-70% coverage is what I look for.

What is your preferred “aesthetic”?
Highly variable - anything that attracts my attention is my aesthetic.

What is your preferred price range?
<650 for accents, <950 for skincents, and <1200 for skins. If it's a limited release or a custom with extra copies being sold that I really like, I'll go higher.

Do you go after limited skins, or more available ones?
I don't factor that into my uma selection.

Do you prefer signing up on a spreadsheet?
I do prefer a spreadsheet over having to ping the artist to be added to a slot. The spreadsheet gives me the opportunity to add/remove myself before orders are placed and I can see real-time updates.

What breeds do you like?
Gaolers, Wildclaws, and Spirals are my go-to, though I'd love to have more Snappers in my lair... I just... don't have any designs for them yet.

What breeds do you dislike?
None actively. I'm pretty open to having any breed in my lair if I like the design of them.

Do you prefer buying off of the AH?
No - I prefer buying directly from the uma creator, as I like seeing my funds go towards the individual who came up with the concept and letting them know how much I love it.

Do you often order customs?
Yes. I never thought I would when I first joined the site, but I've ordered quite a few customs since I've joined.

Do you buy customs for fandragons?
No... all of my dragons are based off my own original characters from my own original creative works, so I don't have any fandragons in my lair anyways.
i've known you for forever and a day . . .