
Creative Corner

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TOPIC | cervius' Bio Bonanza
Thank you for Moth Menagerie! It's amazing, I was happy to use it!
Upd: also thank you for pretty bios!
Thank you for Moth Menagerie! It's amazing, I was happy to use it!
Upd: also thank you for pretty bios!
Your bios looks so amazing! <3
I saw you were looking for requests on page 3 so here are some ideas (hope it's still alright to suggest?)

- Fairy
- Butterflies
- Deep Sea
- Lava/Fire
- Bookstore vibes
- Red Moon

Honestly, I just thought of that on the top of my mind lmao- thank you once again for such beautiful works!

PS. Are you open for like custom bios? with payments of course. Just wondering because I would love to a custom bios with your style for one of mine.
Your bios looks so amazing! <3
I saw you were looking for requests on page 3 so here are some ideas (hope it's still alright to suggest?)

- Fairy
- Butterflies
- Deep Sea
- Lava/Fire
- Bookstore vibes
- Red Moon

Honestly, I just thought of that on the top of my mind lmao- thank you once again for such beautiful works!

PS. Are you open for like custom bios? with payments of course. Just wondering because I would love to a custom bios with your style for one of mine.
S8gtP.gif JrZGMGx.png
@AzaRein [Crawls out of mountain of Ibuprofen and Allergy Medicine]
[Hacks up lung]
Apologies for the late response I haven’t been feeling well.
But yes! Thank you for the suggestions, and I do custom codes. Simply shoot me a DM with the deets and I’ll have it figured out here….soon-ish [still not feeling 100% so it might be a bit late]
@AzaRein [Crawls out of mountain of Ibuprofen and Allergy Medicine]
[Hacks up lung]
Apologies for the late response I haven’t been feeling well.
But yes! Thank you for the suggestions, and I do custom codes. Simply shoot me a DM with the deets and I’ll have it figured out here….soon-ish [still not feeling 100% so it might be a bit late]
Eq06Qme.png Arin | 21 | He/They | Taken

Totally a Deer behind the screen. AuDHD, please be patient with me.
Fixated on Dragons, Warframe and Destiny 2.
2hAKJGX.png -codes
-g1 sales
[center][size=6][font=century][b]NEW CUSTOM[/b][/font][/size][/center] [font=cambria]Hello friends! Even after my PC kicked the bucket and I've been ill these past few-ish days, that won't stop me from slapping codes together left and right. This is our first Custom ordered Bio! Which....I guess this also counts as I officially take Custom Bio Orders now! The Forum has been edited accordingly to add in the Order Sheet and general basis of how Customs work. This was made on my brothers.....Frankenstein of a I'm happy I was able to give it justice![/font] [rule] [center][size=5][font=cambria][b]Custom for [i]AzaRein[/i][/b][/font][/size][/center] [img][/img] [center][font=cambria][i]This Custom has been requested to stay as Private Use by the commissioner. The Code is not Public.[/i][/font][/center] [center]@pinglist-24923[/center]
Hello friends!
Even after my PC kicked the bucket and I've been ill these past few-ish days, that won't stop me from slapping codes together left and right.
This is our first Custom ordered Bio! Which....I guess this also counts as I officially take Custom Bio Orders now! The Forum has been edited accordingly to add in the Order Sheet and general basis of how Customs work.
This was made on my brothers.....Frankenstein of a I'm happy I was able to give it justice!

Custom for AzaRein
This Custom has been requested to stay as Private Use by the commissioner. The Code is not Public.

Eq06Qme.png Arin | 21 | He/They | Taken

Totally a Deer behind the screen. AuDHD, please be patient with me.
Fixated on Dragons, Warframe and Destiny 2.
2hAKJGX.png -codes
-g1 sales
[center][size=6][font=century][b]NEW CUSTOM[/b][/font][/size][/center] [font=cambria]Hello friends! Another new custom bio under the belt, this time for SleepySkies! They were kind enough to allow Public use of this code, so here it is! Absolute BEAST of a code, perfect for dragons with mountains of lore.[/font] [rule] [center][size=5][font=cambria][b]Custom for [i]SleepySkies[/i][/b][/font][/size][/center] [img][/img] [center][font=cambria][url=]Live Preview[/url] | [url=]Code[/url][/font][/center] [center]@pinglist-24923[/center]
Hello friends!
Another new custom bio under the belt, this time for SleepySkies!
They were kind enough to allow Public use of this code, so here it is!
Absolute BEAST of a code, perfect for dragons with mountains of lore.

Custom for SleepySkies
Eq06Qme.png Arin | 21 | He/They | Taken

Totally a Deer behind the screen. AuDHD, please be patient with me.
Fixated on Dragons, Warframe and Destiny 2.
2hAKJGX.png -codes
-g1 sales
[center][size=6][font=century][b]NEW CUSTOMS[/b][/font][/size][/center] [font=cambria]Good noon! Hough it has been,,,,a week. The severe weather on Tuesday left me and my family without power for a couple hours, all the trees that were down....oung my adrenaline is still spiking. BUT! I come with TWO new Custom bios today! Both are for [i]AzaRein[/i] once again![/font] [rule] [center][size=5][font=cambria][b]Custom for [i]AzaRein[/i] [PROFILE][/b][/font][/size][/center] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [center][font=cambria][url=]Code[/url][/font][/center] [center][size=5][font=cambria][b]Custom for [i]AzaRein[/i] [DRAGON][/b][/font][/size][/center] [img][/img] [img][/img] [center][font=cambria][url=]Live Preview[/url] | [url=]Code[/url][/font][/center] [center]@pinglist-24923[/center]
Good noon!
Hough it has been,,,,a week. The severe weather on Tuesday left me and my family without power for a couple hours, all the trees that were down....oung my adrenaline is still spiking.
BUT! I come with TWO new Custom bios today! Both are for AzaRein once again!

Custom for AzaRein [PROFILE]
Custom for AzaRein [DRAGON]
Eq06Qme.png Arin | 21 | He/They | Taken

Totally a Deer behind the screen. AuDHD, please be patient with me.
Fixated on Dragons, Warframe and Destiny 2.
2hAKJGX.png -codes
-g1 sales
I would love to see something like the Darling Deer [DRAGON] bio but with skeleton deer or deer skulls if you're ever bored lol. But I love your profiles so much, I just haven't gotten around to editing my bios. I'm trying to find the right one to use for all of my dregs
I would love to see something like the Darling Deer [DRAGON] bio but with skeleton deer or deer skulls if you're ever bored lol. But I love your profiles so much, I just haven't gotten around to editing my bios. I'm trying to find the right one to use for all of my dregs
................DY8LRv7.png WDItveK.png
@OfAshenSnow Funnily enough the original plan would've involved those! However I decided to leave it out as I enjoyed the simplicity of the current look of Darling Deer.
Though thank you for reminding me actually to do that.....I forgot I wanted to make it.......
@OfAshenSnow Funnily enough the original plan would've involved those! However I decided to leave it out as I enjoyed the simplicity of the current look of Darling Deer.
Though thank you for reminding me actually to do that.....I forgot I wanted to make it.......
Eq06Qme.png Arin | 21 | He/They | Taken

Totally a Deer behind the screen. AuDHD, please be patient with me.
Fixated on Dragons, Warframe and Destiny 2.
2hAKJGX.png -codes
-g1 sales
[font=cambria][crawls out of blanket and fan cave] [hacks up a lung] Wu's poppin' I still live. Hello again friends! Sorry for the sudden inactivity, it's not fun having to deal with computer issues BUT, I have a properly functioning laptop at the moment, so I can do stuff while I wait for a proper PC again SO! New custom, for SleepySkies! I'd like to thank Sleepy for being SO patient with me while I dealt with PC agony. On top of getting sick. Like twice. Summer allergies kicking in to the FULLEST lets GOOOO. [rule] [center][size=5][font=cambria][b]Custom for [i]SleepySkies[/i][/b][/font][/size][/center] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [center][font=cambria][url=]Live Preview[/url] | [url=]Code[/url][/font][/center] [center]@pinglist-24923[/center]
[crawls out of blanket and fan cave]
[hacks up a lung]
Wu's poppin' I still live.
Hello again friends! Sorry for the sudden inactivity, it's not fun having to deal with computer issues BUT, I have a properly functioning laptop at the moment, so I can do stuff while I wait for a proper PC again SO!
New custom, for SleepySkies! I'd like to thank Sleepy for being SO patient with me while I dealt with PC agony.
On top of getting sick. Like twice.
Summer allergies kicking in to the FULLEST lets GOOOO.

Custom for SleepySkies
Eq06Qme.png Arin | 21 | He/They | Taken

Totally a Deer behind the screen. AuDHD, please be patient with me.
Fixated on Dragons, Warframe and Destiny 2.
2hAKJGX.png -codes
-g1 sales
[font=cambria]WOO I am back on a ROLL BABY. Another custom done, this time for FlareFighters! This one is a Private Custom, meaning the code is not Public, but I am allowed to show it on the Forum. A pretty simple one, but I mean hey, who doesn't like a little simplicity? [rule] [center][size=5][font=cambria][b]Custom for [i]FlareFighters[/i][/b][/font][/size][/center] [img][/img] [img][/img] [center][font=cambria][i]This Custom has been requested to stay as Private Use by the commissioner. The Code is not Public.[/i][/font][/center] [center]@pinglist-24923[/center]
WOO I am back on a ROLL BABY.
Another custom done, this time for FlareFighters! This one is a Private Custom, meaning the code is not Public, but I am allowed to show it on the Forum.
A pretty simple one, but I mean hey, who doesn't like a little simplicity?

Custom for FlareFighters
This Custom has been requested to stay as Private Use by the commissioner. The Code is not Public.

Eq06Qme.png Arin | 21 | He/They | Taken

Totally a Deer behind the screen. AuDHD, please be patient with me.
Fixated on Dragons, Warframe and Destiny 2.
2hAKJGX.png -codes
-g1 sales