
Raffles & Giveaways

Share your raffles and giveaways with the Flight Rising community.
@Ackie it is 2:30 AM and I took tomorrow off so I am not worried but MY!! eyes are Swirl right now ROFLLLLL.

Wait really? Hmmm.

@OnceWorried I keep trying to get out of The Organization but they keep dragging me back in JK, all good, glad you are excited. Ah, no, for eyes you said Common on that guess instead of Other.

And yeah, so many nests where it never made it to a tiebreaker and then a 6-way runoff across extra categories
@Ackie it is 2:30 AM and I took tomorrow off so I am not worried but MY!! eyes are Swirl right now ROFLLLLL.

Wait really? Hmmm.

@OnceWorried I keep trying to get out of The Organization but they keep dragging me back in JK, all good, glad you are excited. Ah, no, for eyes you said Common on that guess instead of Other.

And yeah, so many nests where it never made it to a tiebreaker and then a 6-way runoff across extra categories
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@ElysiumSanctum it doesn’t affect the outcome but since Vials of Hypnotic Sight are only 3k, did you give these hatchlings an extra cool gift or did that happen with incredible luck like getting 2 Wildclaws?
@ElysiumSanctum it doesn’t affect the outcome but since Vials of Hypnotic Sight are only 3k, did you give these hatchlings an extra cool gift or did that happen with incredible luck like getting 2 Wildclaws?
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I did have a bunch of hypnotic vials up for sale and they all went poof, so it seems swirl eyes are all the rage at the moment! =3 New babies are so darling [emoji=familiar heart size=1]
I did have a bunch of hypnotic vials up for sale and they all went poof, so it seems swirl eyes are all the rage at the moment! =3 New babies are so darling
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Definitely forgot to actually answer the question yesterday

Thursday Q.O.T.D. - In honor of this subspecies whose flowers are essentially their soul, were flowers ever important to you? Given at a key event, grown somewhere memorable?

Flowers are very important to me! I love to give them, I love to receive them, I love to see them, I love to be around them!! I've had many important moments in my life where flowers played a roll. When my partner proposed to me, she gave me a single red carnation. I think of it often. :)
I also have some lovely paper, wooden, and dried flowers!
Definitely forgot to actually answer the question yesterday

Thursday Q.O.T.D. - In honor of this subspecies whose flowers are essentially their soul, were flowers ever important to you? Given at a key event, grown somewhere memorable?

Flowers are very important to me! I love to give them, I love to receive them, I love to see them, I love to be around them!! I've had many important moments in my life where flowers played a roll. When my partner proposed to me, she gave me a single red carnation. I think of it often. :)
I also have some lovely paper, wooden, and dried flowers!

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[center][url=]Rules & Pinglists[/url] | [url=]Prizes[/url] | [url=]Hatchling Prizes[/url] | [url=]Badges & F.A.Q.[/url] | [url=]Sunday[/url] | [url=]Monday[/url] | [url=]Tuesday[/url] | [url=]Wednesday[/url] | [url=]Thursday[/url] | [url=]Friday[/url] | [url=]Saturday[/url][/center] [center][img alt="Friday"][/img] @pinglist-28890 [color=brown]Status: still working on some of yesterday’s PMs. Any suggestions for making next event more simple?[/color] [/center] [center][img alt="Daily Themes"][/img][/center] [color=green]One of the survival strategies for mass cicada emergence is [u]predator satiation[/u]. In other words, the insectivores are so stuffed from the endless buffet that the remainder survive untouched. Satiation is great, because we have -2- different subspecies to examine today, at least one of which would love an insect snack. And what will their hybrid offspring be like? [u][b]Q.O.T.D.[/b][/u]: In honor of this muddled cross-breeding, what’s a combination that sounds lousy but could be great? (snacks, music remixes, crossovers...) [/color] [columns][center][color=green][img alt="A Nature egg with spring green motion lines / 'alert!' manpu suggesting liveliness inside."][/img]Participate ANY day[/center] [nextcol][code][img alt="A Nature egg with spring green motion lines / 'alert!' manpu suggesting liveliness inside."][/img][/code][/columns] [columns][center][color=green][img alt="A white goose eating a Glass Cicada."][/img]Friday[/center][nextcol][code][img alt="A white goose eating a Glass Cicada."][/img][/code][/columns] [center][img alt="Dragon Pairs"][/img] [color=green][img][/img] Send guesses by [url=]Entry Form - call them Duck Duck Goose[/url] and send 10g or 10k per Form, by [url=]PM to NerdMom[/url] [img][/img] Need to check spreadsheet for your record or anything? [url=]Spreadsheet View - then find Duck Duck Goose tab[/url] [b][u] [url=] [img][/img] Isopod (Rubber Ducky variant) home thread[/url] [left][color=darkgreen][i]Isopods evolved from dragons in a harsh underwater environment to gain segmented exoskeletons. They re-emerged to live on land but need humid climates, and carry eggs in body marsupial pouches or crafted bags.[/i][/color][/left] [url=][img][/img] Those Who Hjonk home thread[/url] [left][color=darkgreen][i]Those Who Hjonk are a prophesy come true, an army that would arise to save the realm from mighty evil. Their wings are feathered and true, and when their beaks open, their enemies shall know their defeat is at hand.[/i][/color][/left] [center] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b][u]DuckNorris x Ganschen[/u][/b] [i]provided by @/NerdMom[/i] Snapper / Skydancer 75% / 25% [columns][center][color=transparent]_______________________[/color] [b]Primary[/b] Iridescent / Fade 1% / 99% [size=5][color=#ffffff]•[/color][color=#d8d6d7]•[/color][color=#f0f2ff]•[/color][color=#e1e0ff]•[/color][color=#c8bdcd]•[/color][color=#bab9be]•[/color][color=#9c9c9e]•[/color][color=#808080]•[/color][color=#9394a9]•[/color][color=#535264]•[/color][/size][size=2][color=#AAAAAA] White, Moon, Ice, Orca, Platinum, Silver, Dust, Grey, Smoke, Gloom[/color][/size] [nextcol][center][color=transparent]_______________________[/color] [b]Secondary[/b] Shimmer / Edged 1% / 99% [size=5][color=#ffffff]•[/color][color=#d8d6d7]•[/color][color=#f0f2ff]•[/color][color=#e1e0ff]•[/color][color=#c8bdcd]•[/color][color=#bab9be]•[/color][color=#9c9c9e]•[/color][color=#808080]•[/color][color=#9394a9]•[/color][color=#535264]•[/color][/size][size=2][color=#AAAAAA] White, Moon, Ice, Orca, Platinum, Silver, Dust, Grey, Smoke, Gloom[/color][/size] [nextcol][center][color=transparent]_______________________[/color] [b]Tertiary[/b] Scales 100% [size=5][color=#f6bf6c]•[/color][color=#e8ae4a]•[/color][/size][size=2][color=#AAAAAA] Buttercup, Gold[/color][/size] [/center][/columns] [left]Ranges: 10 x 10 x 2 = 200 combinations Average 1-match badge odds: [b]70%[/b] per egg Status: nested on 5/20 with [url=]3 eggs[/url] Give the parents some Likes~ [img alt="A pair of periodical cicada wings displayed between two oak branches leaking tree sap."][/img]
@C.O.L.O.R.S. daily hatch & QOTD

Status: still working on some of yesterday’s PMs.
Any suggestions for making next event more simple?
Daily Themes

One of the survival strategies for mass cicada emergence is predator satiation. In other words, the insectivores are so stuffed from the endless buffet that the remainder survive untouched.

Satiation is great, because we have -2- different subspecies to examine today, at least one of which would love an insect snack. And what will their hybrid offspring be like?

Q.O.T.D.: In honor of this muddled cross-breeding, what’s a combination that sounds lousy but could be great? (snacks, music remixes, crossovers...)

A Nature egg with spring green motion lines / 'alert!' manpu suggesting liveliness inside.Participate ANY day
[img alt="A Nature egg with spring green motion lines / 'alert!' manpu suggesting liveliness inside."][/img]
A white goose eating a Glass Cicada.Friday
[img alt="A white goose eating a Glass Cicada."][/img]
Dragon Pairs

e1UgWPl.png Send guesses by Entry Form - call them Duck Duck Goose and send 10g or 10k per Form, by PM to NerdMom
e1UgWPl.png Need to check spreadsheet for your record or anything? Spreadsheet View - then find Duck Duck Goose tab


Isopod (Rubber Ducky variant) home thread

Isopods evolved from dragons in a harsh underwater environment to gain segmented exoskeletons. They re-emerged to live on land but need humid climates, and carry eggs in body marsupial pouches or crafted bags.


Those Who Hjonk home thread

Those Who Hjonk are a prophesy come true, an army that would arise to save the realm from mighty evil. Their wings are feathered and true, and when their beaks open, their enemies shall know their defeat is at hand.
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DuckNorris x Ganschen
provided by @/NerdMom
Snapper / Skydancer
75% / 25%
Iridescent / Fade
1% / 99%

White, Moon, Ice, Orca, Platinum, Silver, Dust, Grey, Smoke, Gloom

Shimmer / Edged
1% / 99%

White, Moon, Ice, Orca, Platinum, Silver, Dust, Grey, Smoke, Gloom


Buttercup, Gold
Ranges: 10 x 10 x 2 = 200 combinations
Average 1-match badge odds: 70% per egg
Status: nested on 5/20 with 3 eggs

Give the parents some Likes~

A pair of periodical cicada wings displayed between two oak branches leaking tree sap.
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[quote name="NerdMom" date="2024-05-23 23:25:58" ] [color=red]Lovebugs host MAY not finish incubating, so we MAY need to replace that pair. :/ Please input this other Form ASAP and do not send extra funds - [url=]Entry Form Lovebugs 2: Electric Boogaloo[/url]. If this becomes the new official pair, I'd adjust fairness for the wider range, 1-matches will also get tickets to make old and new pairs about equal.[/color][/quote] @erithakos @wintrecat @Neptunelycan @RedKhezu @encryptidd @CaityJay @Edenello @sketchy @PinkDrink @Latsyric @marzbarz615 @Fragariavesca @CANTDANCEFLYNN @Kothra @OnceWorried @Taccs @Ketterine
NerdMom wrote on 2024-05-23 23:25:58:
Lovebugs host MAY not finish incubating, so we MAY need to replace that pair. :/

Please input this other Form ASAP and do not send extra funds - Entry Form Lovebugs 2: Electric Boogaloo.

If this becomes the new official pair, I'd adjust fairness for the wider range, 1-matches will also get tickets to make old and new pairs about equal.

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[quote]In honor of this muddled cross-breeding, what’s a combination that sounds lousy but could be great? (snacks, music remixes, crossovers...)[/quote] Symbiotic relationships allow certain animals that don't seem like they'd get along to help each other out, which I think is awesome! A famous example is the Egyptian Plover and crocodiles: if you've ever seen a photo of a bird just sitting in a crocodile's mouth, that's probably an Egyptian Plover. They pick bits of food from the crocodile's teeth, and in return the crocodile gets free dental services! Nature is pretty cool :)
In honor of this muddled cross-breeding, what’s a combination that sounds lousy but could be great? (snacks, music remixes, crossovers...)

Symbiotic relationships allow certain animals that don't seem like they'd get along to help each other out, which I think is awesome! A famous example is the Egyptian Plover and crocodiles: if you've ever seen a photo of a bird just sitting in a crocodile's mouth, that's probably an Egyptian Plover. They pick bits of food from the crocodile's teeth, and in return the crocodile gets free dental services! Nature is pretty cool :)
[quote name="NerdMom" date="2024-05-23 23:42:30" ] @ElysiumSanctum it doesn’t affect the outcome but since Vials of Hypnotic Sight are only 3k, did you give these hatchlings an extra cool gift or did that happen with incredible luck like getting 2 Wildclaws? [/quote] @NerdMom Big part of my personal clan lore is that the leader will give deserving dragons the swirled sight (I added the vial of hypnotic sight, they were all common eyes to begin with so I thought it wouldnt be a bad change ^-^)
NerdMom wrote on 2024-05-23 23:42:30:
@ElysiumSanctum it doesn’t affect the outcome but since Vials of Hypnotic Sight are only 3k, did you give these hatchlings an extra cool gift or did that happen with incredible luck like getting 2 Wildclaws?

Big part of my personal clan lore is that the leader will give deserving dragons the swirled sight (I added the vial of hypnotic sight, they were all common eyes to begin with so I thought it wouldnt be a bad change ^-^)
Friday QOTD crossover - I once thought electronic music x classical would be crazy, but found out it’s already a thing. For one, songs from Dance Dance Revolution such as V For Extreme - this is based on Vivaldi’s “Winter”
Friday QOTD crossover - I once thought electronic music x classical would be crazy, but found out it’s already a thing. For one, songs from Dance Dance Revolution such as V For Extreme - this is based on Vivaldi’s “Winter”
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@ElysiumSanctum TY for sating my and @Ackie ‘s curiosity! That is an awesome feature in your clan lore. Respect! I also think it vibes well with the the subspecies, not that I know anything about the Thousand Currents but that maybe the gift related to that.

@OnceWorried you asked if you had a perfect streak in EVERYYYYYYYYYYYY question after getting into the nitty gritty tie-breakers. You were right. You did hit every one. They WERE originally Common (as your guess for this entry).

RNG is HILARIOUS, like people say that something is “impossible” but no just maybe 1 in 10,000 times.
@ElysiumSanctum TY for sating my and @Ackie ‘s curiosity! That is an awesome feature in your clan lore. Respect! I also think it vibes well with the the subspecies, not that I know anything about the Thousand Currents but that maybe the gift related to that.

@OnceWorried you asked if you had a perfect streak in EVERYYYYYYYYYYYY question after getting into the nitty gritty tie-breakers. You were right. You did hit every one. They WERE originally Common (as your guess for this entry).

RNG is HILARIOUS, like people say that something is “impossible” but no just maybe 1 in 10,000 times.
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