
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | [Pinkerlocke] Sunken Dreams
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Oh my god, I adore Delg and Fleur so much, I hope nothind bad ever happens to them, because they are so precious!
Oh my god, I adore Delg and Fleur so much, I hope nothind bad ever happens to them, because they are so precious!
b7742e507b7cf8e2cd71c4f2ffd5a17c3b9f9e2e.png 7ae5f576df9583faed137e7e0ca37146ab2a57b6.png
They are! Their story started during the time Dakila overtook the palace, so there will be years that will pass when we sync with everyone after that chapter outlining what happened to the existent characters so far ^^ (hopefully that's understandable since time is wishy washy atm as introduce everyone XD)
They are! Their story started during the time Dakila overtook the palace, so there will be years that will pass when we sync with everyone after that chapter outlining what happened to the existent characters so far ^^ (hopefully that's understandable since time is wishy washy atm as introduce everyone XD)
yXHULpF.png Wishlist
FR+3 time
Dragons for Sale

Art Shop
[center][url=]Previous[/url] [Color=navy][size=5][b]Chapter 78: The Entrance Test[/b][/size][/color] --------------- [url=][img][/img][/url] Ashling swam quickly through the Nan’nalu’s corridors, past vendors and homes bustling with conversation and goods. Keeping her head down so the sea slug cape covered most of her face and body was essential so she wouldn’t draw attention to herself. She bore the marks of her parents, two noteworthy Royal Guards under Queen Penina…only to be cast out with the return of King Tusitala and his [i]advisor[/i]. She held back a snort at the thought of the Guardian. Anyone with half a brain would see how he was pulling the strings of the puppet that sat at the throne, and it was her parents who saw it as it was carried out. Speaking up when they returned to the palace, protesting to King Tusitala about the decision, only sealed their subsequent fate. Now, Ashling and her parents lived in the outer town that they were stationed at during the time of the accident at the palace. It was the only place that didn’t believe that the two guardsdragons had failed to protect the royal family and had properly carried out Queen Penina’s orders to empower the town and its inhabitants at a time of uncertainty. The few times Ashling ventured from that town were hard lessons. While she was with her parents, even though she was shielded by them, Ashling was harassed and almost assaulted by angry dragons who believed in the lies that Dakila had pushed out through the kingdom. Thankfully, her parents were seasoned warriors that could hold their own, and they tried not to severely harm those that attacked. The experiences never tarnished Ashling’s dreams to be like her parents though, to one day be a royal guardsdragon and protect the kingdom. Their stories of being part of the guard were burned into her memory as a hatchling, and it was a beacon to follow ever since. After her parents were ousted from the guard, they taught her how to fight, more so out of caution to ensure she could keep herself safe if anything happened to them. Still, she continued to train every night on her own to become even stronger, something she knew that would alarm her parents had they saw her efforts and realized her goal. Now, after years had passed, she felt ready to prove her worth and try to be part of the royal guard. If she could show her abilities, she believed that they would accept her into their force and, eventually, clear her parents’ names from her feats of bravery and skill. But the tough part was getting to the palace without drawing attention to herself… Even though Ashling tried to keep to the shadows and less traveled areas, it was harder to do so the closer she got to the palace. Now it was more weaving and ducking between dragons (Marens were less accepted as part of Nan’nalu since Dakila’s arrival, so they were pushed to live in the outer realms of the kingdom) before she could make it to the palace’s gates. Suddenly, a force knocked Ashling aside, a heavy set body that walked right into where Ashling was going. “Watch where you’re going! You almost made me drop my wares!” the Undertide carrying bags of seafood yelled at the stunned Ashling, “If I had lost anything, I would have the royal guard take it out of your hide!” The Royal Guard, appointed by Dakila, now had a stronger claw in the city surrounding the palace, and they were ruthless to squash anything that they (or Dakila) deemed “troublesome.” Bullies who had a strong influence or sway in the city reveled in the power the Royal Guard had, often calling them to put down their opposition or anyone that dared bother them. Ashling panicked at the thought that she would have the Royal Guard come at her and crush her before she even had the chance to prove her abilities – it would not be a good first impression. “I-I’m so sorry! I promise it won’t happen again,” Ashling stammered, surprise shown in her wide eyes, but the force of the other Undertide had knocked her cape back. The Undertide’s eyes narrowed at seeing Ashling’s face, and even though he didn’t say anything yet in reaction, Ashling knew she had to get away fast before he recognized who she was. She pulled back down the hood of her cloak and swam off, careful to not bump into another. Heart racing, she thought she may have heard the Undertide yell out for the Royal Guard, but she didn’t dare stick around to know for sure. It was a rainbow of color that passed her view, a blur of the activity Ashling swam by. Eventually, she was at the foot of a tall gate guarded by a pair of large Undertides, one with armor plating and the other with fearsome tentacles. Ashling collapsed on the pebbly ground and tried to catch her breath. [url=][img],10364,10392,10743,10371&xt=dressing.png[/img][/url] “Hey! No one is permitted to loiter at the entrance of the palace,” chided the guard that stood before the gate. The voice came from an angry-looking Guardian with a trident in his claws, eyes boring into Ashling with suspicion. Ashling pulled herself up to attention and saluted to the Guardian, “I’m sorry, Sir! It’s not my intent to break the law of the kingdom. I only wish to join the ranks of the Royal Guard and serve the Royal Family of Nan’nalu!” The Guardian raised an eyebrow at Ashling, “We don’t just welcome any weakling into our ranks. You must prove your ability in a test before we would allow a dragon into the guard.” Ashling gave a nod, “And I am ready for it.” He laughed at the eager Undertide and then lowered the hood using his trident. Ashling didn’t flinch, her eyes shining with a fire that caused the Guardian to feel a twinge of fear. Still, realization shown over his face as he looked over the Undertide. “You are the offspring of that pair of Undertides that were ousted all those years ago,” he said with venom, but Ashling didn’t take her eyes away from the Guardian’s gaze. It was a moment of silence that passed, but he was the first to break the eye contact. Angry at himself for losing his mental fortitude, he then began to grin at an idea forming in his head, “Well, it’s not like we turn away new recruits from partaking in the entrance exam…doesn’t mean that all of them are able to make it out alive afterwards,” and he motioned to the other guard, “Stay here and guard the entrance. I’ll be showing the recruit to the exam grounds to see if she can hold out her own.” He then looked over his shoulder back at Ashling, “You, follow me if you still want to join the ranks of the Royal Guard.” Ashling let go of the breath she was holding and then began to swim after the Guardian. It wasn’t long until they entered a battered training ground marked with strewn weapons, armor, and…was it the stain of blood at the center? “You there, bring in an audience!” yelled out the Guardian to the groundskeeper who was polishing some weapons, “Tell them we have a surprise applicant of some dishonored ex-guards – that’ll give them something to look forward to.” The tiny Fae squeaked in surprise but swam off quickly to carry out the Guardian’s command. He then swam to the center of the training grounds and motioned Ashling to come to his side. Soon, different dragons of the Royal Guard were swimming in and taking position around Ashling and the Guardian. Their faces jeered at Ashling, and she could see how some of them whispered to each other while passing around gold coins. The Guardian raised his claws to signal the audience to quiet, “Attention, Everyone! We have a potential new recruit to join our ranks…if she can survive our entrance exam. Who would like to be her examiner?” This caused a ripple of laughter to pass over the surrounding dragons, and it caused Ashling’s blood to run cold. A formidable Banescale with a scar that ran down his face down towards his chest swam forward, “Douglas, it would give me the [i]honor[/i] to test the spawn of those wretched ex-guards.” “Excellent. Harvey will then test your abilities. If you survive, then you can join our ranks. Fail…” and the Guardian named Douglas motioned to the stained ground, “and our groundskeeper will have to do a bit of cleaning.” [i]Wait, this was Douglas? The same Guardian that led the Royal Guard?[/i] Before the news sunk in Ashling’s brain, Harvey lashed forward with his carnivorous teeth, barely biting down on Ashling’s fin as she instinctively dodged. Harvey seemed a bit surprised by Ashling’s speed, but growled and lunged again towards Ashling. Every time he lashed forward to strike her, she dodged at the last second. She could see the growing anger in Harvey, but her moves slowly exhausted him while making his subsequent moves more erratic due to his embarrassment. “Quit swimming away, Little Fish!” “She’s cheating!” “Aren’t you going to fight?” Ashling heard the jeers from the crowd, but she never lost her focus on her opponent. When she saw how tired Harvey was, breathing heavily and eyes blazing in anger, she smiled and motioned with her tail a taunt. The Banescale bore his teeth and roared furiously before making one last lunge at Ashling. But she was ready. Even though she dodged, it wasn’t as far so she could use her tail to grab Harvey by the neck and throw him down to the ground. Before he caught his breathe, she tied her body around his, grappling his form into submission and pinning his wings down. Exhausted, Harvey could not shake off Ashling’s firm hold, even though he was using whatever strength he had left out of desperation. The crowd suddenly quieted to the point that only Harvey’s labored breathing could be heard. Ashling’s coils would not budge, and she looked at Douglas to call the battle over. Yet, no one said one word. “Call it!” she yelled to Douglas, “He can no longer fight!” Douglas’ eyes narrowed, “It is not over. He still lives.” Ashling was incredulous, “You want to lose a member to the Royal Guard to a simple entrance exam?” But Douglas coldly replied, “What use is it to the guard to keep a dragon that can’t even beat a new recruit? He’s too weak to keep his post if he lost to you.” Silence continued to hang in the air, and Harvey’s eyes closed, his breathing still labored and his body ready for the final blow. Ashling gritted her teeth and then uncoiled her body from Harvey, “There’s no honor in killing a dragon unnecessarily.” Harvey opened his eyes in surprise and looked at the Undertide. “You have lost. Do what you want with your life,” Ashling said simply to Harvey. The Banescale lifted his head, uncertain what to do next. The others in the crowd muttered while Douglas gave a scowl. Realizing that he had only short window of opportunity before Douglas did something drastic, Harvey swam off, escaping the training grounds to never again continue his lost role as a Royal Guardsdragon. Ashling was alone in the center of the training ring, eyes fixed to Douglas. The Guardian furrowed his brow in anger and spoke, “You better not give any sympathy to your opponents in battle, or it will cost you a life, whether you or another in the guard. Show weakness like that again, and maybe I will re-test you myself to see if you are still worthy.” The rest of the dragons dispersed, many of them showing deep disappointment (and lost coin due to their bets). Douglas motioned over one of the younger guard members, “He will show you where the newest members sleep. You will begin training with all of us early tomorrow morning before the sun rays hit the sea floor. Don’t be late.” Without another word, Douglas left Ashling floating in the middle of the training grounds. The young guardsdragon was waiting patiently for her at the training grounds’ exit. Ashling followed the younger dragon in silence, and she could see the hesitancy and fear in the dragon’s face. When she finally reached the room, she saw that it was furnished only with a simple seaweed-woven bed, a wall with hooks for weapons and armor, and a small desk to write and do more written studies with. The other dragon fled as soon as they were able, leaving Ashling alone in the room. The adrenaline melted out of her body the moment she was alone, and a mixture of joy and sadness bubbled in her throat. She did it! But at what cost? There was a dragon that would be marked just like her and her parents for failure, and for what? Just because he lost in a simple exam? And what of killing another dragon? She was always taught to not kill unless it was absolutely necessary. Now Douglas was threatening her life if she failed to kill whenever he deemed it appropriate. Would she be faced with the dilemma of killing an innocent life? She needed to be able to plan and mitigate events that may lead to such an outcome. If she could be a few steps ahead of Douglas, she may not even be faced with that decision. Her mother, who could beat anyone at chess, said it best: “Plan for not only the next step, but for the entire campaign ahead.” She needed to plan out each and every “campaign” in this long chess battle. If she did, she would ultimately win the “war” and succeed at her goal of clearing her family’s name and becoming a true Royal Guardsdragon. Exhaustion then swept over her next, and Ashling plopped on the bed, promptly falling asleep. She needed what rest she could get to be ready for tomorrow’s training, so starting now would not hurt… ----------------------------- [url=]Next[/url] @pinglist-2103 Phew, this was a lengthier chapter, but I wanted to do Ashling justice and help the reader see how the mentality of the kingdom has changed since Dakila's arrival. With Douglas being the captain of the Royal Guard, he has been shaping the environment in the palace and surrounding city with his personality and drive. Perhaps with Ashling in the ranks, there may be some changes in the Royal Guard's culture. Or will she fall to the darkness that has poisoned the ranks? Time will tell. Do you know who will be the point of focus in the next chapter? [emoji=guardian winking size=1]
Chapter 78: The Entrance Test


Ashling swam quickly through the Nan’nalu’s corridors, past vendors and homes bustling with conversation and goods. Keeping her head down so the sea slug cape covered most of her face and body was essential so she wouldn’t draw attention to herself.

She bore the marks of her parents, two noteworthy Royal Guards under Queen Penina…only to be cast out with the return of King Tusitala and his advisor. She held back a snort at the thought of the Guardian. Anyone with half a brain would see how he was pulling the strings of the puppet that sat at the throne, and it was her parents who saw it as it was carried out. Speaking up when they returned to the palace, protesting to King Tusitala about the decision, only sealed their subsequent fate.

Now, Ashling and her parents lived in the outer town that they were stationed at during the time of the accident at the palace. It was the only place that didn’t believe that the two guardsdragons had failed to protect the royal family and had properly carried out Queen Penina’s orders to empower the town and its inhabitants at a time of uncertainty.

The few times Ashling ventured from that town were hard lessons. While she was with her parents, even though she was shielded by them, Ashling was harassed and almost assaulted by angry dragons who believed in the lies that Dakila had pushed out through the kingdom. Thankfully, her parents were seasoned warriors that could hold their own, and they tried not to severely harm those that attacked.

The experiences never tarnished Ashling’s dreams to be like her parents though, to one day be a royal guardsdragon and protect the kingdom. Their stories of being part of the guard were burned into her memory as a hatchling, and it was a beacon to follow ever since. After her parents were ousted from the guard, they taught her how to fight, more so out of caution to ensure she could keep herself safe if anything happened to them. Still, she continued to train every night on her own to become even stronger, something she knew that would alarm her parents had they saw her efforts and realized her goal.

Now, after years had passed, she felt ready to prove her worth and try to be part of the royal guard. If she could show her abilities, she believed that they would accept her into their force and, eventually, clear her parents’ names from her feats of bravery and skill. But the tough part was getting to the palace without drawing attention to herself…

Even though Ashling tried to keep to the shadows and less traveled areas, it was harder to do so the closer she got to the palace. Now it was more weaving and ducking between dragons (Marens were less accepted as part of Nan’nalu since Dakila’s arrival, so they were pushed to live in the outer realms of the kingdom) before she could make it to the palace’s gates.

Suddenly, a force knocked Ashling aside, a heavy set body that walked right into where Ashling was going. “Watch where you’re going! You almost made me drop my wares!” the Undertide carrying bags of seafood yelled at the stunned Ashling, “If I had lost anything, I would have the royal guard take it out of your hide!”

The Royal Guard, appointed by Dakila, now had a stronger claw in the city surrounding the palace, and they were ruthless to squash anything that they (or Dakila) deemed “troublesome.” Bullies who had a strong influence or sway in the city reveled in the power the Royal Guard had, often calling them to put down their opposition or anyone that dared bother them. Ashling panicked at the thought that she would have the Royal Guard come at her and crush her before she even had the chance to prove her abilities – it would not be a good first impression.

“I-I’m so sorry! I promise it won’t happen again,” Ashling stammered, surprise shown in her wide eyes, but the force of the other Undertide had knocked her cape back. The Undertide’s eyes narrowed at seeing Ashling’s face, and even though he didn’t say anything yet in reaction, Ashling knew she had to get away fast before he recognized who she was. She pulled back down the hood of her cloak and swam off, careful to not bump into another.

Heart racing, she thought she may have heard the Undertide yell out for the Royal Guard, but she didn’t dare stick around to know for sure. It was a rainbow of color that passed her view, a blur of the activity Ashling swam by. Eventually, she was at the foot of a tall gate guarded by a pair of large Undertides, one with armor plating and the other with fearsome tentacles. Ashling collapsed on the pebbly ground and tried to catch her breath.


“Hey! No one is permitted to loiter at the entrance of the palace,” chided the guard that stood before the gate. The voice came from an angry-looking Guardian with a trident in his claws, eyes boring into Ashling with suspicion. Ashling pulled herself up to attention and saluted to the Guardian, “I’m sorry, Sir! It’s not my intent to break the law of the kingdom. I only wish to join the ranks of the Royal Guard and serve the Royal Family of Nan’nalu!”

The Guardian raised an eyebrow at Ashling, “We don’t just welcome any weakling into our ranks. You must prove your ability in a test before we would allow a dragon into the guard.” Ashling gave a nod, “And I am ready for it.” He laughed at the eager Undertide and then lowered the hood using his trident. Ashling didn’t flinch, her eyes shining with a fire that caused the Guardian to feel a twinge of fear. Still, realization shown over his face as he looked over the Undertide.

“You are the offspring of that pair of Undertides that were ousted all those years ago,” he said with venom, but Ashling didn’t take her eyes away from the Guardian’s gaze. It was a moment of silence that passed, but he was the first to break the eye contact. Angry at himself for losing his mental fortitude, he then began to grin at an idea forming in his head, “Well, it’s not like we turn away new recruits from partaking in the entrance exam…doesn’t mean that all of them are able to make it out alive afterwards,” and he motioned to the other guard, “Stay here and guard the entrance. I’ll be showing the recruit to the exam grounds to see if she can hold out her own.”

He then looked over his shoulder back at Ashling, “You, follow me if you still want to join the ranks of the Royal Guard.” Ashling let go of the breath she was holding and then began to swim after the Guardian. It wasn’t long until they entered a battered training ground marked with strewn weapons, armor, and…was it the stain of blood at the center?

“You there, bring in an audience!” yelled out the Guardian to the groundskeeper who was polishing some weapons, “Tell them we have a surprise applicant of some dishonored ex-guards – that’ll give them something to look forward to.” The tiny Fae squeaked in surprise but swam off quickly to carry out the Guardian’s command. He then swam to the center of the training grounds and motioned Ashling to come to his side. Soon, different dragons of the Royal Guard were swimming in and taking position around Ashling and the Guardian. Their faces jeered at Ashling, and she could see how some of them whispered to each other while passing around gold coins.

The Guardian raised his claws to signal the audience to quiet, “Attention, Everyone! We have a potential new recruit to join our ranks…if she can survive our entrance exam. Who would like to be her examiner?” This caused a ripple of laughter to pass over the surrounding dragons, and it caused Ashling’s blood to run cold. A formidable Banescale with a scar that ran down his face down towards his chest swam forward, “Douglas, it would give me the honor to test the spawn of those wretched ex-guards.”

“Excellent. Harvey will then test your abilities. If you survive, then you can join our ranks. Fail…” and the Guardian named Douglas motioned to the stained ground, “and our groundskeeper will have to do a bit of cleaning.” Wait, this was Douglas? The same Guardian that led the Royal Guard?

Before the news sunk in Ashling’s brain, Harvey lashed forward with his carnivorous teeth, barely biting down on Ashling’s fin as she instinctively dodged. Harvey seemed a bit surprised by Ashling’s speed, but growled and lunged again towards Ashling. Every time he lashed forward to strike her, she dodged at the last second. She could see the growing anger in Harvey, but her moves slowly exhausted him while making his subsequent moves more erratic due to his embarrassment.

“Quit swimming away, Little Fish!” “She’s cheating!” “Aren’t you going to fight?” Ashling heard the jeers from the crowd, but she never lost her focus on her opponent. When she saw how tired Harvey was, breathing heavily and eyes blazing in anger, she smiled and motioned with her tail a taunt. The Banescale bore his teeth and roared furiously before making one last lunge at Ashling. But she was ready.

Even though she dodged, it wasn’t as far so she could use her tail to grab Harvey by the neck and throw him down to the ground. Before he caught his breathe, she tied her body around his, grappling his form into submission and pinning his wings down. Exhausted, Harvey could not shake off Ashling’s firm hold, even though he was using whatever strength he had left out of desperation.

The crowd suddenly quieted to the point that only Harvey’s labored breathing could be heard. Ashling’s coils would not budge, and she looked at Douglas to call the battle over. Yet, no one said one word. “Call it!” she yelled to Douglas, “He can no longer fight!”

Douglas’ eyes narrowed, “It is not over. He still lives.” Ashling was incredulous, “You want to lose a member to the Royal Guard to a simple entrance exam?” But Douglas coldly replied, “What use is it to the guard to keep a dragon that can’t even beat a new recruit? He’s too weak to keep his post if he lost to you.”

Silence continued to hang in the air, and Harvey’s eyes closed, his breathing still labored and his body ready for the final blow. Ashling gritted her teeth and then uncoiled her body from Harvey, “There’s no honor in killing a dragon unnecessarily.” Harvey opened his eyes in surprise and looked at the Undertide. “You have lost. Do what you want with your life,” Ashling said simply to Harvey. The Banescale lifted his head, uncertain what to do next.

The others in the crowd muttered while Douglas gave a scowl. Realizing that he had only short window of opportunity before Douglas did something drastic, Harvey swam off, escaping the training grounds to never again continue his lost role as a Royal Guardsdragon.

Ashling was alone in the center of the training ring, eyes fixed to Douglas. The Guardian furrowed his brow in anger and spoke, “You better not give any sympathy to your opponents in battle, or it will cost you a life, whether you or another in the guard. Show weakness like that again, and maybe I will re-test you myself to see if you are still worthy.”

The rest of the dragons dispersed, many of them showing deep disappointment (and lost coin due to their bets). Douglas motioned over one of the younger guard members, “He will show you where the newest members sleep. You will begin training with all of us early tomorrow morning before the sun rays hit the sea floor. Don’t be late.” Without another word, Douglas left Ashling floating in the middle of the training grounds. The young guardsdragon was waiting patiently for her at the training grounds’ exit.

Ashling followed the younger dragon in silence, and she could see the hesitancy and fear in the dragon’s face. When she finally reached the room, she saw that it was furnished only with a simple seaweed-woven bed, a wall with hooks for weapons and armor, and a small desk to write and do more written studies with. The other dragon fled as soon as they were able, leaving Ashling alone in the room.

The adrenaline melted out of her body the moment she was alone, and a mixture of joy and sadness bubbled in her throat. She did it! But at what cost? There was a dragon that would be marked just like her and her parents for failure, and for what? Just because he lost in a simple exam? And what of killing another dragon? She was always taught to not kill unless it was absolutely necessary. Now Douglas was threatening her life if she failed to kill whenever he deemed it appropriate. Would she be faced with the dilemma of killing an innocent life?

She needed to be able to plan and mitigate events that may lead to such an outcome. If she could be a few steps ahead of Douglas, she may not even be faced with that decision. Her mother, who could beat anyone at chess, said it best: “Plan for not only the next step, but for the entire campaign ahead.” She needed to plan out each and every “campaign” in this long chess battle. If she did, she would ultimately win the “war” and succeed at her goal of clearing her family’s name and becoming a true Royal Guardsdragon.

Exhaustion then swept over her next, and Ashling plopped on the bed, promptly falling asleep. She needed what rest she could get to be ready for tomorrow’s training, so starting now would not hurt…


@Sunken Dreams pinglist

Phew, this was a lengthier chapter, but I wanted to do Ashling justice and help the reader see how the mentality of the kingdom has changed since Dakila's arrival. With Douglas being the captain of the Royal Guard, he has been shaping the environment in the palace and surrounding city with his personality and drive.

Perhaps with Ashling in the ranks, there may be some changes in the Royal Guard's culture. Or will she fall to the darkness that has poisoned the ranks? Time will tell. Do you know who will be the point of focus in the next chapter?
yXHULpF.png Wishlist
FR+3 time
Dragons for Sale

Art Shop
Aw man, it breaks my heart to see how idealistic Ashling is, knowing the brutality that awaits her. It's going to break my heart to see it crushed out of her, I hope she can hold onto it in the cruel world that she has entered.
Aw man, it breaks my heart to see how idealistic Ashling is, knowing the brutality that awaits her. It's going to break my heart to see it crushed out of her, I hope she can hold onto it in the cruel world that she has entered.
b7742e507b7cf8e2cd71c4f2ffd5a17c3b9f9e2e.png 7ae5f576df9583faed137e7e0ca37146ab2a57b6.png
[center][url=]Previous[/url] [Color=navy][size=5][b]Chapter 79: Musical Memories[/b][/size][/color] --------------- [url=][img][/img][/url] Corbett roared victoriously over the now fallen leader of the flock. He had been aiming for this day for years, training his skills and body to face them in combat for the purpose of turning over that leadership to him. His talons were wet with blood, and he attempted to dry them using the dirt around the fallen leader’s body. When Corbett looked back up into the eyes of dragons around him, he saw fear and respect. [i]Good. Now they will follow my command and any law that I pass.[/i] His memories shot back to the time he was an adolescent hatchling, still too small to make a stand or speak up. His brother, Ajal, was viciously harassed and bullied, but he always made sure that Corbett was not subject to the same pain as he was. Corbett did not bear the same level of dark plumage as Ajal, and thus was not seen as a bad luck token within the flock. When the leader had eventually casted out Ajal, the same leader who was now dead at the claws of Corbett, Corbett was devastated (although relieved that Pleeha left with Ajal). He vowed he would invite back his brother with open wing to the flock, one way or another. Taking leadership seemed the most appropriate way in the end. With a snarl and teeth bared, Corbett commanded the flock – his flock, “See to it that his body is discarded over the cliff. He has weakened our flock by casting out family and friends by his silly superstitions and old-fashioned culture. We now know that the misfortune that we felt was beyond our wings and in the claws of a creature that is beyond our mortal imagining. If we are to face such a creature, we must be united as one, stronger together and with an open mind to ally ourselves with others that prioritize the safety of the innocent.” He looked out defiantly at those within the flock to see if anyone would challenge him, “Our first action to create that strength is to reach back out to all that have been casted out wrongly and invite them back with open wings.” None of the flock spoke up, and the few that Corbett expected some resistance from instead looked down when faced with his stare. “This will be carried out at first light tomorrow. The swiftest scouts will be sent out to deliver the messages. If any of the scouts find the whereabouts of Ajal, return to me so I can set off to deliver the same message personally,” this caused a few surprised looks in the flock, but no sound was uttered to dare interrupt Corbett, “In the meanwhile, rest up. We have a lot of work to do as we bring the flock’s power back to what it once was.” The prior leader’s nest was a magnificent one, as it was the largest in the flock’s span of woods, high amongst the treetops. Woven from many layers of twine, twigs, and other special items, it resembled an egg but with subtle pictures that were created by the weavings along its entire outer “shell.” Inside, a dragon and a mate could roost comfortably, even with the largest wingspan and length, while a large tapestry hung in the back, indicating that the nest was the home of the flock’s leader. After washing himself in a nearby river, Corbett then flew inside and settled amongst the warm blankets that made up the floor of the nest. He could not feel hunger, and his mind wanted to fight the sleep his body so desperately needed. If he knew where Ajal was, he knew he would have flown directly to his brother immediately after the battle. The hardest part was to wait for the scouts to return with the news of his brother’s whereabouts, and staying awake wasn’t going to get that information sooner as the scouts were only departing at first light tomorrow. Begrudgingly, he tucked his head under his wing and fell asleep in mere moments, with dreams of seeing his older brother again. ---------------------------------- [url=][img][/img][/url] Mia gave a huff of dismay at the tangible celebratory energy felt across Flotsam Town. Didn’t they realize they were still not safe with that beast out there? It wasn’t as though they have stopped frequently receiving a new batch of dragons and beastclans who barely survived the beast’s attack, while still losing loved ones or precious cargo. What’s the point of celebrating anything at this time? [url=][img][/img][/url] Alexandrite popped up behind Mia suddenly, “Nice to see some smiling faces for once, eh, Mia? I think Vivid did a great job trying to bring some cheer into the town.” Mia frowned, “Yeah, I guess. Doesn’t ignore what’s been going on though.” Alexandrite looked a little disheartened at Mia’s reaction, but replied, “M-m-maybe if we take a peek at the pr-pr-reparations, you may find something worth c-c-celebrating then?” The pleading look in Alexandrite’s eyes caused Mia to sigh and just nod. Where it seemed Alexandrite would not be able to find friendships based on his shy nature based on Mia’s first meeting with him, it turned completely around when they both arrived on the island. He was able to quickly set up shop and create some connections with merchants that could use rare gemstones for their wares (jewelry, statues, apparel, and more). Mia was unable to forge any new friendships though. Her passion and strength tended to intimidate those around her. Also, she wanted to go out adventuring and explore the ocean. With the sea beast still lurking, she was confined to the island, trapped like a caged bird. Her expertise was that of riding the waves of the ocean and handling a ship. What could she offer to a bunch of land lubbers who were stuck, like her, from leaving these shores? Alexandrite led the way while Mia trailed quietly behind. No matter what Alexandrite pointed out, things of wonder or fun, nothing seemed to bring a smile to her face. He was searching his mind, thinking of what his friend would like, but another merchant approached. “Hey, Alex, do you happen to know what of gemstone would be good to withstand some rough-handling? I got a project in mind, but I’m at a loss on what gems would be best to adorn it,” the merchant inquired. Alexandrite seemed torn and looked back at Mia. Shrugging, Mia replied, “Go on and help your friend. I’ll stick close by until you’re ready.” Relieved, Alexandrite turned back to the merchant, “Well, there are some options…” Mia turned away and slithered down the aisle of stalls absent-mindedly. The world felt less colorful and unfocused, but her emotions of helplessness and hopelessness clouded her mind. Even the sounds were muffled, like someone attempting to listen to a conversation through a thick door. Yet one sudden sound pierced that “door” and drew Mia’s attention. A lute that was in the forefront of the stall, leaning on a stand amongst other instruments on a woven mat, was knocked over by Mia’s tail and caused the strings to vibrate when it hit the ground. The sound stirred a memory in Mia’s mind, one that she had nearly forgotten, of when she was a hatchling at a port. She had observed a band of traveling musicians that were playing to the masses in exchange for food and coin. Each musician was able to show off their prowess, but it was the lute player that caught Mia’s ear. When she attempted to get closer, her parents scolded her from wandering off and dragged her back to the boat they were hired to board, telling her to not bother with such dragons and calling the musicians “beggars”. Her parents valued hands-on skills and frowned at the performing arts, so Mia never got the chance to look into that world and lost track of it as she got older. Mia turned back and lifted the lute gingerly from the ground. As her fingers traced the intricate carvings of the body, the shopkeeper approached readying a retort for Mia’s carelessness. Yet, as they saw how mesmerized Mia was with the instrument, the fire inside the shopkeeper faded and was replaced by curiosity. “Do you play?” they asked. Mia shook her head but strummed the strings gently, “I dreamed of playing such an instrument once…” she said in almost a whisper. The shopkeeper cocked their head to the side, “If you have the coin, I can sell you that lute. I also give lessons to those seeking to play and can teach you.” Mia looked up, eyes wide, “When do you give lessons?” The shopkeeper smiled, “Want to learn now?” After getting the right amount of treasure from her pouch, she handed the shopkeeper the coin and sat down in the space they gestured to. Alexandrite was surprised to not see Mia immediately when he finished speaking with the merchant, but not as surprised as when he found Mia curled up beside a shopkeeper who was guiding her claws to properly fit on the body and neck of the lute. He didn’t dare speak and instead watched as Mia’s eyes glittered with delight as she was able to properly hold the instrument and get a couple of notes out. [i]Seems like she was finally able to find something that she could celebrate with,[/i] mused Alexandrite. [i]Maybe I can encourage her to play something for the festival. But probably best not to scare her off either…[/i] And he laughed at the thought of “fearless Mia” being scared or nervous. [i]I’ll ask Vivid what she thinks later.[/i] Smiling to himself, he curled up nearby to listen in on Mia’s lesson. ----------------------------- @pinglist-2103 I’m very sorry I’ve been so quiet. Between getting sick multiple times (even spraining my ankle for the first time), taking care of the kids, figuring out a babysitter, and getting my mental state in a healthier space. I meant to have this posted ages ago, and most of it was written out (at least Corbett’s part). But it was harder writing for Mia, who I have a slight connection with mentally. I was able to write out her feelings in a healthier way, and I think her character is stronger for it (and I absolutely adore a wind fest skincent on her, which I had to incorporate as part of the story and which you will see later). I hope you enjoy this chapter developing some new characters in this story!
Chapter 79: Musical Memories


Corbett roared victoriously over the now fallen leader of the flock. He had been aiming for this day for years, training his skills and body to face them in combat for the purpose of turning over that leadership to him.

His talons were wet with blood, and he attempted to dry them using the dirt around the fallen leader’s body. When Corbett looked back up into the eyes of dragons around him, he saw fear and respect. Good. Now they will follow my command and any law that I pass.

His memories shot back to the time he was an adolescent hatchling, still too small to make a stand or speak up. His brother, Ajal, was viciously harassed and bullied, but he always made sure that Corbett was not subject to the same pain as he was. Corbett did not bear the same level of dark plumage as Ajal, and thus was not seen as a bad luck token within the flock.

When the leader had eventually casted out Ajal, the same leader who was now dead at the claws of Corbett, Corbett was devastated (although relieved that Pleeha left with Ajal). He vowed he would invite back his brother with open wing to the flock, one way or another. Taking leadership seemed the most appropriate way in the end.

With a snarl and teeth bared, Corbett commanded the flock – his flock, “See to it that his body is discarded over the cliff. He has weakened our flock by casting out family and friends by his silly superstitions and old-fashioned culture. We now know that the misfortune that we felt was beyond our wings and in the claws of a creature that is beyond our mortal imagining. If we are to face such a creature, we must be united as one, stronger together and with an open mind to ally ourselves with others that prioritize the safety of the innocent.”

He looked out defiantly at those within the flock to see if anyone would challenge him, “Our first action to create that strength is to reach back out to all that have been casted out wrongly and invite them back with open wings.” None of the flock spoke up, and the few that Corbett expected some resistance from instead looked down when faced with his stare.

“This will be carried out at first light tomorrow. The swiftest scouts will be sent out to deliver the messages. If any of the scouts find the whereabouts of Ajal, return to me so I can set off to deliver the same message personally,” this caused a few surprised looks in the flock, but no sound was uttered to dare interrupt Corbett, “In the meanwhile, rest up. We have a lot of work to do as we bring the flock’s power back to what it once was.”

The prior leader’s nest was a magnificent one, as it was the largest in the flock’s span of woods, high amongst the treetops. Woven from many layers of twine, twigs, and other special items, it resembled an egg but with subtle pictures that were created by the weavings along its entire outer “shell.” Inside, a dragon and a mate could roost comfortably, even with the largest wingspan and length, while a large tapestry hung in the back, indicating that the nest was the home of the flock’s leader.

After washing himself in a nearby river, Corbett then flew inside and settled amongst the warm blankets that made up the floor of the nest. He could not feel hunger, and his mind wanted to fight the sleep his body so desperately needed. If he knew where Ajal was, he knew he would have flown directly to his brother immediately after the battle. The hardest part was to wait for the scouts to return with the news of his brother’s whereabouts, and staying awake wasn’t going to get that information sooner as the scouts were only departing at first light tomorrow.

Begrudgingly, he tucked his head under his wing and fell asleep in mere moments, with dreams of seeing his older brother again.


Mia gave a huff of dismay at the tangible celebratory energy felt across Flotsam Town. Didn’t they realize they were still not safe with that beast out there? It wasn’t as though they have stopped frequently receiving a new batch of dragons and beastclans who barely survived the beast’s attack, while still losing loved ones or precious cargo. What’s the point of celebrating anything at this time?


Alexandrite popped up behind Mia suddenly, “Nice to see some smiling faces for once, eh, Mia? I think Vivid did a great job trying to bring some cheer into the town.” Mia frowned, “Yeah, I guess. Doesn’t ignore what’s been going on though.” Alexandrite looked a little disheartened at Mia’s reaction, but replied, “M-m-maybe if we take a peek at the pr-pr-reparations, you may find something worth c-c-celebrating then?”

The pleading look in Alexandrite’s eyes caused Mia to sigh and just nod. Where it seemed Alexandrite would not be able to find friendships based on his shy nature based on Mia’s first meeting with him, it turned completely around when they both arrived on the island. He was able to quickly set up shop and create some connections with merchants that could use rare gemstones for their wares (jewelry, statues, apparel, and more).

Mia was unable to forge any new friendships though. Her passion and strength tended to intimidate those around her. Also, she wanted to go out adventuring and explore the ocean. With the sea beast still lurking, she was confined to the island, trapped like a caged bird. Her expertise was that of riding the waves of the ocean and handling a ship. What could she offer to a bunch of land lubbers who were stuck, like her, from leaving these shores?

Alexandrite led the way while Mia trailed quietly behind. No matter what Alexandrite pointed out, things of wonder or fun, nothing seemed to bring a smile to her face. He was searching his mind, thinking of what his friend would like, but another merchant approached.

“Hey, Alex, do you happen to know what of gemstone would be good to withstand some rough-handling? I got a project in mind, but I’m at a loss on what gems would be best to adorn it,” the merchant inquired. Alexandrite seemed torn and looked back at Mia. Shrugging, Mia replied, “Go on and help your friend. I’ll stick close by until you’re ready.” Relieved, Alexandrite turned back to the merchant, “Well, there are some options…”

Mia turned away and slithered down the aisle of stalls absent-mindedly. The world felt less colorful and unfocused, but her emotions of helplessness and hopelessness clouded her mind. Even the sounds were muffled, like someone attempting to listen to a conversation through a thick door. Yet one sudden sound pierced that “door” and drew Mia’s attention.

A lute that was in the forefront of the stall, leaning on a stand amongst other instruments on a woven mat, was knocked over by Mia’s tail and caused the strings to vibrate when it hit the ground. The sound stirred a memory in Mia’s mind, one that she had nearly forgotten, of when she was a hatchling at a port. She had observed a band of traveling musicians that were playing to the masses in exchange for food and coin. Each musician was able to show off their prowess, but it was the lute player that caught Mia’s ear. When she attempted to get closer, her parents scolded her from wandering off and dragged her back to the boat they were hired to board, telling her to not bother with such dragons and calling the musicians “beggars”. Her parents valued hands-on skills and frowned at the performing arts, so Mia never got the chance to look into that world and lost track of it as she got older.

Mia turned back and lifted the lute gingerly from the ground. As her fingers traced the intricate carvings of the body, the shopkeeper approached readying a retort for Mia’s carelessness. Yet, as they saw how mesmerized Mia was with the instrument, the fire inside the shopkeeper faded and was replaced by curiosity.

“Do you play?” they asked. Mia shook her head but strummed the strings gently, “I dreamed of playing such an instrument once…” she said in almost a whisper. The shopkeeper cocked their head to the side, “If you have the coin, I can sell you that lute. I also give lessons to those seeking to play and can teach you.”

Mia looked up, eyes wide, “When do you give lessons?” The shopkeeper smiled, “Want to learn now?” After getting the right amount of treasure from her pouch, she handed the shopkeeper the coin and sat down in the space they gestured to.

Alexandrite was surprised to not see Mia immediately when he finished speaking with the merchant, but not as surprised as when he found Mia curled up beside a shopkeeper who was guiding her claws to properly fit on the body and neck of the lute. He didn’t dare speak and instead watched as Mia’s eyes glittered with delight as she was able to properly hold the instrument and get a couple of notes out.

Seems like she was finally able to find something that she could celebrate with, mused Alexandrite. Maybe I can encourage her to play something for the festival. But probably best not to scare her off either… And he laughed at the thought of “fearless Mia” being scared or nervous. I’ll ask Vivid what she thinks later. Smiling to himself, he curled up nearby to listen in on Mia’s lesson.

@Sunken Dreams pinglist

I’m very sorry I’ve been so quiet. Between getting sick multiple times (even spraining my ankle for the first time), taking care of the kids, figuring out a babysitter, and getting my mental state in a healthier space. I meant to have this posted ages ago, and most of it was written out (at least Corbett’s part). But it was harder writing for Mia, who I have a slight connection with mentally. I was able to write out her feelings in a healthier way, and I think her character is stronger for it (and I absolutely adore a wind fest skincent on her, which I had to incorporate as part of the story and which you will see later). I hope you enjoy this chapter developing some new characters in this story!
yXHULpF.png Wishlist
FR+3 time
Dragons for Sale

Art Shop
@Petall I hope she can hold on to her ideals through this tough journey ahead of her too. Time will tell...hope you have been well since I haven't seen any new chapters from you in a while. Sending positive vibes your way [emoji=familiar heart size=1]
I hope she can hold on to her ideals through this tough journey ahead of her too. Time will tell...hope you have been well since I haven't seen any new chapters from you in a while. Sending positive vibes your way
yXHULpF.png Wishlist
FR+3 time
Dragons for Sale

Art Shop
Ohohohohoho, I really liked Corbett's part, what a fierce little guy! Alexandrite and Mia are also super sweet!

I'm doing well, I'm just a bit burnt out of writing it seems. I'm definitely going to be back and continue my stories someday, but I am not yet sure when that will be! Rn, when I do have the creative energy, I'm working on catching up with bios, because there are some new dragons I want to finish bios of before I return to writing.
Ohohohohoho, I really liked Corbett's part, what a fierce little guy! Alexandrite and Mia are also super sweet!

I'm doing well, I'm just a bit burnt out of writing it seems. I'm definitely going to be back and continue my stories someday, but I am not yet sure when that will be! Rn, when I do have the creative energy, I'm working on catching up with bios, because there are some new dragons I want to finish bios of before I return to writing.
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