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TOPIC | Breeding Mentorship Hub - DWF
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@archwulf Thank you so much for your detailed response in regards to my Rose breeding project! Most definitely, I've noticed that I've got the reds narrowed down nicely however I was struggling with the greens within the coloration, so your explanation, tips, and advice helped greatly with approaching this dream project of mine [emoji=rose size=1]
@archwulf Thank you so much for your detailed response in regards to my Rose breeding project!
Most definitely, I've noticed that I've got the reds narrowed down nicely however I was struggling with the greens within the coloration, so your explanation, tips, and advice helped greatly with approaching this dream project of mine

hi!!!! i love that this place exists, it's really lovely and i'm very grateful for it :) i'm kind of new here (made an account 3 years ago, only just started actually playing) and i have a couple breeding projects going that i could use some help on. one of them is pretty simple, because i have a good starter dragon and i'm just breeding for triple basic, so i only have to worry about colors, not genes. (my only concern is that i want a tertiary color in the white range, and my starter dragon's tertiary is shale [emoji=fae deadpan size=2]) my other project, though, is trickier. my GOAL is something like this: [morphology=4525956] -- with the secondary and primary genes being less important, but the nudibranch being VERY IMPORTANT. and i got a nudibranch undertide, but that was before i learned much about breeding, so....i'm kinda flailing, i guess? i'm trying to collect a good pool (hehe) of undertides to work from, but it's slow progress, and i'm not really sure what i should be looking for. (you can see what i have in the pool tab of my lair.) any advice is appreciated!! thank you so much!!
hi!!!! i love that this place exists, it's really lovely and i'm very grateful for it :) i'm kind of new here (made an account 3 years ago, only just started actually playing) and i have a couple breeding projects going that i could use some help on. one of them is pretty simple, because i have a good starter dragon and i'm just breeding for triple basic, so i only have to worry about colors, not genes. (my only concern is that i want a tertiary color in the white range, and my starter dragon's tertiary is shale )
my other project, though, is trickier. my GOAL is something like this:

-- with the secondary and primary genes being less important, but the nudibranch being VERY IMPORTANT. and i got a nudibranch undertide, but that was before i learned much about breeding, so....i'm kinda flailing, i guess? i'm trying to collect a good pool (hehe) of undertides to work from, but it's slow progress, and i'm not really sure what i should be looking for. (you can see what i have in the pool tab of my lair.)
any advice is appreciated!! thank you so much!!
A brown Xenopus frog looking up with cute green eyes, accented with 'Lil Bud' in green text and a tiny green heart.[/col] Agender (Agender flag)
Any Pronoun (Agender flag)
Pan (Pan flag)
Polyamorous (Polyamorous flag)
Queerplatonic (Queerplatonic flag)
ADHD (ADHD flag)
System (Ampersand symbol)
Blaseball (baseball image)
Seedling (nature icon)

I see you have a couple of nudibranch dragons now, so you're off to a good start. Lumi and Fathom with their sparkle and jellyfish are going to trip you up though. As nudibranch is a limited gene and sparkle and jellyfish are uncommon. If you're ever unsure of rarity, make sure to check the breeding rarity comparisons guide Pix has linked on the first page of this thread. Going forward, you have two options:
  1. Nudibranch is a Baldwin gene, and one that only requires level 8 to brew. You could just ignore the tert gene and gene up the goal dragon later
  2. Or, if you are determined to breed it in (and/or for the primary and secondary genes you'd like), there's something we in the DWF community call the "smirch trick". There are a handful of limited genes on fr that are super cheap to get. Smirch was the original one, but now there are several from coli and from Arlo's. Also Carnivore, if you do achievements, is pretty easy to get. So if you'd like to continue breeding for nudibranch, you don't have to get rid of those two dragons I highlighted, you could just give them some cheap undertide terts. It looks to me that Featherbeard is the cheapest on the AH, but if you happen to have any others on hand any will work as long as they're limited.

Tl;dr: Nudibranch is relatively easy to brew (and Foam can be dug up at Arlos) and you could go the easy route and ignore genes. But if you want to breed in genes, try to make sure anything you're breeding against the desired gene has at least equal or higher rarity genes.

I see you have a couple of nudibranch dragons now, so you're off to a good start. Lumi and Fathom with their sparkle and jellyfish are going to trip you up though. As nudibranch is a limited gene and sparkle and jellyfish are uncommon. If you're ever unsure of rarity, make sure to check the breeding rarity comparisons guide Pix has linked on the first page of this thread. Going forward, you have two options:
  1. Nudibranch is a Baldwin gene, and one that only requires level 8 to brew. You could just ignore the tert gene and gene up the goal dragon later
  2. Or, if you are determined to breed it in (and/or for the primary and secondary genes you'd like), there's something we in the DWF community call the "smirch trick". There are a handful of limited genes on fr that are super cheap to get. Smirch was the original one, but now there are several from coli and from Arlo's. Also Carnivore, if you do achievements, is pretty easy to get. So if you'd like to continue breeding for nudibranch, you don't have to get rid of those two dragons I highlighted, you could just give them some cheap undertide terts. It looks to me that Featherbeard is the cheapest on the AH, but if you happen to have any others on hand any will work as long as they're limited.

Tl;dr: Nudibranch is relatively easy to brew (and Foam can be dug up at Arlos) and you could go the easy route and ignore genes. But if you want to breed in genes, try to make sure anything you're breeding against the desired gene has at least equal or higher rarity genes.
@moondragon83 Adding onto what SongOfSummer said, the next thing you need to worry about is colors. Ganondorf's breeding guide has pretty good information on figuring out how far your starting dragons colors are out corresponds to how many pairs you need. For that scry, I'd be surprised if you had to start more than 20 colors out, but you can probably get away with 10. Honestly, which that project there's a chance it'd be cheaper to breed moderns for the right color, than turn her into an undertide and gene rather than breeding everything in. That's your choicr though.
For a starting point, here's a AH with undertide tert genes that are at the same level of rarity as nudibranch or higher
@moondragon83 Adding onto what SongOfSummer said, the next thing you need to worry about is colors. Ganondorf's breeding guide has pretty good information on figuring out how far your starting dragons colors are out corresponds to how many pairs you need. For that scry, I'd be surprised if you had to start more than 20 colors out, but you can probably get away with 10. Honestly, which that project there's a chance it'd be cheaper to breed moderns for the right color, than turn her into an undertide and gene rather than breeding everything in. That's your choicr though.
For a starting point, here's a AH with undertide tert genes that are at the same level of rarity as nudibranch or higher
Previously Oakensleaf
FR +3
@SongofSummer weeeellll, unfortunately, i'm still trying to reach level 4 in baldwin, so it'll be...a while before i reach level 8. (still, i'll keep it in mind as an option!)

ooh, yes, i've heard of the Smirch Trick! that definitely sounds worth a try, thank you!

@Saturnpunk yeah, i've definitely checked out ganondorf-- i think for this project i could maybe try the pyramid method, if i could get enough dragons for it? i think you're right about the colors, they seem pretty easy to find. and thank you very much for the auction house link!!! i think i'm gonna see what i can find within a good color range on that and go from there :)
@SongofSummer weeeellll, unfortunately, i'm still trying to reach level 4 in baldwin, so it'll be...a while before i reach level 8. (still, i'll keep it in mind as an option!)

ooh, yes, i've heard of the Smirch Trick! that definitely sounds worth a try, thank you!

@Saturnpunk yeah, i've definitely checked out ganondorf-- i think for this project i could maybe try the pyramid method, if i could get enough dragons for it? i think you're right about the colors, they seem pretty easy to find. and thank you very much for the auction house link!!! i think i'm gonna see what i can find within a good color range on that and go from there :)
A brown Xenopus frog looking up with cute green eyes, accented with 'Lil Bud' in green text and a tiny green heart.[/col] Agender (Agender flag)
Any Pronoun (Agender flag)
Pan (Pan flag)
Polyamorous (Polyamorous flag)
Queerplatonic (Queerplatonic flag)
ADHD (ADHD flag)
System (Ampersand symbol)
Blaseball (baseball image)
Seedling (nature icon)

I'm glad if something in my ramblings has helped you out! Please don't be shy to drop back in here with updates of how it's going/ping me on your thread, I'd love to see your progress :D

I'm glad if something in my ramblings has helped you out! Please don't be shy to drop back in here with updates of how it's going/ping me on your thread, I'd love to see your progress :D
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