

Make Flight Rising better by sharing your ideas!
TOPIC | Tertiary Layer Custom Placement
As it stands, the way dragon details are layered goes, from topmost to bottom:

Something I think would be beneficial to skinmakers and allow for all types of new creative designs would be a way to arrange the tertiary above the skin layer in the apparel menu for our dragons, much like how we already layer clothing items. This would allow for many linebreaking ancient tertiaries to harmonize with skins not otherwise designed for them, and relieve artists of having to possibly make multiple versions of a skin to accommodate certain tertiaries.

This would lessen the number of blueprints submitted and purchased, but I think it would balance out by increasing the number of tertiary gene scrolls that get purchased. How many out there would give their veilspun Beetle or Diaphanous, or their undertide Tentacles or Nudibranch, if it meant their favorite skin for that dragon wouldn't cut it off in weird places?

I know that the way things are currently generated would not allow for this type of rearranging, but hey. If staff ever revamp it, I hope this is something they would consider.
As it stands, the way dragon details are layered goes, from topmost to bottom:

Something I think would be beneficial to skinmakers and allow for all types of new creative designs would be a way to arrange the tertiary above the skin layer in the apparel menu for our dragons, much like how we already layer clothing items. This would allow for many linebreaking ancient tertiaries to harmonize with skins not otherwise designed for them, and relieve artists of having to possibly make multiple versions of a skin to accommodate certain tertiaries.

This would lessen the number of blueprints submitted and purchased, but I think it would balance out by increasing the number of tertiary gene scrolls that get purchased. How many out there would give their veilspun Beetle or Diaphanous, or their undertide Tentacles or Nudibranch, if it meant their favorite skin for that dragon wouldn't cut it off in weird places?

I know that the way things are currently generated would not allow for this type of rearranging, but hey. If staff ever revamp it, I hope this is something they would consider.
support, I run into issues so many times with skins clipping weirdly with the linebreakers on my ancients (the biggest glaring example being skins that cover the belly on aethers with flutter, or how one of my undertides is currently accent-less because nothing clips right with his tentacles tert) and being able to just nudge the tert to the top of the stack (below the eyes still ofc) would solve that entirely
support, I run into issues so many times with skins clipping weirdly with the linebreakers on my ancients (the biggest glaring example being skins that cover the belly on aethers with flutter, or how one of my undertides is currently accent-less because nothing clips right with his tentacles tert) and being able to just nudge the tert to the top of the stack (below the eyes still ofc) would solve that entirely
Support. You often have to choose between a skin or a linebreaking tert, and when those are the only ones to really make your Ancient stand out and really customize them, it becomes quite an issue. Been really running into this issue a lot lately trying to find a decent skin for one of my Dusthides - pretty much every skin I've seen has something draping over the neck and it always clips really badly with Antler. If I could just layer it under Antler so that neck section isn't weirdly clipping, I'd be able to finally use literally any Dusthide skin.

Now a lot of people are going to come in here saying that it can't be done because of how the image generation works - which is fair. But the fact of the matter is that only staff knows how these things really work, and so only staff can tell us if a suggestion literally cannot be done without a major overhaul of their system. If there's a chance it could be done, it's a good idea that we as users tell them it's something we'd be really interested in and why!
Support. You often have to choose between a skin or a linebreaking tert, and when those are the only ones to really make your Ancient stand out and really customize them, it becomes quite an issue. Been really running into this issue a lot lately trying to find a decent skin for one of my Dusthides - pretty much every skin I've seen has something draping over the neck and it always clips really badly with Antler. If I could just layer it under Antler so that neck section isn't weirdly clipping, I'd be able to finally use literally any Dusthide skin.

Now a lot of people are going to come in here saying that it can't be done because of how the image generation works - which is fair. But the fact of the matter is that only staff knows how these things really work, and so only staff can tell us if a suggestion literally cannot be done without a major overhaul of their system. If there's a chance it could be done, it's a good idea that we as users tell them it's something we'd be really interested in and why!
Book of Eldritch Horror
-He/They, +8 FR Time
-Lore and Fandragon enthusiast, love to talk!
-Wishlist! / Skin Idea Generator
Lurching Tome
support; as well as extending it to be able to shove the tert above the eyes, finnaly solving the "eyes over line breaker" issue
support; as well as extending it to be able to shove the tert above the eyes, finnaly solving the "eyes over line breaker" issue
Almandine Andesine Chrysoberyl Prehnite Jade


If anything, I might guess this would increase the number of blueprints purchased while decreasing the total number of items on the site. I know that I, a sample size of one, haven't purchased some great UMAs because the dragon I would use them on has or is planned to have something like Beard or Rockbreaker. At the same time, artists who wanted to accommodate players with linebreaking dragons wouldn't need to submit a second design and create a second skin item so the site wouldn't get clogged with variations of the same skin with different shapes cut out of it.

I also posted the exact same thread a few hours after this one was made, thank you @Drudenkreuz for pointing it out! Still not sure how I missed it...

If anything, I might guess this would increase the number of blueprints purchased while decreasing the total number of items on the site. I know that I, a sample size of one, haven't purchased some great UMAs because the dragon I would use them on has or is planned to have something like Beard or Rockbreaker. At the same time, artists who wanted to accommodate players with linebreaking dragons wouldn't need to submit a second design and create a second skin item so the site wouldn't get clogged with variations of the same skin with different shapes cut out of it.

I also posted the exact same thread a few hours after this one was made, thank you @Drudenkreuz for pointing it out! Still not sure how I missed it...
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the Vanguard
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Two threads of the same subject within a few hours just shows how much people are thinking about it! Skins on the brain after the revamp. [quote name="Gemmi" date="2024-04-29 16:19:23" ] support; as well as extending it to be able to shove the tert above the eyes, finnaly solving the "eyes over line breaker" issue [/quote] I didn't even realize some eye types clipped over some genes. All the more reason for something like this to be an option.
Two threads of the same subject within a few hours just shows how much people are thinking about it! Skins on the brain after the revamp.
Gemmi wrote on 2024-04-29 16:19:23:
support; as well as extending it to be able to shove the tert above the eyes, finnaly solving the "eyes over line breaker" issue

I didn't even realize some eye types clipped over some genes. All the more reason for something like this to be an option.
huh... That's actually a really tidy and simple way of solving a user complaint. Support!
huh... That's actually a really tidy and simple way of solving a user complaint. Support!