
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | [Dom Watch] Cozy Sleepover :3
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[center][img][/img][br][br] [img][/img][/center][br] [center]Time for a nice little sleepover with Earth's newest friends :3 Surely those ghost stories were just meant to scare the hatchlings...[/center][br][br][br] [columns][color=transparent]>>>>>>[/color][nextcol] [img][/img] [nextcol][color=transparent]>>[/color][nextcol]----- [size=5][b][font=Helvetica][color=#000000]WHO'S CURRENTLY PUSHING?[/color][/font][/b][/size][br][size=4] [color=#000000]- Earth is conquest pushing - Arcane is profit pushing [/size] -----[nextcol][color=transparent]<<[/color][nextcol] [img][/img] [img][/img][nextcol][color=transparent] <<<<<[/color][/columns] [br] [center][img][/img][/center] [size=5][font=Helvetica][b]FLIGHT DOMINANCE LINKS[/b][/font][/size][br][columns][size=4] [img][/img] [b][color=#A0522D]Earth[/color][/b] - [url=]OOF Raffle[/url] - [url=]Art for Fodder[/url] - [url=]I-F Raffle[/url] - [url=]More Activities~[/url] [nextcol][size=4][br][img][/img] [b][color=#FF00FF]Arcane[/color][/b] - [url=]I-F Raffle[/url] - [url=]I-F Treasure Hunt[/url] - [url=]All-Flight Dress to Impress[/url] [nextcol][size=4][br][img][/img] [b][color=#0000FF]Water[/color][/b] - [url=]Festival Events! [emoji=water rune][/url] [/size][/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [br] [columns] [color=transparent]>[/color][nextcol][br][br][br] [img][/img] [nextcol][color=transparent]>[/color][nextcol]---------- [size=5][font=Helvetica][b][color=#000000]ANNOUNCED UPCOMING PUSHES (next 4 months)[/color][/b][/font][/size][br][size=4] [color=#000000]- [b]Apr 28 - May 4:[/b] Ice (Conquest)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]May 5 - May 11:[/b] Shadow (Conquest, Mother's Day)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]May 12 - May 18:[/b] Wind (Conquest)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]May 19 - May 25:[/b] Nature (Festival), Lightning (Profit)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]May 26 - Jun 1:[/b] Fire (Conquest, In-Flight), Plague (Profit), Arcane (Profit)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Jun 2 - Jun 8:[/b] Shadow (Conquest)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Jun 9 - Jun 15:[/b] Earth (Conquest, Father's Day)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Jun 16 - Jun 22:[/b] Light (Festival)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Jun 23 - Jun 29:[/b] Light (Conquest, Double Dom)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Jun 30 - Jul 6:[/b] Ice (Conquest)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Jul 7 - Jul 13:[/b] Wind (Conquest, Double Dom)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Jul 14 - Jul 20:[/b] Wind (Conquest, Double Dom)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Jul 21 - Jul 27:[/b] Lightning (Festival)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Jul 28 - Aug 3:[/b] Nature (Conquest, w/ Arcane), Arcane (Profit, House Cup, w/ Nature)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Aug 4 - Aug 10:[/b] Earth (Profit)[/color] [/size] [nextcol][color=transparent]<<[/color][nextcol] [/columns] [br] The above list is only for announced upcoming pushes. [u][url=]The full list (up to a year from now) is available HERE[/url][/u]. [b]Flights are not required to announce their plans or decide in advance if they will push[/b], so this list is not comprehensive or certain.[br] Dom Watch [b]encourages flights to mention any other relevant push details if there are any[/b] (for example, involving OOF participation or the intensity of their pushes.) [br][br] [columns][color=transparent]>>>>>>>>>>>>[/color][nextcol]---------- [size=5][font=Helvetica][b][color=#000000]RESERVE POSTS (next 4 months)[/color][/b][/font][/size][br][size=4] [color=#000000]- [b]Apr 28 - May 4:[/b] Ice (?)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]May 5 - May 11:[/b] Shadow (HoneyedBee, Seradis)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]May 12 - May 18:[/b] Wind (cloudydawn, Rifter)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]May 19 - May 25:[/b] Nature (Goldia, kirathekat, alyblaith), Lightning (Kywren, DeadlyInformant)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]May 26 - Jun 1:[/b] Fire (eieru, furo, blazebrem), Plague (Ranmaru, Instar, Peyp), Arcane (QueenAlais, Neffi)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Jun 2 - Jun 8:[/b] Shadow (HoneyedBee, Seradis)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Jun 16 - Jun 22:[/b] Light (Dessy)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Jun 23 - Jun 29:[/b] Light (Dessy)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Jun 30 - Jul 6:[/b] Ice (DeviBrigard, October)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Jul 14 - Jul 20:[/b] Wind (cloudydawn, Rifter)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Jul 21 - Jul 27:[/b] Lightning (Kywren, DeadlyInformant)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Jul 28 - Aug 3:[/b] Nature (Goldia, kirathekat, alyblaith), Arcane (QueenAlais, Neffi)[/color] [/size] [nextcol][color=transparent]<[/color][nextcol][br][br][br] [img][/img][nextcol][color=transparent]<<<<<<<<<<<<[/color] [/columns] [br] This is a list of reserve posts requested by flight representatives. This option is available for flight-run pushes or push preparations that will run during the specified week. Flights are not required to reserve posts, and if no representative is specified, it will be assumed that the flight does not want a reserve post for that week.[br] Out of respect for pushing flights, reserve posters should always give priority to flights that are pushing during that week. Pushing flights should all get their reserved posts [i]before[/i] other flights. Please [b]do not[/b] announce that your flight is pushing if your flight isn't going to be primarily exalting dragons to your deity, as this would unfairly bump your flight up in the reserve post priority. [br][br][br] [columns][color=transparent]>[/color][nextcol] [img][/img][nextcol] [color=transparent]>[nextcol]----- [size=5][b][color=#000000][font=Helvetica]Push Announcements, Post Reservations, and Advertising[/font][/color][/b][/size] -----[nextcol][color=transparent]<[/color][nextcol] [img][/img][nextcol] [color=transparent]<[/color][/columns] [br] Feel free to ping, PM, leave a profile message, yodel, smoke signal, or carrier pigeon the current host if you'd like to announce that your flight has a planned push and/or would like to reserve a front page post in a future thread.[br] Dom Watch is a Dominance discussion thread, so we will only advertise threads that are very specifically Dominance-related in the OP. These include, but are not limited to: Dominance raffles, fodder buys, art for fodder threads. The only exception is during elemental holidays, where we will also advertise the flight's event hub.[br] Advertising other things (such as mercenary threads and personal raffles) are totally fine to do in the thread, but please take care not to overwhelm the discussion![br] Thanks everyone and have fun Dom Watching![br][br][br] ---------- [br] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][color=transparent]>>>[/color][nextcol] [size=6][url=][font=Helvetica][b]Dom Watch Ping List Google Form[/b][/font][/url][/size][br] [size=4][color=#000000](Want to get a ping whenever a new Dom Watch thread is up? Click the link above to add yourself!)[/color][/size][br] [/columns][br] Fill out the form to automatically add or remove yourself. Only your most recent response will count. You will be pinged once a week when a new Dom Watch thread is posted. The list itself will only be viewable by Dom Watch hosts and the ping list helpers.[br] Helpers: [b][url=]October[/url][/b], [b][url=]KyloRen[/url][/b][br] Please message above ping list helpers if you cannot use Google Forms, if you would like your name permanently excluded from the list, or if any other complications arise.[br] [br][br] ---------- [br] [columns][size=5][color=#000000][font=Helvetica][b]Dom Watching Resources:[/b][/font][/color][/size] [br][size=4]- [b][url=]Dom Watch Tracker[/url][/b][color=#000000] - Old DW links, history, statistics, and graphs galore![/color][br] - [b][url=]Dominance Tracker Guide[/url][/b] [color=#000000]by[/color] [url=]Alisette[/url][color=#000000] - Dom winners from the beginning of FR to now![/color][br] - [b][url=]Mercenary Group List[/url][/b][color=#000000] - A list of each flight's mercenary group. Maintained by[/color] [url=]Cinderfire[/url].[br] - [b][url=]Dominance, Flights, and You[/url][/b] [color=#000000]by[/color] [url=]Argante[/url][color=#000000] - An introduction to dominance and how to get involved![br][/size][nextcol] [color=transparent]<<<[/color][nextcol][img][/img][/columns] [br][br] [columns][img][/img][br][br][br][br] [nextcol][color=transparent]>>>[/color][nextcol][size=4][font=Helvetica][color=#000000][b]Credits:[/b][/color][/font][/size][br] [url=]Arekuru[/url][color=#000000] - DW Creator and original host from Dec 2014 Pilot to Sep 2015.[/color] [url=]Banyan[/url][color=#000000] - Dom Watch banner artist.[/color] [url=]Sylvandyr[/url][color=#000000] - Host from Sep 2015 to Apr 2016 and Jul 2017 to March 2018. Dom Watch Tracker Helper.[/color] [url=]acheronta[/url][color=#000000] - Host from Apr 2016 to Jul 2017.[/color] [url=]October[/url][color=#000000] - Host from March 2018 to June 2018. Current host starting from March 2019.[/color] [url=]Blanche[/url][color=#000000] - Host in hiatus. Current host starting from June 2018.[/color] [url=]Cinderfire[/url][color=#000000] - Host from June 2018 to March 2020.[/color] [url=]Sadistic[/url][color=#000000] - Current host starting from April 2020. Guest host from December 2019 to April 2020.[/color] [url=]KyloRen[/url][color=#000000] - Ping list helper.[/color] [url=]Osiem[/url][color=#000000] - Artist for the Flight Rising and neutral flags used in this thread.[/color] [url=]PoisonedPaper[/url][color=#000000] - Artist for the recolored assets (swords, quill, statues and books) used in this thread.[/color] [url=]Monotonous[/url][color=#000000] - BBCode helper.[/color][/columns]


Time for a nice little sleepover with Earth's newest friends :3 Surely those ghost stories were just meant to scare the hatchlings...

>>>>>> frvs1a.png >>

- Earth is conquest pushing
- Arcane is profit pushing

<< frvs1a.png



- OOF Raffle
- Art for Fodder
- I-F Raffle
- More Activities~

- I-F Raffle
- I-F Treasure Hunt
- All-Flight Dress to Impress

- Festival Events!



- Apr 28 - May 4: Ice (Conquest)
- May 5 - May 11: Shadow (Conquest, Mother's Day)
- May 12 - May 18: Wind (Conquest)
- May 19 - May 25: Nature (Festival), Lightning (Profit)
- May 26 - Jun 1: Fire (Conquest, In-Flight), Plague (Profit), Arcane (Profit)
- Jun 2 - Jun 8: Shadow (Conquest)
- Jun 9 - Jun 15: Earth (Conquest, Father's Day)
- Jun 16 - Jun 22: Light (Festival)
- Jun 23 - Jun 29: Light (Conquest, Double Dom)
- Jun 30 - Jul 6: Ice (Conquest)
- Jul 7 - Jul 13: Wind (Conquest, Double Dom)
- Jul 14 - Jul 20: Wind (Conquest, Double Dom)
- Jul 21 - Jul 27: Lightning (Festival)
- Jul 28 - Aug 3: Nature (Conquest, w/ Arcane), Arcane (Profit, House Cup, w/ Nature)
- Aug 4 - Aug 10: Earth (Profit)

The above list is only for announced upcoming pushes. The full list (up to a year from now) is available HERE. Flights are not required to announce their plans or decide in advance if they will push, so this list is not comprehensive or certain.

Dom Watch encourages flights to mention any other relevant push details if there are any (for example, involving OOF participation or the intensity of their pushes.)

RESERVE POSTS (next 4 months)

- Apr 28 - May 4: Ice (?)
- May 5 - May 11: Shadow (HoneyedBee, Seradis)
- May 12 - May 18: Wind (cloudydawn, Rifter)
- May 19 - May 25: Nature (Goldia, kirathekat, alyblaith), Lightning (Kywren, DeadlyInformant)
- May 26 - Jun 1: Fire (eieru, furo, blazebrem), Plague (Ranmaru, Instar, Peyp), Arcane (QueenAlais, Neffi)
- Jun 2 - Jun 8: Shadow (HoneyedBee, Seradis)
- Jun 16 - Jun 22: Light (Dessy)
- Jun 23 - Jun 29: Light (Dessy)
- Jun 30 - Jul 6: Ice (DeviBrigard, October)
- Jul 14 - Jul 20: Wind (cloudydawn, Rifter)
- Jul 21 - Jul 27: Lightning (Kywren, DeadlyInformant)
- Jul 28 - Aug 3: Nature (Goldia, kirathekat, alyblaith), Arcane (QueenAlais, Neffi)


This is a list of reserve posts requested by flight representatives. This option is available for flight-run pushes or push preparations that will run during the specified week. Flights are not required to reserve posts, and if no representative is specified, it will be assumed that the flight does not want a reserve post for that week.

Out of respect for pushing flights, reserve posters should always give priority to flights that are pushing during that week. Pushing flights should all get their reserved posts before other flights. Please do not announce that your flight is pushing if your flight isn't going to be primarily exalting dragons to your deity, as this would unfairly bump your flight up in the reserve post priority.

> Grotesque-2-L.png >
Push Announcements, Post Reservations, and Advertising
< Grotesque-2-R.png <

Feel free to ping, PM, leave a profile message, yodel, smoke signal, or carrier pigeon the current host if you'd like to announce that your flight has a planned push and/or would like to reserve a front page post in a future thread.

Dom Watch is a Dominance discussion thread, so we will only advertise threads that are very specifically Dominance-related in the OP. These include, but are not limited to: Dominance raffles, fodder buys, art for fodder threads. The only exception is during elemental holidays, where we will also advertise the flight's event hub.

Advertising other things (such as mercenary threads and personal raffles) are totally fine to do in the thread, but please take care not to overwhelm the discussion!

Thanks everyone and have fun Dom Watching!

HZs3l3c.png >>> Dom Watch Ping List Google Form

(Want to get a ping whenever a new Dom Watch thread is up? Click the link above to add yourself!)

Fill out the form to automatically add or remove yourself. Only your most recent response will count. You will be pinged once a week when a new Dom Watch thread is posted. The list itself will only be viewable by Dom Watch hosts and the ping list helpers.

Helpers: October, KyloRen

Please message above ping list helpers if you cannot use Google Forms, if you would like your name permanently excluded from the list, or if any other complications arise.

Dom Watching Resources:

- Dom Watch Tracker - Old DW links, history, statistics, and graphs galore!

- Dominance Tracker Guide by Alisette - Dom winners from the beginning of FR to now!

- Mercenary Group List - A list of each flight's mercenary group. Maintained by Cinderfire.

- Dominance, Flights, and You by Argante - An introduction to dominance and how to get involved!
<<< LGR5.png


>>> Credits:

Arekuru - DW Creator and original host from Dec 2014 Pilot to Sep 2015.
Banyan - Dom Watch banner artist.
Sylvandyr - Host from Sep 2015 to Apr 2016 and Jul 2017 to March 2018. Dom Watch Tracker Helper.
acheronta - Host from Apr 2016 to Jul 2017.
October - Host from March 2018 to June 2018. Current host starting from March 2019.
Blanche - Host in hiatus. Current host starting from June 2018.
Cinderfire - Host from June 2018 to March 2020.
Sadistic - Current host starting from April 2020. Guest host from December 2019 to April 2020.
KyloRen - Ping list helper.
Osiem - Artist for the Flight Rising and neutral flags used in this thread.
PoisonedPaper - Artist for the recolored assets (swords, quill, statues and books) used in this thread.
Monotonous - BBCode helper.
A school of pastel-colored ASCII fish!
Please do not post until the representatives have gotten their reserves!

Pushing flights reserve first:
- Arcane: @QueenAlais @Neffi
- Earth: @Dracowolf

Other Dom-event-running flights reserve after pushing flights:

Dom Watch pinglist was here.
Please do not post until the representatives have gotten their reserves!

Pushing flights reserve first:
- Arcane: @QueenAlais @Neffi
- Earth: @Dracowolf

Other Dom-event-running flights reserve after pushing flights:

Dom Watch pinglist was here.
A school of pastel-colored ASCII fish!
[center][img][/img] [i]Banner by Raijuu[/i][/center] It had been a normal sleep over. There was plenty of junk food and games. Dragons had swapped stories with each other. By all accounts it was a fantastic time. Then night fell. The guests had gotten ready for bed, the lights were turned off. What was that? A noise in the dark? Eyes darted around the room. “Do you see that?” “What is it?” They were afraid looking at the shadows, certainly something was moving in the dark. What else could those shapes be? “Get the flashlight!” There was most certainly a monster in the corner of the room, they could all see it staring at them. Big chomping teeth threatening to get closer. “I’m trying! It’s one of those stupid crank ones!” “That’s gonna take too long, what do we do?” A pillow went flying past the group to hit the monster. “We’re dragons! We fight! Arm yourselves! Grab your pillows. We’ll hold them off until the flashlight is cranked! To war!” Grab your pillows, your plushies, and blankets. [center]The night may be dark and full of terrors, but we’re gonna pillow fight the boogeyman.[/center] [center] [img][/img][/center] [columns][size=5][b][url=]Out-Of-Flight Raffle[/url][/b][/size] There are monsters in the dark threatening our sleepover! While one of the party goers cranks the flashlight up to be able to see the rest of us are going to need to fight! Grab your pillows, they probably aren't surviving this and send everything you've got. This event contains a boss fight with daily level goals in order to beat the creature lurking in the shadows. Earthies please head to the In-Flight Raffle. [nextcol][color=transparent]xx[/color] [img][/img][/columns] [center]The following events are open to anyone:[/center] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][color=transparent]xx[/color][nextcol][size=5][b][url=]Art For Fodder[/url][/b][/size] Can we interest you in some art? Our artists are eager to take your levels in exchange for their services! Why not drop by and get your favorite dragon something special? [/columns] [columns][size=5][b][url=]Supply Run[/url][/b][/size] We can't exactly pillow fight the boogeyman on an empty stomach! It's your job to venture out to find snacks for the warriors! Be careful, it's dark out there! There could be other monsters lurking in the dark after all! Follow clues through the forums and dragon search to locate the snacks and see what else you encounter! [nextcol][color=transparent]xx[/color] [img][/img][/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][color=transparent]xx[/color][nextcol] [size=5][b][url=]Shadow Puppets[/url][/b][/size] Some shadows may be scary. Others? Well, they're just made by being creative and can be a little fun. Why not come make some guesses about the shadows that aren't trying to eat us? [/columns] [columns][size=5][b][url=]VIP Dress-up[/url][/b][/size] Before darkness fell there was a party going on! Most certainly that means that there were party outfits! Come and show off your best dressed dragons with the daily prompt as we go through what happened during the party! Earn tickets to win prizes and impress the hardest to impress aberration: Dressy! [nextcol][color=transparent]xx[/color] [img][/img][/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][color=transparent]xx[/color][nextcol][size=5][b][url=]Thrugzug's Color Pals[/url][/b][/size] In a side room where it's quiet and gently lit there sits a coatl at a table with a bunch of crayons and paper. It's Thrugzug! He wants to draw some pictures with people and it seems he has a daily challenge? Don't worry, you don't need any skill to participate, just a willingness to open up MS paint or grab some crayons! [/columns] [columns][size=5][b][url=]Fali Finds[/url][/b][/size] Danger, darkness... [i]duvets[/i]? ...Huh! Looks like Fali has found himself a comfortable little corner amidst the sleepover shenanigans-- a little safe haven where there's no monsters allowed! Dragons looking to arm themselves against the big scary [i]whatever[/i] may be out there might just find that the little Tundra has the right equipment for trade. Come and see what Fali has to offer![nextcol][color=transparent]xx[/color] [img][/img][/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][color=transparent]xx[/color][nextcol][size=5][b][url=]Boogey Bags[/url][/b][/size] There's mysteries in the dark! Including bags of loot! You can't head off to a sleepover unprepared! All sorts of things go bump in the night, and who's to say there's not a monster lurking under the bed? But never fear- Ujarak and I are here to help pack your dragon's bag so that they have everything they need to help fight the boogeyman. This Grab Bag event takes levels instead of money! [/columns] [center][size=7]In-Flight Only[/size][/center] [center][img][/img] [columns][size=5][b][url=]In-Flight raffle[/url][/b][/size] Pebbles, there's a boogeyman to fight over here. Grab your pillows! You'll be fighting alongside the Out-Of-Flight folks, all levels are combined across both raffles to do damage to daily bosses. Take them down with everything you've got! [nextcol][color=transparent]xx[/color] [img][/img][/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][color=transparent]xx[/color][nextcol][size=5][b][url=]In-Flight Scavhunt[/url][/b][/size] It's time for the monthly Scavenger Hunt! [/columns] [center][img][/img] A special note from the Earth Dominance team: We're aware that many of our past push badges have exploded in the Discord update. We have been very [i](very)[/i] slowly recovering the badges and backing them up. It is going to take a long time, but we are working on it. As such we have a pinglist for when we're done and things get posted. [center][pinglist=26547][/center] If you want to go to past events and save them yourself for your own personal use and thus get it sorted faster for yourself, you're welcome to do so. You'll need Discord to do it, but simply copy the image link and put it in Discord and the image should show up for you to save! This can only be done for personal use. [quote=Clue 22][center][img][/img][br]A candy spiral! Licorice and edible flags! The candy corn horns are often considered the worst part, though some folks like them. Others find that fact weird![br]---[br]A very old dragon with a long beard, perhaps that's a gene? It's old enough that there's only 7 numbers for it. It also appears that their silhouette has perhaps changed.[/center][/quote]
Banner by Raijuu

It had been a normal sleep over. There was plenty of junk food and games. Dragons had swapped stories with each other. By all accounts it was a fantastic time.

Then night fell.

The guests had gotten ready for bed, the lights were turned off.
What was that? A noise in the dark?
Eyes darted around the room.

“Do you see that?”

“What is it?”

They were afraid looking at the shadows, certainly something was moving in the dark. What else could those shapes be?

“Get the flashlight!”

There was most certainly a monster in the corner of the room, they could all see it staring at them. Big chomping teeth threatening to get closer.

“I’m trying! It’s one of those stupid crank ones!”

“That’s gonna take too long, what do we do?”

A pillow went flying past the group to hit the monster.

“We’re dragons! We fight! Arm yourselves! Grab your pillows. We’ll hold them off until the flashlight is cranked! To war!”

Grab your pillows, your plushies, and blankets.

The night may be dark and full of terrors, but we’re gonna pillow fight the boogeyman.


Out-Of-Flight Raffle
There are monsters in the dark threatening our sleepover! While one of the party goers cranks the flashlight up to be able to see the rest of us are going to need to fight! Grab your pillows, they probably aren't surviving this and send everything you've got.

This event contains a boss fight with daily level goals in order to beat the creature lurking in the shadows. Earthies please head to the In-Flight Raffle.
The following events are open to anyone:
oJgvIWV.png xx Art For Fodder
Can we interest you in some art? Our artists are eager to take your levels in exchange for their services! Why not drop by and get your favorite dragon something special?
Supply Run
We can't exactly pillow fight the boogeyman on an empty stomach! It's your job to venture out to find snacks for the warriors! Be careful, it's dark out there! There could be other monsters lurking in the dark after all!

Follow clues through the forums and dragon search to locate the snacks and see what else you encounter!

lRvThfk.png xx

Shadow Puppets

Some shadows may be scary. Others? Well, they're just made by being creative and can be a little fun. Why not come make some guesses about the shadows that aren't trying to eat us?

VIP Dress-up
Before darkness fell there was a party going on! Most certainly that means that there were party outfits! Come and show off your best dressed dragons with the daily prompt as we go through what happened during the party! Earn tickets to win prizes and impress the hardest to impress aberration: Dressy!

dabVZNP.png xx Thrugzug's Color Pals
In a side room where it's quiet and gently lit there sits a coatl at a table with a bunch of crayons and paper. It's Thrugzug! He wants to draw some pictures with people and it seems he has a daily challenge? Don't worry, you don't need any skill to participate, just a willingness to open up MS paint or grab some crayons!

Fali Finds
Danger, darkness... duvets? ...Huh! Looks like Fali has found himself a comfortable little corner amidst the sleepover shenanigans-- a little safe haven where there's no monsters allowed! Dragons looking to arm themselves against the big scary whatever may be out there might just find that the little Tundra has the right equipment for trade. Come and see what Fali has to offer!

BBZP7Fy.png xx Boogey Bags
There's mysteries in the dark! Including bags of loot!

You can't head off to a sleepover unprepared! All sorts of things go bump in the night, and who's to say there's not a monster lurking under the bed? But never fear- Ujarak and I are here to help pack your dragon's bag so that they have everything they need to help fight the boogeyman.

This Grab Bag event takes levels instead of money!

In-Flight Only

In-Flight raffle
Pebbles, there's a boogeyman to fight over here. Grab your pillows!

You'll be fighting alongside the Out-Of-Flight folks, all levels are combined across both raffles to do damage to daily bosses. Take them down with everything you've got!

SdrKa7y.png xx In-Flight Scavhunt

It's time for the monthly Scavenger Hunt!


A special note from the Earth Dominance team:

We're aware that many of our past push badges have exploded in the Discord update. We have been very (very) slowly recovering the badges and backing them up. It is going to take a long time, but we are working on it. As such we have a pinglist for when we're done and things get posted.

If you want to go to past events and save them yourself for your own personal use and thus get it sorted faster for yourself, you're welcome to do so. You'll need Discord to do it, but simply copy the image link and put it in Discord and the image should show up for you to save! This can only be done for personal use.

Clue 22 wrote:
A candy spiral! Licorice and edible flags! The candy corn horns are often considered the worst part, though some folks like them. Others find that fact weird!
A very old dragon with a long beard, perhaps that's a gene? It's old enough that there's only 7 numbers for it. It also appears that their silhouette has perhaps changed.
[center][img][/img][/center] [b][i]Three Years Ago[/i][/b] Anzu stretched her wings and yawned. She had been up all night charting the movement of the stars and the moons, Viatieth and Oblivieth, and making calculations. Anzu scrawled her notes across the parchment in small, precise, handwriting. She paused to glance at her references and gasped. “Wait, wait…” she muttered to herself. Anzu’s eyes darted across the parchments in front of her, re-reading what she had just written. “Hmmm…yes…carry the 2…” Anzu jumped up, knocking scrolls off the table in her excitement. “There’s going to be a Solar Eclipse in three years!” [b][i]Present Day[/i][/b] A Solar Eclipse, with the path of totality passing over the Isles, now that is a reason to party. Dragons from all across the Isles are gathered on the outskirts of the Starwood Strand for a viewing party. The air is abuzz with excitement as the dragons await the eclipse. Small booths, strung with lights, stand dotted across the meadow, offering a variety of delicious lunar themed snacks. The gathered clans have set up picnic blankets where they mingle with family and friends. Hatchlings run amok playing games. Silence falls as Viatieth begins to eclipse the sun and the gathered dragons all stare to the skies. As darkness falls across the Isles, the crescent shape of Oblivieth becomes visible, casting a pink glow, and the Starwood Strand blossoms, revealing flowers winking like stars. Quiet murmurs of oohs and ahhs can be heard rippling through the meadow. A flash of light streaks across the sky. Wait, was that a meteor?! The oohs and ahhs turn to gasps of surprise and delight as more and more meteors criss-cross the skies. As Viatieth completes its eclipse of the sun, Oblivieth’s pink glow fades and the Starwood Strand blossoms close. A final meteor streaks across the sky. Anzu ruffles her wings as she stands up. It was truly a magnificent experience to view the eclipse. The meteor shower couldn’t have been predicted and made it truly magical. She winds her way through the throngs of dragons, heading back to the Tourmaline Archives. She needs to write everything down while it’s still fresh in her mind. Once she’s done she can always rejoin the dragons partying, after all the party will last all week. [center][img][/img][/center] [columns][size=4][url=][b]In-Flight Raffle[/b][/url] Arcanites, visit our In-Flight Raffle for this month’s prizes and badges as we celebrate a rare solar eclipse on Sornieth![nextcol][color=transparent]xxxxxx[nextcol][url=URL][img][/img][/url][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][color=transparent]xxxxxx[nextcol][size=4][url=][b]Treasure Hunt[/b][/url] Arcanites, it’s time to hunt in the coliseum for specific drops, and earn badges for completing each list of items![/columns] [columns][size=4][url=][b]Dress to Impress[/b][/url] IF & OOF, come dress up your dragons to match six eclipse-related themes! Each theme will have a winner who gets a prize.[/size] [nextcol][color=transparent]xxxx[/color][nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][/columns]

Three Years Ago

Anzu stretched her wings and yawned. She had been up all night charting the movement of the stars and the moons, Viatieth and Oblivieth, and making calculations. Anzu scrawled her notes across the parchment in small, precise, handwriting. She paused to glance at her references and gasped. “Wait, wait…” she muttered to herself. Anzu’s eyes darted across the parchments in front of her, re-reading what she had just written. “Hmmm…yes…carry the 2…” Anzu jumped up, knocking scrolls off the table in her excitement. “There’s going to be a Solar Eclipse in three years!”

Present Day

A Solar Eclipse, with the path of totality passing over the Isles, now that is a reason to party. Dragons from all across the Isles are gathered on the outskirts of the Starwood Strand for a viewing party.

The air is abuzz with excitement as the dragons await the eclipse. Small booths, strung with lights, stand dotted across the meadow, offering a variety of delicious lunar themed snacks. The gathered clans have set up picnic blankets where they mingle with family and friends. Hatchlings run amok playing games.

Silence falls as Viatieth begins to eclipse the sun and the gathered dragons all stare to the skies. As darkness falls across the Isles, the crescent shape of Oblivieth becomes visible, casting a pink glow, and the Starwood Strand blossoms, revealing flowers winking like stars. Quiet murmurs of oohs and ahhs can be heard rippling through the meadow.

A flash of light streaks across the sky. Wait, was that a meteor?! The oohs and ahhs turn to gasps of surprise and delight as more and more meteors criss-cross the skies.

As Viatieth completes its eclipse of the sun, Oblivieth’s pink glow fades and the Starwood Strand blossoms close. A final meteor streaks across the sky.

Anzu ruffles her wings as she stands up. It was truly a magnificent experience to view the eclipse. The meteor shower couldn’t have been predicted and made it truly magical. She winds her way through the throngs of dragons, heading back to the Tourmaline Archives. She needs to write everything down while it’s still fresh in her mind. Once she’s done she can always rejoin the dragons partying, after all the party will last all week.
In-Flight Raffle
Arcanites, visit our In-Flight Raffle for this month’s prizes and badges as we celebrate a rare solar eclipse on Sornieth!
xxxxxx 6pqm8Cd.png
J6mP2ax.png xxxxxx Treasure Hunt
Arcanites, it’s time to hunt in the coliseum for specific drops, and earn badges for completing each list of items!
Dress to Impress
IF & OOF, come dress up your dragons to match six eclipse-related themes! Each theme will have a winner who gets a prize.
xxxx IaXfO5U.png
VOkp50l.png Neffi
FR +9

Arcane Dom Lead
[center][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][b]The Wavecrest festival is kicking off with a whole shoal of events to participate in—check them out here![/b][/center] [center][emoji=cloud size=1][/center] [columns] [color=transparent]oo[/color] [nextcol] [img][/img] [nextcol] [color=transparent]ooo[/color] [nextcol] [center][color=#c4e6fd]•[/color] [size=6][font=cochin][i][b][url=][color=#000000]Library in the Sky[/color][/url][/b][/i][/font][/size] [color=#c4e6fd]•[/color] [font=monospace]Week 1 & 2 - IF/OOF[/font][/center] Share what you're reading daily! Every day of the challenge, users are encouraged to post a quote from what they've read that day. Earn badges and entries to a small raffle! There will be bonus questions too for those itching to discuss their reading habits. [/columns] [columns] [color=transparent]_____________________[/color] [nextcol] [color=#97BEED]_[/color][color=#98BFED]_[/color][color=#9AC0EE]_[/color][color=#9BC2EE]_[/color][color=#9DC3EF]_[/color][color=#9EC4EF]_[/color][color=#A0C6F0]_[/color][color=#A1C7F0]_[/color][color=#A3C9F1]_[/color][color=#A4CAF1]_[/color][color=#A6CBF2]_[/color][color=#A8CDF3]_[/color][color=#A9CEF3]_[/color][color=#ABCFF4]_[/color][color=#ACD1F4]_[/color][color=#AED2F5]_[/color][color=#AFD4F5]_[/color][color=#B1D5F6]_[/color][color=#B2D6F6]_[/color][color=#B4D8F7]_[/color][color=#B6D9F8]_[/color][color=#B7DAF8]_[/color][color=#B9DCF9]_[/color][color=#BADDF9]_[/color][color=#BCDFFA]_[/color][color=#BDE0FA]_[/color][color=#BFE1FB]_[/color][color=#C0E3FB]_[/color][color=#C2E4FC]_[/color][color=#C4E6FD]_[/color][color=#C2E4FC]_[/color][color=#C0E3FB]_[/color][color=#BFE1FB]_[/color][color=#BDE0FA]_[/color][color=#BCDFFA]_[/color][color=#BADDF9]_[/color][color=#B9DCF9]_[/color][color=#B7DAF8]_[/color][color=#B6D9F8]_[/color][color=#B4D8F7]_[/color][color=#B2D6F6]_[/color][color=#B1D5F6]_[/color][color=#AFD4F5]_[/color][color=#AED2F5]_[/color][color=#ACD1F4]_[/color][color=#ABCFF4]_[/color][color=#A9CEF3]_[/color][color=#A8CDF3]_[/color][color=#A6CBF2]_[/color][color=#A4CAF1]_[/color][color=#A3C9F1]_[/color][color=#A1C7F0]_[/color][color=#A0C6F0]_[/color][color=#9EC4EF]_[/color][color=#9DC3EF]_[/color][color=#9BC2EE]_[/color][color=#9AC0EE]_[/color][color=#98BFED]_[/color][color=#97BEED]_[/color] [/columns] [columns] [color=transparent]oo[/color] [nextcol] [img][/img] [nextcol] [color=transparent]ooo[/color] [nextcol] [center][color=#97beed]•[/color] [size=6][font=cochin][i][b][url=][color=#000000]Cloud Card Readings[/color][/url][/b][/i][/font][/size] [color=#97beed]•[/color] [font=monospace]Week 1 & 2 - IF/OOF[/font][/center] Want to see what the universe has in store for you? Fancy a palm reading? Get your fortune read at our booth! Water Flight's most mystical dragons are waiting to help you scry the secrets of the universe. [/columns] [columns] [color=transparent]_____________________[/color] [nextcol] [color=#97BEED]_[/color][color=#97BAE8]_[/color][color=#98B6E4]_[/color][color=#99B2DF]_[/color][color=#9AAFDB]_[/color][color=#9BABD7]_[/color][color=#9CA7D2]_[/color][color=#9DA4CE]_[/color][color=#9EA0C9]_[/color][color=#9F9CC5]_[/color][color=#A099C1]_[/color][color=#A195BC]_[/color][color=#A291B8]_[/color][color=#A38EB4]_[/color][color=#A48AAF]_[/color][color=#A586AB]_[/color][color=#A682A6]_[/color][color=#A77FA2]_[/color][color=#A87B9E]_[/color][color=#A97799]_[/color][color=#AA7495]_[/color][color=#AB7091]_[/color][color=#AC6C8C]_[/color][color=#AD6988]_[/color][color=#AE6583]_[/color][color=#AF617F]_[/color][color=#B05E7B]_[/color][color=#B15A76]_[/color][color=#B25672]_[/color][color=#B2536D]_[/color][color=#B25672]_[/color][color=#B15A76]_[/color][color=#B05E7B]_[/color][color=#AF617F]_[/color][color=#AE6583]_[/color][color=#AD6988]_[/color][color=#AC6C8C]_[/color][color=#AB7091]_[/color][color=#AA7495]_[/color][color=#A97799]_[/color][color=#A87B9E]_[/color][color=#A77FA2]_[/color][color=#A682A6]_[/color][color=#A586AB]_[/color][color=#A48AAF]_[/color][color=#A38EB4]_[/color][color=#A291B8]_[/color][color=#A195BC]_[/color][color=#A099C1]_[/color][color=#9F9CC5]_[/color][color=#9EA0C9]_[/color][color=#9DA4CE]_[/color][color=#9CA7D2]_[/color][color=#9BABD7]_[/color][color=#9AAFDB]_[/color][color=#99B2DF]_[/color][color=#98B6E4]_[/color][color=#97BAE8]_[/color][color=#97BEED]_[/color] [/columns] [columns] [color=transparent]oo[/color] [nextcol] [img][/img] [nextcol] [color=transparent]ooo[/color] [nextcol] [center][color=#ffb882]•[/color] [size=6][font=cochin][i][b][url=][color=#000000]Letters from the Exalted[/color][/url][/b][/i][/font][/size] [color=#ffb882]•[/color] [font=monospace]Week 2 - IF/OOF[/font][/center] Curious as to what your dragons do after being Exalted? Wondering how exalted dragons from various flights help out in Water Flight? Find out through Letters from the Exalted! New letters posted every day. [/columns] [columns] [color=transparent]_____________________[/color] [nextcol] [color=#FFB882]_[/color][color=#FFB783]_[/color][color=#FFB685]_[/color][color=#FFB586]_[/color][color=#FFB588]_[/color][color=#FFB489]_[/color][color=#FFB38B]_[/color][color=#FFB28C]_[/color][color=#FFB28E]_[/color][color=#FFB18F]_[/color][color=#FFB091]_[/color][color=#FFB093]_[/color][color=#FFAF94]_[/color][color=#FFAE96]_[/color][color=#FFAD97]_[/color][color=#FFAD99]_[/color][color=#FFAC9A]_[/color][color=#FFAB9C]_[/color][color=#FFAA9D]_[/color][color=#FFAA9F]_[/color][color=#FFA9A1]_[/color][color=#FFA8A2]_[/color][color=#FFA8A4]_[/color][color=#FFA7A5]_[/color][color=#FFA6A7]_[/color][color=#FFA5A8]_[/color][color=#FFA5AA]_[/color][color=#FFA4AB]_[/color][color=#FFA3AD]_[/color][color=#FFA3AF]_[/color][color=#FFA3AD]_[/color][color=#FFA4AB]_[/color][color=#FFA5AA]_[/color][color=#FFA5A8]_[/color][color=#FFA6A7]_[/color][color=#FFA7A5]_[/color][color=#FFA8A4]_[/color][color=#FFA8A2]_[/color][color=#FFA9A1]_[/color][color=#FFAA9F]_[/color][color=#FFAA9D]_[/color][color=#FFAB9C]_[/color][color=#FFAC9A]_[/color][color=#FFAD99]_[/color][color=#FFAD97]_[/color][color=#FFAE96]_[/color][color=#FFAF94]_[/color][color=#FFB093]_[/color][color=#FFB091]_[/color][color=#FFB18F]_[/color][color=#FFB28E]_[/color][color=#FFB28C]_[/color][color=#FFB38B]_[/color][color=#FFB489]_[/color][color=#FFB588]_[/color][color=#FFB586]_[/color][color=#FFB685]_[/color][color=#FFB783]_[/color][color=#FFB882]_[/color] [/columns] [columns] [color=transparent]oo[/color] [nextcol] [img][/img] [nextcol] [color=transparent]ooo[/color] [nextcol] [center][color=#ffa3af]•[/color] [size=6][font=cochin][i][b][url=][color=#000000]Search for the Skywhale[/color][/url][/b][/i][/font][/size] [color=#ffa3af]•[/color] [font=monospace]Week 2 - IF/OOF[/font][/center] Embark on this lightweight Coli/Baldwin scavenger hunt to help the crew of Skyship Celest find the elusive Skywhale! [nextcol] [color=transparent]ooo[/color] [/columns] [columns] [color=transparent]_____________________[/color] [nextcol] [color=#FFA3AF]_[/color][color=#FFA4B0]_[/color][color=#FFA5B1]_[/color][color=#FFA6B2]_[/color][color=#FFA7B3]_[/color][color=#FFA8B4]_[/color][color=#FFA9B5]_[/color][color=#FFAAB6]_[/color][color=#FFABB7]_[/color][color=#FFACB8]_[/color][color=#FFADBA]_[/color][color=#FFAEBB]_[/color][color=#FFAFBC]_[/color][color=#FFB0BD]_[/color][color=#FFB1BE]_[/color][color=#FFB3BF]_[/color][color=#FFB4C0]_[/color][color=#FFB5C1]_[/color][color=#FFB6C2]_[/color][color=#FFB7C3]_[/color][color=#FFB8C5]_[/color][color=#FFB9C6]_[/color][color=#FFBAC7]_[/color][color=#FFBBC8]_[/color][color=#FFBCC9]_[/color][color=#FFBDCA]_[/color][color=#FFBECB]_[/color][color=#FFBFCC]_[/color][color=#FFC0CD]_[/color][color=#FFC1CE]_[/color][color=#FFC0CD]_[/color][color=#FFBFCC]_[/color][color=#FFBECB]_[/color][color=#FFBDCA]_[/color][color=#FFBCC9]_[/color][color=#FFBBC8]_[/color][color=#FFBAC7]_[/color][color=#FFB9C6]_[/color][color=#FFB8C5]_[/color][color=#FFB7C3]_[/color][color=#FFB6C2]_[/color][color=#FFB5C1]_[/color][color=#FFB4C0]_[/color][color=#FFB3BF]_[/color][color=#FFB1BE]_[/color][color=#FFB0BD]_[/color][color=#FFAFBC]_[/color][color=#FFAEBB]_[/color][color=#FFADBA]_[/color][color=#FFACB8]_[/color][color=#FFABB7]_[/color][color=#FFAAB6]_[/color][color=#FFA9B5]_[/color][color=#FFA8B4]_[/color][color=#FFA7B3]_[/color][color=#FFA6B2]_[/color][color=#FFA5B1]_[/color][color=#FFA4B0]_[/color][color=#FFA3AF]_[/color] [/columns] [columns] [color=transparent]oo[/color] [nextcol] [img][/img] [nextcol] [color=transparent]ooo[/color] [nextcol] [center][color=#ffc2cf]•[/color] [size=6][font=cochin][i][b][url=][color=#000000]Cloud Cafe[/color][/url][/b][/i][/font][/size] [color=#ffc2cf]•[/color] [font=monospace]Week 2 - IF/OOF[/font][/center] Tired of fighting enemies in the Coliseum and exploring the vast blue ocean of sky? Why don't you sit down for a moment and enjoy our beautiful and tasty cream puffs! There is over 30 variants to collect and two special ones. [/columns] [columns] [color=transparent]_____________________[/color] [nextcol] [color=#C4E6FD]_[/color][color=#C6E4FB]_[/color][color=#C8E3F9]_[/color][color=#CAE2F8]_[/color][color=#CCE1F6]_[/color][color=#CEDFF5]_[/color][color=#D0DEF3]_[/color][color=#D2DDF1]_[/color][color=#D4DCF0]_[/color][color=#D6DAEE]_[/color][color=#D8D9ED]_[/color][color=#DAD8EB]_[/color][color=#DCD7E9]_[/color][color=#DED5E8]_[/color][color=#E0D4E6]_[/color][color=#E2D3E5]_[/color][color=#E4D2E3]_[/color][color=#E6D0E2]_[/color][color=#E8CFE0]_[/color][color=#EACEDE]_[/color][color=#ECCDDD]_[/color][color=#EECBDB]_[/color][color=#F0CADA]_[/color][color=#F2C9D8]_[/color][color=#F4C8D6]_[/color][color=#F6C6D5]_[/color][color=#F8C5D3]_[/color][color=#FAC4D2]_[/color][color=#FCC3D0]_[/color][color=#FFC2CF]_[/color][color=#FCC3D0]_[/color][color=#FAC4D2]_[/color][color=#F8C5D3]_[/color][color=#F6C6D5]_[/color][color=#F4C8D6]_[/color][color=#F2C9D8]_[/color][color=#F0CADA]_[/color][color=#EECBDB]_[/color][color=#ECCDDD]_[/color][color=#EACEDE]_[/color][color=#E8CFE0]_[/color][color=#E6D0E2]_[/color][color=#E4D2E3]_[/color][color=#E2D3E5]_[/color][color=#E0D4E6]_[/color][color=#DED5E8]_[/color][color=#DCD7E9]_[/color][color=#DAD8EB]_[/color][color=#D8D9ED]_[/color][color=#D6DAEE]_[/color][color=#D4DCF0]_[/color][color=#D2DDF1]_[/color][color=#D0DEF3]_[/color][color=#CEDFF5]_[/color][color=#CCE1F6]_[/color][color=#CAE2F8]_[/color][color=#C8E3F9]_[/color][color=#C6E4FB]_[/color][color=#C4E6FD]_[/color] [/columns] [columns] [color=transparent]oo[/color] [nextcol] [img][/img] [nextcol] [color=transparent]ooo[/color] [nextcol] [center][color=#c4e6fd]•[/color] [size=6][font=cochin][i][b][url=][color=#000000]Sorneith SkyMall[/color][/url][/b][/i][/font][/size] [color=#c4e6fd]•[/color] [font=monospace]Week 2 - IF/OOF[/font][/center] An emporium of useful devices and mysterious gifts to tickle the fancy of even the hardest to please dragon. All items are one of a kind, unique creations. Shop in comfort and have your purchases delivered right to your clan's front door! [/columns] [columns] [color=transparent]_____________________[/color] [nextcol] [color=#97BEED]_[/color][color=#98BFED]_[/color][color=#9AC0EE]_[/color][color=#9BC2EE]_[/color][color=#9DC3EF]_[/color][color=#9EC4EF]_[/color][color=#A0C6F0]_[/color][color=#A1C7F0]_[/color][color=#A3C9F1]_[/color][color=#A4CAF1]_[/color][color=#A6CBF2]_[/color][color=#A8CDF3]_[/color][color=#A9CEF3]_[/color][color=#ABCFF4]_[/color][color=#ACD1F4]_[/color][color=#AED2F5]_[/color][color=#AFD4F5]_[/color][color=#B1D5F6]_[/color][color=#B2D6F6]_[/color][color=#B4D8F7]_[/color][color=#B6D9F8]_[/color][color=#B7DAF8]_[/color][color=#B9DCF9]_[/color][color=#BADDF9]_[/color][color=#BCDFFA]_[/color][color=#BDE0FA]_[/color][color=#BFE1FB]_[/color][color=#C0E3FB]_[/color][color=#C2E4FC]_[/color][color=#C4E6FD]_[/color][color=#C2E4FC]_[/color][color=#C0E3FB]_[/color][color=#BFE1FB]_[/color][color=#BDE0FA]_[/color][color=#BCDFFA]_[/color][color=#BADDF9]_[/color][color=#B9DCF9]_[/color][color=#B7DAF8]_[/color][color=#B6D9F8]_[/color][color=#B4D8F7]_[/color][color=#B2D6F6]_[/color][color=#B1D5F6]_[/color][color=#AFD4F5]_[/color][color=#AED2F5]_[/color][color=#ACD1F4]_[/color][color=#ABCFF4]_[/color][color=#A9CEF3]_[/color][color=#A8CDF3]_[/color][color=#A6CBF2]_[/color][color=#A4CAF1]_[/color][color=#A3C9F1]_[/color][color=#A1C7F0]_[/color][color=#A0C6F0]_[/color][color=#9EC4EF]_[/color][color=#9DC3EF]_[/color][color=#9BC2EE]_[/color][color=#9AC0EE]_[/color][color=#98BFED]_[/color][color=#97BEED]_[/color] [/columns] [columns] [color=transparent]oo[/color] [nextcol] [img][/img] [nextcol] [color=transparent]ooo[/color] [nextcol] [center][color=#97beed]•[/color] [size=6][font=cochin][i][b][url=][color=#000000]Misty Mysteries[/color][/url][/b][/i][/font][/size] [color=#97beed]•[/color] [font=monospace]Week 2 - IF/OOF[/font][/center] A collection of puzzles to complete just for fun! Pictures, numbers, words, there's a variety of things to spy in the clouds. [/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [size=3] [b]Graphics[/b]: Main banner by BurittoKimasan, horizontal divider by lizzytiki, cloud animals by Mertisal and signature by InkedMyths.[/size]

The Wavecrest festival is kicking off with a whole shoal
of events to participate in—check them out here!

oo Vq2qWe5.png ooo
Library in the Sky
Week 1 & 2 - IF/OOF
Share what you're reading daily! Every day of the challenge, users are encouraged to post a quote from what they've read that day. Earn badges and entries to a small raffle! There will be bonus questions too for those itching to discuss their reading habits.
_____________________ ___________________________________________________________
oo XN4WNtv.png ooo
Cloud Card Readings
Week 1 & 2 - IF/OOF
Want to see what the universe has in store for you? Fancy a palm reading? Get your fortune read at our booth! Water Flight's most mystical dragons are waiting to help you scry the secrets of the universe.
_____________________ ___________________________________________________________
oo kA2rq7D.png ooo
Letters from the Exalted
Week 2 - IF/OOF
Curious as to what your dragons do after being Exalted? Wondering how exalted dragons from various flights help out in Water Flight? Find out through Letters from the Exalted! New letters posted every day.
_____________________ ___________________________________________________________
oo KWA6hwz.png ooo
Search for the Skywhale
Week 2 - IF/OOF
Embark on this lightweight Coli/Baldwin scavenger hunt to help the crew of Skyship Celest find the elusive Skywhale!
_____________________ ___________________________________________________________
oo fEJMMdQ.png ooo
Cloud Cafe
Week 2 - IF/OOF
Tired of fighting enemies in the Coliseum and exploring the vast blue ocean of sky? Why don't you sit down for a moment and enjoy our beautiful and tasty cream puffs! There is over 30 variants to collect and two special ones.
_____________________ ___________________________________________________________
oo Vq2qWe5.png ooo
Sorneith SkyMall
Week 2 - IF/OOF
An emporium of useful devices and mysterious gifts to tickle the fancy of even the hardest to please dragon. All items are one of a kind, unique creations. Shop in comfort and have your purchases delivered right to your clan's front door!
_____________________ ___________________________________________________________
oo XN4WNtv.png ooo
Misty Mysteries
Week 2 - IF/OOF
A collection of puzzles to complete just for fun! Pictures, numbers, words, there's a variety of things to spy in the clouds.


Graphics: Main banner by BurittoKimasan, horizontal divider by lizzytiki, cloud animals by Mertisal and signature by InkedMyths.
Early Day 1 screenshot. [img][/img]
Early Day 1 screenshot.

Bonsai pixels (tofu and tea motif) by miirshroom
happy earth day :3 /bump
happy earth day :3 /bump
proud cat dad :3
pixel credit
[BSJ 2024] Main Hub[BSJ 2024] Out-of-Flight Raffle
[BSJ 2024] Illuminarti[BSJ 2024] Public Buy
Earth day! Time to eat dirt!
Earth day! Time to eat dirt!
I've been enjoying a lot of the various Earth activities. I love crunchy dirt. <3
I've been enjoying a lot of the various Earth activities. I love crunchy dirt. <3
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