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TOPIC | Commas in numbers PLEASE
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It's not an issue if the numbers hang around 4 characters, but can we please get commas to separate out large numbers? With regards to lair expansions, 1,075,000 is a lot more readable for what it is than 1075000. 46,997 is more clear than 46997. It'd do so much to just make it easier to read what's on the site orz
It's not an issue if the numbers hang around 4 characters, but can we please get commas to separate out large numbers? With regards to lair expansions, 1,075,000 is a lot more readable for what it is than 1075000. 46,997 is more clear than 46997. It'd do so much to just make it easier to read what's on the site orz
Flight Rising Time +3/ESTNo Roleplay - not my thing here, not interested, too much rp related traumaMail okay - just don't be weird!Please ping
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Gender: ???Bisexual (pronouns: he/she, she/him, w/e)Sapphic (Sapphic flag)Polyamorous flag with the white triangle and yellow heart.
YES please add this!
YES please add this!
Periods or commas, something. Support for this suggestion, always.
Periods or commas, something. Support for this suggestion, always.
CFFUclk.png ---•----•----•----•----•----•----•----•---•----•---
{100 Generations Challenge}
Avatar Dragon | Random Dragon
Always support!

Even just a simple space would help so much. PLEASE.
Always support!

Even just a simple space would help so much. PLEASE.
I'm up for it as long as its a toggle. The common notation for this varies from place to place, and some players may prefer to keep it the old way. I will say it would be easier for me to read personally.
I'm up for it as long as its a toggle. The common notation for this varies from place to place, and some players may prefer to keep it the old way. I will say it would be easier for me to read personally.
Definitely support!!
Definitely support!!
Only if it’s a toggle. I copy/paste numbers all over the site and the site doesn’t accept commas in numbers so adding commas to numbers would make the site less accessible to me. It would mean I have to manually input every single number and that would be more frustrating to me.
Only if it’s a toggle. I copy/paste numbers all over the site and the site doesn’t accept commas in numbers so adding commas to numbers would make the site less accessible to me. It would mean I have to manually input every single number and that would be more frustrating to me.
If there was a toggle for this in the account options I would be so, so happy. Even better if the code picked the correct thousands separator for the user's general location (it's commas in some places, periods in others, etc).

Numbers are so much easier to read when they have thousands separators in them. I currently have to sit there and count digits several times on big numbers to make sure I'm reading them right and it's tedious.
If there was a toggle for this in the account options I would be so, so happy. Even better if the code picked the correct thousands separator for the user's general location (it's commas in some places, periods in others, etc).

Numbers are so much easier to read when they have thousands separators in them. I currently have to sit there and count digits several times on big numbers to make sure I'm reading them right and it's tedious.
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I will always support this suggestion, I often get confused by numbers if I don't concentrate on them!
I will always support this suggestion, I often get confused by numbers if I don't concentrate on them!
YES, 100% support. im really bad at counting numbers so i always have to check like 5 times, the comma makes it alot easier!!
YES, 100% support. im really bad at counting numbers so i always have to check like 5 times, the comma makes it alot easier!!
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