
Forum Games

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TOPIC | I dare you to click Paste
BtqrfPP.png Tachycardia (tak-ih-KAHR-dee-uh) Rapid heartbeat, usually defined as greater than 100 beats per minute.
TvQqSOD.pngi3D3efS.png mUZi5w5.png
I've tried /everything/, but internal beep beep duolingo leads to a blank screen on all platforms, duome doesn't show the tree for me ((i clear my cache consistently so maybe that's what happened ^^")), the school exploit is long gone, the beta program is full, and apks from that time don't work for my phone anymore. I'm at a loss. I've been trying everything, even giving up and trying the snake layout, but i just find the tree layout to be much easier for me personally for learning and I really want to go back to it.
If anyone here knows anything that'd be much appreciated :’)

(((Love this thread, i genuinely didn’t expect this haha. If anyone knows the answer to it that’d be great tho :’>
I've tried /everything/, but internal beep beep duolingo leads to a blank screen on all platforms, duome doesn't show the tree for me ((i clear my cache consistently so maybe that's what happened ^^")), the school exploit is long gone, the beta program is full, and apks from that time don't work for my phone anymore. I'm at a loss. I've been trying everything, even giving up and trying the snake layout, but i just find the tree layout to be much easier for me personally for learning and I really want to go back to it.
If anyone here knows anything that'd be much appreciated :’)

(((Love this thread, i genuinely didn’t expect this haha. If anyone knows the answer to it that’d be great tho :’>
E6RgUYf.png Pgv53XB.pngrPaLIxa.png
*Airliner is the first one to talk* "Squid? Is that you!?" *He exclaims happily. I turn around to face Airlock* "Airlock!?" *I, Squid, exclaim, running to him, closing the gap between us*
*Airliner is the first one to talk* "Squid? Is that you!?" *He exclaims happily. I turn around to face Airlock* "Airlock!?" *I, Squid, exclaim, running to him, closing the gap between us*
YMPbu9R.pngdFnwkLI.png oySYa5s.png 6Je3hjY.png
tyEuRXe.png LCqISMP.png nupGNag.png RfMwnPI.png
twiuBT0.png I5qcdda.png uVEyOnT.png jlA5frr.png
[emoji=crescent moon 1 size=1] why??

natureb1.png > SnekInAPumpkin
> Photographer, artist, and writer
> U can call me Max or Snek :):):):)
> Genderfluid and pansexual

> Art shop here~

nature.png image_1.png natureshade.png
Flashlight baby
Flashlight baby
|Ello I'm Awoken, She/her, FR+8, I am a bunch of lizards in a coat, Profile dragon|
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BQc0zeB.png TtwDY9f.png 3tb5M5M.png