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TOPIC | anyone keep freshwater shrimp?
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I became obsessed with the freshwater dwarf shrimp hobby a couple of months ago, and now have some blue & brown cherries. I was curious if anyone else on FR keeps freshwater shrimp? I've had my lil' guys for maybe a month now, and I'm already planning a second tank with a different species lol. please feel free to infodump because lord am i thirsty for more shrimp knowledge [center][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img][/center]
I became obsessed with the freshwater dwarf shrimp hobby a couple of months ago, and now have some blue & brown cherries. I was curious if anyone else on FR keeps freshwater shrimp? I've had my lil' guys for maybe a month now, and I'm already planning a second tank with a different species lol.
please feel free to infodump because lord am i thirsty for more shrimp knowledge
signature under construction
i go by she/he/they in no particular order!
happy pride :)
I want shrimp so bad! They are so cute!
I want shrimp so bad! They are so cute!

I'll make a nice signature eventually :(
I would definitely recommend them if you're not super into fish! The vast majority of fish will eat their shrimplets, and many fish that will eat the shrimp. But cherries in particular are very hardy, and I personally find them very easy to take care of. My "water changes" end up just being a weekly (not even) water top-off since it evaporates so quickly out of my lidless tank. I haven't had really any issue keeping live plants, which is highly recommended if you want shrimp. I rarely feed them, and have never really felt the need to as they have plenty of algae and detritus. Other than water top-offs, tank maintenance for me is just scraping algae off of one of the glass walls so that I can observe them! And removing pest snails... but you could totally keep the snails with them!
TL;DR they are pretty low maintenance lol
I would definitely recommend them if you're not super into fish! The vast majority of fish will eat their shrimplets, and many fish that will eat the shrimp. But cherries in particular are very hardy, and I personally find them very easy to take care of. My "water changes" end up just being a weekly (not even) water top-off since it evaporates so quickly out of my lidless tank. I haven't had really any issue keeping live plants, which is highly recommended if you want shrimp. I rarely feed them, and have never really felt the need to as they have plenty of algae and detritus. Other than water top-offs, tank maintenance for me is just scraping algae off of one of the glass walls so that I can observe them! And removing pest snails... but you could totally keep the snails with them!
TL;DR they are pretty low maintenance lol
signature under construction
i go by she/he/they in no particular order!
happy pride :)
i keep shrimp! i have a mutt/mixed to the point of wildtype look tank of neos + two amanos and then a smaller orange rili tank w a ghost shrimp chillin in there too. i love having amanos or ghosts alongside my neos, especially ghosts since they've got a spicy personality when they're nursed into good health after being saved from the feeder shrimp tank. i also have both on-purpose ornamental snails (nerites) but also a lot of pest snails that i dont really have the heart to crush since small = cute to me. i'm sure the shrimp enjoy cleaning out the shells of food whenever the snails eventually pass, plus i suppose keeping the shells in there is good for the minerals.
if i move i kind of want to get into either caridina, not sure what kind i'll pick tho. i'm very partial to black base bodies over red, but red fishbones are soooo pretty... decisions are hard.
i keep shrimp! i have a mutt/mixed to the point of wildtype look tank of neos + two amanos and then a smaller orange rili tank w a ghost shrimp chillin in there too. i love having amanos or ghosts alongside my neos, especially ghosts since they've got a spicy personality when they're nursed into good health after being saved from the feeder shrimp tank. i also have both on-purpose ornamental snails (nerites) but also a lot of pest snails that i dont really have the heart to crush since small = cute to me. i'm sure the shrimp enjoy cleaning out the shells of food whenever the snails eventually pass, plus i suppose keeping the shells in there is good for the minerals.
if i move i kind of want to get into either caridina, not sure what kind i'll pick tho. i'm very partial to black base bodies over red, but red fishbones are soooo pretty... decisions are hard.
n e v / s a t u r n
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I don't have freshwater shrimp, but for a while I did have some brine shrimp, known to some people as sea monkeys, aqua dragons, or similar names. They all went kaput last summer and I haven't started up my tanks again so far, but maybe later this summer I will restart my huge Seatures UFO tank.
I don't have freshwater shrimp, but for a while I did have some brine shrimp, known to some people as sea monkeys, aqua dragons, or similar names. They all went kaput last summer and I haven't started up my tanks again so far, but maybe later this summer I will restart my huge Seatures UFO tank.
Adult, Aro/Ace, +3 FR Time
I don't keep shrimp, but I love shrimp! Lookit those cute lil nuggets. [emoji=familiar heart size=1]
I don't keep shrimp, but I love shrimp! Lookit those cute lil nuggets.
shadow_banner.pngA shadowy dragon which is representative of Zenzic's persona. An original design.shadow_banner.png
Imagination is the reality of our dreamscape.
I don't have shrimp but I am crazy for them
I don't have shrimp but I am crazy for them
I own four amano shrimp (or algae shrimp)! They’ve gotten fairly big since I’ve gotten them, but I love seeing them wander around my tank.
I own four amano shrimp (or algae shrimp)! They’ve gotten fairly big since I’ve gotten them, but I love seeing them wander around my tank.
Yes! I have a large crew of crystal reds and a couple of bamboo shrimp as well. I could watch them for literally hours. <3 Thanks for sharing!
Yes! I have a large crew of crystal reds and a couple of bamboo shrimp as well. I could watch them for literally hours. <3 Thanks for sharing!
Nice shromps!! They're entertaining little bugs. One tank I have blue sapphire/blue dream shrimps with celestial pearl danios and otocats, another I have orange ones with a honey gourami in a darkwater tank. Both are planted tanks, and I let the shrimp get good and established/reproducing before the fish were added. Water changes are pretty infrequent now that the tanks are good and situated (over a year old both), I mostly just top off.

Mine seem to really love a thick covering of floating plants -- more roots to shrimp on!
Nice shromps!! They're entertaining little bugs. One tank I have blue sapphire/blue dream shrimps with celestial pearl danios and otocats, another I have orange ones with a honey gourami in a darkwater tank. Both are planted tanks, and I let the shrimp get good and established/reproducing before the fish were added. Water changes are pretty infrequent now that the tanks are good and situated (over a year old both), I mostly just top off.

Mine seem to really love a thick covering of floating plants -- more roots to shrimp on!
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