
Dragon Share

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@Kuroikumo I LOVE sinister omg. His skin and apparel couldn’t be matched any more perfect. He looks stunning! I love the color combination allot too. It was hard to pick just one, with all the pretty dragons in your lair though, but he really is just absolutely beautiful. Fantastic job<3 [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center]
@Kuroikumo I LOVE sinister omg. His skin and apparel couldn’t be matched any more perfect. He looks stunning! I love the color combination allot too. It was hard to pick just one, with all the pretty dragons in your lair though, but he really is just absolutely beautiful. Fantastic job<3
@MisakMai Isedra and Lucus are great, but Kaiju is just so well put together with the black and the gold and the opals against the pearly pastels. Really cool and original outfit, I'm a huge fan of mixing sets and you seem to do that a lot too ^-^ I left a like!! [url=][img][/img][/url]

Isedra and Lucus are great, but Kaiju is just so well put together with the black and the gold and the opals against the pearly pastels.
Really cool and original outfit, I'm a huge fan of mixing sets and you seem to do that a lot too ^-^
I left a like!!

@Foxlo [url=][img][/img][/url] Like a lot of Arcane apparel, the ones used on Saturn are very pretty. They work well together with his skin & colors. :3
Like a lot of Arcane apparel, the ones used on Saturn are very pretty. They work well together with his skin & colors. :3
Why Hello there!
@PeachesandLove I love how Sparkle works with even the darker colors; it makes every dragon look like they're either covered in glitter or becoming one with space. Makes my Arcane heart absolutely delighted, let me tell you :D [url=][img][/img][/url]

I love how Sparkle works with even the darker colors; it makes every dragon look like they're either covered in glitter or becoming one with space. Makes my Arcane heart absolutely delighted, let me tell you :D

@ApprenticeWriter I love Mango's outfit and he looks so cool. [url=][img][/img][/url]

I love Mango's outfit and he looks so cool.

She/her,My Wishlist
For Sale
@Rarecreature [url=][img][/img][/url] I love this outfit, the shiny wings, everything just fits together so nicely. Great nature rep:)
85355067_350.png I love this outfit, the shiny wings, everything just fits together so nicely. Great nature rep:)
@CoyoteGum [url=][img][/img][/url] I think NOXO looks super cool and the band in his bio fits him really well! I think the combo of the sanddune rags and ghastcrown gives him such a unknown vibe lol Great dragon!

I think NOXO looks super cool and the band in his bio fits him really well! I think the combo of the sanddune rags and ghastcrown gives him such a unknown vibe lol Great dragon!
@PorcelainTeeth I was originally drawn to Void because of the beautiful pops of gold against black, then when I looked more closely at their actual colors I was [i]stunned[/i]. What an amazing transformation with just six relatively simple apparel items (four of which are the same stacked together) and an accent! [url=][img][/img][/url]
@PorcelainTeeth I was originally drawn to Void because of the beautiful pops of gold against black, then when I looked more closely at their actual colors I was stunned. What an amazing transformation with just six relatively simple apparel items (four of which are the same stacked together) and an accent!


Signature Dragon
[center]@Mizlakie i think this fella's apparel does wonders for him, even if it isn't a ton of apparel! well done c: [url=][img][/img][/url]

i think this fella's apparel does wonders for him, even if it isn't a ton of apparel! well done c:
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used to be SoullessRogue/SoullessARMY
send me a friend request or message, i'm happy to chat~ if you need help or have any questions i'm always open!

wishlist|Hibernal Den Item Trading Hub|i'll pay you to brew!
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[url=][img][/img][/url] I really enjoy this guy's outfit! It really fits with his job, plus the little spider and frog friend to assist in helping keep the plants pest free? I love it! @scared

I really enjoy this guy's outfit! It really fits with his job, plus the little spider and frog friend to assist in helping keep the plants pest free? I love it!

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