
Flight Rising Discussion

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TOPIC | What are your skin tastes?
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I made another discussion post relating to skins but shh. What are your skin tastes? Things like silks, themes, breed prefs, and colors! All that fun stuff!

I love the colors purp/blue/pink and vibrant colors! And like sdfs and imps (though I will get others too!) There's other stuff but don't want to list all the things I like (fruit is a bit one though)
I made another discussion post relating to skins but shh. What are your skin tastes? Things like silks, themes, breed prefs, and colors! All that fun stuff!

I love the colors purp/blue/pink and vibrant colors! And like sdfs and imps (though I will get others too!) There's other stuff but don't want to list all the things I like (fruit is a bit one though)
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I like ones with a lot of coverage! Nothing fully covered but definitely something that covers a lot of the area! Am a big fan of wings and halos, and smoke! As well as a lot of little detail! I definitely look for gold accents and it’s always good when there’s eyeliner lol

I’m a big sucker for spirals, skydancers and wildclaws but I’m trying to get into other breeds!
I like ones with a lot of coverage! Nothing fully covered but definitely something that covers a lot of the area! Am a big fan of wings and halos, and smoke! As well as a lot of little detail! I definitely look for gold accents and it’s always good when there’s eyeliner lol

I’m a big sucker for spirals, skydancers and wildclaws but I’m trying to get into other breeds!
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Themewise, I prefer wasteland/irradiated/Fallout-esque skins, with synthwave and red/blue deepsea horror falling in just behind it. Make it radioactive green, and I'll probably like it! Space is another of my favored themes, although I'm a little more picky on what I like to see with it. I do also like fruit themes, joke skins, and neon colors.

My dislikes include silks, religious themes, swords in the dragon, anything that adds human faces onto the dragon, and skins that are heavily detailed. My eyeballs aren't good enough anymore to decipher what's going on in those super complex designs :(

As far as breeds go, I'll go for anything except Veilspun skins/accents. They're the only breed I genuinely dislike. Lower on my interest list are sdf and imp m - just not breeds and poses I prefer.
Themewise, I prefer wasteland/irradiated/Fallout-esque skins, with synthwave and red/blue deepsea horror falling in just behind it. Make it radioactive green, and I'll probably like it! Space is another of my favored themes, although I'm a little more picky on what I like to see with it. I do also like fruit themes, joke skins, and neon colors.

My dislikes include silks, religious themes, swords in the dragon, anything that adds human faces onto the dragon, and skins that are heavily detailed. My eyeballs aren't good enough anymore to decipher what's going on in those super complex designs :(

As far as breeds go, I'll go for anything except Veilspun skins/accents. They're the only breed I genuinely dislike. Lower on my interest list are sdf and imp m - just not breeds and poses I prefer.
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ahzidal (captain)
they / them
my taste in skins is whatever i can afford bc i find the motivation to grind maybe once a month.
that said, i do especially love skins that alter the dragons' features and anatomy slightly (change horn shape or turn leathery wings into feathered ones, add extra eyes or spikes, etc.) and dislike skins that add too much clothing to the dragon (for moderns, fine on ancients) or play with too many colors, since they're hard to work with and often clash.
my taste in skins is whatever i can afford bc i find the motivation to grind maybe once a month.
that said, i do especially love skins that alter the dragons' features and anatomy slightly (change horn shape or turn leathery wings into feathered ones, add extra eyes or spikes, etc.) and dislike skins that add too much clothing to the dragon (for moderns, fine on ancients) or play with too many colors, since they're hard to work with and often clash.
Filigree, silks, jewelry. All things fancy. I also love jars and things. Cloth (not just silks). Also tassels. Something about tassels I really love. I mean, really, my tastes cover a wide range but I'm most drawn toward regal or ethereal aesthetic. I do love bones and ritualistic looking themes too.

Themes I dislike or usually not into are glitch/synthwave/retrowave themes. "Modern" clothing I typically am not a fan of but there have been some exceptions depending on the breed/colours. Eyeburning skins/accents I also typically steer clear from for my eyeballs' sake.

As for my kinda breed+skins? Ancients mostly, especially sandsurges! But Obelisks, Pearlcatchers, and skydancers are my fave moderns to give skins to.
Filigree, silks, jewelry. All things fancy. I also love jars and things. Cloth (not just silks). Also tassels. Something about tassels I really love. I mean, really, my tastes cover a wide range but I'm most drawn toward regal or ethereal aesthetic. I do love bones and ritualistic looking themes too.

Themes I dislike or usually not into are glitch/synthwave/retrowave themes. "Modern" clothing I typically am not a fan of but there have been some exceptions depending on the breed/colours. Eyeburning skins/accents I also typically steer clear from for my eyeballs' sake.

As for my kinda breed+skins? Ancients mostly, especially sandsurges! But Obelisks, Pearlcatchers, and skydancers are my fave moderns to give skins to.
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I'd say silks/jewellery etc for the most part, but tbh if a skin works on a dragon of mine I'm buying it
I'd say silks/jewellery etc for the most part, but tbh if a skin works on a dragon of mine I'm buying it
She/Her | PM me about saving a fodder dragon :)
yes yes *takes notes* (i want to make more accents)
yes yes *takes notes* (i want to make more accents)

fr +1 | she/they
skins | adopts
I LOVE when a skin gives some kind of alteration to the dragon, be it a missing limb, scars, facial features, or extra features like new limbs entirely! I love when it makes a dragon visually distinct from another of its kind. I also love the ones that turn a dragon into something else entirely!
I also like when it gives a dragon’s clothes or vibes that either won’t exist, or just can’t because they don’t fit the vibe of FR (like those cool UMAs that give a dragon Hot Topic Pants. Love those to death.)
I LOVE when a skin gives some kind of alteration to the dragon, be it a missing limb, scars, facial features, or extra features like new limbs entirely! I love when it makes a dragon visually distinct from another of its kind. I also love the ones that turn a dragon into something else entirely!
I also like when it gives a dragon’s clothes or vibes that either won’t exist, or just can’t because they don’t fit the vibe of FR (like those cool UMAs that give a dragon Hot Topic Pants. Love those to death.)
+ Pacific Time | Neutral Evil | Artist Kinda +
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what i like and what i can use are two entirely different categories, but what i use is mainly floral and plantlike elements and accents that cover the wings primarily. i've got some that don't really match the rugged/rustic feeling of my lair but sometimes you have to make exceptions due to the lack of variety, its desolate out there for breeds like bogsneaks or ridgebacks and ancients virtually never get anything "practical".

restricting yourself can have its downsides sure, but also being able to avoid like 95% of umas that exist is a nice bonus i can focus on putting my money on other things instead.
what i like and what i can use are two entirely different categories, but what i use is mainly floral and plantlike elements and accents that cover the wings primarily. i've got some that don't really match the rugged/rustic feeling of my lair but sometimes you have to make exceptions due to the lack of variety, its desolate out there for breeds like bogsneaks or ridgebacks and ancients virtually never get anything "practical".

restricting yourself can have its downsides sure, but also being able to avoid like 95% of umas that exist is a nice bonus i can focus on putting my money on other things instead.
golden line with blue and white pearls and diamonds
i prefer accents that don't cover up the dragons too much, and instead tie their colours together. i like accents/skins that follow the general shape of a dragon's body as opposed the overly detailed and artsy skins, while they're beautiful they're just not my vibe as i think they don't fit in (also the transparency on them kinda turns me off)
i prefer accents that don't cover up the dragons too much, and instead tie their colours together. i like accents/skins that follow the general shape of a dragon's body as opposed the overly detailed and artsy skins, while they're beautiful they're just not my vibe as i think they don't fit in (also the transparency on them kinda turns me off)
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