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TOPIC | The game that got you into gaming
Pokemon definitely got me into gaming even though I've moved on from the series at this point. When I turned 8 my parents got me a red DS Lite with Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Blue Rescue Team and the rest is history. My first starter was Turtwig :). My first gaming experience though was watching my dad play through all the episodes of Half Life 2 on his computer when I was definitely way too young to watch it but I loved it so much despite not really understanding what was going on at that age. A few years ago I decided to revisit the series as an adult and I'm glad I did.
Pokemon definitely got me into gaming even though I've moved on from the series at this point. When I turned 8 my parents got me a red DS Lite with Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Blue Rescue Team and the rest is history. My first starter was Turtwig :). My first gaming experience though was watching my dad play through all the episodes of Half Life 2 on his computer when I was definitely way too young to watch it but I loved it so much despite not really understanding what was going on at that age. A few years ago I decided to revisit the series as an adult and I'm glad I did.
She/Her 24
Big Dragon Nerd
I only ever get obsessed with media that's at least 10 years old for some reason.
Artist and Writer
Hmmm. I'd say either the Halo series or Minecraft. I used to watch my dad play Halo all the time but. Minecraft is what got me into actively playing and not just introducing me
Hmmm. I'd say either the Halo series or Minecraft. I used to watch my dad play Halo all the time but. Minecraft is what got me into actively playing and not just introducing me
We had a lot of the early gaming systems in my house, but I'd say the one that hooked me the earliest was Super Mario Land on the Gameboy. We had a Nintendo and an Atari, but nothing on those really grabbed me the same way. It was the first game I ever beat by myself and I remember playing through the whole thing just to listen to the music that played during the credits - it was so dang catchy. I still look it up on youtube sometimes just for the nostalgia of it.
We had a lot of the early gaming systems in my house, but I'd say the one that hooked me the earliest was Super Mario Land on the Gameboy. We had a Nintendo and an Atari, but nothing on those really grabbed me the same way. It was the first game I ever beat by myself and I remember playing through the whole thing just to listen to the music that played during the credits - it was so dang catchy. I still look it up on youtube sometimes just for the nostalgia of it.
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PREY(2017). i kinda remember buying it on a whim, and i just completely fell in love with the game. I just love the environmental and sound design (I love the art deco around the map,) and i still look at the concept art on occasion.. After that i just had a newfound love for campaign fps..

second campaign game i ever finished was doom borrowed from my brother and his computer... I loved the codex feature, and the gameplay's pretty cool.. The soundtrack for this was also composed by the same person who made prey's soundtrack
PREY(2017). i kinda remember buying it on a whim, and i just completely fell in love with the game. I just love the environmental and sound design (I love the art deco around the map,) and i still look at the concept art on occasion.. After that i just had a newfound love for campaign fps..

second campaign game i ever finished was doom borrowed from my brother and his computer... I loved the codex feature, and the gameplay's pretty cool.. The soundtrack for this was also composed by the same person who made prey's soundtrack
Volt Wiring
The first game I remember playing is Warcraft 3 when I was 7 (only against bots and my brother, who would whoop me every time). I always played as the Night Elves because some of the units rode cats and I thought it was really cool.
The first game I remember playing is Warcraft 3 when I was 7 (only against bots and my brother, who would whoop me every time). I always played as the Night Elves because some of the units rode cats and I thought it was really cool.
Donkey Kong Country for the NES. A friend we lost touch with introduced the game to me and Nekotwins and we soon got hooked and got our own. Shame that Nintendo can't get much access to to using the kremlings anymore, though.
Donkey Kong Country for the NES. A friend we lost touch with introduced the game to me and Nekotwins and we soon got hooked and got our own. Shame that Nintendo can't get much access to to using the kremlings anymore, though. Visit my pokefarm, Please.
I have a discord for fanfic writers. Drop on by!
Fanfic chat
So I'm old enough to have had Nintendo since it was originally released in the 80s, so I grew up on Super Mario Bros. That said, I think Super Mario RPG (the original for the SNES) is the one really started my love of turn-based RPGs.
So I'm old enough to have had Nintendo since it was originally released in the 80s, so I grew up on Super Mario Bros. That said, I think Super Mario RPG (the original for the SNES) is the one really started my love of turn-based RPGs.

it wasn't the first game I played, but Dishonored was the first game that made me get really invested in playing video games. The combination of compelling storyline/characters, super fun and satisfying gameplay, and masterful level design really raised my personal bar for what video games could be.
I also played Kentucky Route Zero (at least the first two acts that were out at the time) for the first time around the same time I discovered Dishonored, and the combination of those two games changed my whole entire life tbh. KRZ showed me that video games aren't just games. In the right hands, they're also a deeply affecting visual art form an incredibly powerful method of storytelling. I know text based games aren't for everyone, but if you're willing to do some reading in a game, PLEASE play Kentucky Route Zero.
it wasn't the first game I played, but Dishonored was the first game that made me get really invested in playing video games. The combination of compelling storyline/characters, super fun and satisfying gameplay, and masterful level design really raised my personal bar for what video games could be.
I also played Kentucky Route Zero (at least the first two acts that were out at the time) for the first time around the same time I discovered Dishonored, and the combination of those two games changed my whole entire life tbh. KRZ showed me that video games aren't just games. In the right hands, they're also a deeply affecting visual art form an incredibly powerful method of storytelling. I know text based games aren't for everyone, but if you're willing to do some reading in a game, PLEASE play Kentucky Route Zero.
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I played some random games on PC when I was younger (4-6) but the first game I got was Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly (PS2). I also watched my father playing Tomb Raider when I was little.
I played some random games on PC when I was younger (4-6) but the first game I got was Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly (PS2). I also watched my father playing Tomb Raider when I was little.
fate was an old dungeon crawler in ye olden days of wildtangent games, where you had a set amount of free 'tokens' to try games with, after which you would have to buy the game to keep playing. this was the only game i owned back in 2006 other than horsez for the gameboy advance. it was beautiful. i just bought it on steam and got 100% achievements on it last week [img][/img] [img][/img]
fate was an old dungeon crawler in ye olden days of wildtangent games, where you had a set amount of free 'tokens' to try games with, after which you would have to buy the game to keep playing. this was the only game i owned back in 2006 other than horsez for the gameboy advance. it was beautiful. i just bought it on steam and got 100% achievements on it last week

23 • he/him • eng/jpn • fr+3

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