Omg, 3 hours before my birthday too. I love them
Omg, 3 hours before my birthday too. I love them
Oh what cuties!! [emoji=auraboa love size=1]
Oh what cuties!!

they/them | system
FREAKING ROOF TILE GENE???? Staff.... *grabs you firmly by the shoulders*
I love you so much
FREAKING ROOF TILE GENE???? Staff.... *grabs you firmly by the shoulders*
I love you so much
i love this breed so much
the only gene i dont really like is willow. i feel like its a very good gene but suffers the way some other terts do- its base is around the eyes. just makes it look awkward & heavy on the face, the skin wouldnt be able to hold all that up unless its growing out of the bone.. i wish it was behind the head or cheeks or just throughout the body!
i love this breed so much
the only gene i dont really like is willow. i feel like its a very good gene but suffers the way some other terts do- its base is around the eyes. just makes it look awkward & heavy on the face, the skin wouldnt be able to hold all that up unless its growing out of the bone.. i wish it was behind the head or cheeks or just throughout the body!
Thank you team for this AMAZING breed! I love everything I've seen so far, absolutely magical, very appreciative of the baby medusa snakes holding onto their eggshells.
Thank you team for this AMAZING breed! I love everything I've seen so far, absolutely magical, very appreciative of the baby medusa snakes holding onto their eggshells.
Kinda disappointed we got eggs instead of scrolls. Anyone want the two in my lair? They're technically useless to me
Kinda disappointed we got eggs instead of scrolls. Anyone want the two in my lair? They're technically useless to me
Nature Ancients!! It's nature's time to shine~ [emoji=nature rune size=1][emoji=auraboa happy size=1] Thanks so much!
Nature Ancients!! It's nature's time to shine~

Thanks so much!
Its adorable adore the hatchlings. This is second time coming back recently to new dragon. Now I need roam for more of these later. Thank you for the two eggs I always love hatching the new dragons after ban ones. ^^
Its adorable adore the hatchlings. This is second time coming back recently to new dragon. Now I need roam for more of these later. Thank you for the two eggs I always love hatching the new dragons after ban ones. ^^