
Raffles & Giveaways

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TOPIC | [Round 3] BINGO with Thrugzug
Hi thrugzug!!! [url=][img][/img][/url] Enjoy Gaean!
Hi thrugzug!!!


Enjoy Gaean!
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [font=times new roman] My snapper gal, Milanka ![/center]
My snapper gal, Milanka !
rrm9bEo.png YI181d4.png
This is MiniMoist - son of Alphazi's Snapper Male - Moist and my Snapper Female - Eliana (from a nesting of three, Minimoist has two sisters on his Mother's side, and countless siblings on his Father's side, but after all with 1.3k - like stars and Moist's story it was bound to happen) [center] without my skin & apparel [img][/img] with my skin & apparel [url=][img][/img][/url] mum and dad [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center]
This is MiniMoist - son of Alphazi's Snapper Male - Moist and my Snapper Female - Eliana
(from a nesting of three, Minimoist has two sisters on his Mother's side, and countless
siblings on his Father's side, but after all with 1.3k - like stars and Moist's story it was bound
to happen)
without my skin & apparel


with my skin & apparel

mum and dad
36129058.png 31516321.png
1582_200px_urbancountry26_by_miirshroom-dce92sn.png B18_L.pngc1-M13-1001.pngc2-M29-1001.pngc3-L15-1001.pngc4-L16-1001.pngc5-S18-1001.pngT10.pngB18_R.png
[url=][img][/img][/url] This is Stuffie , my permababy snapper with primal eyes ! hes such a cutie :)

This is Stuffie , my permababy snapper with primal eyes ! hes such a cutie :)
@Dracowolf I'm assuming the 'Defeat 15 bosses' on week two is on top of the 10 from last week, so 25 total? Also hello Thrugzug, I don't have any snappers but I found this guy on dragon share and he looks pretty neat [url=][img][/img][/url]
@Dracowolf I'm assuming the 'Defeat 15 bosses' on week two is on top of the 10 from last week, so 25 total?

Also hello Thrugzug, I don't have any snappers but I found this guy on dragon share and he looks pretty neat

[center]Silvriftwog's my Earth Ambassador~ Though he emerged an Obelisk from the mines event, I feel he'd rock Snapper-wise [emoji=earth rune] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center]
Silvriftwog's my Earth Ambassador~
Though he emerged an Obelisk from the mines event, I feel he'd rock Snapper-wise

Alex's Creepy Cookout Raffle
Morpheon Gach'adopt

FR+9 · They
28 y.o.

Shadom Bakery
Shale says hi! [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center]
Shale says hi!

That is correct. While considered two separate tasks doubling up was not in the spirit of those tasks. Doubling up on the same card is fine (like with the levels) but not between the two cards.

That is correct. While considered two separate tasks doubling up was not in the spirit of those tasks. Doubling up on the same card is fine (like with the levels) but not between the two cards.
Thrugzug! I literally only have ONE perma snapper she is my earth rep [url=][img][/img][/url]
Thrugzug! I literally only have ONE perma snapper she is my earth rep

Hi Thrugzug! [url=][img][/img][/url]
Hi Thrugzug!
