
Dragon Share

Show off your favorite dragons.
TOPIC | Top 5 Above You - Write More Edition
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@Alfreedom [url=][img][/img][/url] I always forget I love how smug f pose bogsneaks are and with Charcoal's poison primary, it somehow looks even more smug. Love how simple her apparel is but it pairs well with her muted colors. I even like the thylacine on her, a gene you will never see in my lair because of how specific its use is! But on Charcoal it really slaps. She definitely gives off mature, headstrong motherly vibes. [url=][img][/img][/url] I am a simple person I see pearl and cream and cottagecore into one I click like. Khanom is probably my favorite dragon in your lair, everything about them brings me such joy! I love their apparel, love the scene you have on them, and the fact that they run a tea shop makes me so happy. I want to give this dragon a hug and then share a cup of tea with them. And bake cookies with them. They can fix me. [url=][img][/img][/url] This is one of the best skins in the game and the apparel on Connie really draws out its charm. She's so mysterious and watery, like a siren! Like Charcoal, she is simple yet elegant. What you've chosen to dress her up in just really ties together her whole aesthetic and she's so pleasing to the eyes. I bet she smells like the ocean. Also, love Shelldon the familiar :') [url=][img][/img][/url] Again I am a simple person and am very drawn to soft, gentle dragons who give off a comforting aura. Drift is no exception. I very rarely enjoy the carousel apparel, I just think it doesn't fit a lot of my dragons, but Drift wears it so well! She looks like she gives warm hugs. I love her lightning eyes and how they just pop out amongst all the soft beiges. The light aura adds a really nice touch. [url=][img][/img][/url] I know absolutely nothing about Cats but this guy is so funky. I love him. He's giving me the ol razzle dazzle and I am entranced. Love how the starswirl pops with his darker colors, makes him seem so magically and enchanting. And the antenna to stand in for cat ears (FR cat ear apparel when) is so smart I love it. All in all 10/10 would cat again


I always forget I love how smug f pose bogsneaks are and with Charcoal's poison primary, it somehow looks even more smug. Love how simple her apparel is but it pairs well with her muted colors. I even like the thylacine on her, a gene you will never see in my lair because of how specific its use is! But on Charcoal it really slaps. She definitely gives off mature, headstrong motherly vibes.


I am a simple person I see pearl and cream and cottagecore into one I click like. Khanom is probably my favorite dragon in your lair, everything about them brings me such joy! I love their apparel, love the scene you have on them, and the fact that they run a tea shop makes me so happy. I want to give this dragon a hug and then share a cup of tea with them. And bake cookies with them. They can fix me.


This is one of the best skins in the game and the apparel on Connie really draws out its charm. She's so mysterious and watery, like a siren! Like Charcoal, she is simple yet elegant. What you've chosen to dress her up in just really ties together her whole aesthetic and she's so pleasing to the eyes. I bet she smells like the ocean. Also, love Shelldon the familiar :')


Again I am a simple person and am very drawn to soft, gentle dragons who give off a comforting aura. Drift is no exception. I very rarely enjoy the carousel apparel, I just think it doesn't fit a lot of my dragons, but Drift wears it so well! She looks like she gives warm hugs. I love her lightning eyes and how they just pop out amongst all the soft beiges. The light aura adds a really nice touch.


I know absolutely nothing about Cats but this guy is so funky. I love him. He's giving me the ol razzle dazzle and I am entranced. Love how the starswirl pops with his darker colors, makes him seem so magically and enchanting. And the antenna to stand in for cat ears (FR cat ear apparel when) is so smart I love it. All in all 10/10 would cat again
[center]@klefaeries [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol]I adore creepy and eerie dragons so Crypt is right up my alley. I can always appreciate the use of a Reisiger skin and the apparel you chose is just perfect. The antlers and the unearthly set are a match made in heaven and the candles look really nice with the maize sarco! And the his titles are just so great! Grave walker especially is super creative and cool~[/columns] [columns]Another stunning wildclaw! I adore your use of the silver pieces of apparel because they match Willow's moon prim so well. I also see you are a lover of g1s with gem genes cause this lady is full on spensy! Gosh she must have cost a pretty penny but it was worth it! Gorgeous girl all around[nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol]I couldn't resist picking Willow's lovely neighbor Lucian for this list as well! I really love elegant and regal looking pearlcatchers and all the gold & copper colors look great together. I can also appreciate the darker orange in the iridescent matching nicely with the reds from the uma you chose, they look really beautiful together![/columns] [columns]Cherub and seraph are underrated genes and they look beautiful in peach. You also picked really stunning apparel to put on her, the jewelry looks perfect and I am pretty picky about harvest vine usage but they look really pretty on Momo. The cat beside her is super cute and matchy with the cherub too[nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol]Pink and black? Count me in! I love how obsidian veined looks with the onyx seraph pieces. The arcane fest stuff also feels just made for him and I think the arcane aura looks gorgeous with the smoke swirl![/columns]
15323307_350.png I adore creepy and eerie dragons so Crypt is right up my alley. I can always appreciate the use of a Reisiger skin and the apparel you chose is just perfect. The antlers and the unearthly set are a match made in heaven and the candles look really nice with the maize sarco! And the his titles are just so great! Grave walker especially is super creative and cool~
Another stunning wildclaw! I adore your use of the silver pieces of apparel because they match Willow's moon prim so well. I also see you are a lover of g1s with gem genes cause this lady is full on spensy! Gosh she must have cost a pretty penny but it was worth it! Gorgeous girl all around 78701014_350.png
77828330_350.png I couldn't resist picking Willow's lovely neighbor Lucian for this list as well! I really love elegant and regal looking pearlcatchers and all the gold & copper colors look great together. I can also appreciate the darker orange in the iridescent matching nicely with the reds from the uma you chose, they look really beautiful together!
Cherub and seraph are underrated genes and they look beautiful in peach.
You also picked really stunning apparel to put on her, the jewelry looks perfect and I am pretty picky about harvest vine usage but they look really pretty on Momo. The cat beside her is super cute and matchy with the cherub too
59616949_350.png Pink and black? Count me in! I love how obsidian veined looks with the onyx seraph pieces. The arcane fest stuff also feels just made for him and I think the arcane aura looks gorgeous with the smoke swirl!
fr +2
@aurelyon ok, preface - this is [i]impossible.[/i] i don't think i've ever been faced with a harder challenge in one of these games - your lair is insanely gorgeous and if i was trying to pick a top five from each individual tab i think i'd still be struggling. oh my god. your use of colour, accents, and apparel is so amazing - i'll certainly be looking to your lair for inspiration for my own projects, because, good lord. ok. this is so hard wow [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol]the plague rare eyes were what cinched this for me, so perfectly reflecting the subtle greenish edges in the primary. holy moly what an unbelievably perfect combination of genes, apparel, and accent - the pink smokey aspects fo the accent match the starsilks immaculately, and the layering of the candles to bring out the pinkish gradient is *chefs kiss*. i also love the matching brown/pink/green in the familiar - perfect choice!![/columns] [columns]top ten dragons that make me say "ough" out loud. i can't take my eyes off how the coral stains the jade harlequin to such a perfect soft tone, drawing together the primary and secondary accent colours. speaking of accents, this is such a perfect choice - you've used apparel to tie in the gold and warm pinks so well, and of course the roundhorns bringing the grey colours seen in the darker lowlights of the harlequin is just wonderful[nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol]i am very much NOT immune to black and gold. this guy is just stunning - everything comes together in harmony to create such a look of decrepit opulence, like an abandoned, crumbling cathedral - very fitting for a representative of death. i love that the gold in his accent and his ivory stained look halfway more like unbleached bone than they do previous metal - it ties in with the theme so well. the blindfolded eyes and reaching, ghostly hands - you've done such an incredible job with him!![/columns] [columns]speaking of opulent aesthetics - [i]wow.[/i] she looks positively foreboding, like a dark omen. the clouds in her accent make it look like smoke is wafting from her candles and lanterns, and make her look slightly ethereal and unreal; i really love it. i also keep noticing the little bit of redness on her nose which makes it look soft and pettable (maybe ruins the spookiness a little bit but it's very cute).[nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol]it was so hard picking the final choice here, but i have to go with myseria. she looks so elegant and refined - i love the swirling patches of pale colour in between the deep, rich blues. the monochromatic choice for apparel and accents makes her feel incredibly classy and regal; i almost feel like if i met her in person, i'd bow out of instinct. really loving how the stars in her accent are carried through with the starry nightsilks as well!![/columns] honourable mentions: your entire lair. holy moly. but hijax, raijin, and shoal were up there for me! [next poster - please pick from surface/scholar/deeps tabs!]

ok, preface - this is impossible. i don't think i've ever been faced with a harder challenge in one of these games - your lair is insanely gorgeous and if i was trying to pick a top five from each individual tab i think i'd still be struggling. oh my god. your use of colour, accents, and apparel is so amazing - i'll certainly be looking to your lair for inspiration for my own projects, because, good lord. ok. this is so hard wow
87403741_350.png the plague rare eyes were what cinched this for me, so perfectly reflecting the subtle greenish edges in the primary. holy moly what an unbelievably perfect combination of genes, apparel, and accent - the pink smokey aspects fo the accent match the starsilks immaculately, and the layering of the candles to bring out the pinkish gradient is *chefs kiss*. i also love the matching brown/pink/green in the familiar - perfect choice!!

top ten dragons that make me say "ough" out loud. i can't take my eyes off how the coral stains the jade harlequin to such a perfect soft tone, drawing together the primary and secondary accent colours. speaking of accents, this is such a perfect choice - you've used apparel to tie in the gold and warm pinks so well, and of course the roundhorns bringing the grey colours seen in the darker lowlights of the harlequin is just wonderful 82995487_350.png

86425763_350.png i am very much NOT immune to black and gold. this guy is just stunning - everything comes together in harmony to create such a look of decrepit opulence, like an abandoned, crumbling cathedral - very fitting for a representative of death. i love that the gold in his accent and his ivory stained look halfway more like unbleached bone than they do previous metal - it ties in with the theme so well. the blindfolded eyes and reaching, ghostly hands - you've done such an incredible job with him!!

speaking of opulent aesthetics - wow. she looks positively foreboding, like a dark omen. the clouds in her accent make it look like smoke is wafting from her candles and lanterns, and make her look slightly ethereal and unreal; i really love it. i also keep noticing the little bit of redness on her nose which makes it look soft and pettable (maybe ruins the spookiness a little bit but it's very cute). 87140141_350.png

85503884_350.png it was so hard picking the final choice here, but i have to go with myseria. she looks so elegant and refined - i love the swirling patches of pale colour in between the deep, rich blues. the monochromatic choice for apparel and accents makes her feel incredibly classy and regal; i almost feel like if i met her in person, i'd bow out of instinct. really loving how the stars in her accent are carried through with the starry nightsilks as well!!

honourable mentions: your entire lair. holy moly. but hijax, raijin, and shoal were up there for me!

[next poster - please pick from surface/scholar/deeps tabs!]
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they/them; +17fr
doodle art
claim :>
claim :>
@Mekhalive -- I've seen your lair before, probably from a thread like these as that's how I usually find myself looking at other lairs. Saw several I'd starred before, and went straight past them to short-list a new set of dragons to star and then try to bring down to just 5. You have such a nice lair! [url=][img][/img][/url] Fini is gorgeous. Drawn right to his eyes, with the rest of the yellow to the sides that balance him out really well with the greens. He reminds me of a raccoon or an opposum, and also reminds me of that old Robin Hood cartoon with the animals. There's just so much personality here, there's already a story that can be given by his appearance alone. And then his little blurb! Yes, Fini is the spiral equivalent of a gradening trash panda. [url=][img][/img][/url] Tux is instantly Fini's opposite and exact same, somehow. She's got a less chaotic feel to me, instantly more down-to-earth and less chaotic. But the same feeling of 'she knows her stuff and I don't want to cross that.' I love the combination of the apparel and accent here, and how you have several colors well spread throughout. This is really, really good apparel crafting. Very beautiful, and good work. [url=][img][/img][/url] Baruz I don't know what I'm looking at, and I don't know how you put all that together, but I really, really like him. My eyes were drawn to the treeshroud, an apparel piece I always think looks clunky but then somehow looks good on most dragons. But I've never, ever seen it done so well. With the colors of this dragon, the layering of the apparel, and general busyness... The shroud looks almost like scales? And I love it. Definitely the star of the show for me. That said, I almost didn't even notice the (big, obvious) Unlucky Presence here...and that's incredible, since it is usually overshadowing everything else. I'm impressed with how you got it to work in. This guy is gorgeous, and has an ancient feel to him, and I'd love to read his lore if you have any in mind for him. [url=][img][/img][/url] Vival I just kind of want to take home with me (I'm taking notes!). She's a great example of scales working really well. Her apparel is again spot on. And, yet again, you're using a piece that's super hard to work well in a dragon by integrating some unusual combinations. All of this on an obelisk, which is a tough dragon to dress. Great work. [url=][img][/img][/url] I don't actually know what to say about Baetel. She keeps getting put to the back of the dragons I still have open in tabs. But I can't let her alone. Tundra females are also so hard to dress, and you've got this interesting, quirky color combination going with apparel that shouldn't go together layered in ways that shouldn't work. You're clearly a wizard of some sort. The more I look at her, the more I admire what is happening. Again, incredible work.
@Mekhalive -- I've seen your lair before, probably from a thread like these as that's how I usually find myself looking at other lairs. Saw several I'd starred before, and went straight past them to short-list a new set of dragons to star and then try to bring down to just 5. You have such a nice lair!

Fini is gorgeous. Drawn right to his eyes, with the rest of the yellow to the sides that balance him out really well with the greens. He reminds me of a raccoon or an opposum, and also reminds me of that old Robin Hood cartoon with the animals. There's just so much personality here, there's already a story that can be given by his appearance alone. And then his little blurb! Yes, Fini is the spiral equivalent of a gradening trash panda.

Tux is instantly Fini's opposite and exact same, somehow. She's got a less chaotic feel to me, instantly more down-to-earth and less chaotic. But the same feeling of 'she knows her stuff and I don't want to cross that.' I love the combination of the apparel and accent here, and how you have several colors well spread throughout. This is really, really good apparel crafting. Very beautiful, and good work.

Baruz I don't know what I'm looking at, and I don't know how you put all that together, but I really, really like him. My eyes were drawn to the treeshroud, an apparel piece I always think looks clunky but then somehow looks good on most dragons. But I've never, ever seen it done so well. With the colors of this dragon, the layering of the apparel, and general busyness... The shroud looks almost like scales? And I love it. Definitely the star of the show for me. That said, I almost didn't even notice the (big, obvious) Unlucky Presence here...and that's incredible, since it is usually overshadowing everything else. I'm impressed with how you got it to work in. This guy is gorgeous, and has an ancient feel to him, and I'd love to read his lore if you have any in mind for him.

Vival I just kind of want to take home with me (I'm taking notes!). She's a great example of scales working really well. Her apparel is again spot on. And, yet again, you're using a piece that's super hard to work well in a dragon by integrating some unusual combinations. All of this on an obelisk, which is a tough dragon to dress. Great work.

I don't actually know what to say about Baetel. She keeps getting put to the back of the dragons I still have open in tabs. But I can't let her alone. Tundra females are also so hard to dress, and you've got this interesting, quirky color combination going with apparel that shouldn't go together layered in ways that shouldn't work. You're clearly a wizard of some sort. The more I look at her, the more I admire what is happening. Again, incredible work.
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@ZipZapZoom I have a weakness for primal dragons so your lair was an absolute joy to look through! [url=][img][/img][/url] This guy is such a warm, nice dragon. I *love* spring as a color because all genes have this nice, orange to yellow highlight that I find so pleasing. The wasp does make him look like a crystal of some sort and his accent compliments that really well. I love how the gilded compass adds this golden fancy-ness that is very close to the accent's vibe too. What an amazing earth dragon all in all :3 [url=][img][/img][/url] I'm very weak to pink-yellow pastel dragons. The gradient on this beauty is SO satisfying, I can't stop looking at her. Coral iridescent is beautiful (an another one of my favorite colors) and I just love the combination of light and arcane apparel. The stacked banners are really clever! She's so shiny, but in a subdued, nice and glowy kind of way. Her lore really fits her. I kinda want a dragon with this combo of colors in my lair too, now. [url=][img][/img][/url] This guy has irresistible autumn vibes. If you hadn't noticed yet, I love warm colors. This combination of deep browns, saturated yellows, and a tiny bit of orange in there is right up my alley. I really like the accent he's wearing. It's quite subtle, I didn't notice at first that he had one, but it magnifies the fall impression. With the top hat that gives him an old-timey look and the nightshroud that looks like an ancient parchment, his name also fits him very well :) [url=][img][/img][/url] I don't usually pick naked dragons because there isn't so much to say about them, but damn, Anemoi is definitely one of my favorites from your lair and I keep going back to him. What an absolutely gorgeous combination! That's the definition of the "weirdly matching" XYZ. I cannot believe his tert is brick?? How did that purplish belly even happened? I can't get over how nicely he matches. And I love the violet striation: has a nice sunset-y look [url=][img][/img][/url] It was hard picking a last dragon but in the end I decided to go with Sedari. I love snappers, first of all. Then, I really like the look of veined on her. It does look like she oozing some kind of magic so strongly that she's kind of cracking? Anyway copper fade really matches her primal eyes, and her skin is so perfectly chosen. It blends seamlessly with her, it's great. I also adore how the treeshroud looks on snappers, I never noticed the black-ish branches/vines/roots. She looks so cool and powerful. Plus, her lore is awesome :D
I have a weakness for primal dragons so your lair was an absolute joy to look through!

This guy is such a warm, nice dragon. I *love* spring as a color because all genes have this nice, orange to yellow highlight that I find so pleasing. The wasp does make him look like a crystal of some sort and his accent compliments that really well. I love how the gilded compass adds this golden fancy-ness that is very close to the accent's vibe too. What an amazing earth dragon all in all :3

I'm very weak to pink-yellow pastel dragons. The gradient on this beauty is SO satisfying, I can't stop looking at her. Coral iridescent is beautiful (an another one of my favorite colors) and I just love the combination of light and arcane apparel. The stacked banners are really clever! She's so shiny, but in a subdued, nice and glowy kind of way. Her lore really fits her. I kinda want a dragon with this combo of colors in my lair too, now.

This guy has irresistible autumn vibes. If you hadn't noticed yet, I love warm colors. This combination of deep browns, saturated yellows, and a tiny bit of orange in there is right up my alley. I really like the accent he's wearing. It's quite subtle, I didn't notice at first that he had one, but it magnifies the fall impression. With the top hat that gives him an old-timey look and the nightshroud that looks like an ancient parchment, his name also fits him very well :)

I don't usually pick naked dragons because there isn't so much to say about them, but damn, Anemoi is definitely one of my favorites from your lair and I keep going back to him. What an absolutely gorgeous combination! That's the definition of the "weirdly matching" XYZ. I cannot believe his tert is brick?? How did that purplish belly even happened? I can't get over how nicely he matches. And I love the violet striation: has a nice sunset-y look

It was hard picking a last dragon but in the end I decided to go with Sedari. I love snappers, first of all. Then, I really like the look of veined on her. It does look like she oozing some kind of magic so strongly that she's kind of cracking? Anyway copper fade really matches her primal eyes, and her skin is so perfectly chosen. It blends seamlessly with her, it's great. I also adore how the treeshroud looks on snappers, I never noticed the black-ish branches/vines/roots. She looks so cool and powerful. Plus, her lore is awesome :D
@MiraLief I’m so sorry for my delay on this!!! Got super busy here as soon as I claimed, because of course it did :’) You have such a wonderfully colorful lair!! It was a joy to look through and get to see such a wide array of aesthetics, styles of dress, and colors :> [url=][img][/img][/url] First is Eleanor!! I’m a secret sucker for Pistachio/Abyss. Her colors match so elegantly, and I love the dreary, elegant colors she has. Also!!! I LOVE your apparel choices. Combined with the name, it gives her such a “no officer, I haven’t seen my husband in ages. I’m [i]so[/i] worried.” She just has such a fantastic vibe, and so much character. [url=][img][/img][/url] I am… so jealous of Taonga oh my god???? This is one of my favorite dragons I’ve seen in a hot minute. I am absolutely in love with Pear Fern, and the way it ties into the shimmer and capsule is just… so stunning. He’s so bright and full of movement. He draws the eye and keeps it. Just… wow!!! [url=][img][/img][/url] You have so many lovely Tundras, and Skycat is a perfect example. His dusty, scholarly color scheme with the pop of blue is so lovely, but his apparel is what really made me fall in love. Once again, you’ve built such a wonderful character here. He gives off such a gentle, soothing energy, and I really love him <3 [url=][img][/img][/url] I’m a huge birder, so I love this boy!!! But just on the dragon level, Toui is another one of those immediately eye catching dragons. I’m a big fan of good Thylacine use, and the orange over the super popping yellow and blue. He’s just so colorful, and I love it [url=][img][/img][/url] Maela is just… wow. The accent was the first thing that caught my eye. It adds such depth to her, but it was her genes that really sell her. I had no idea Taupe Rattlesnake was so beautiful, and it makes her colors so warm and rich. Her Crest also matches wonderfully. She looks like a guardian of an ancient forest, eternally stuck in fall. I’m already a sucker for Sandsurges, and she’s a perfect demonstration as to why.

I’m so sorry for my delay on this!!! Got super busy here as soon as I claimed, because of course it did :’)

You have such a wonderfully colorful lair!! It was a joy to look through and get to see such a wide array of aesthetics, styles of dress, and colors :>

First is Eleanor!! I’m a secret sucker for Pistachio/Abyss. Her colors match so elegantly, and I love the dreary, elegant colors she has. Also!!! I LOVE your apparel choices. Combined with the name, it gives her such a “no officer, I haven’t seen my husband in ages. I’m so worried.” She just has such a fantastic vibe, and so much character.

I am… so jealous of Taonga oh my god???? This is one of my favorite dragons I’ve seen in a hot minute. I am absolutely in love with Pear Fern, and the way it ties into the shimmer and capsule is just… so stunning. He’s so bright and full of movement. He draws the eye and keeps it. Just… wow!!!

You have so many lovely Tundras, and Skycat is a perfect example. His dusty, scholarly color scheme with the pop of blue is so lovely, but his apparel is what really made me fall in love. Once again, you’ve built such a wonderful character here. He gives off such a gentle, soothing energy, and I really love him <3

I’m a huge birder, so I love this boy!!! But just on the dragon level, Toui is another one of those immediately eye catching dragons. I’m a big fan of good Thylacine use, and the orange over the super popping yellow and blue. He’s just so colorful, and I love it

Maela is just… wow. The accent was the first thing that caught my eye. It adds such depth to her, but it was her genes that really sell her. I had no idea Taupe Rattlesnake was so beautiful, and it makes her colors so warm and rich. Her Crest also matches wonderfully. She looks like a guardian of an ancient forest, eternally stuck in fall. I’m already a sucker for Sandsurges, and she’s a perfect demonstration as to why.
jules || they/them
gen 1 sales
sorneith’s most wanted
kiss he nose
@Akhilleus Incredibly impressive doubles! I love how each one feels like they were chosen with so much intention and handled with love. [center] [url=][img][/img][/url] ----[emoji=gust size=1]---- Jericho is such a gorgeous dragon, and they've had so many different looks! I have to say though, I'm definitely partial to this current one. That gorgeous peridot ghost is so eye-catching and otherworldly, offset with those dark dusty purples from the trail secondary and apparel pieces. Just an absolutely spectacular palette. Also, there's something endearing about a fae who isn't a smoothtalker. Sure, they have rizz, but the note about often getting their words tangled (presumably when trying to skirt around the truth,) adds such an interesting layer of nuance to the character. ----- [url=][img][/img][/url] ----[emoji=peacock feather size=1]----- Peacock, one of my absolute most beloved. And they're nearly a triple! Wowie. Using their tert to add some of the gorgeous insectoid shimmer to their palette was such a good choice, it's really what this range of colors excels at. Their palette is deepened further by using genes that further darken peacock, playing off the murky deep water color of their eyes. A gorgeous abyssal being, or maybe something from equally deep woods, diaphonous and strange. Dappled with bits of gold and pinpoints of light. ----- [url=][img][/img][/url] ----[emoji=skull size=1]---- It was such a struggle to choose between Orestes and Iphigenia -- spiral bias, and also both are just so wonderfully put together. Iphigenia won out with that accent though -- is it a custom? Given her lore snippets, as well as her counterpart, it seems quite possible! I love the sprigs of wheat and the blade gripped in her back paw, as well as the wooly accessories that perfectly match the off-white of her body colors. There's something so beautiful about the subtle stain on her phthalo primary and secondary too -- it grants her the low-contrast, sepia-toned look of something dusty and forgotten. ----- [url=][img][/img][/url] ----[emoji=scroll size=1]---- Enkidu...ough. Augh. Stone and oilslick are stunning together, absolutely a masterclass in why basic secondaries can really work in a dragon's favor, providing a dark, neutral canvas against which the whisps of smoke can curl, dry vines and dark fabric can hang, and gold can glint. The pops of copper from the flower accents, the cinder baubles, and the accent echoing his eye color all serve as a pop of color that is carried subtly in even the stone ribbon primary. Just a lovely dragon overall, and one that makes use of some under-appreciated genes. ----- [url=][img][/img][/url] ----[emoji=harp size=1]---- Goldenrod and aqua were simply made for each other. FR users have always known this (as soon as they stopped being afraid of goldenrod,) and his age absolutely reflects that. Nearly a decade old! What an incredible gen1 -- and with wonderfully well-matched eyes. Skink gives him a little bit of blue eyeshadow to further pop that color, and aqua glimmer gives him some claw polish, love little details like those, you know? His apparel is put together wonderfully, reflective of his accent. The way that curl of sparkly smoke winds its way around his wings is absolutely magical. Just an absolutely wonderful, nostalgic treasure of a dragon. [/center] Next person: Feel free to take a look at my hibden as well as my main lair, and please disregard my Marva cloak dragons <3
@Akhilleus Incredibly impressive doubles! I love how each one feels like they were chosen with so much intention and handled with love.

Jericho is such a gorgeous dragon, and they've had so many different looks! I have to say though, I'm definitely partial to this current one.

That gorgeous peridot ghost is so eye-catching and otherworldly, offset with those dark dusty purples from the trail secondary and apparel pieces. Just an absolutely spectacular palette. Also, there's something endearing about a fae who isn't a smoothtalker. Sure, they have rizz, but the note about often getting their words tangled (presumably when trying to skirt around the truth,) adds such an interesting layer of nuance to the character.



Peacock, one of my absolute most beloved. And they're nearly a triple! Wowie. Using their tert to add some of the gorgeous insectoid shimmer to their palette was such a good choice, it's really what this range of colors excels at.

Their palette is deepened further by using genes that further darken peacock, playing off the murky deep water color of their eyes. A gorgeous abyssal being, or maybe something from equally deep woods, diaphonous and strange. Dappled with bits of gold and pinpoints of light.



It was such a struggle to choose between Orestes and Iphigenia -- spiral bias, and also both are just so wonderfully put together. Iphigenia won out with that accent though -- is it a custom? Given her lore snippets, as well as her counterpart, it seems quite possible! I love the sprigs of wheat and the blade gripped in her back paw, as well as the wooly accessories that perfectly match the off-white of her body colors.

There's something so beautiful about the subtle stain on her phthalo primary and secondary too -- it grants her the low-contrast, sepia-toned look of something dusty and forgotten.



Enkidu...ough. Augh. Stone and oilslick are stunning together, absolutely a masterclass in why basic secondaries can really work in a dragon's favor, providing a dark, neutral canvas against which the whisps of smoke can curl, dry vines and dark fabric can hang, and gold can glint.

The pops of copper from the flower accents, the cinder baubles, and the accent echoing his eye color all serve as a pop of color that is carried subtly in even the stone ribbon primary. Just a lovely dragon overall, and one that makes use of some under-appreciated genes.



Goldenrod and aqua were simply made for each other. FR users have always known this (as soon as they stopped being afraid of goldenrod,) and his age absolutely reflects that. Nearly a decade old! What an incredible gen1 -- and with wonderfully well-matched eyes. Skink gives him a little bit of blue eyeshadow to further pop that color, and aqua glimmer gives him some claw polish, love little details like those, you know?

His apparel is put together wonderfully, reflective of his accent. The way that curl of sparkly smoke winds its way around his wings is absolutely magical. Just an absolutely wonderful, nostalgic treasure of a dragon.

Next person: Feel free to take a look at my hibden as well as my main lair, and please disregard my Marva cloak dragons <3
[quote name="@osteophagy" date="2023-09-03 08:31:31" ] please disregard my Marva cloak dragons <3 [/quote] but.. sconce my beloveds... <3 I think your lair is about to very shortly become one of my favourites.. I genuinely can't decide they're all so gorgeous *_* (and OMG your art!!!) [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] I gasped when I saw him. Can he hear me calling, out his name? He knows I'm a Fleetwood fan and I don't know what else to say. I absolutely am in awe of the gorgeous blue and orange theme on your first page that it was really hard not picking every dragon from here! I love him the most though, he looks so summery and the pop of colour from the embers as well as the underbelly is to die for. [/columns] [columns] I love that this guy is called Rib, it just suits him perfectly like hell yeah that guy sure is Rib.. I am a big fan of angelic looking dragons and I love how you've taken his soft look and added in some dark apparel and accents. It adds so much character and mystique, the thorns, tattered clothing and scars make him give off this sort of soft, but fallen, angel vibe. He's not bad, just beautiful and misunderstood. :p [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/columns] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] CHINTZ is one of those dragons that are just really enjoyable to look at! His overall look is so unique, I don't think I've seen a dragon quite like him - and I think that's in part to the incredible aesthetic you've created with him and all the little details you've incoperated into his look - I didn't even notice he has Glowtail , I thought it was part of the neon signs! XD Looking at him makes me feel like I'm floating down a river on raft on a hot night, surrounding by glowing lanterns and exotic fish, little purple parrots singing in the drooping branches of the trees hanging above. [/columns] [columns] *adjusts monocle and sips tea* ohohohoh... a fellow tomato koi enjoyed I see. [emoji=special eyes size=1] I think orangey, dark and greeny dragons are just the bomb. His colours are stunning enough on their own but I think what puts him in the Top 5 for me is again all the little details in his look! The tigerlily flowerfall and layered webs really bring all the colours together but I especially love how you've chosen an accent for him that adds some moths to him, it really just ties in perfectly with his lore that he loves gardening in a way that's good for the insects. I imagine the little critters definitely would like to flit around a dragon like him. <3 [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/columns] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] What brought me here was beige capsule and I'm not afraid to say it.. but what made me stay was his lore snippet?!?! Dude? That's metal af, XD. You've said more about him with that slam dunk of a sentence than I ever have about my dragons that I've written paragraphs for. Again, wonderful blend of colours. You really have a knack for finding XYZs with the perfect accents that just tie together, the pale fade in shale just melds seamlessly into the brick primary (I sound like Im talking about food lmao), and the splashes of green in the flaunt match up perfectly with his eyes! With the light apparel and candles you've picked for him his capsule looks like it's [i]glowing[/i]. Yes, he might be a eerie slippery worm working it's way out of the decaying flesh of an old god but he is sure doing it with a hell of a lot of flair, style and pizzazz.
@osteophagy wrote on 2023-09-03 08:31:31:
please disregard my Marva cloak dragons <3

but.. sconce my beloveds... <3

I think your lair is about to very shortly become one of my favourites.. I genuinely can't decide they're all so gorgeous *_* (and OMG your art!!!)


I gasped when I saw him. Can he hear me calling, out his name? He knows I'm a Fleetwood fan and I don't know what else to say. I absolutely am in awe of the gorgeous blue and orange theme on your first page that it was really hard not picking every dragon from here! I love him the most though, he looks so summery and the pop of colour from the embers as well as the underbelly is to die for.

I love that this guy is called Rib, it just suits him perfectly like hell yeah that guy sure is Rib.. I am a big fan of angelic looking dragons and I love how you've taken his soft look and added in some dark apparel and accents. It adds so much character and mystique, the thorns, tattered clothing and scars make him give off this sort of soft, but fallen, angel vibe. He's not bad, just beautiful and misunderstood. :p



CHINTZ is one of those dragons that are just really enjoyable to look at! His overall look is so unique, I don't think I've seen a dragon quite like him - and I think that's in part to the incredible aesthetic you've created with him and all the little details you've incoperated into his look - I didn't even notice he has Glowtail , I thought it was part of the neon signs! XD Looking at him makes me feel like I'm floating down a river on raft on a hot night, surrounding by glowing lanterns and exotic fish, little purple parrots singing in the drooping branches of the trees hanging above.

*adjusts monocle and sips tea* ohohohoh... a fellow tomato koi enjoyed I see. I think orangey, dark and greeny dragons are just the bomb. His colours are stunning enough on their own but I think what puts him in the Top 5 for me is again all the little details in his look! The tigerlily flowerfall and layered webs really bring all the colours together but I especially love how you've chosen an accent for him that adds some moths to him, it really just ties in perfectly with his lore that he loves gardening in a way that's good for the insects. I imagine the little critters definitely would like to flit around a dragon like him. <3



What brought me here was beige capsule and I'm not afraid to say it.. but what made me stay was his lore snippet?!?! Dude? That's metal af, XD. You've said more about him with that slam dunk of a sentence than I ever have about my dragons that I've written paragraphs for. Again, wonderful blend of colours. You really have a knack for finding XYZs with the perfect accents that just tie together, the pale fade in shale just melds seamlessly into the brick primary (I sound like Im talking about food lmao), and the splashes of green in the flaunt match up perfectly with his eyes! With the light apparel and candles you've picked for him his capsule looks like it's glowing. Yes, he might be a eerie slippery worm working it's way out of the decaying flesh of an old god but he is sure doing it with a hell of a lot of flair, style and pizzazz.
@Heart so many to choose from, so I tried to compare to my dragons instead Took me over an hour to write [url=][img][/img][/url] Love the coffee theme from your Warpaint. She is almost identical to my Cappuccino. Seeing that gif, I imagined she was a prisoner of the ruins, which she had been trapped in for many years. "She longed to break freeeeee, she wants to break freeeeee." [url=][img][/img][/url] Seraph looks almost identical to my Witness. Both are Guardian F as well, almost the same apparel. I imagined that Seraph was a creature of pure destruction. It breathed fire and death wherever it went. It was feared by all who crossed its path. My Banescale army is scared now [url=][img][/img][/url] Ii love how Conker has a beekeeper and summer vibe. She looks like the queen/priest of the rice fields. Hershey would welcome Conker a visit to create more chocolate ingredients to the Knell Kingdom. [url=][img][/img][/url] I love how the skin of the lily pads blends so seamlessly with the capsule gene. The vines on the wings add a touch of nature, giving me a forest vibe. Reminds me of my Garden and Salvation dragons. [url=][img][/img][/url] Very Thunderous theme you got here. Gives me steampunk vibes. Thunders everywhere. Ballas would be proud. "Thunder, feel the thunder, Lightning then the thunder."
@Heart so many to choose from, so I tried to compare to my dragons instead

Took me over an hour to write
Love the coffee theme from your Warpaint. She is almost identical to my Cappuccino. Seeing that gif, I imagined she was a prisoner of the ruins, which she had been trapped in for many years. "She longed to break freeeeee, she wants to break freeeeee."

Seraph looks almost identical to my Witness. Both are Guardian F as well, almost the same apparel. I imagined that Seraph was a creature of pure destruction. It breathed fire and death wherever it went. It was feared by all who crossed its path. My Banescale army is scared now

Ii love how Conker has a beekeeper and summer vibe. She looks like the queen/priest of the rice fields. Hershey would welcome Conker a visit to create more chocolate ingredients to the Knell Kingdom.

I love how the skin of the lily pads blends so seamlessly with the capsule gene. The vines on the wings add a touch of nature, giving me a forest vibe. Reminds me of my Garden and Salvation dragons.

Very Thunderous theme you got here. Gives me steampunk vibes. Thunders everywhere. Ballas would be proud. "Thunder, feel the thunder,
Lightning then the thunder."
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