

Community created guides, helpful strategies, and more.
TOPIC | Glimmer and Gloom [Very Hard]
[center][b]So helpful! Thank you!!! [emoji=coatl star size=1][/b][/center]
So helpful! Thank you!!!
call me belle~! ε>

It's been years since this thread was made, but just wanted to say that this Glimmer and Gloom guide is SO GOOD! It takes me way less time to farm for treasure now, thanks [emoji=gaoler star size=1]
It's been years since this thread was made, but just wanted to say that this Glimmer and Gloom guide is SO GOOD! It takes me way less time to farm for treasure now, thanks
...the cold reclaims.

FR +0 || 20s || sometimes an artist
Finally back from my long hiatus

There’s also this thingy
Where u can just click on the leftover places and it will automatically show u where to click
There’s also this thingy
Where u can just click on the leftover places and it will automatically show u where to click
This method, combined with some insane luck, got me finishing a very hard round in 16 seconds! Whew!
This method, combined with some insane luck, got me finishing a very hard round in 16 seconds! Whew!
Many thanks to you for the guide, and to the one who made the video [emoji=familiar heart size=1]
Many thanks to you for the guide, and to the one who made the video
size = 525x100
This is a life saver, thank you!!
This is a life saver, thank you!!
i tried the new guide but it kept doing me wrong. Well sometimes it would work and sometimes it wouldnt and the puzzle would remain unsolved... Actually i dont wanna slander the very cool website. i would bet good treasure im using it wrong. Either way, i am going back to the tried and true spreadsheet in this thread

so im just here to say thank you @Catradora
i tried the new guide but it kept doing me wrong. Well sometimes it would work and sometimes it wouldnt and the puzzle would remain unsolved... Actually i dont wanna slander the very cool website. i would bet good treasure im using it wrong. Either way, i am going back to the tried and true spreadsheet in this thread

so im just here to say thank you @Catradora
Thank you so much!!!
Thank you so much!!!
omg that worked!! Thank you!
omg that worked!! Thank you!
7kXqKFJ.png COATL love!
ah the memories of being a g&g noob
ah the memories of being a g&g noob

Pompom Mums Celestine nice to meet you! call me cloudy.
please ping, feel free to message!
remember to be kind! :)