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TOPIC | Open the Door~
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You find yourself in a large industrial kitchen. The silver glint of stainless steel is all around, so bright you almost have to squint. In the distance, you can hear the clamor of chefs calling to each other but there's not a soul in sight. The smell of baked goods mixed with gourmet food wafts through the air. Confused, you try to decide where to go next.

Door 1: a door on what seems to be the back wall. Does it go outside?

Door 2: A metal ladder is bolted to the wall that leads to a hatch in the ceiling. Roof access?

Door 3: A large set of double doors on the opposite wall. Are those customers you hear on the other side?
You find yourself in a large industrial kitchen. The silver glint of stainless steel is all around, so bright you almost have to squint. In the distance, you can hear the clamor of chefs calling to each other but there's not a soul in sight. The smell of baked goods mixed with gourmet food wafts through the air. Confused, you try to decide where to go next.

Door 1: a door on what seems to be the back wall. Does it go outside?

Door 2: A metal ladder is bolted to the wall that leads to a hatch in the ceiling. Roof access?

Door 3: A large set of double doors on the opposite wall. Are those customers you hear on the other side?
@Radiiant door 2 please!
@Radiiant door 2 please!
"What- you, the father of all skepticism, worried?"


"Just because I don't think it happened doesn't mean I can't be worried."

Door 1 please!

Door 1 please!


100 HC challenge
@MapiRanch you walk outside to see the blue sky overhead. Something soars above you. Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's an Arctic Hippalectryon. [item=arctic hippalectryon] @Achromaticism you climb the ladder to find, not the roof, but a storage attic. A hedgehog rustles around in the boxes, taking an afternoon nap on some cardboard. [item=hedgehog] @Twilightstar123 you push open the doors to find a dragon sitting at a table, loudly complaining about her food. You've never heard of a dragon food critic, but you offer her better snacks and she happily agrees. [url=][img][/img][/url]
@MapiRanch you walk outside to see the blue sky overhead. Something soars above you. Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's an Arctic Hippalectryon.
Arctic Hippalectryon

@Achromaticism you climb the ladder to find, not the roof, but a storage attic. A hedgehog rustles around in the boxes, taking an afternoon nap on some cardboard.

@Twilightstar123 you push open the doors to find a dragon sitting at a table, loudly complaining about her food. You've never heard of a dragon food critic, but you offer her better snacks and she happily agrees.
Walking through a very suspicious alleyway(why are you even in an alleyway?) you stumble upon 3 doors. Each with its own unique markings. Door 1-[emoji=shockswitch blue size=1][emoji=lightning rune size=1][emoji=puzzle piece size=1] Door 2-[emoji=shockswitch red size=1][emoji=plague rune size=1][emoji=red star size=1] Door 3-[emoji=rose size=1][emoji=gust size=1][emoji=ivy leaf size=1]
Walking through a very suspicious alleyway(why are you even in an alleyway?) you stumble upon 3 doors. Each with its own unique markings.

Door 1-
Door 2-
Door 3-
Door 2 pls
Door 2 pls
163.png 77504139.png 163.png

I shall open Door1 :) please and thank you <3

I shall open Door1 :) please and thank you <3
I picked door 3 ^-^
I picked door 3 ^-^
FR+3/Pastel Lover/Wishlist/Avatar Derg
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@WitheredFox (Door 1) You open the door only to realize you're in an electrical room. I guess you don't get anything. (Just joking) You notice a little creature hiding behind the control panel. It scurries over to you and demands you to bring it home. [item=Crackling Leo] @CrazyOwl (Door 2) You open the door you chose, but before you can react, everything goes dark. When you finally wake, a very bloody dragon looms over you. You try to run, but wherever you go the dragon follows you. Well now you have a bloody dragon to take care of. [url=][img][/img][/url] @ILUVowlhouse (Door 3) You open the door to be met in the face with a gust of fresh spring air. Literally. [item=Spring's Breath]
(Door 1)
You open the door only to realize you're in an electrical room. I guess you don't get anything. (Just joking) You notice a little creature hiding behind the control panel. It scurries over to you and demands you to bring it home. Crackling Leo

(Door 2)
You open the door you chose, but before you can react, everything goes dark. When you finally wake, a very bloody dragon looms over you. You try to run, but wherever you go the dragon follows you. Well now you have a bloody dragon to take care of.

(Door 3)
You open the door to be met in the face with a gust of fresh spring air. Literally.
Spring's Breath
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