
Skins and Accents

Share and sell your skin creations with other players.
TOPIC | Preorders: "Only One" [MOVED]
@DeDra @botfly @Tinble @ShiningFlight @EntityUnknown

Hello again, everyone. Unfortunately, Only One F has been rejected for having a lineart and shadow layer that were deemed too light... even though I just used the same colors I used for Only One M, Only One M Alt, and Only One F Alt, which had all previously been approved.

I posted a question about this on the Skin and Accent Problems forum thread. Hopefully, I get an answer and will be able to get the accent to you soon. ;v;
@DeDra @botfly @Tinble @ShiningFlight @EntityUnknown

Hello again, everyone. Unfortunately, Only One F has been rejected for having a lineart and shadow layer that were deemed too light... even though I just used the same colors I used for Only One M, Only One M Alt, and Only One F Alt, which had all previously been approved.

I posted a question about this on the Skin and Accent Problems forum thread. Hopefully, I get an answer and will be able to get the accent to you soon. ;v;

FR time +1
A small egg with a galaxy pattern and white hearts on it. It links to the Wholesome Void Hatchery.

A link to my skin shop.
A link to my wishlist.
A link to my Tumblr.
A link to my Instagram.
thanks for the update :)
thanks for the update :)
Avatar Dragon
Signature Pixel Credit
you can call me roach
they / them / their(s) | FR time +0
Yay, I was allowed to resubmit Only One F without having to edit it! All copies have now been sent out. [emoji=familiar heart size=1]
Yay, I was allowed to resubmit Only One F without having to edit it! All copies have now been sent out.

FR time +1
A small egg with a galaxy pattern and white hearts on it. It links to the Wholesome Void Hatchery.

A link to my skin shop.
A link to my wishlist.
A link to my Tumblr.
A link to my Instagram.
Hey there!! Super sorry if I've missed a really obvious update, but are you still printing these one day? :0 I would go crazy for that only one F accent, holy molly. It fits something I've had in the works for a while!

Tysm for the answer, whatever it is! :D have a great day!
Hey there!! Super sorry if I've missed a really obvious update, but are you still printing these one day? :0 I would go crazy for that only one F accent, holy molly. It fits something I've had in the works for a while!

Tysm for the answer, whatever it is! :D have a great day!
@speishound Hiya! Currently, I don't plan on ever retiring any of the skins and accents I've made, so they will always be available for preorders. [emoji=aberration happy size=1] Of course, it might take a while for the list to fill up enough so that I can get enough funds to print more... it has been a good while since someone has asked for one of these skins. I can give you a slot if you'd like? Only alternative would be to send me a blueprint to skip the wait, but you probably don't wanna spend that much on one accent,, @v@;

Hiya! Currently, I don't plan on ever retiring any of the skins and accents I've made, so they will always be available for preorders.

Of course, it might take a while for the list to fill up enough so that I can get enough funds to print more... it has been a good while since someone has asked for one of these skins.

I can give you a slot if you'd like? Only alternative would be to send me a blueprint to skip the wait, but you probably don't wanna spend that much on one accent,, @v@;

FR time +1
A small egg with a galaxy pattern and white hearts on it. It links to the Wholesome Void Hatchery.

A link to my skin shop.
A link to my wishlist.
A link to my Tumblr.
A link to my Instagram.
Oh I forget how to tag someone in a forum post oops

Haha yeah that'd certainly be a bit out of my budget! xD; At least for quite a while! If that ever changes I'll lyk, but do put me down for a slot yes!!

Thank you so much I hope it fills up eventually! It's a super well made accent hehe
Have a good one friend!!
Oh I forget how to tag someone in a forum post oops

Haha yeah that'd certainly be a bit out of my budget! xD; At least for quite a while! If that ever changes I'll lyk, but do put me down for a slot yes!!

Thank you so much I hope it fills up eventually! It's a super well made accent hehe
Have a good one friend!!

Alrighty, added you to the list!

And thanks so muchh, hope you also have a lovely day~

Alrighty, added you to the list!

And thanks so muchh, hope you also have a lovely day~

FR time +1
A small egg with a galaxy pattern and white hearts on it. It links to the Wholesome Void Hatchery.

A link to my skin shop.
A link to my wishlist.
A link to my Tumblr.
A link to my Instagram.
Thank you so much! :D
Thank you so much! :D

I absolutely love what you're doing here, these look amazing and are quite nearly what I'm looking for!! I'm looking for a skin that makes either one of the (male) aether head (+it's half of the body) look black OR ginger like a ginger cat. The reason is I'm trying to make my Abbie look like one of those half-and-half cats, specifically, one who is half ginger and half black.

NOTE: it's only for a roleplay scry so I'm looking for an already made one to put into the dressing room in my scry. Just asking if y'all have seen anything that fits the bill since what you have here is super close ^^"

PS the skins look wonderful :0

I absolutely love what you're doing here, these look amazing and are quite nearly what I'm looking for!! I'm looking for a skin that makes either one of the (male) aether head (+it's half of the body) look black OR ginger like a ginger cat. The reason is I'm trying to make my Abbie look like one of those half-and-half cats, specifically, one who is half ginger and half black.

NOTE: it's only for a roleplay scry so I'm looking for an already made one to put into the dressing room in my scry. Just asking if y'all have seen anything that fits the bill since what you have here is super close ^^"

PS the skins look wonderful :0

Hiya! I'm glad you like these accents. uvu

I don't know if there's a skin that does exactly what you're looking for, but I found one that's kinda close?

If this one doesn't fit the bill, I do wish you the best of luck in finding the perfect skin!


Hiya! I'm glad you like these accents. uvu

I don't know if there's a skin that does exactly what you're looking for, but I found one that's kinda close?

If this one doesn't fit the bill, I do wish you the best of luck in finding the perfect skin!


FR time +1
A small egg with a galaxy pattern and white hearts on it. It links to the Wholesome Void Hatchery.

A link to my skin shop.
A link to my wishlist.
A link to my Tumblr.
A link to my Instagram.