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TOPIC | If you could only drink one drink. what?
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For logical reasons, I’d have to pick water, but if I thought I could get away with it without being dehydrated I’d pick milk. I already drink at least two glasses a day. Gotta get the protein SOMEWHERE since all I eat is pasta
For logical reasons, I’d have to pick water, but if I thought I could get away with it without being dehydrated I’d pick milk. I already drink at least two glasses a day. Gotta get the protein SOMEWHERE since all I eat is pasta
Serious answer: Water

Fun answer: Baja Blast lmao
Serious answer: Water

Fun answer: Baja Blast lmao
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Obvious answer: Water
Non-Water answer: Pumpkin spice latte or monster energy, being awake 24/7 would be nice. Who needs sleep anyways?
Obvious answer: Water
Non-Water answer: Pumpkin spice latte or monster energy, being awake 24/7 would be nice. Who needs sleep anyways?
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juice if its anything besides water

i really cant survive without juice/hj
juice if its anything besides water

i really cant survive without juice/hj
this specific mango tea with lychee jelly from a cafe in my city, so good
this specific mango tea with lychee jelly from a cafe in my city, so good
i literally only drink water and very rarely tea and choccy milk
i should probably cut down on choccy milk but i love tea and water equally so uh
i mean tea is just, flavored water so it counts right? right??
i literally only drink water and very rarely tea and choccy milk
i should probably cut down on choccy milk but i love tea and water equally so uh
i mean tea is just, flavored water so it counts right? right??
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Limón con chia for the win
Limón con chia for the win
thai tea :)
thai tea :)
water is the boring answer. i'm picking kombucha (which i guess is also tea).
water is the boring answer. i'm picking kombucha (which i guess is also tea).
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he / him
fr +3
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