
Items For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of items.
TOPIC | [LF] baldwin (1.6g/per, 160g for stack)
[center][size=6]JIN'S HELP WANTED[/size] ---------------------- [columns][img][/img][nextcol]This is a thread where I'll be looking for various services. Right now, [b]I'm seeking [url=]Baldwin smelting[/url] [s]and [url=]coli grinding services![/url][/b][/s] [b]I go by a 1:1000 ratio.[/b] If you want a specific type of currency or mixed payment, please let me know! Otherwise, I'll assume it doesn't matter and choose on my own. No need to ping me, [b]I'm subscribed! [/b]If you do ping though, that's alright. If you have any questions or are in need of clarification for something, please [b]don't hesitate to post here or PM me![/b] [b]I reserve the right to refuse any order or change my rules at any time.[/b] I'm really sorry for any inconvenience, [b]I'm still learning[/b] the ropes of having a thread like this![/columns]
ww_propoganda.png This is a thread where I'll be looking for various services. Right now, I'm seeking Baldwin smelting and coli grinding services!

I go by a 1:1000 ratio. If you want a specific type of currency or mixed payment, please let me know! Otherwise, I'll assume it doesn't matter and choose on my own.

No need to ping me, I'm subscribed! If you do ping though, that's alright.

If you have any questions or are in need of clarification for something, please don't hesitate to post here or PM me!

I reserve the right to refuse any order or change my rules at any time. I'm really sorry for any inconvenience, I'm still learning the ropes of having a thread like this!
[center][size=5][b]BALDWIN SMELTING[/b] [color=limegreen]OPEN[/color][/size] ---------------------- [s]There's not enough time in the day for me to smelt all these things on my own [emoji=coatl sad size=1][/s][/center] [columns][img][/img][nextcol]I'll be paying [b]1.6g/kt per item,[/b] which is ~160kt/g for a stack of food/materials (99) or ~60kt/g for a full CR of apparel/fams (36). Currently doing [b]3 people per item type[/b] at a time with a maximum of [b]one stack per person.[/b] (99 for food/mats, 36 for apparel/familiars) Check below for slots. [b]Post here saying what type of item and how many of it you'll take,[/b] (33 minimum for food/materials or 12 minimum for apparel/fams) [b]and which type of currency you'd prefer.[/b] I'll send over the CR after I've seen your post. I'll send the items first, and after you're done smelting, please [b]send the items in a two-way crossroads so I can add the payment[/b]![/columns] [columns]I would like to [b]hear back from you within two weeks,[/b] though if something comes up, [b]please let me know and I'll happily extend your time! [/b]I don't mind so long as [b]I'm kept updated.[/b] [b]If you cannot finish[/b] the melt for whatever reason, this is perfectly okay! [b]You can return the materials and smelts [/b]and [b]I will pay [/b]for however many items you smelted [b]at my 1.6g/item rate.[/b] [nextcol][img][/img] [color=transparent]x x[/color][/columns] ---------------------- [center][size=5][b]CURRENTLY SEEKING[/b][/size] [columns][center][u]Food Smelters 2/3[/u] SnowLynx - 99 - a open open[nextcol][color=transparent]x[nextcol][center][u]Material Smelters 1/3[/u] Offlinex - 99 - g [TR] Flatbooty - 99 - g [TR] open[nextcol][color=transparent]x[nextcol][center][u]Apparel Smelters 2/3[/u] open open open[nextcol][color=transparent]x[nextcol][center][u]Familiar Smelters 3/3[/u] open open open[/columns] ----------------------


There's not enough time in the day for me to smelt all these things on my own
bookshelf1.png I'll be paying 1.6g/kt per item, which is ~160kt/g for a stack of food/materials (99) or ~60kt/g for a full CR of apparel/fams (36).

Currently doing 3 people per item type at a time with a maximum of one stack per person. (99 for food/mats, 36 for apparel/familiars) Check below for slots.

Post here saying what type of item and how many of it you'll take, (33 minimum for food/materials or 12 minimum for apparel/fams) and which type of currency you'd prefer. I'll send over the CR after I've seen your post. I'll send the items first, and after you're done smelting, please send the items in a two-way crossroads so I can add the payment!
I would like to hear back from you within two weeks, though if something comes up, please let me know and I'll happily extend your time! I don't mind so long as I'm kept updated.

If you cannot finish the melt for whatever reason, this is perfectly okay! You can return the materials and smelts and I will pay for however many items you smelted at my 1.6g/item rate.

Food Smelters 2/3
SnowLynx - 99 - a
Material Smelters 1/3
Offlinex - 99 - g [TR]
Flatbooty - 99 - g [TR]
Apparel Smelters 2/3
Familiar Smelters 3/3

[center][size=5][b]COLISEUM GRINDING[/b] [color=red]CLOSED[/color][/size] It's been a while and the normal rate has changed, so I need to go and rework this section! ------------------ [columns][img][/img][nextcol][b]I'll be paying 65kt/g per hour,[/b] with 3 slots per venue (except Waterway which has 6), two slots of any venue maximum per person. There is [b]a minimum of half an hour (33kt/g) and a maximum of 3 hours (195kt/g) per slot.[/b] I would prefer [b]if you have a fully-leveled (25) team of 3 dragons with Eliminate,[/b] (the exception to this being if you were grinding in Blooming Grove, which you can just have a team of two) as well as [b]decent experience in the coliseum.[/b] I've been coli-grinding for a long time, so [b]I'm well aware of the drop rates.[/b] Even though RNG is fickle, [b]there is still some consistency,[/b] so if I notice something is amiss, I might ask you about it. Please [b]post here saying where you'll be grinding and for how many hours, as well as which type of currency you'd prefer.[/b] Once I reply to you and confirm, you're free to start! Once you've finished, please [b]send a two-way crossroads with all your loot and I'll return with the payment![/b][/columns] [columns]By taking this job, you agree to [b]send all the items you obtain[/b] during your time in the coli,[b] which includes rare drops[/b] such as but not limited to eliminates, eggs, genes, or boss familiars.[b] I will be sure to provide a tip, though! [/b]If there is a festival going on,[b] you are free to keep the festival currency and chests.[/b] I expect to [b]hear back from you within 5 days, [/b]and if not, I will consider your slot to be forfeit and open it back up for someone else. [b]If you need more time, [/b]however, please[b] don't hesitate to tell me![/b] I won't mind as long as you [b]keep me updated![/b][nextcol][img][/img][/columns] ------------------------ [center][size=5][b]CURRENTLY SEEKING[/b][/size] [columns][color=transparent]xxxxxxxxx[/color][nextcol][center][u]Blooming Grove 3/3[/u] closed closed closed[nextcol][color=transparent]xxxxxx[nextcol][center][u]Waterway 6/6[/u] closed | closed closed | closed closed | closed [nextcol][color=transparent]xxxxx[nextcol][center][u]Thunderhead Savanna 3/3[/u] closed closed closed[/columns] ----------------------


It's been a while and the normal rate has changed, so I need to go and rework this section!

OH_GOD_ITS_SO_CRUSTY.png I'll be paying 65kt/g per hour, with 3 slots per venue (except Waterway which has 6), two slots of any venue maximum per person. There is a minimum of half an hour (33kt/g) and a maximum of 3 hours (195kt/g) per slot.

I would prefer if you have a fully-leveled (25) team of 3 dragons with Eliminate, (the exception to this being if you were grinding in Blooming Grove, which you can just have a team of two) as well as decent experience in the coliseum. I've been coli-grinding for a long time, so I'm well aware of the drop rates. Even though RNG is fickle, there is still some consistency, so if I notice something is amiss, I might ask you about it.

Please post here saying where you'll be grinding and for how many hours, as well as which type of currency you'd prefer. Once I reply to you and confirm, you're free to start! Once you've finished, please send a two-way crossroads with all your loot and I'll return with the payment!
By taking this job, you agree to send all the items you obtain during your time in the coli, which includes rare drops such as but not limited to eliminates, eggs, genes, or boss familiars. I will be sure to provide a tip, though! If there is a festival going on, you are free to keep the festival currency and chests.

I expect to hear back from you within 5 days, and if not, I will consider your slot to be forfeit and open it back up for someone else. If you need more time, however, please don't hesitate to tell me! I won't mind as long as you keep me updated!

Blooming Grove 3/3
Waterway 6/6
closed | closed
closed | closed
closed | closed
Thunderhead Savanna 3/3

another for good measure
another for good measure
and just one more in case i need it?
and just one more in case i need it?
Hello! About coliseum grinding, do you tip for rare drops?
Hello! About coliseum grinding, do you tip for rare drops?

Oooh, I completely forgot to write something about that my post! Sorry about that - yes I do!

Oooh, I completely forgot to write something about that my post! Sorry about that - yes I do!
@Jinoga I can do a full stack of apparel! Treasure would be great :)
@Jinoga I can do a full stack of apparel! Treasure would be great :)

Thank you, I just sent over a CR! :)

Thank you, I just sent over a CR! :)

I'd be happy to smelt materials for you! I can take a full stack of 99, and gems are the currency i'd prefer (I got some dragons to make iridescent, and BOY is it expensive)!

I'd be happy to smelt materials for you! I can take a full stack of 99, and gems are the currency i'd prefer (I got some dragons to make iridescent, and BOY is it expensive)!