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TOPIC | Bulk usage of Arlo tools + 1 other
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EDIT 2: Please read my reply on this thread before commenting! It should be on the first page.

Me and a few of my friends who play have noticed that we don't have the time or opportunity to use all of our Arlo tools that we were given from day to day, leading to a steady buildup of tools.

I currently have 22 pickaxes and 53 magnifying glasses. I am never going to be able to use all of these, and it feels incredibly wasteful.

Me, and I'm sure many others, don't have the ability to check flight rising every 10 or 15 minutes, so it would be very helpful if there were other ways to use these tools in a more time-efficient way.

So my suggestion is either a way to use several tools of one type for a combined timer (Ex: bulk usage of 10 pickaxes for a combined timer of 150 minutes), or for a way to turn in extra tools for maybe an xp bonus, so they're not just sitting around waiting to be used in a way that they're never going to.

Before I forget:

The trade off for using multiple tools at once could be that any overlapping tiles are lost completely. If I use 10 magnifying classes on a dig site with only 5 tiles, those extra 5 magnifying glasses are completely lost.

Or there could be a fee for using a bulk action, I wouldn't mind paying treasure to get rid of all of these tools.


Changed title slightly to include this: Or, if possible, separate research notes into it's own mustering category, so it is possible to still assist your friends without having a buildup of your own tools.

This would leave Arlo's mechanics completely unchanged, just add one extra button to push.
EDIT 2: Please read my reply on this thread before commenting! It should be on the first page.

Me and a few of my friends who play have noticed that we don't have the time or opportunity to use all of our Arlo tools that we were given from day to day, leading to a steady buildup of tools.

I currently have 22 pickaxes and 53 magnifying glasses. I am never going to be able to use all of these, and it feels incredibly wasteful.

Me, and I'm sure many others, don't have the ability to check flight rising every 10 or 15 minutes, so it would be very helpful if there were other ways to use these tools in a more time-efficient way.

So my suggestion is either a way to use several tools of one type for a combined timer (Ex: bulk usage of 10 pickaxes for a combined timer of 150 minutes), or for a way to turn in extra tools for maybe an xp bonus, so they're not just sitting around waiting to be used in a way that they're never going to.

Before I forget:

The trade off for using multiple tools at once could be that any overlapping tiles are lost completely. If I use 10 magnifying classes on a dig site with only 5 tiles, those extra 5 magnifying glasses are completely lost.

Or there could be a fee for using a bulk action, I wouldn't mind paying treasure to get rid of all of these tools.


Changed title slightly to include this: Or, if possible, separate research notes into it's own mustering category, so it is possible to still assist your friends without having a buildup of your own tools.

This would leave Arlo's mechanics completely unchanged, just add one extra button to push.
IIRC, the developers said that because of the randomization that goes into picking tiles, the current method is kind of the max the system can handle.

Can I suggest, as an alternate way to get rid of excess tools: being able to sell those to the guild in packs like you can research notes? Maybe you receive notes back for your efforts, or just a flat small treasure payout. A way to clean out your inventory that doesn't incentivize it over actually using Arlo.
IIRC, the developers said that because of the randomization that goes into picking tiles, the current method is kind of the max the system can handle.

Can I suggest, as an alternate way to get rid of excess tools: being able to sell those to the guild in packs like you can research notes? Maybe you receive notes back for your efforts, or just a flat small treasure payout. A way to clean out your inventory that doesn't incentivize it over actually using Arlo.
Esme, a very red and Plague-themed Skydancer. A medallion depicting the Plaguebringer in profile.
There's nothing bad about having those tools there though. It wont get full. [quote name="Undel" date="2022-02-08 19:13:30" ] [quote name="Snowwall" date="2022-02-08 18:08:40" ] [quote name="Kaepora" date="2022-02-07 07:05:24" ] [b]Is there a cap on stored resources?[/b] The cap for resources is so high, it's effectively uncapped. You don't need to worry about maxing out your stored resources in the event you're only able to muster resources for a period of time. [emoji=banescale happy size=1] [/quote] Honestly, if we were just told that it's something like ""2^64-1", i.e, one IT integer", I wouldn't now wonder: "it it truly unreachable? might I accidentally stumble upon it? what is the exact value? should I hoard to find out? wanna [i]know[/i]!" [/quote] It would take several decades of daily play and hitting the RNG maximums of the items. ;-) [/quote]
There's nothing bad about having those tools there though. It wont get full.
Undel wrote on 2022-02-08 19:13:30:
Snowwall wrote on 2022-02-08 18:08:40:
Kaepora wrote on 2022-02-07 07:05:24:
Is there a cap on stored resources?

The cap for resources is so high, it's effectively uncapped. You don't need to worry about maxing out your stored resources in the event you're only able to muster resources for a period of time.
Honestly, if we were just told that it's something like ""2^64-1", i.e, one IT integer", I wouldn't now wonder: "it it truly unreachable? might I accidentally stumble upon it? what is the exact value? should I hoard to find out? wanna know!"

It would take several decades of daily play and hitting the RNG maximums of the items. ;-)
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Leaning on the side of no support since the tools don't expire and this feels a little like mass transmute Baldwin suggestions that get shot down for letting the game play itself. If a gem cost (treasure doesnt cost money) is involved to offset the loss of ad revenue, it becomes pay to win ish.

I do like the other idea of selling excess tools to the guild, maybe for a small amount of treasure and/or convert to research notes to help friends?
Leaning on the side of no support since the tools don't expire and this feels a little like mass transmute Baldwin suggestions that get shot down for letting the game play itself. If a gem cost (treasure doesnt cost money) is involved to offset the loss of ad revenue, it becomes pay to win ish.

I do like the other idea of selling excess tools to the guild, maybe for a small amount of treasure and/or convert to research notes to help friends?
Support, I'm at 29 rugged and 34 precise works and i come here to relax, not to grind :)
Support, I'm at 29 rugged and 34 precise works and i come here to relax, not to grind :)
But no one is forcing you to use them or muster more resources if you don't want to? Just keep going as slow as you want to... this isn't a limited time event so I don't really see how taking longer hurts you. I'm not sure that 'being willing/able to spend more time on the site gets you more stuff although people who can't do that will get the exact same stuff eventually' is such a critical flaw
But no one is forcing you to use them or muster more resources if you don't want to? Just keep going as slow as you want to... this isn't a limited time event so I don't really see how taking longer hurts you. I'm not sure that 'being willing/able to spend more time on the site gets you more stuff although people who can't do that will get the exact same stuff eventually' is such a critical flaw

I agree with you on that! I don't mind taking my time on this site at all, I love how FR can be played very rigorously but doesn't punish players who take their time.

After sleeping on this matter a bit, I've realized that I didn't make my intentions very clear.

My main issue comes from the buildup of tools itself. Myself and other casual players are just going to have a steadily growing pile of tools that we can't do anything with, as the game will always give us more than we will use in one day. It doesn't particularly matter to me what, exactly, we can use those tools for, just that there may be something else to do with them to prevent such a large build up.

Which is where my final suggestion came in, to separate research note mustering from digging tool mustering, so those of us who wish to focus on one or the other may do so. People with an excess of digging tools could choose not to muster those while still helping their friends, and those who like to use both could still do so.

I agree with you on that! I don't mind taking my time on this site at all, I love how FR can be played very rigorously but doesn't punish players who take their time.

After sleeping on this matter a bit, I've realized that I didn't make my intentions very clear.

My main issue comes from the buildup of tools itself. Myself and other casual players are just going to have a steadily growing pile of tools that we can't do anything with, as the game will always give us more than we will use in one day. It doesn't particularly matter to me what, exactly, we can use those tools for, just that there may be something else to do with them to prevent such a large build up.

Which is where my final suggestion came in, to separate research note mustering from digging tool mustering, so those of us who wish to focus on one or the other may do so. People with an excess of digging tools could choose not to muster those while still helping their friends, and those who like to use both could still do so.
No support.

If you find yourself with an excess buildup of tools just...don't muster tools?

There's no penalty for not mustering resources every day other than not getting more tools. But since you already have plenty of resources, there's nothing lost there?

The Staff have also said the cap for resources is extremely high so if you do still wish to gather resources in order to have notes to share with others (which is nice!) then you can still do that.

But since this suggestion seems to be focused on reducing "waste" which...doesn't really exist since these are clan-bound resources and can't affect anything in the wider game economy there's really no need for this. And I definitely can't support something that basically allows Arlo to auto-play or bulk play itself like the original suggestion posed.
No support.

If you find yourself with an excess buildup of tools just...don't muster tools?

There's no penalty for not mustering resources every day other than not getting more tools. But since you already have plenty of resources, there's nothing lost there?

The Staff have also said the cap for resources is extremely high so if you do still wish to gather resources in order to have notes to share with others (which is nice!) then you can still do that.

But since this suggestion seems to be focused on reducing "waste" which...doesn't really exist since these are clan-bound resources and can't affect anything in the wider game economy there's really no need for this. And I definitely can't support something that basically allows Arlo to auto-play or bulk play itself like the original suggestion posed.
[quote name="Fernis" date="2022-02-26 15:49:28" ] I agree with you on that! I don't mind taking my time on this site at all, I love how FR can be played very rigorously but doesn't punish players who take their time. After sleeping on this matter a bit, I've realized that I didn't make my intentions very clear. My main issue comes from the buildup of tools itself. Myself and other casual players are just going to have a steadily growing pile of tools that we can't do anything with, as the game will always give us more than we will use in one day. It doesn't particularly matter to me what, exactly, we can use those tools for, just that there may be something else to do with them to prevent such a large build up. Which is where my final suggestion came in, to separate research note mustering from digging tool mustering, so those of us who wish to focus on one or the other may do so. People with an excess of digging tools could choose not to muster those while still helping their friends, and those who like to use both could still do so. [/quote] Just imagine to yourself that Baldwin give 47 "melting tikets" everyday. (And they expires in opposite to tools!) If you can easily look at Baldwin letting that "tikets" being unused try look same way on Arlo. It is ok do not spend all that game offer.
Fernis wrote on 2022-02-26 15:49:28:

I agree with you on that! I don't mind taking my time on this site at all, I love how FR can be played very rigorously but doesn't punish players who take their time.

After sleeping on this matter a bit, I've realized that I didn't make my intentions very clear.

My main issue comes from the buildup of tools itself. Myself and other casual players are just going to have a steadily growing pile of tools that we can't do anything with, as the game will always give us more than we will use in one day. It doesn't particularly matter to me what, exactly, we can use those tools for, just that there may be something else to do with them to prevent such a large build up.

Which is where my final suggestion came in, to separate research note mustering from digging tool mustering, so those of us who wish to focus on one or the other may do so. People with an excess of digging tools could choose not to muster those while still helping their friends, and those who like to use both could still do so.

Just imagine to yourself that Baldwin give 47 "melting tikets" everyday. (And they expires in opposite to tools!) If you can easily look at Baldwin letting that "tikets" being unused try look same way on Arlo. It is ok do not spend all that game offer.

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I acknowledge some of the other things that people have been saying in favor of leaving the system alone, but I agree with OP's suggestion of being able to spend things in bulk—even if only up to ten or so—and have a combined timer. If for nothing else than for the people who can't spend a lot of time and / or who don't have very good internet connection. For instance I've been having some lag and dropped packets on FR (though I hear they're addressing it, so that's likely to improve) and the amount of time I have to wait while the digsite page refreshes ≈5 times per usage builds up a [b]lot[/b] over the day. To those who have been citing Baldwin, you could argue that Baldwin already has a mechanic like this since you can brew items that take multiple hours to complete. Relatedly, since Baldwin melts [items] that you can get rid of in other ways there's not really an uncontrollable slow increase in [i]potential[/i] melts. Tools for the digsites cannot be spent in any other way and for players who already fall behind (rather, have a slow buildup of excess) there's no way for that to go down. In this key way it's a little psychologically different from Baldwin. Not mustering resources when digsites give you free things, while a valid suggestion, is basically proposing to people to not engage with a free content aspect of the game because of factors that might not be in their control. Anyway, I hope I don't come off as too harsh, though I am quite surprised there are so many responses here that aren't just "yes, this is a good suggestion." I came in here thinking it would be pretty one-sided, but y'all have been bringing up some good counter-arguments.
I acknowledge some of the other things that people have been saying in favor of leaving the system alone, but I agree with OP's suggestion of being able to spend things in bulk—even if only up to ten or so—and have a combined timer. If for nothing else than for the people who can't spend a lot of time and / or who don't have very good internet connection. For instance I've been having some lag and dropped packets on FR (though I hear they're addressing it, so that's likely to improve) and the amount of time I have to wait while the digsite page refreshes ≈5 times per usage builds up a lot over the day.

To those who have been citing Baldwin, you could argue that Baldwin already has a mechanic like this since you can brew items that take multiple hours to complete. Relatedly, since Baldwin melts [items] that you can get rid of in other ways there's not really an uncontrollable slow increase in potential melts. Tools for the digsites cannot be spent in any other way and for players who already fall behind (rather, have a slow buildup of excess) there's no way for that to go down. In this key way it's a little psychologically different from Baldwin.

Not mustering resources when digsites give you free things, while a valid suggestion, is basically proposing to people to not engage with a free content aspect of the game because of factors that might not be in their control.

Anyway, I hope I don't come off as too harsh, though I am quite surprised there are so many responses here that aren't just "yes, this is a good suggestion." I came in here thinking it would be pretty one-sided, but y'all have been bringing up some good counter-arguments.
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