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TOPIC | [TOOL] Super Hoard Organizer v2.0
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[center][img][/img] [size=4][i][b]Happy freezing without snow[/b][/i][/size][/center] This Update covers the last update(s): A Winter Garden, A Regal Bearing, Crystalline Gala 2022 Next update will probably be for Shadow-fest 2022 Just a big bunch of new items. The new holiday chest item in Other [b]Accent: Glacial Epoch[/b] (ID 43109) will most likely be renamed to [b]Glacial Epoch Chest[/b] since it's obviously an error. No fest without errors. I won't change it until it actually happens and it most likely take a bit until I notice. Changes were made in: FionaFeats, Apparel, Familiars, Skins, Specialty, Other [center][b][url=][color=green]Quick link to the SHO mastersheet.[/color][/url][/b] [b][url=][color=purple]Quick link to the SHC mastersheet.[/color][/url][/b] Let us know if you stumble over any errors or typos. Suggestions are also appreciated :) [size=2]@Ethuiliel @TypeFull @PureDark006 @Aurafur @Elaendorlien @Illyrael @Leopardmask @Calixita @Necessity4Fun @Lundlaeva @Aarresi @MamaDragon888 @rvnqn @SerenHaf @Sterlingstar @StarN1ght @TesserWings @BunnySox @mithrel @Sinuzaki @Windstrike @Neerafiki @voodoogirl360 @Cocatrics @chamilet @Alithium8 @crowvidae @TawnyDragonscale @ScalyMaiden @minervamaga @ViscellaVix @Tropickle @TheRookGryphon @ShadowclawFC @MotherOfBeardies[/size][/center]
Happy freezing without snow

This Update covers the last update(s):
A Winter Garden, A Regal Bearing, Crystalline Gala 2022

Next update will probably be for Shadow-fest 2022

Just a big bunch of new items.

The new holiday chest item in Other Accent: Glacial Epoch (ID 43109) will most likely be renamed to Glacial Epoch Chest since it's obviously an error. No fest without errors.
I won't change it until it actually happens and it most likely take a bit until I notice.

Changes were made in:
FionaFeats, Apparel, Familiars, Skins, Specialty, Other

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[center][img][/img] [size=4][i][b]Happy gooping in the goop[/b][/i][/size][/center] This Update covers the last update(s): Arlo's Ancient Artifacts, Share a Little Love, Trickmurk Circus 2022 Next update will probably be for Wind-fest 2022 Chonk o items. There won't be a new tab for Arlo since he is pretty much a gamble and nothing set. No recipes, no strategies, just luck and a ton of magnifying glasses. The typo [u]chest[/u] from last fest "Accent: Glacial Epoch" was correctly renamed to "Glacial Epoch Chest" Changes were made in: Food, Apparel, Familiars, Skins, Specialty, Other [center][b][url=][color=green]Quick link to the SHO mastersheet.[/color][/url][/b] [b][url=][color=purple]Quick link to the SHC mastersheet.[/color][/url][/b] Let us know if you stumble over any errors or typos. Suggestions are also appreciated :) [size=2]@Ethuiliel @TypeFull @PureDark006 @Aurafur @Elaendorlien @Illyrael @Leopardmask @Calixita @Necessity4Fun @Lundlaeva @Aarresi @MamaDragon888 @rvnqn @SerenHaf @Sterlingstar @StarN1ght @TesserWings @BunnySox @mithrel @Sinuzaki @Windstrike @Neerafiki @voodoogirl360 @Cocatrics @chamilet @Alithium8 @crowvidae @TawnyDragonscale @ScalyMaiden @minervamaga @ViscellaVix @Tropickle @TheRookGryphon @ShadowclawFC @MotherOfBeardies[/size][/center]
Happy gooping in the goop

This Update covers the last update(s):
Arlo's Ancient Artifacts, Share a Little Love, Trickmurk Circus 2022

Next update will probably be for Wind-fest 2022

Chonk o items.

There won't be a new tab for Arlo since he is pretty much a gamble and nothing set. No recipes, no strategies, just luck and a ton of magnifying glasses.

The typo chest from last fest "Accent: Glacial Epoch" was correctly renamed to "Glacial Epoch Chest"

Changes were made in:
Food, Apparel, Familiars, Skins, Specialty, Other

Noctua_Link_Item.png BS31-1.pngBS32-1.pngBS33-1.png
Note to myself:

New Hib Den tasks with Arlo stuff

Forgot to add the newest genes in the Settings tab.
Also Flare was changed to Flair (because typing is hard)
Newly added ones are:

Fade (Banescale)
Fade (Gaoler)
++ Secondary

Blend (Banescale)
Blend (Gaoler)
++ Tertiary

Capsule (Banescale)
Capsule (Gaoler)
Gliders (Banescale)
Pinions (Gaoler)
Angler (Veilspun)

The typo in the Specialty item was also corrected and is now Secondary Gene: Flair

The Specialty item Vista: Sweetheart Rose had its ID corrected from 43881 to 43381
Note to myself:

New Hib Den tasks with Arlo stuff

Forgot to add the newest genes in the Settings tab.
Also Flare was changed to Flair (because typing is hard)
Newly added ones are:

Fade (Banescale)
Fade (Gaoler)
++ Secondary

Blend (Banescale)
Blend (Gaoler)
++ Tertiary

Capsule (Banescale)
Capsule (Gaoler)
Gliders (Banescale)
Pinions (Gaoler)
Angler (Veilspun)

The typo in the Specialty item was also corrected and is now Secondary Gene: Flair

The Specialty item Vista: Sweetheart Rose had its ID corrected from 43881 to 43381
Noctua_Link_Item.png BS31-1.pngBS32-1.pngBS33-1.png

This tool is absolutely amazing. May I ask when the newest genes will be added? :)

This tool is absolutely amazing. May I ask when the newest genes will be added? :)
3+ Hours |
ALWAYS Ping me!
Ah you mean in the Dragon selection menu right? Darn I forgot about those :'D
Adding them right away. Plus Typo correction <.<

And done. They're now added to the Settings tab :>
Ah you mean in the Dragon selection menu right? Darn I forgot about those :'D
Adding them right away. Plus Typo correction <.<

And done. They're now added to the Settings tab :>
Noctua_Link_Item.png BS31-1.pngBS32-1.pngBS33-1.png
Thank you <3
Thank you <3
3+ Hours |
ALWAYS Ping me!
[center][img][/img] [size=4][i][b]Smooch for the snotty Orthos-like dragon[/b][/i][/size][/center] This Update covers the last update(s): Aberrations, Arlos Hibden stuff and Springswarm Not-yet-Announced Item Next update will probably be for Wind-fest 2022 Let's start with the small part. Corrections and small edits. New Hib Den tasks with Arlo stuff were added Forgot to add the newest genes in the Settings tab. Also Flare was changed to Flair (because typing is hard) Newly added ones are: [columns][b]Primary[/b] Ribbon Fade (Banescale) Fade (Gaoler) Pharaoh Ground [nextcol][color=transparent]++[/color][nextcol][b]Secondary[/b] Eel Blend (Banescale) Blend (Gaoler) Sarcophagus Fissure [nextcol][color=transparent]++[/color][nextcol][b]Tertiary[/b] Capsule (Banescale) Capsule (Gaoler) Gliders (Banescale) Pinions (Gaoler) Angler (Veilspun) [/columns] The typo in the Specialty item was also corrected and is now [b]Secondary Gene: Flair[/b] The Specialty item Vista: Sweetheart Rose had its ID corrected from 43881 to 43381 The scene for Springswarm is already in the database so it also got added in the SHO :> ----- And now for the big part since it also requires some bigger changes. Yes, Aberrations. A ton of new genes were added to Specialty, Baldwin, Swipp and the hidden Settings tab. But with the introduction of the Aberration Ground/Fissure gene we also have to edit the Specialty tab itself to show those modern gene versions as being used by Baldwin. Meaning, between the column for [i]Type[/i] and [i]Hib Den Get[/i] we need 4 new ones for Swipp and Baldwin. Easiest is to mark the 4 columns starting from [i]Hib Den Get[/i] and ending with [i]Wanted Value[/i], right click and hit "Add 4 columns to the left". then add the headlines and the code. Technically only Baldwin is needed but who knows what the future holds, right? You can copy paste the code from any other tab that has those. Copying the entire columns is not recommended as you would end up with a lot of oddly empty rows if the length of where you copy and Specialty differs. Is it done at that? NOPE. At least not unless you use the SHC as separate sheet. Make sure to add 4 new columns in the hidden Specialty tab as well. Just do the same as in the SHO and add 4 columns between Type and Hib Den Get. The pulled Data will do the rest so don't freak out if it looks odd, jumps and magicall adds data. But it is important that you add them at the right place to make the formulas auto-update throughout the sheet. Doing that manually would be a pain. If you notice suddenly broken or very odd behaving tools then you might've messed it up. Replacing the Specialty tab in the SHC also won't auto update the code unless you replace the entire SHC. (Which is technically easier since the SHC doesn't save personal hoard-data unlike the SHO) And that's it already :u ----- I also corrected a small error and added a little something in the Statistics tab. Since the correction is affected by the change it's written here :> first the error correction in cell J70. That one was checking the Other tab and not Specialty. The correct code is: [code] =CONCATENATE(COUNTA(IFERROR(FILTER(Specialty!$E$3:$E, Specialty!$C$3:$C, Specialty!U$3:$U>0))), " / ", COUNTA(IFERROR(FILTER(Specialty!$E$3:$E, Specialty!$C$3:$C)))) [/code] The Swipp area in the Statistics tab also got some corrections. Cells C66 to F66 was deleted since all Swipp Skins were retire. New code for cell C70. It doesn't show anything yet, but maybe someday. [code] =CONCATENATE(COUNTA(IFERROR(FILTER(Specialty!$E$3:$E, Specialty!$B$3:$B, Specialty!U$3:$U>0))), " / ", COUNTA(IFERROR(FILTER(Specialty!$E$3:$E, Specialty!$B$3:$B)))) [/code] To get the percentages for cells D70 to F70 just copy it from another spot ----- Currently working on another SHC addon to help price Baldwin and Swipp recipes better but I'm still unsure how to not make it a coding tangle~ Oh and I updated all SHC tools that need manual input like the SwapObtain. I noticed there is an error in the Sale/Wishlist Generator regarding searching for items needed for Baldwin, Swipp etc with the Specialty and Battle Type. I'm looking into it but it will take time to fix it without breaking anything else :'D Or rather remembering how it actually works ... ----- Changes were made in: Settings, Statistics, SwippSwap, BaldwinSwap, HibDenSwap, Specialty SHC sheet edits: Specialty, SwapObtain, ApparelPackTracker [center][b][url=][color=green]Quick link to the SHO mastersheet.[/color][/url][/b] [b][url=][color=purple]Quick link to the SHC mastersheet.[/color][/url][/b] Let us know if you stumble over any errors or typos. Suggestions are also appreciated :) [size=2]@Ethuiliel @TypeFull @PureDark006 @Aurafur @Elaendorlien @Illyrael @Leopardmask @Calixita @Necessity4Fun @Lundlaeva @Aarresi @MamaDragon888 @rvnqn @SerenHaf @Sterlingstar @StarN1ght @TesserWings @BunnySox @mithrel @Sinuzaki @Windstrike @Neerafiki @voodoogirl360 @Cocatrics @chamilet @Alithium8 @crowvidae @TawnyDragonscale @ScalyMaiden @minervamaga @ViscellaVix @Tropickle @TheRookGryphon @ShadowclawFC @MotherOfBeardies[/size][/center]
Smooch for the snotty Orthos-like dragon

This Update covers the last update(s):
Aberrations, Arlos Hibden stuff and Springswarm Not-yet-Announced Item

Next update will probably be for Wind-fest 2022

Let's start with the small part. Corrections and small edits.

New Hib Den tasks with Arlo stuff were added

Forgot to add the newest genes in the Settings tab.
Also Flare was changed to Flair (because typing is hard)
Newly added ones are:

Fade (Banescale)
Fade (Gaoler)
++ Secondary

Blend (Banescale)
Blend (Gaoler)
++ Tertiary

Capsule (Banescale)
Capsule (Gaoler)
Gliders (Banescale)
Pinions (Gaoler)
Angler (Veilspun)

The typo in the Specialty item was also corrected and is now Secondary Gene: Flair

The Specialty item Vista: Sweetheart Rose had its ID corrected from 43881 to 43381

The scene for Springswarm is already in the database so it also got added in the SHO :>

And now for the big part since it also requires some bigger changes.

Yes, Aberrations.
A ton of new genes were added to Specialty, Baldwin, Swipp and the hidden Settings tab.

But with the introduction of the Aberration Ground/Fissure gene we also have to edit the Specialty tab itself to show those modern gene versions as being used by Baldwin.
Meaning, between the column for Type and Hib Den Get we need 4 new ones for Swipp and Baldwin.
Easiest is to mark the 4 columns starting from Hib Den Get and ending with Wanted Value, right click and hit "Add 4 columns to the left". then add the headlines and the code.
Technically only Baldwin is needed but who knows what the future holds, right?
You can copy paste the code from any other tab that has those. Copying the entire columns is not recommended as you would end up with a lot of oddly empty rows if the length of where you copy and Specialty differs.

Is it done at that? NOPE. At least not unless you use the SHC as separate sheet. Make sure to add 4 new columns in the hidden Specialty tab as well. Just do the same as in the SHO and add 4 columns between Type and Hib Den Get. The pulled Data will do the rest so don't freak out if it looks odd, jumps and magicall adds data.
But it is important that you add them at the right place to make the formulas auto-update throughout the sheet. Doing that manually would be a pain.
If you notice suddenly broken or very odd behaving tools then you might've messed it up. Replacing the Specialty tab in the SHC also won't auto update the code unless you replace the entire SHC. (Which is technically easier since the SHC doesn't save personal hoard-data unlike the SHO)

And that's it already :u

I also corrected a small error and added a little something in the Statistics tab.
Since the correction is affected by the change it's written here :>

first the error correction in cell J70. That one was checking the Other tab and not Specialty.
The correct code is:
=CONCATENATE(COUNTA(IFERROR(FILTER(Specialty!$E$3:$E, Specialty!$C$3:$C, Specialty!U$3:$U>0))), " / ", COUNTA(IFERROR(FILTER(Specialty!$E$3:$E, Specialty!$C$3:$C))))

The Swipp area in the Statistics tab also got some corrections.

Cells C66 to F66 was deleted since all Swipp Skins were retire.

New code for cell C70. It doesn't show anything yet, but maybe someday.
=CONCATENATE(COUNTA(IFERROR(FILTER(Specialty!$E$3:$E, Specialty!$B$3:$B, Specialty!U$3:$U>0))), " / ", COUNTA(IFERROR(FILTER(Specialty!$E$3:$E, Specialty!$B$3:$B))))
To get the percentages for cells D70 to F70 just copy it from another spot

Currently working on another SHC addon to help price Baldwin and Swipp recipes better but I'm still unsure how to not make it a coding tangle~

Oh and I updated all SHC tools that need manual input like the SwapObtain.

I noticed there is an error in the Sale/Wishlist Generator regarding searching for items needed for Baldwin, Swipp etc with the Specialty and Battle Type. I'm looking into it but it will take time to fix it without breaking anything else :'D
Or rather remembering how it actually works ...

Changes were made in:
Settings, Statistics, SwippSwap, BaldwinSwap, HibDenSwap, Specialty

SHC sheet edits:
Specialty, SwapObtain, ApparelPackTracker

Noctua_Link_Item.png BS31-1.pngBS32-1.pngBS33-1.png
Thank you!
Thank you!
Note to myself ™

Baldwin was missing the brewing recipes for
Yellow Goo, Yellow Ooze and Yellow Sludge

The apparel item Heartswirl had its ID corrected to 43380
Note to myself ™

Baldwin was missing the brewing recipes for
Yellow Goo, Yellow Ooze and Yellow Sludge

The apparel item Heartswirl had its ID corrected to 43380
Noctua_Link_Item.png BS31-1.pngBS32-1.pngBS33-1.png
[center][img][/img] [size=4][i][b]Happy Smell-fest :u[/b][/i][/size][/center] This Update covers the last update(s): Wind-fest 2022, Kelp Beds Expansion, Springswarm Next update will probably be for Water-fest 2022 New stuff ... yay :u And error corrections: Baldwin was missing the brewing recipes for Yellow Goo, Yellow Ooze and Yellow Sludge The apparel item Heartswirl had its ID corrected to 43380 Changes were made in: BaldwinSwap, Food, Materials, Apparel, Familiars, Specialty, Skins, Other [center][b][url=][color=green]Quick link to the SHO mastersheet.[/color][/url][/b] [b][url=][color=purple]Quick link to the SHC mastersheet.[/color][/url][/b] Let us know if you stumble over any errors or typos. Suggestions are also appreciated :) [size=2]@Ethuiliel @TypeFull @PureDark006 @Aurafur @Elaendorlien @Illyrael @Leopardmask @Calixita @Necessity4Fun @Lundlaeva @Aarresi @MamaDragon888 @rvnqn @SerenHaf @Sterlingstar @StarN1ght @TesserWings @BunnySox @mithrel @Sinuzaki @Windstrike @Neerafiki @voodoogirl360 @Cocatrics @chamilet @Alithium8 @crowvidae @TawnyDragonscale @ScalyMaiden @minervamaga @ViscellaVix @Tropickle @TheRookGryphon @ShadowclawFC @MotherOfBeardies[/size][/center]
Happy Smell-fest :u

This Update covers the last update(s):
Wind-fest 2022, Kelp Beds Expansion, Springswarm

Next update will probably be for Water-fest 2022

New stuff ... yay :u

And error corrections:
Baldwin was missing the brewing recipes for
Yellow Goo, Yellow Ooze and Yellow Sludge

The apparel item Heartswirl had its ID corrected to 43380

Changes were made in:
BaldwinSwap, Food, Materials, Apparel, Familiars, Specialty, Skins, Other

Noctua_Link_Item.png BS31-1.pngBS32-1.pngBS33-1.png
1 2 ... 16 17 18 19 20 ... 30 31