
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | How do you relate to your flight?
I want to know if people match their flights. So me.

I am in Plague.

I have a record of getting sick with things I should not get sick with.
So far I have had:

The flu three times (with the vaccine)
The stomach flu once
Pneumonia once
Colds. All the time. All. The. Time.

Also, vulture culture. I have amassed a nice hoard of bones, feathers, and rocks.
I also have some personal issues that make me feel like a survivor in some ways.

So yeah. Do you actually relate to your flight literally, or do you just like it? (Both are valid no hate :))
I want to know if people match their flights. So me.

I am in Plague.

I have a record of getting sick with things I should not get sick with.
So far I have had:

The flu three times (with the vaccine)
The stomach flu once
Pneumonia once
Colds. All the time. All. The. Time.

Also, vulture culture. I have amassed a nice hoard of bones, feathers, and rocks.
I also have some personal issues that make me feel like a survivor in some ways.

So yeah. Do you actually relate to your flight literally, or do you just like it? (Both are valid no hate :))
「 Enjoyer of Cheese 」
「 Any pronouns 」
「 Wishlist 」
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I adore the theme of plague (horror and gore are my JAM) and that's why I've been here since I first joined the site and don't plan on leaving

But after a few years I also realized how much its message relates to me literally.
The entire message of being strengthened by your illnesses and being fierce in the face of adversity speaks a lot to someone who has a genetic illness.

I have cystic fibrosis. All my life I've had to do daily therapy and nebulizer sessions, and I would die within about a semester if I ran out of *****. Yes, it's the same thing in Five Feet Apart, that fault in our stars knockoff.

Anyway it's not that deep but
I just really love plague
I adore the theme of plague (horror and gore are my JAM) and that's why I've been here since I first joined the site and don't plan on leaving

But after a few years I also realized how much its message relates to me literally.
The entire message of being strengthened by your illnesses and being fierce in the face of adversity speaks a lot to someone who has a genetic illness.

I have cystic fibrosis. All my life I've had to do daily therapy and nebulizer sessions, and I would die within about a semester if I ran out of *****. Yes, it's the same thing in Five Feet Apart, that fault in our stars knockoff.

Anyway it's not that deep but
I just really love plague
Coli guide
_ BjzISWz.png
FR Goals
_ 9gI0bgp.png
Art shop
_ Undying-Featherback.png
Lair map
_ Rat-King.png
_ 4bPVjcz.png
_ Venomous-Toridae.png
BBCode guide
im in nature. i like tree.
im in nature. i like tree.
me, you. Two types of people.
me, you. Two types of people.
Coli guide
_ BjzISWz.png
FR Goals
_ 9gI0bgp.png
Art shop
_ Undying-Featherback.png
Lair map
_ Rat-King.png
_ 4bPVjcz.png
_ Venomous-Toridae.png
BBCode guide
I'm still a Flight Rising newbie and i'm constantly learning, but i love the Earth flight! I really resonate with the earth element, my sun sign is earth (virgo), i always wanted to be an earth bender, i love rocks and mountains, i adore the aesthetic of big, heavy, immovable things, my favourite dragons are snappers etc. Also im autistic, and i always get described by my friends as calm, steady, reliable and such. I just really love this element ^_^
I'm still a Flight Rising newbie and i'm constantly learning, but i love the Earth flight! I really resonate with the earth element, my sun sign is earth (virgo), i always wanted to be an earth bender, i love rocks and mountains, i adore the aesthetic of big, heavy, immovable things, my favourite dragons are snappers etc. Also im autistic, and i always get described by my friends as calm, steady, reliable and such. I just really love this element ^_^
"Since that day, a storm has made it's home in my heart, and i've been unable to part from it."
I've been in shadow ever since I joined in 2014. I love purple and shadowy/ghostly things have always interested me ^^ I don't really plan on leaving either.
I've been in shadow ever since I joined in 2014. I love purple and shadowy/ghostly things have always interested me ^^ I don't really plan on leaving either.
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+8hr FR time
The arcane flight has everything I like to see: pink, a quest for knowledge, seeking truths beyond the stars, and magic. It's really the perfect fit for me, nothing could be better.

As a woman in a world that fights to keep me in my 'assigned gender role', I'm in love with the idea of personal freedom, the ability to pursue my hopes and dreams, and a life spent learning new things through my career. The arcane flight is, in a sense, a representation of these desires for me. I love the "knowledge at any cost" vibe I've gotten from it.
The arcane flight has everything I like to see: pink, a quest for knowledge, seeking truths beyond the stars, and magic. It's really the perfect fit for me, nothing could be better.

As a woman in a world that fights to keep me in my 'assigned gender role', I'm in love with the idea of personal freedom, the ability to pursue my hopes and dreams, and a life spent learning new things through my career. The arcane flight is, in a sense, a representation of these desires for me. I love the "knowledge at any cost" vibe I've gotten from it.
Liquidating account; everything for sale.
i like rocks
i like rocks
Gen 1s up for offer in Hibden!!
I'm in Plague but not for the illness and medical elements as much as the decomposition and bones side of the theme. I rarely get sick in any way, but taxidermy and vulture culture/natural history are important hobbies for me so I have a lot of those things in my home.

That said, I consider Nature to be my second Flight since I was in it for so long and really loved it. And I love caring for my collection of houseplants (as well as animals)!
I'm in Plague but not for the illness and medical elements as much as the decomposition and bones side of the theme. I rarely get sick in any way, but taxidermy and vulture culture/natural history are important hobbies for me so I have a lot of those things in my home.

That said, I consider Nature to be my second Flight since I was in it for so long and really loved it. And I love caring for my collection of houseplants (as well as animals)!

But seriously, I actually really like mushrooms! I think they're super fascinating and I love reading about them. If I see a mushroom while out on a walk, I'll normally excitedly exclaim "Mushroom!" and show the mushroom to whoever I'm walking with.

But seriously, I actually really like mushrooms! I think they're super fascinating and I love reading about them. If I see a mushroom while out on a walk, I'll normally excitedly exclaim "Mushroom!" and show the mushroom to whoever I'm walking with.
w3Zfvla.gif -Wishlist
-Pings are ok!
-You matter
”If a human disagrees with you, let him live. In a hundred billion galaxies, you will not find another.” - Carl Sagan