
Items For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of items.
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Well, do I have a deal to offer you! Here, take a look at this: [center][item=boolean][/center] Yes sir, yes sir, this is in fact a genuine boolean bug. Very rare, very rare. Obviously, worth a great deal of gems. So many, in fact, that it seems ridiculous to offer him in return for your scroll, now doesn't it? Well, it turns out that I don't need this boolean, and I'd much rather have the scroll. Now, now, I know you're curious, but please don't touch the boolean. He's very may just scare him if you get too close. Why are you looking so intensely at him? Could it be...that you don't trust me? You think perhaps this isn't a genuine boolean at all but a [center][item= sparkling stinger] instead?! [/center] I am shocked and appalled at your incredulity, my good sir. How dare you. Nevertheless, I am willing to overlook your rude behavior if you're willing to make the trade... just seriously, stop looking so closely. :) Haha, this is a fun opportunity, and thank you for being so kind as to gift a scroll to someone! May your kindness be returned to you :D
Well, do I have a deal to offer you! Here, take a look at this:

Yes sir, yes sir, this is in fact a genuine boolean bug. Very rare, very rare. Obviously, worth a great deal of gems. So many, in fact, that it seems ridiculous to offer him in return for your scroll, now doesn't it? Well, it turns out that I don't need this boolean, and I'd much rather have the scroll. Now, now, I know you're curious, but please don't touch the boolean. He's very may just scare him if you get too close.

Why are you looking so intensely at him? Could it be...that you don't trust me? You think perhaps this isn't a genuine boolean at all but a
Sparkling Stinger instead?!

I am shocked and appalled at your incredulity, my good sir. How dare you. Nevertheless, I am willing to overlook your rude behavior if you're willing to make the trade... just seriously, stop looking so closely.


Haha, this is a fun opportunity, and thank you for being so kind as to gift a scroll to someone! May your kindness be returned to you :D

well, i don’t have much to offer, i’m a simple dragon keeper with simple needs. Maybe i can offer you a single treasure? it may not be the most valuable thing but, it shines with beauty in the moon and if i gets a little hot out it may melt- i mean glitter in the sunlight with its wonderful smell er- beautiful looks.. I wouldn’t do a bite test though until after the exchange definitely not a scam
well, i don’t have much to offer, i’m a simple dragon keeper with simple needs. Maybe i can offer you a single treasure? it may not be the most valuable thing but, it shines with beauty in the moon and if i gets a little hot out it may melt- i mean glitter in the sunlight with its wonderful smell er- beautiful looks.. I wouldn’t do a bite test though until after the exchange definitely not a scam
I'll give you this [i]whooole[/i] crate of gold [item=hefty treasure cache] *I fumble and drop the chest and a few pieces roll out* [item=fool's gold] Haha's so heavy to carry all this [i]very[/i] genuine gold
I'll give you this whooole crate of gold

Hefty Treasure Cache

*I fumble and drop the chest and a few pieces roll out*

Fool's Gold

Haha's so heavy to carry all this very genuine gold
I can offer you all the bees in my hoard [img][/img] [i]we all need some bees yea? buzz buzz am i right? ;)[/i]
I can offer you all the bees in my hoard

we all need some bees yea? buzz buzz am i right? ;)
well, i don’t have much to offer, i’m a simple dragon keeper with simple needs. Maybe i can offer you a single treasure? it may not be the most valuable thing but, it shines with beauty in the moon and if i gets a little hot out it may melt- i mean glitter in the sunlight with its wonderful smell er- beautiful looks.. I wouldn’t do a bite test though until after the exchange definitely not a scam
well, i don’t have much to offer, i’m a simple dragon keeper with simple needs. Maybe i can offer you a single treasure? it may not be the most valuable thing but, it shines with beauty in the moon and if i gets a little hot out it may melt- i mean glitter in the sunlight with its wonderful smell er- beautiful looks.. I wouldn’t do a bite test though until after the exchange definitely not a scam
Hi, Billy Faes here, coming at you with a BARGAIN price for an UNBELIEVABLE item--forget my cousin Swipp, give these deals a nip! [img][/img] Have you suffered from Chronic Hoard Crud like so many of our modern clans? Do you live right next to Plague flight and find yourself cleaning up diseased meat rain every week like clockwork? Are YOU--yes, YOU--looking for the companionship of a lifetime? Then call our toll-free scry number to get YOUR 100% Genuine Maggot TODAY to solve all those problems in more! Available only for a limited time of Tonight, Before Mom Cleans My Room!
Hi, Billy Faes here, coming at you with a BARGAIN price for an UNBELIEVABLE item--forget my cousin Swipp, give these deals a nip!


Have you suffered from Chronic Hoard Crud like so many of our modern clans? Do you live right next to Plague flight and find yourself cleaning up diseased meat rain every week like clockwork? Are YOU--yes, YOU--looking for the companionship of a lifetime?

Then call our toll-free scry number to get YOUR 100% Genuine Maggot TODAY to solve all those problems in more! Available only for a limited time of Tonight, Before Mom Cleans My Room!
i am a person of few words and also half-asleep so i will just propose to you: a beautiful painted portrait of a dragon or any other character, but my kid will be the one drawing the eyes in their irresistible stick-figure artstyle. yes. just the eyes.
i am a person of few words and also half-asleep so i will just propose to you: a beautiful painted portrait of a dragon or any other character, but my kid will be the one drawing the eyes in their irresistible stick-figure artstyle. yes. just the eyes.
I can offer you one very [s]shoddy[/s] legitimate cheque for one hundred million trillion treasure that isnt drawn in with purple crayon And if you twist my arm I can throw in a stack of funny smelling bird heads [item= Sparrow Skull]
I can offer you one very shoddy legitimate cheque for one hundred million trillion treasure that isnt drawn in with purple crayon

And if you twist my arm I can throw in a stack of funny smelling bird heads

Sparrow Skull
[item=Faded Shadowbinder Effigy] Well listen her pard'ner for I see you are as old and wise as miself. You remember the time when Deity Dolls were all the rage? Used to be part of some rit'ual for some fancy Achievement points. Folks would gather as many as they could, spend months tryin to get the full set. There were waiten lists full of those trying to swap out dolls wit eachother or offering up some tribute jus so they could hold a collection for a day. They used to have value, used to bring folks together. Even iffen it was to vent about how hard it was to find such and such doll. Now you see im, wastering away in the auction building, being [i]hoard sold[/i] for a pittance. But now I tell you frend, I heard me some secrets. Some bit of long forgot conjecture. Whispers in the wind used to say that these dolls are more than jus bits o fabric. That they actually hold a bit of the Dieties emselves!! Thas why the Flameholler one be always warm and Mister Missinglord's was always a drippy mess. Gotta bit ol Elemental soul floating in em. And thas not all. Talk is if you collect enough of em, you could summon up one of our own fearless leaders! *cough*Might be jus about the only way some folks might be able to speak to he who must be soggy*cough* They prolly wont grant you any wish or nuttin. Might just be a bit put off about too much elemental power lying about in one place. Sumthin that is ne'er a good idea when the Archanist is awake. An this here doll, why its just sheer luck I appen to have one of ol Murkmother on the 'eve of her firstborn bein refound. Somethan like fate or sum such. Meybe ifin you collect enough of each diety and give them to The One That Keeps Sticking His Nose Where It Shouldn't Despite Multiple Obvious Warnings and Really Shouldn't It Be Enough By Now? Maybe the resulting element clash will bow up wha'erer experiment he's got going on now. [s].....Or maybe someone tried that all ready and now thas why we're at where we are now.... Bounty of Elements indeed[/s] Anyway, what say you my fren? A bit of Our Lady of Goop herself for one of her new old chilren? Start yourself on a [s]maniacal[/s] magical quest to tell Arcane to stop, again?
Faded Shadowbinder Effigy

Well listen her pard'ner for I see you are as old and wise as miself. You remember the time when Deity Dolls were all the rage? Used to be part of some rit'ual for some fancy Achievement points. Folks would gather as many as they could, spend months tryin to get the full set. There were waiten lists full of those trying to swap out dolls wit eachother or offering up some tribute jus so they could hold a collection for a day. They used to have value, used to bring folks together. Even iffen it was to vent about how hard it was to find such and such doll.

Now you see im, wastering away in the auction building, being hoard sold for a pittance.

But now I tell you frend, I heard me some secrets. Some bit of long forgot conjecture. Whispers in the wind used to say that these dolls are more than jus bits o fabric. That they actually hold a bit of the Dieties emselves!! Thas why the Flameholler one be always warm and Mister Missinglord's was always a drippy mess. Gotta bit ol Elemental soul floating in em.

And thas not all. Talk is if you collect enough of em, you could summon up one of our own fearless leaders! *cough*Might be jus about the only way some folks might be able to speak to he who must be soggy*cough*

They prolly wont grant you any wish or nuttin. Might just be a bit put off about too much elemental power lying about in one place. Sumthin that is ne'er a good idea when the Archanist is awake.

An this here doll, why its just sheer luck I appen to have one of ol Murkmother on the 'eve of her firstborn bein refound. Somethan like fate or sum such.

Meybe ifin you collect enough of each diety and give them to The One That Keeps Sticking His Nose Where It Shouldn't Despite Multiple Obvious Warnings and Really Shouldn't It Be Enough By Now? Maybe the resulting element clash will bow up wha'erer experiment he's got going on now.

.....Or maybe someone tried that all ready and now thas why we're at where we are now.... Bounty of Elements indeed

Anyway, what say you my fren? A bit of Our Lady of Goop herself for one of her new old chilren? Start yourself on a maniacal magical quest to tell Arcane to stop, again?
See, I run a toy and book shop myself. A perfect place for a young ancient hatchling just peeking out into the world. And to show how great a place it is, I can offer you:

A complete set of deity dolls. One of every deity, guaranteed. Something to match any hatchling settling in for bed.

75 each of the hydrena bath toys. Make bathtime fun for everyone. Except whoever has to clean up the water.

Not one, not two but 100 or EACH mammertee and kelp tender plushies. Great for large hordes where you want all the kids not fighting over different toys.

50 of each of the stuffed mith dolls! Only light wear and tear on the moth-eaten ones.

100 each of the scary storybooks and tales of terror. Read those kids something spooky and watch them clutch their new toys tight!

And, if you act now (see pick me) we will add this super special extra gift! 500 fox stuffies and 500 vulpine plushes. That's a...probably not much value...for the low, low price of sending me a breed change!
See, I run a toy and book shop myself. A perfect place for a young ancient hatchling just peeking out into the world. And to show how great a place it is, I can offer you:

A complete set of deity dolls. One of every deity, guaranteed. Something to match any hatchling settling in for bed.

75 each of the hydrena bath toys. Make bathtime fun for everyone. Except whoever has to clean up the water.

Not one, not two but 100 or EACH mammertee and kelp tender plushies. Great for large hordes where you want all the kids not fighting over different toys.

50 of each of the stuffed mith dolls! Only light wear and tear on the moth-eaten ones.

100 each of the scary storybooks and tales of terror. Read those kids something spooky and watch them clutch their new toys tight!

And, if you act now (see pick me) we will add this super special extra gift! 500 fox stuffies and 500 vulpine plushes. That's a...probably not much value...for the low, low price of sending me a breed change!