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TOPIC | 7th Anniversary: Dragon Profile Revamp
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Happy Anniversary! Thank you for all the improvements & development. Very thoughtful and extensive work.Hats off to the dev team!
Happy Anniversary! Thank you for all the improvements & development. Very thoughtful and extensive work.Hats off to the dev team!
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Not sure how I feel about everything -- some stuff I like, some I'm pretty hesitant on -- but I appreciate the work you've done for the last 7 years and your efforts to always add and improve things, so I'm willing to give everything time to grow on me :D
Not sure how I feel about everything -- some stuff I like, some I'm pretty hesitant on -- but I appreciate the work you've done for the last 7 years and your efforts to always add and improve things, so I'm willing to give everything time to grow on me :D
The scenes are all amazing :D Happy 7th anniversary!!
The scenes are all amazing :D Happy 7th anniversary!!
[quote name="Promatim" date="2020-06-08 17:34:45" ] I was excited for these changes, but when I first clicked my dragon's profile, my reaction was: "Woah. This must just be an editing mode, right? This isn't what other people see when they view my profile, is it? All this clutter distracting from the dragon, surely this isn't the new layout." I thought about it some more - and the biggest, most glaring part of the layout does not feel like an accident. Twelve (mostly empty) boxes next to each of my dragons, laid unnecessarily over the beautiful new scenes. Twelve empty boxes staring you in the face, almost as big as the dragons themselves. I fear that this isn't a "mistake" as much as it is an attempt to sell apparel and gems. (If you don't want ANY barren blank boxes on your dragon's profile, it costs a staggering 2300 gems to get to 20 apparel slots.) Apparel used to feel optional. If you like the way your dragon looks on genes alone, then great, you get to skip apparel. Let you dragon's awesome genes speak for themselves. Now every unclothed dragon I have feels like "you forgot to dress up your dragon. You haven't finished this dragon." I'm the type who likes to dress up maybe one in ten dragons, whenever I get some inspiration. I love that apparel exists, but I dislike how it suddenly feels necessary. [/quote] This. All of this. Amittedly, most of my dragons are somewhat dressed, but I heavily prefer them lightly apparelled, and now I feel... idk, "shamed" with all those pointedly empty boxes there. Besides, why would I want people seeing what I have put on my dragons.... right next to my actual dragon's picture, where apparel can be already seen? If someone wants deets, they can scroll a bit down for them, no need to display them so up front.
Promatim wrote on 2020-06-08 17:34:45:
I was excited for these changes, but when I first clicked my dragon's profile, my reaction was:

"Woah. This must just be an editing mode, right? This isn't what other people see when they view my profile, is it? All this clutter distracting from the dragon, surely this isn't the new layout."

I thought about it some more - and the biggest, most glaring part of the layout does not feel like an accident. Twelve (mostly empty) boxes next to each of my dragons, laid unnecessarily over the beautiful new scenes.

Twelve empty boxes staring you in the face, almost as big as the dragons themselves.

I fear that this isn't a "mistake" as much as it is an attempt to sell apparel and gems. (If you don't want ANY barren blank boxes on your dragon's profile, it costs a staggering 2300 gems to get to 20 apparel slots.)

Apparel used to feel optional. If you like the way your dragon looks on genes alone, then great, you get to skip apparel. Let you dragon's awesome genes speak for themselves.

Now every unclothed dragon I have feels like "you forgot to dress up your dragon. You haven't finished this dragon."

I'm the type who likes to dress up maybe one in ten dragons, whenever I get some inspiration. I love that apparel exists, but I dislike how it suddenly feels necessary.

This. All of this. Amittedly, most of my dragons are somewhat dressed, but I heavily prefer them lightly apparelled, and now I feel... idk, "shamed" with all those pointedly empty boxes there. Besides, why would I want people seeing what I have put on my dragons.... right next to my actual dragon's picture, where apparel can be already seen? If someone wants deets, they can scroll a bit down for them, no need to display them so up front.

Encapsulated Mist
Now the night is coming to an end.
The sun will rise,
and we will try again.
Stay alive, stay alive, for me.
Bottled Bones
@/storymydanish said a lot of what I wanted to say in this post, more eloquently than I am able right now.

Though I appreciate the effort the staff put into this redesign, it feels unnecessary, and it absolutely detracts from what should be the most important thing on a dragon's profile page--the actual dragon. The apparel is, as should be obvious by now, the worst offender to the visual clutter. Just because it's controlled by the player doesn't mean it's important enough information to appear in the first screen, especially when it's redundant information.

There are other issues, including other redundant information, potentially distressing elements (prominent gender, likes button), poor proportions (the familiar and all buttons and bars are far too large), and an overall cold feel. I have seen a couple of comments that it looks like the page is in Edit Mode, and I very much agree.

The gender issue disappoints me a lot, tbh. It's a well-known fact at this point that a lot of players have dragons whose genders do not match the site's binary categories. Putting that binary assignment in such plain view is a bad misstep, particularly during Pride month.

The likes button just turns this site into another place that will make people feel bad about themselves because internet strangers don't give them enough validation. (And yes, I'm including myself in that possibility.) It desperately needs to be an opt-in element, or at the very very least, hide the likes count from everyone but the dragon's owner. Let it be a way to compliment a player's dragon without it being a metric people can use to make unfavorable comparisons.
@/storymydanish said a lot of what I wanted to say in this post, more eloquently than I am able right now.

Though I appreciate the effort the staff put into this redesign, it feels unnecessary, and it absolutely detracts from what should be the most important thing on a dragon's profile page--the actual dragon. The apparel is, as should be obvious by now, the worst offender to the visual clutter. Just because it's controlled by the player doesn't mean it's important enough information to appear in the first screen, especially when it's redundant information.

There are other issues, including other redundant information, potentially distressing elements (prominent gender, likes button), poor proportions (the familiar and all buttons and bars are far too large), and an overall cold feel. I have seen a couple of comments that it looks like the page is in Edit Mode, and I very much agree.

The gender issue disappoints me a lot, tbh. It's a well-known fact at this point that a lot of players have dragons whose genders do not match the site's binary categories. Putting that binary assignment in such plain view is a bad misstep, particularly during Pride month.

The likes button just turns this site into another place that will make people feel bad about themselves because internet strangers don't give them enough validation. (And yes, I'm including myself in that possibility.) It desperately needs to be an opt-in element, or at the very very least, hide the likes count from everyone but the dragon's owner. Let it be a way to compliment a player's dragon without it being a metric people can use to make unfavorable comparisons.
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Happy 7th Anniversary?
Happy 7th Anniversary?
Happy7th Anniversary to Flight rising.
Happy7th Anniversary to Flight rising.
Awesome job to everyone who worked together to bring forth all these amazing new details this year!! We wouldn’t have our favorite dragon babies without you guys!! <3

To everyone else- happy anniversary!
Awesome job to everyone who worked together to bring forth all these amazing new details this year!! We wouldn’t have our favorite dragon babies without you guys!! <3

To everyone else- happy anniversary!
Artist | Writer | College Student

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - Androy's Art Gallery
- Scrying and Apparel Service
- Dappervolk Potato Shop
- Wishlist
- DragonCave
- Lab

I pick the familiars for my project dergs really carefully, there are Reasons, and NOW I CAN NAME THEM TOO :D I cannot tell you how pathetically delighted this makes me.

The other stuff is awesome too, but ngl, this is the one that made me squeak.

I pick the familiars for my project dergs really carefully, there are Reasons, and NOW I CAN NAME THEM TOO :D I cannot tell you how pathetically delighted this makes me.

The other stuff is awesome too, but ngl, this is the one that made me squeak.
[quote name="shaydfox" date="2020-06-08 17:10:02" ] I know Shadow and Plague have the coolest aesthetics, but it would be nice if we sometimes didn't have to pay gem market prices for our things. This is a great update! I love the familiar naming and the scenes, a thing I have wished FR had for a while now. It definitely is taking some getting used to the new layout, but not because it isn't excellent, in my opinion! I feel like my dragons are much more on display now, thank you, 10/10 anniversary. Thank you all very much for everything you do to make Flight Rising such a great place! [/quote] Exactly my thinking, lol. Half my lair is purple so it's a bit inconvient to say the least. Either way I can't wait for them to add more, they looks so neat!
shaydfox wrote on 2020-06-08 17:10:02:
I know Shadow and Plague have the coolest aesthetics, but it would be nice if we sometimes didn't have to pay gem market prices for our things.

This is a great update! I love the familiar naming and the scenes, a thing I have wished FR had for a while now. It definitely is taking some getting used to the new layout, but not because it isn't excellent, in my opinion! I feel like my dragons are much more on display now, thank you, 10/10 anniversary.

Thank you all very much for everything you do to make Flight Rising such a great place!

Exactly my thinking, lol. Half my lair is purple so it's a bit inconvient to say the least. Either way I can't wait for them to add more, they looks so neat!
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