Monster Hunter Garb

AbyssalIcarus' Clan
More than the sum of my parts.
Clan Info
A couple of notes from the land of 2024:
Yes my dragons are probably hungry, I'm not here every day, it's too hard to keep up, and they're pixels. I love them, they're PRETTY pixels, but they're pixels. I'm not going anywhere, but I sometimes don't check in for a while.
This page needs an overhaul. I'll get to it, probably. But assume most of the stuff below this point is at least 3-4 years old, and take with a rock of salt.
Since it seems to need to be said (it shouldn't, but here we are) the unnamed or young dragons on the back pages are fair game and I'm likely to be happy to sell those, but no, you walnut, I'm not going to sell you my 4-digit 5-year-old guardian from my progen's first nest. Don't ask.
Note the second: If you send me a friend request but you've never spoken to me before? I will reject it. At least say hello first.
(note the third: if I don't answer your ping/PM it's because I haven't seen it, I will answer it as soon as I do!)
Excuse the mess, rearranging things again. Switched to Light clan from Lightning (just for a change), which has messed with some of my clan lore (such as it is.) I'll get to it eventually.
Progens are Anthony and Jen. *hearts* (Jen was the random, Anthony the custom, with his cursed SWAMP tert *sigh*) They are as old as dirt, much like me :p (4-digit ids! 0_o)
WE HAVE TABS NOW! AHHHH! *flails excitedly* there will be more, the current setup was just what I had gold for immediately.
Some characters are loosely paired, lore-wise, but I just breed whoever I think might make nice hatchlings.
Some of the geeky-themed dergs are wips, or don't match their characters as well as I would like, but they're there because I couldn't bear NOT to have them in the clan, or because I made them right after I joined and now I'm attached, even though I could make better versions now (Bruce and Hawkeye, for example).
Apparel/gene choices being what they are, I do the best matching I can with what we have. Sometimes I pick items/colours for the overall feel rather than direct visual match, depends on what mood I'm in that day :p
Most dergs don't have descriptions. I only put those in if a personality that fits occurs to me (or if I want to leave a reference pic for myself). Generally there are only descriptions on the older clan members that I'm sure aren't going anywhere. (Like Bleach and Tidewrack, the weirdos :p)

(PLANS, ignore. Neverending list. Never enough fandergs. NEVER.)
Kirk, Spock, Bones (TOS)
Bones and Spock = stonewash primary. Kirk Gold? Maybe? (NOT helpful that the TOS shirt was actually a limey/olive green off camera,it bothers my sense of order that there's no way to get it right no matter which way I go *eyetwitch*)
Image for colour reference:
Riddler (Spiral M Leaf jupiter/Shamrock hypnotic/Plum scales, Shadow or Wind?)
Molly Grue
King Haggard
Red Bull
ARTUSE'S GIFT accent for ElAhrairah.
KONO DIO DA M accent for Hawkeye.
Joker: M Ridgeback Maize-piebald Shamrock-saturn Ruby-spines PLAGUE
M Ridge Leaf piebald/Plum/Ruby scales ICE?
Male, Nature flight, Tundra
- Cherry/gold/gold okapi
Male, Water flight, Skydancer
- indigo/obsidian current/moss okapi
Those colours chosen because:
Yes my dragons are probably hungry, I'm not here every day, it's too hard to keep up, and they're pixels. I love them, they're PRETTY pixels, but they're pixels. I'm not going anywhere, but I sometimes don't check in for a while.
This page needs an overhaul. I'll get to it, probably. But assume most of the stuff below this point is at least 3-4 years old, and take with a rock of salt.
Since it seems to need to be said (it shouldn't, but here we are) the unnamed or young dragons on the back pages are fair game and I'm likely to be happy to sell those, but no, you walnut, I'm not going to sell you my 4-digit 5-year-old guardian from my progen's first nest. Don't ask.
Note the second: If you send me a friend request but you've never spoken to me before? I will reject it. At least say hello first.
(note the third: if I don't answer your ping/PM it's because I haven't seen it, I will answer it as soon as I do!)
Excuse the mess, rearranging things again. Switched to Light clan from Lightning (just for a change), which has messed with some of my clan lore (such as it is.) I'll get to it eventually.
Progens are Anthony and Jen. *hearts* (Jen was the random, Anthony the custom, with his cursed SWAMP tert *sigh*) They are as old as dirt, much like me :p (4-digit ids! 0_o)
WE HAVE TABS NOW! AHHHH! *flails excitedly* there will be more, the current setup was just what I had gold for immediately.
Some characters are loosely paired, lore-wise, but I just breed whoever I think might make nice hatchlings.
Some of the geeky-themed dergs are wips, or don't match their characters as well as I would like, but they're there because I couldn't bear NOT to have them in the clan, or because I made them right after I joined and now I'm attached, even though I could make better versions now (Bruce and Hawkeye, for example).
Apparel/gene choices being what they are, I do the best matching I can with what we have. Sometimes I pick items/colours for the overall feel rather than direct visual match, depends on what mood I'm in that day :p
Most dergs don't have descriptions. I only put those in if a personality that fits occurs to me (or if I want to leave a reference pic for myself). Generally there are only descriptions on the older clan members that I'm sure aren't going anywhere. (Like Bleach and Tidewrack, the weirdos :p)

(PLANS, ignore. Neverending list. Never enough fandergs. NEVER.)
Kirk, Spock, Bones (TOS)
Bones and Spock = stonewash primary. Kirk Gold? Maybe? (NOT helpful that the TOS shirt was actually a limey/olive green off camera,it bothers my sense of order that there's no way to get it right no matter which way I go *eyetwitch*)
Image for colour reference:
Riddler (Spiral M Leaf jupiter/Shamrock hypnotic/Plum scales, Shadow or Wind?)
Molly Grue
King Haggard
Red Bull
ARTUSE'S GIFT accent for ElAhrairah.
KONO DIO DA M accent for Hawkeye.
Joker: M Ridgeback Maize-piebald Shamrock-saturn Ruby-spines PLAGUE
M Ridge Leaf piebald/Plum/Ruby scales ICE?
Male, Nature flight, Tundra
- Cherry/gold/gold okapi
Male, Water flight, Skydancer
- indigo/obsidian current/moss okapi
Those colours chosen because:
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Also, totally love that you're planning Last Unicorn fandergs XD