
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | thoughts about the announcement
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Honestly, yes, a small part of me is a little bummed. I was looking forwards to the celebrations and like many use this website to escape the real world for a little while. However, that is insignificant. This is something so much more important than an anniversary. This is something that absolutely needs to be talked about in countries across the world. Racism has no place in the modern world. Flight Rising taking such a clear, unequivocal stance on this matters so, so much. They have used their platform for good, and their message could not be clearer.

Thank you staff, thank you for your message, for giving us resources, and for making sure that everyone knows just where you stand. Black lives matter.

”If our stance should upset you, if you’re reading this and you think we’re being unfair and discriminating, we have one thing to say:

Feel free to leave. You aren’t welcome here either.”
Honestly, yes, a small part of me is a little bummed. I was looking forwards to the celebrations and like many use this website to escape the real world for a little while. However, that is insignificant. This is something so much more important than an anniversary. This is something that absolutely needs to be talked about in countries across the world. Racism has no place in the modern world. Flight Rising taking such a clear, unequivocal stance on this matters so, so much. They have used their platform for good, and their message could not be clearer.

Thank you staff, thank you for your message, for giving us resources, and for making sure that everyone knows just where you stand. Black lives matter.

”If our stance should upset you, if you’re reading this and you think we’re being unfair and discriminating, we have one thing to say:

Feel free to leave. You aren’t welcome here either.”
[quote name="Azurepocalypse" date="2020-06-03 12:52:50" ] I wish staff had been maybe a bit more clear as to what's going on with the anniversary event now? But hopefully more updates on that will come soon. [/quote] Yeah, this ^. I appreciate them taking a stance, and I agree with it, but now its very unclear what IS happening. And I'm not too keen on them canceling/removing things. That doesn't seem like it will do anything beyond take away a moment of peace and calm in the middle of a world on fire. Instead of canceling stuff, maybe donate all gem sale proceeds to charities for a month, or something like that? It would have impact beyond the site, and it wouldn't take away one of the few good things going on right now.
Azurepocalypse wrote on 2020-06-03 12:52:50:
I wish staff had been maybe a bit more clear as to what's going on with the anniversary event now? But hopefully more updates on that will come soon.

Yeah, this ^. I appreciate them taking a stance, and I agree with it, but now its very unclear what IS happening. And I'm not too keen on them canceling/removing things. That doesn't seem like it will do anything beyond take away a moment of peace and calm in the middle of a world on fire. Instead of canceling stuff, maybe donate all gem sale proceeds to charities for a month, or something like that? It would have impact beyond the site, and it wouldn't take away one of the few good things going on right now.
@qunii @artanisnerwen
the important element of artanis's message is that FR is an escape. we should not cling to the fact that racism is misrepresented as a political agenda (which it is, I hear you) and instead consider their primary point that real life is often incredibly overwhelming, and no matter how important the cause, everyone desperately needs a break sometimes.

FR is an escape. there is no question. you should not say that the people who see FR as an escape and are uncomfortable with this discussion are racist sympathizers, either. not everyone has the battery to cope with things like this for too long. when the things you use to recharge become inundated with stressors, it's hard.

minorities have it hard too. I know. BLM is an incredibly important movement and change is necessary if we are to become any better. but not everyone has the strength to be a hero, and we should not fault them for it.
@qunii @artanisnerwen
the important element of artanis's message is that FR is an escape. we should not cling to the fact that racism is misrepresented as a political agenda (which it is, I hear you) and instead consider their primary point that real life is often incredibly overwhelming, and no matter how important the cause, everyone desperately needs a break sometimes.

FR is an escape. there is no question. you should not say that the people who see FR as an escape and are uncomfortable with this discussion are racist sympathizers, either. not everyone has the battery to cope with things like this for too long. when the things you use to recharge become inundated with stressors, it's hard.

minorities have it hard too. I know. BLM is an incredibly important movement and change is necessary if we are to become any better. but not everyone has the strength to be a hero, and we should not fault them for it.
qYzjE0OH_o.gif xx ROLYO / FR +2 / blood in the water, my love
Stay safe out there all and if it gets overwhelming, take a step back. Want to avoid compassion fatigue as best as possible. There's a lot going on right now and if you protest, do so safely (most seem to be doing this but still, don't want some people forgetting the pandemic either!).

Anyone else want off this year? Cause I do-but on the other hand, there's much work to be done.
Stay safe out there all and if it gets overwhelming, take a step back. Want to avoid compassion fatigue as best as possible. There's a lot going on right now and if you protest, do so safely (most seem to be doing this but still, don't want some people forgetting the pandemic either!).

Anyone else want off this year? Cause I do-but on the other hand, there's much work to be done.
Coelum Ad Proelium Elige
I own the most wonderful Shiba Inus named Jiro and Lou!
What do Shiba Inus~ like to dream about? Is it dancing Hainus?
100% behind this message, staff. Thank you for taking a stand!
100% behind this message, staff. Thank you for taking a stand!
Thank you for taking a stance on the "All lives matter" thing. It sounds superficially good or neutral, but exists just to take away legitimacy from the oppressed.
Thank you for taking a stance on the "All lives matter" thing. It sounds superficially good or neutral, but exists just to take away legitimacy from the oppressed.
I'm proud of the FR team for taking the step and making their stance clear! It's an important topic, and it's important to address it.

I'm proud of the FR team for taking the step and making their stance clear! It's an important topic, and it's important to address it.

[quote name="epochh" date="2020-06-03 12:59:20" ] Honestly, yes, a small part of me is a little bummed. I was looking forwards to the celebrations and like many use this website to escape the real world for a little while. However, that is insignificant. This is something so much more important than an anniversary. This is something that absolutely needs to be talked about in countries across the world. Racism has no place in the modern world. Flight Rising taking such a clear, unequivocal stance on this matters so, so much. They have used their platform for good, and their message could not be clearer. Thank you staff, thank you for your message, for giving us resources, and for making sure that everyone knows just where you stand. Black lives matter. ”If our stance should upset you, if you’re reading this and you think we’re being unfair and discriminating, we have one thing to say: Feel free to leave. You aren’t welcome here either.” [/quote] These are my exact thoughts on the matter. I'm very proud to be part of the FR community right now and I'm very proud of the staff. The fact that the anniversary celebration is fun and this site is an escape for many players (including myself!) should take a backseat to what's going on in the world right now. On a personal note, my birthday is the 7th, the day before FR's anniversary. I'd been planning a celebration and really looking forward to it (especially because a birthday trip I'd been saving for all year and a planned research grant trip were cancelled due to the pandemic), but now I'm going to be spending that day raising funds for local protests. Now really isn't a time for celebration, it's a time to educate ourselves and engage in and support action if we can.
epochh wrote on 2020-06-03 12:59:20:
Honestly, yes, a small part of me is a little bummed. I was looking forwards to the celebrations and like many use this website to escape the real world for a little while. However, that is insignificant. This is something so much more important than an anniversary. This is something that absolutely needs to be talked about in countries across the world. Racism has no place in the modern world. Flight Rising taking such a clear, unequivocal stance on this matters so, so much. They have used their platform for good, and their message could not be clearer.

Thank you staff, thank you for your message, for giving us resources, and for making sure that everyone knows just where you stand. Black lives matter.

”If our stance should upset you, if you’re reading this and you think we’re being unfair and discriminating, we have one thing to say:

Feel free to leave. You aren’t welcome here either.”
These are my exact thoughts on the matter. I'm very proud to be part of the FR community right now and I'm very proud of the staff. The fact that the anniversary celebration is fun and this site is an escape for many players (including myself!) should take a backseat to what's going on in the world right now. On a personal note, my birthday is the 7th, the day before FR's anniversary. I'd been planning a celebration and really looking forward to it (especially because a birthday trip I'd been saving for all year and a planned research grant trip were cancelled due to the pandemic), but now I'm going to be spending that day raising funds for local protests. Now really isn't a time for celebration, it's a time to educate ourselves and engage in and support action if we can.
I'm absolutely behind the staff here, and I'm glad to see them taking such a strong stand in favor of justice and against racism and police brutality! It's definitely a lot more than what most companies are doing.
I'm absolutely behind the staff here, and I'm glad to see them taking such a strong stand in favor of justice and against racism and police brutality! It's definitely a lot more than what most companies are doing.
Nature Worldbuilding/Lore
Writing/Lore Shop
Please be gentle with me, I get stressed and anxious easily, and don't always pick up on meanings or social cues. I'm very detail-oriented & like to have all information possible before proceeding.
[i]Human lives[/i] aren't politics. [img][/img]
Human lives aren't politics.

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