
Creative Corner

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TOPIC | Kiaz’ Art
[center][u][b]Kiaz’ Art[/b][/u][/center] Hi! I’ve been on this site a few years but only recently I decided to try and draw some of my dragons (which is insane since dragons are some of my favourite things to draw?? I’ve been ignoring a goldmine of artistic inspiration here), and I’ve been having SO much fun with it. I’ve also been hanging out on the [i]Draw The Dragon Above You[/i] thread which has been a real treat, so some of my drawings are from there. ——- [b]Update:[/b] been a few years so here’s a couple more pieces I did recently. I’ve been stuck in a huge artblock for a long time, but revisiting some of my old dragon sketches helped me push through it a bit! [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] ——- [b]Older[/b] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] (@Yamushu ‘s Perye) [img][/img] (@Turquai ‘s Aurom) [img][/img] (@unintelligible ‘s Crapola) ——- And hopefully more to come! (I also very rarely interact with the forums, so this is an informal hello! :D)
Kiaz’ Art

Hi! I’ve been on this site a few years but only recently I decided to try and draw some of my dragons (which is insane since dragons are some of my favourite things to draw?? I’ve been ignoring a goldmine of artistic inspiration here), and I’ve been having SO much fun with it. I’ve also been hanging out on the Draw The Dragon Above You thread which has been a real treat, so some of my drawings are from there.


Update: been a few years so here’s a couple more pieces I did recently. I’ve been stuck in a huge artblock for a long time, but revisiting some of my old dragon sketches helped me push through it a bit!









(@Yamushu ‘s Perye)

(@Turquai ‘s Aurom)

(@unintelligible ‘s Crapola)


And hopefully more to come!
(I also very rarely interact with the forums, so this is an informal hello! :D)
Wow! I love your art, your sense of lighting, composition, and perspective is absolutely incredible!
Wow! I love your art, your sense of lighting, composition, and perspective is absolutely incredible!
@Kiaz Oh wow,,, You're a really good artist!! I love your posing and lighting in particular so much?? Also that first shot is?? So Adorable?? If you plan on making this into a continuous art thread for you I'd love to be on a pinglist for it!!
@Kiaz Oh wow,,, You're a really good artist!! I love your posing and lighting in particular so much?? Also that first shot is?? So Adorable?? If you plan on making this into a continuous art thread for you I'd love to be on a pinglist for it!!
oh man i think i saw some of these on tumblr!! they're fantastic :>
if you open a shop i'd love a ping!
oh man i think i saw some of these on tumblr!! they're fantastic :>
if you open a shop i'd love a ping!
WOAH. These are incredible, that one with the ridgie standing under the cave entrance with that perspective shot is especially amazing, it looks like a screenshot out of a movie. If you make a pinglist I'd also love to be on it, I'm keen to see what else you make
WOAH. These are incredible, that one with the ridgie standing under the cave entrance with that perspective shot is especially amazing, it looks like a screenshot out of a movie. If you make a pinglist I'd also love to be on it, I'm keen to see what else you make
Wow, your art is absolutely stunning! If you have a pinglist (or make one), please add me to it!
Wow, your art is absolutely stunning! If you have a pinglist (or make one), please add me to it!
RazaSigRotate.gif AfamSig.gif
oh wow these are wonderful!!
oh wow these are wonderful!!
Update with a few new pieces of art ^^ also thank you for all the nice comments everyone left the first time round!!
Update with a few new pieces of art ^^ also thank you for all the nice comments everyone left the first time round!!