
Dragon Share

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TOPIC | Theme Week: Storytellers
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Adrianne's less strictly a storyteller and more of a 'let-me-tell-you-everything-I-know-about-these-topics' dragon, but her main focus is mythology, so she knows a lot of exciting stories! Hatchlings are convinced she's the local story dispenser - fierce battles and brave warriors are popular topics for a clan full of Plague younglings, and Adrianne can tell you about [I]plenty[/I] of those.


Adrianne's less strictly a storyteller and more of a 'let-me-tell-you-everything-I-know-about-these-topics' dragon, but her main focus is mythology, so she knows a lot of exciting stories! Hatchlings are convinced she's the local story dispenser - fierce battles and brave warriors are popular topics for a clan full of Plague younglings, and Adrianne can tell you about plenty of those.
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Eridani is the Lorekeeper, she records the stories of the Clan. She is starting to get a little burnt out, but maintains her reputation as the most bubbly Imperial in the Clan, willing to find a story for anyone who's looking for it. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Altair is the Historian of the Arcane Arts. Although not an Arcane Dragon herself, she is a Water Wizard and a master of magical theory. While there are several other master wizards in the Clan, Altair takes practical application out of her curriculum to focus on making sure her Clanmates are educated on theories, reports, and legends. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Talenach is the bard. He is a grand storyteller, of works of both fiction and non. The Clan is often entertained by his ability to take on the spirit of his characters, in the humming rumble of his chest voice.


Eridani is the Lorekeeper, she records the stories of the Clan. She is starting to get a little burnt out, but maintains her reputation as the most bubbly Imperial in the Clan, willing to find a story for anyone who's looking for it.


Altair is the Historian of the Arcane Arts. Although not an Arcane Dragon herself, she is a Water Wizard and a master of magical theory. While there are several other master wizards in the Clan, Altair takes practical application out of her curriculum to focus on making sure her Clanmates are educated on theories, reports, and legends.


Talenach is the bard. He is a grand storyteller, of works of both fiction and non. The Clan is often entertained by his ability to take on the spirit of his characters, in the humming rumble of his chest voice.
Dragons r my passion :) she/her

I'm working on a wiki for my Clan, here!

[center][url=] [img][/img] [/url] Meg plays a game with the hatchlings where that she would only tell them a story if they catch her. Most of her stories are about dragons who have been exalted or left the clan.[/center]


Meg plays a game with the hatchlings where that she would only tell them a story if they catch her. Most of her stories are about dragons who have been exalted or left the clan.
dragons dragons dragons
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Sapphire is the leader of the clan, but in all her spare time she takes care of the library, and adds her own stuff. She mainly writes romance novels ;) [url=] [img][/img] [/url] The other storyteller in my clan is Mithlaya. She is a gay girl, and was chased from her own (evil) clan. She tells the hatchlings and other lgbtq+ dragons her stories from her adventures. She is a real sweetheart and would love to find a partner to share her stories with someday.


Sapphire is the leader of the clan, but in all her spare time she takes care of the library, and adds her own stuff. She mainly writes romance novels ;)


The other storyteller in my clan is Mithlaya. She is a gay girl, and was chased from her own (evil) clan. She tells the hatchlings and other lgbtq+ dragons her stories from her adventures. She is a real sweetheart and would love to find a partner to share her stories with someday.
dmEpGuD.pngspjFg3y.pngFeel free to talk to me about broadway/starkid any time!
First and foremost: Cináed, whose title is Storyteller! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] He is both entertainer and instructor and tells a variety of stories meant for all manner of audiences—from the hatchlings to the eldest members of his clan, from the regular citizens of the Red Kingdom to political guests to the rulers themselves. His role allows for a certain amount of veiled political commentary and his main goal as a storyteller is to make people think. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Brónach, the Bard. As a bard, she is something of a hybrid poet, storyteller, musician, and historian. Her tales are primarily meant to entertain and to keep the history of the clan, but they also serve as a powerful tool for change and for spreading the clan's influence. However, she is much more likely to compose and recite verse than to tell stories in conversation or prose. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] And Cianán, the Lorekeeper. He is the clan's official record-keeper and unofficial librarian, and he doesn't so much tell stories as preserve and disseminate them. His favourite subject is mythological history, and he is the one most likely to seek out and record existing stories that aren't specifically relevant to the clan.
First and foremost: Cináed, whose title is Storyteller!


He is both entertainer and instructor and tells a variety of stories meant for all manner of audiences—from the hatchlings to the eldest members of his clan, from the regular citizens of the Red Kingdom to political guests to the rulers themselves. His role allows for a certain amount of veiled political commentary and his main goal as a storyteller is to make people think.


Brónach, the Bard. As a bard, she is something of a hybrid poet, storyteller, musician, and historian. Her tales are primarily meant to entertain and to keep the history of the clan, but they also serve as a powerful tool for change and for spreading the clan's influence. However, she is much more likely to compose and recite verse than to tell stories in conversation or prose.


And Cianán, the Lorekeeper. He is the clan's official record-keeper and unofficial librarian, and he doesn't so much tell stories as preserve and disseminate them. His favourite subject is mythological history, and he is the one most likely to seek out and record existing stories that aren't specifically relevant to the clan.
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Crowquill [/b] Crowquill records the name, breed, and some other identifiable trait of every dragon before they are exalted. The information is usually carved into the cave walls and then filled with living ink from his familiar. There is often great celebration and ceremony while Crowquill works on these particular names. Exalting is highly important to the clan and is a very involved process. Crowquill is a valued member of the clan due to his role in the proceedings. He also records the general history of the clan on the walls. The official history is written around stone pillars throughout the main hall. The more unofficial history and secrets of the clan are written on scrolls of parchment stashed away along nooks and cracks in the ceilings and tunnels.


Crowquill records the name, breed, and some other identifiable trait of every dragon before they are exalted. The information is usually carved into the cave walls and then filled with living ink from his familiar. There is often great celebration and ceremony while Crowquill works on these particular names. Exalting is highly important to the clan and is a very involved process. Crowquill is a valued member of the clan due to his role in the proceedings.

He also records the general history of the clan on the walls. The official history is written around stone pillars throughout the main hall. The more unofficial history and secrets of the clan are written on scrolls of parchment stashed away along nooks and cracks in the ceilings and tunnels.
[center]The Keeper of Knowledge belongs to the Dragon in the clan who's age alone stands the test of time, bringing from the ancients the tales of old. In the Raven Clan, this title belongs to the wanderer Roguae. He may be new to the clan and the lands surrounding it, she is far older than she lets on. Her official title is as follows: [b]Stars Keeper:[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center]
The Keeper of Knowledge belongs to the Dragon in the clan who's age alone stands the test of time, bringing from the ancients the tales of old. In the Raven Clan, this title belongs to the wanderer Roguae. He may be new to the clan and the lands surrounding it, she is far older than she lets on. Her official title is as follows:

Stars Keeper:

Darkness approaches the souls of the weary, and weigh with caution, my glowing eyes. Be wary at this young foe, for not has sin overcome them with our lost suffers and agony.
First gal, Isken! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] She's the type to sit so quietly in a corner or something that nobody ever notices she's there. Some of the clan members joke that she's always watching. Others suspect this is a legitimate fact. ------ Otahotep! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Ohhhh lordy does this girl have some stories to tell. She went through a decent range of lifestyles and experiences, and loves retelling the more... significant tale. (One that I may or may not have based off of actual events between me and another user-) ----------- And finally, Nenya! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Old fossil girl with loads of ancient stories to tell! She carries around frogs and has a cute bit of lore where she can make a water pool on her back, and when it's breeding season there are usually tadpoles in it! Likes talking with her frog friends and telling stories from before she got buried in a desert.
First gal, Isken!


She's the type to sit so quietly in a corner or something that nobody ever notices she's there. Some of the clan members joke that she's always watching. Others suspect this is a legitimate fact.


Ohhhh lordy does this girl have some stories to tell. She went through a decent range of lifestyles and experiences, and loves retelling the more... significant tale. (One that I may or may not have based off of actual events between me and another user-)
And finally, Nenya!


Old fossil girl with loads of ancient stories to tell! She carries around frogs and has a cute bit of lore where she can make a water pool on her back, and when it's breeding season there are usually tadpoles in it! Likes talking with her frog friends and telling stories from before she got buried in a desert.
[center]I suppose these are the three most fitting: 1. [b]Twilight[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] As a Soothsayer, and also a veteran from long ago, Twilight has many stories to tell and has long been the soothing voice clan members fall asleep to. 2. [b]Lavi[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] As the clan's lineage connector, Lavi is very fond of happy endings. He is also quite aged and thus has many of his own life experiences to retell to anyone who wants to listen. 3. [b]Aquarius[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Aquarius spends most of his days backpacking--traveling Sornieth. Thus, he has had tons of adventures and loves to tell his journeys to others. [/center]
I suppose these are the three most fitting:

1. Twilight


As a Soothsayer, and also a veteran from long ago, Twilight has many stories to tell and has long been the soothing voice clan members fall asleep to.

2. Lavi


As the clan's lineage connector, Lavi is very fond of happy endings. He is also quite aged and thus has many of his own life experiences to retell to anyone who wants to listen.

3. Aquarius


Aquarius spends most of his days backpacking--traveling Sornieth. Thus, he has had tons of adventures and loves to tell his journeys to others.
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] The Lord of Dreams, the Clan's singer and storyteller. He creates tales woven of legend, history, and imagination, and sings songs celebrating heroism, love, and valor. The Clan dances to his music every night, and his beautiful deep voice is very often the last sound the hatchlings hear each night as they are carried off to bed by their parents. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] LeeShore, a bard who specializes in singing the half-forgotten tales of dragons that once lived far beneath the waves of the sea.


The Lord of Dreams, the Clan's singer and storyteller. He creates tales woven of legend, history, and imagination, and sings songs celebrating heroism, love, and valor. The Clan dances to his music every night, and his beautiful deep voice is very often the last sound the hatchlings hear each night as they are carried off to bed by their parents.


LeeShore, a bard who specializes in singing the half-forgotten tales of dragons that once lived far beneath the waves of the sea.