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TOPIC | Theme Week: Storytellers
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Gera is a restless spirit that finds peace in telling stories down at the Echo Market.


Gera is a restless spirit that finds peace in telling stories down at the Echo Market.

[b]Luna[/b], the Chinese new year, firework maker, hobby seamstress and storyteller on Chinese new years eve. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] The embodiment of festivities, tradition and fireworks. Those who see her feel fortunate. She descends from the sky only once a year, following our world's Chinese calendar. In Sornieth, only she and her closest knows she is connected to a culture in a parallell world. A few times, she wonder why she is not a wingless imperial like the dragon in Chinese culture. She is the clan's fireworks maker, but is also quite good at sewing for herself. She is well known among the professional sewers in town, and is happy they see her as a friend and not a competitor. Since she only descend once a year she always has a great shopping list. As her celestial friends all have limited and varied time "down" on Sornieth, she will buy items like clothes and materials for them as well. She also brings samples of her own, new clothing to discuss and get input from the seamstresses. This is one of the reasons meeting her is seen as fortunate. She will spend her year in the sky creating her fireworks, sew and do celestial stuff. When she descends, 2 days before the Lunar new year, she brings all her fireworks for the festivity and a few more for the clan to use at other events. She often bring gifts to the children, as she greatly appreciate them despite never having any herself. Before setting off the fireworks she gather whoever wants to listen and tell them tales of strange and magical events. Some are real, some are made up. She sets the mood before the big show.
Luna, the Chinese new year, firework maker, hobby seamstress and storyteller on Chinese new years eve.


The embodiment of festivities, tradition and fireworks. Those who see her feel fortunate. She descends from the sky only once a year, following our world's Chinese calendar. In Sornieth, only she and her closest knows she is connected to a culture in a parallell world. A few times, she wonder why she is not a wingless imperial like the dragon in Chinese culture.

She is the clan's fireworks maker, but is also quite good at sewing for herself. She is well known among the professional sewers in town, and is happy they see her as a friend and not a competitor. Since she only descend once a year she always has a great shopping list. As her celestial friends all have limited and varied time "down" on Sornieth, she will buy items like clothes and materials for them as well. She also brings samples of her own, new clothing to discuss and get input from the seamstresses.

This is one of the reasons meeting her is seen as fortunate. She will spend her year in the sky creating her fireworks, sew and do celestial stuff. When she descends, 2 days before the Lunar new year, she brings all her fireworks for the festivity and a few more for the clan to use at other events. She often bring gifts to the children, as she greatly appreciate them despite never having any herself. Before setting off the fireworks she gather whoever wants to listen and tell them tales of strange and magical events. Some are real, some are made up. She sets the mood before the big show.
Need more den tasks and den gem slots. Too many pretty dragons and I'm all maxed out. I have a dragon hoarding problem.
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Sevil[/b] here is the nursey matron, so she's always coming up with stories to tell the young hatchlings! Stories of all the incarnations she's gone through since the birth of the Arcanist, and all the adventures she's had; hijinks with Aphea and Azazel, fights againt the scary Beastclan bosses, and (the hatchlings' personal favourite) stories about the great dragons that came from the same nursery as the young'uns themselves! Being an immortal spirit really does pay off when it comes to telling the best stories. ----- [url=][img][/img][/url] Though he's a very solitary lad, [b]Oxylus[/b] is an absolute library when it comes to tales. He is a traveller who ventures far and beyond, but since he originated from the Cabals, he has a thing for recording knowledge! Whenever he hears a new tale from a foreign land, he records it almost religiously, then stores it in his "magical pocket" realm. Most dragons who have had a meal with him or offered him a ride on a long dusty road can be witness to the legend of his captivating stories, and how he can weave an entire universe using just his words! ----- [url=][img][/img][/url] My musical priestess is in fact also a poet and a writer! Since she was raised in a deeply religious family, [b]Jezara[/b] was taught many stories of their religion and had to study them extensively throughout her life. She studied the origin of each ritual and practice, of the myths and tales of how they came to be, and when she left her family to pursue the Cabals, she bagan to study the myths and tales of every religion and belief she came across as the nomadic Cabals migrated! Her ability to turn each and every one of these tales into beautiul music spreads these tales and keep their legacies alive.[/center]

Sevil here is the nursey matron, so she's always coming up with stories to tell the young hatchlings! Stories of all the incarnations she's gone through since the birth of the Arcanist, and all the adventures she's had; hijinks with Aphea and Azazel, fights againt the scary Beastclan bosses, and (the hatchlings' personal favourite) stories about the great dragons that came from the same nursery as the young'uns themselves! Being an immortal spirit really does pay off when it comes to telling the best stories.


Though he's a very solitary lad, Oxylus is an absolute library when it comes to tales. He is a traveller who ventures far and beyond, but since he originated from the Cabals, he has a thing for recording knowledge! Whenever he hears a new tale from a foreign land, he records it almost religiously, then stores it in his "magical pocket" realm. Most dragons who have had a meal with him or offered him a ride on a long dusty road can be witness to the legend of his captivating stories, and how he can weave an entire universe using just his words!


My musical priestess is in fact also a poet and a writer! Since she was raised in a deeply religious family, Jezara was taught many stories of their religion and had to study them extensively throughout her life. She studied the origin of each ritual and practice, of the myths and tales of how they came to be, and when she left her family to pursue the Cabals, she bagan to study the myths and tales of every religion and belief she came across as the nomadic Cabals migrated! Her ability to turn each and every one of these tales into beautiul music spreads these tales and keep their legacies alive.
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Sen | they/them | FR +9
Miscellaneous Tarots Hatchery
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] He tells good stories but he rambles and rambles and r a m b l e s


He tells good stories but he rambles and rambles and r a m b l e s
EuGvwRa.gif > : [MECH/BUG]. he/it
avatar drgn | f2u code
[center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] Anubis is the Clans storyteller. When he was still young he traveled the world with his father. They visited different clans to learn of their stories and myths. Nowadays he prefers the comfort of his home and spends his days sharing the stories he heard with everyone who wants to listen.

Anubis is the Clans storyteller. When he was still young he traveled the world with his father. They visited different clans to learn of their stories and myths.
Nowadays he prefers the comfort of his home and spends his days sharing the stories he heard with everyone who wants to listen.
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[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Covalent here is my treasured storyteller. She's a great writer of tragedies and sad, sorrowful stories. What she writes can bring anyone to tears, hence why she has the paintings of bones and scrolls on her wings. She says the little vials she carries contain tears shed because of her stories, though no one knows if this is true. She herself is actually very kind, and a bit eccentric, nothing like the stories she tells. She has a brother that she collaborates with who writes sweet stories and fluffy things. The tales they tell together are unlike any their clans have ever seen! Too bad they constantly argue over how to end stories. Lore aside, Covalent was named for an old RP I used to do, which was happy and sad all at the same time, and it meant a lot to me. Covalent and her brother Verdandt (owned by an old friend) always kinda symbolized two things in writing; fluff and tragedy. Who knew those things could combine so beautifully?


Covalent here is my treasured storyteller. She's a great writer of tragedies and sad, sorrowful stories. What she writes can bring anyone to tears, hence why she has the paintings of bones and scrolls on her wings. She says the little vials she carries contain tears shed because of her stories, though no one knows if this is true. She herself is actually very kind, and a bit eccentric, nothing like the stories she tells.

She has a brother that she collaborates with who writes sweet stories and fluffy things. The tales they tell together are unlike any their clans have ever seen! Too bad they constantly argue over how to end stories.

Lore aside, Covalent was named for an old RP I used to do, which was happy and sad all at the same time, and it meant a lot to me. Covalent and her brother Verdandt (owned by an old friend) always kinda symbolized two things in writing; fluff and tragedy. Who knew those things could combine so beautifully?
"There is no terminal called End in your life!"
Sym6.png Blue // they/he Sym5.png

Sym5.png Goals and Link DirectorySym6.png
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Azazel helps take care of the clans hatchlings and is very old. he tells them stories of the past and of his adventures. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] levi is gentle and like everyone's grandfather. he tells sweet bedtime stories. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Styx tells scary stories.

Azazel helps take care of the clans hatchlings and is very old. he tells them stories of the past and of his adventures.

levi is gentle and like everyone's grandfather. he tells sweet bedtime stories.

Styx tells scary stories.
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Eun is always looking for the opportunity to share his writings! He is a second generation Scholar and the lair's Historian. He enjoys writing and telling poems, and will stay up for days wandering around the lair and rambling to whoever will listen.


Eun is always looking for the opportunity to share his writings! He is a second generation Scholar and the lair's Historian. He enjoys writing and telling poems, and will stay up for days wandering around the lair and rambling to whoever will listen.
with a
Gay man (MlM) flag in the style of a faux FlightRising item He/It
FR Time +0
G1 Hoarder
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[url=] [img][/img] [/url] byakkoya's a storyteller who entertains hatchlings & older dragons alike - but her stories somehow always bear an uncanny resemblance to one of the listeners' life stories, especially their secrets... and also their future. byakkoya has no idea she's doing this, but it's gotten her kicked out of several clans. still, she tries her best


byakkoya's a storyteller who entertains hatchlings & older dragons alike - but her stories somehow always bear an uncanny resemblance to one of the listeners' life stories, especially their secrets... and also their future. byakkoya has no idea she's doing this, but it's gotten her kicked out of several clans. still, she tries her best
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hi! i'm meteor.
check out some of my projects? → or the coliseum bounty npc suggestion!

» the bestiary outfit project
» cross-flight outfit project
» 100x100 bio icons
» accent shop
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] chariot is a shadow ambassador gone rogue, and now he spends most of his time recounting the history of the shadow flight, their culture and folklore etc. he might embellish his personal tales just a bit to make them a little bit more interesting, though, but that's just so the kids don't get bored! he swears! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] samae isn't a storyteller, but he does tell a lot of stories. as the (now retired) founder of the Stray clan, he's basically a walking library when it comes to its history. now that he is retired, he has a lot of time to tell these stories, too!


chariot is a shadow ambassador gone rogue, and now he spends most of his time recounting the history of the shadow flight, their culture and folklore etc. he might embellish his personal tales just a bit to make them a little bit more interesting, though, but that's just so the kids don't get bored! he swears!


samae isn't a storyteller, but he does tell a lot of stories. as the (now retired) founder of the Stray clan, he's basically a walking library when it comes to its history. now that he is retired, he has a lot of time to tell these stories, too!
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