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TOPIC | The Warrior Cat Clan Game

twelfth moon | 12/22/19 | leafbare (3/3)
- Dogfang and Canaryfeather have recovered from their injuries and may return to their duties. Turkeypaw's condition is improving thanks to Murkreed's help.
- nothing of note happens this moon. the Clan relishes in the peace.

twelfth moon | 12/22/19 | leafbare (3/3)
- Dogfang and Canaryfeather have recovered from their injuries and may return to their duties. Turkeypaw's condition is improving thanks to Murkreed's help.
- nothing of note happens this moon. the Clan relishes in the peace.
fr time + 3
hhhhh03krRqO.gif hhh9mjyPzr.png
ho my heart, it's a fish out of water
ho my heart, it's a fish on the rocks
hand it bakes in the bad sun
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I will be putting a full two days/moons into these posts until January. Events/encounters will occur every other moon.

Year 7, moon 9/12.
Population, 20.
Softmist expresses her feelings towards Lightbreeze, though they decline, still needing recovery time after Lupis-step's death.

Quillfur has her kits! She and Tallstride are now the proud parents of five kits! Sadly, the runt does not make it past the first moon. The clan welcomes Archkit, Shellkit, Rabbitkit, and Sprucekit! Skykit is buried with her family nearby.

Whitelily has her kits! She and Wildjump are the new proud parents of four kits! Sadly, a sickness spread through the young kits and only one made it out alive, but just barely. Beaverkit is welcomed into the clan, while Cliffkit, Rushkit, and Brindlekit are free to roam in StarClan.

A patrol is attacked by an owl! No-one is killed during the fight, but the patrol returns to camp beaten and injured.
Cherrywhisker will need to wait three moons before returning to her duties as deputy.
Wildjump will need to wait three moons before returning to his warrior duties.
Sweetpaw is badly injured! If she is not healed in five moons, her wounds will be to great and she will die.
Cedarpaw will need to wait six moons before returning to her apprentice duties.
Tallstride will need to wait four moons before returning to his warrior duties.
Softmist will need to only wait one moon before returning to her warrior duties.
Population, 24.
Wasptip is fully healed.
Fishpelt is fully healed.

Briarflame is successful in asking Willowbay to become her mate!

A brief, but sudden and strong sickness sweeps through DraftClan's camp. Lizardstar, Tigerleap, Cobwebears, and even the medicine cat, Slatecloud, fall ill. Thankfully though, it's a sickness Slatecloud could fix with his eyes closed. All four of them recover quick, and are back to their duties within the moon.

Year 7, moon 10/12.
Late Leaffall.
Population, 20.
Softmist is fully healed.

Nothing else note worthy happens this moon.
Population, 24.
Foxpaw is fully healed.
Pigeonpaw is fully healed.

Willowbay and Briarflame try for kits! They are successful! Briarflame moves into the nursery.

Cobwebears is successful in confessing to Wasptip! They are now mates.
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I will be putting a full two days/moons into these posts until January. Events/encounters will occur every other moon.

Year 7, moon 9/12.
Population, 20.
Softmist expresses her feelings towards Lightbreeze, though they decline, still needing recovery time after Lupis-step's death.

Quillfur has her kits! She and Tallstride are now the proud parents of five kits! Sadly, the runt does not make it past the first moon. The clan welcomes Archkit, Shellkit, Rabbitkit, and Sprucekit! Skykit is buried with her family nearby.

Whitelily has her kits! She and Wildjump are the new proud parents of four kits! Sadly, a sickness spread through the young kits and only one made it out alive, but just barely. Beaverkit is welcomed into the clan, while Cliffkit, Rushkit, and Brindlekit are free to roam in StarClan.

A patrol is attacked by an owl! No-one is killed during the fight, but the patrol returns to camp beaten and injured.
Cherrywhisker will need to wait three moons before returning to her duties as deputy.
Wildjump will need to wait three moons before returning to his warrior duties.
Sweetpaw is badly injured! If she is not healed in five moons, her wounds will be to great and she will die.
Cedarpaw will need to wait six moons before returning to her apprentice duties.
Tallstride will need to wait four moons before returning to his warrior duties.
Softmist will need to only wait one moon before returning to her warrior duties.
Population, 24.
Wasptip is fully healed.
Fishpelt is fully healed.

Briarflame is successful in asking Willowbay to become her mate!

A brief, but sudden and strong sickness sweeps through DraftClan's camp. Lizardstar, Tigerleap, Cobwebears, and even the medicine cat, Slatecloud, fall ill. Thankfully though, it's a sickness Slatecloud could fix with his eyes closed. All four of them recover quick, and are back to their duties within the moon.

Year 7, moon 10/12.
Late Leaffall.
Population, 20.
Softmist is fully healed.

Nothing else note worthy happens this moon.
Population, 24.
Foxpaw is fully healed.
Pigeonpaw is fully healed.

Willowbay and Briarflame try for kits! They are successful! Briarflame moves into the nursery.

Cobwebears is successful in confessing to Wasptip! They are now mates.
they/he prounouns
gay/mlm, demisexual (? still figuring it out.)

[] commissions! (closed)
[] 1x1 roleplay info!
[] art dump! (pinglist)
link to doc ;
I will be putting a full two moons/days into these posts until January. Events/encounters will occur every other moon.

Year 7, moon 11/12.
Early Leafbare.
Population, 20.
Dapplefleck is fully healed.

Cedarpaw earns her warrior name! She is given the name Cedarslip.

Softmist approaches Lightbreeze again, and gently brings up becoming mates. Lightbreeze gives in, and they accept Softmist's proposal. They are now mates!

The cold weather brings prey to a halt. Despite the clan going into a panic to feed everyone, no-one is starved to death.
Population, 23.
Lizardstar is fully healed.
Willowbay is fully healed.
Briarflame is fully healed.

Cobwebears and Wasptip try for kits! Unfortunately, they are unsuccessful. They both plan to try again next moon.

The cold weather brings the amount of prey scarce! Unfortunately, Foxpaw starves to death.

Year 7, moon 12/12.
Population, 20.
Cherrywhisker is fully healed.
Wildjump is fully healed.

Bumblethunder and Cherrywhisker try for kits! Unfortunately, they are not successful. They will try again next moon!

Lightbreeze and Softmist had believed they were expecting for a few days, but it was a false alarm. They plan to actually try for kits next moon!

Beaverkit is non-binary.
Population, 26.
Maggotpaw, Stempaw, and Darkpaw earn their warrior names!
Maggotpaw is given the name Maggotcloud, for their long pelt and soft fur.
Stempaw is given the name Stemshadow, for her black fur and tall form.
Darkpaw is given the name Darkfox, in honor of his late brother.

Briarflame has her kits! She and Willowbay are the proud new parents of five kits! Unfortunately, two of those kits do not make it to their first moon. The clan welcomes Berrykit, Figkit, and Heatherkit! While Hazekit and Onyxkit are said goodbye to.

Cobwebears and Wasptip try for kits! Unfortunately, they are unsuccessful. They plan to try again next moon!
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I will be putting a full two moons/days into these posts until January. Events/encounters will occur every other moon.

Year 7, moon 11/12.
Early Leafbare.
Population, 20.
Dapplefleck is fully healed.

Cedarpaw earns her warrior name! She is given the name Cedarslip.

Softmist approaches Lightbreeze again, and gently brings up becoming mates. Lightbreeze gives in, and they accept Softmist's proposal. They are now mates!

The cold weather brings prey to a halt. Despite the clan going into a panic to feed everyone, no-one is starved to death.
Population, 23.
Lizardstar is fully healed.
Willowbay is fully healed.
Briarflame is fully healed.

Cobwebears and Wasptip try for kits! Unfortunately, they are unsuccessful. They both plan to try again next moon.

The cold weather brings the amount of prey scarce! Unfortunately, Foxpaw starves to death.

Year 7, moon 12/12.
Population, 20.
Cherrywhisker is fully healed.
Wildjump is fully healed.

Bumblethunder and Cherrywhisker try for kits! Unfortunately, they are not successful. They will try again next moon!

Lightbreeze and Softmist had believed they were expecting for a few days, but it was a false alarm. They plan to actually try for kits next moon!

Beaverkit is non-binary.
Population, 26.
Maggotpaw, Stempaw, and Darkpaw earn their warrior names!
Maggotpaw is given the name Maggotcloud, for their long pelt and soft fur.
Stempaw is given the name Stemshadow, for her black fur and tall form.
Darkpaw is given the name Darkfox, in honor of his late brother.

Briarflame has her kits! She and Willowbay are the proud new parents of five kits! Unfortunately, two of those kits do not make it to their first moon. The clan welcomes Berrykit, Figkit, and Heatherkit! While Hazekit and Onyxkit are said goodbye to.

Cobwebears and Wasptip try for kits! Unfortunately, they are unsuccessful. They plan to try again next moon!
they/he prounouns
gay/mlm, demisexual (? still figuring it out.)

[] commissions! (closed)
[] 1x1 roleplay info!
[] art dump! (pinglist)
(I didn't like how 9 cats had to die, so I came up with something a little more realistic.)
A rival Clan's anger erupted and they attacked ForestClan! Feistyglow and Snakemist were heading out to hunt when they were ambushed. They received the blunt of intended attacks, each requiring five moons to heal. Snakemist is likely to pull out of it. Feistyglow took a heavy pounding when the rival Clan was about to breach through the nursery; he has a slim chance of recovering in time. Growing old and losing her touch, Nightstar made a fatal mistake and lost a life as she forgot a current opponent and focused on endangered kits. Kits Vinekit and Starkit were rough-housing in the camp's center when they were trampled by several paws and struck by several claws before they could react. Both kits will have their apprenticeships postponed until they heal. Vinekit will need six moons, and is likely to survive. Starkit is estimated to be dead by her sixth moon, but the medicine cats are doing all they can to save their Clan's future. Boundkit and Needlekit were slightly roughed up, but they will be fine by the next moon. Featherfall did her best to protect them, but she was badly injured and will need three moons to recover.

A couple days later, Nightstar lost another life due to a blood clot in her neck. StarClan fixed it, but Nightstar now only has one life left.

A week from that, Rapidbrook bolstered the Clan's size with three healthy kits! They are named Bluekit, Swiftkit, and Pinekit.

Gratefully, only good things have happened this moon.

Snakemist's condition is now stable, but he still needs further treatment. He will live past his wounds. Featherfall's condition is stabilizing. She still requires treatment, but she will not die from her wounds.

It is time for Boundkit to become Boundpaw. He is given Stormwhisker as a mentor. After a few training sessions, the following ensues:

Becoming increasingly worried about future inbreeding in the Clan, Nightstar and Fogfur send Stormwhisker, Bloodstrike, and Boundpaw out for a few days to recruit members. They come back with a total of four cats, Mabel, Casper, Orchid, and Orange. Mabel, the she-cat who helped raise Boundpaw, found the patrol, rather than the other way around. She said she felt a certain "attachment" to the young cat and was going to join anyways. She decides to keep her name the way it is.
Orchid and Casper, kittypets, have always wanted to feel what it was like to be free and in the wild. The mother and son were warned of the dangers and responsibilities of the Clan, but they decided to come anyway. Orchid keeps her name as Casper willingly becomes Ghostpaw.
Orange, a young ex-barncat, was found by the Clan trio when she was trying to catch a mouse. Seeing that the orange tabby had wilderness inside her, the patrol asked if she would like to become a part of it. She immediately accepted, asking many questions along the way. She changed her name to Brightlily.
(I didn't like how 9 cats had to die, so I came up with something a little more realistic.)
A rival Clan's anger erupted and they attacked ForestClan! Feistyglow and Snakemist were heading out to hunt when they were ambushed. They received the blunt of intended attacks, each requiring five moons to heal. Snakemist is likely to pull out of it. Feistyglow took a heavy pounding when the rival Clan was about to breach through the nursery; he has a slim chance of recovering in time. Growing old and losing her touch, Nightstar made a fatal mistake and lost a life as she forgot a current opponent and focused on endangered kits. Kits Vinekit and Starkit were rough-housing in the camp's center when they were trampled by several paws and struck by several claws before they could react. Both kits will have their apprenticeships postponed until they heal. Vinekit will need six moons, and is likely to survive. Starkit is estimated to be dead by her sixth moon, but the medicine cats are doing all they can to save their Clan's future. Boundkit and Needlekit were slightly roughed up, but they will be fine by the next moon. Featherfall did her best to protect them, but she was badly injured and will need three moons to recover.

A couple days later, Nightstar lost another life due to a blood clot in her neck. StarClan fixed it, but Nightstar now only has one life left.

A week from that, Rapidbrook bolstered the Clan's size with three healthy kits! They are named Bluekit, Swiftkit, and Pinekit.

Gratefully, only good things have happened this moon.

Snakemist's condition is now stable, but he still needs further treatment. He will live past his wounds. Featherfall's condition is stabilizing. She still requires treatment, but she will not die from her wounds.

It is time for Boundkit to become Boundpaw. He is given Stormwhisker as a mentor. After a few training sessions, the following ensues:

Becoming increasingly worried about future inbreeding in the Clan, Nightstar and Fogfur send Stormwhisker, Bloodstrike, and Boundpaw out for a few days to recruit members. They come back with a total of four cats, Mabel, Casper, Orchid, and Orange. Mabel, the she-cat who helped raise Boundpaw, found the patrol, rather than the other way around. She said she felt a certain "attachment" to the young cat and was going to join anyways. She decides to keep her name the way it is.
Orchid and Casper, kittypets, have always wanted to feel what it was like to be free and in the wild. The mother and son were warned of the dangers and responsibilities of the Clan, but they decided to come anyway. Orchid keeps her name as Casper willingly becomes Ghostpaw.
Orange, a young ex-barncat, was found by the Clan trio when she was trying to catch a mouse. Seeing that the orange tabby had wilderness inside her, the patrol asked if she would like to become a part of it. She immediately accepted, asking many questions along the way. She changed her name to Brightlily.
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I will be adding two full days/moons into these posts until January. Events/encounters will occur every other moon.

Year 8, moon 1/12.
Late Leafbare.
Population, 20.
Yarrowstar's heath has begun to decrease. In his old age, the medicine cat tells him that he doesn't have long to live. Yarrowstar refuses to retire, and firmly believes leaders should sped out their entire lives doing their duty.

Tallstride is fully healed.

Bumblethunder and Cherrywhisker try for kits! They are successful, and Cherrywhisker moves into the nursery, stepping down from her spot as deputy for the time being.

Trying for kits, Lightbreeze and Softmist are unsuccessful. They plan to try again next moon!

Cats begin to fall ill! Hootpaw, Whitelily, Cedarslip, and Rabbitkit are moved into the empty elder's den. Thankfully, Jaguarberry is able to cure them all! They are moving back into their rightful duties and dens before the moon is up.
Population, 26.
Claypaw has earned his warrior name! He is given the name Claystripe, for his striped pelt.

Milktuft and Streamscruff try for kits! They are successful, and Streamscruff moves into the nursery.

Cobwebears and Wasptip try for kits! They are unsuccessful, but plan to try again next moon.

The sickness also spreads to DraftClan! Stemshadow, Cobwebears, Maggotcloud, Scorpionblaze, and Fishpelt fall ill. Thankfully though, it's easy enough to cure and Slatecloud heals them just before the new moon rises.

Year 8, 2/12.
Early Newleaf.
Population, 20.
At the very last second, Jaguarberry is able to heal Sweetpaw! She is fully healed.

With the nursery being a bit crowded, one last queen is able to fit without it being too much to handle. Lightbreeze and Softmist have been successful in trying for kits; Softmist moves into the nursery!
Population, 26.
Swallowkit becomes an apprentice! Swallowpaw's mentor is Willowbay.
Fishpelt moves back into the warrior's den and returns to her duties.

Burrpool and Windflower try for kits! They are successful, and Windflower moves into the nursery.

Cobwebears and Wasptip try for kits! They are successfull, and Wasptip moves into the nursery.
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I will be adding two full days/moons into these posts until January. Events/encounters will occur every other moon.

Year 8, moon 1/12.
Late Leafbare.
Population, 20.
Yarrowstar's heath has begun to decrease. In his old age, the medicine cat tells him that he doesn't have long to live. Yarrowstar refuses to retire, and firmly believes leaders should sped out their entire lives doing their duty.

Tallstride is fully healed.

Bumblethunder and Cherrywhisker try for kits! They are successful, and Cherrywhisker moves into the nursery, stepping down from her spot as deputy for the time being.

Trying for kits, Lightbreeze and Softmist are unsuccessful. They plan to try again next moon!

Cats begin to fall ill! Hootpaw, Whitelily, Cedarslip, and Rabbitkit are moved into the empty elder's den. Thankfully, Jaguarberry is able to cure them all! They are moving back into their rightful duties and dens before the moon is up.
Population, 26.
Claypaw has earned his warrior name! He is given the name Claystripe, for his striped pelt.

Milktuft and Streamscruff try for kits! They are successful, and Streamscruff moves into the nursery.

Cobwebears and Wasptip try for kits! They are unsuccessful, but plan to try again next moon.

The sickness also spreads to DraftClan! Stemshadow, Cobwebears, Maggotcloud, Scorpionblaze, and Fishpelt fall ill. Thankfully though, it's easy enough to cure and Slatecloud heals them just before the new moon rises.

Year 8, 2/12.
Early Newleaf.
Population, 20.
At the very last second, Jaguarberry is able to heal Sweetpaw! She is fully healed.

With the nursery being a bit crowded, one last queen is able to fit without it being too much to handle. Lightbreeze and Softmist have been successful in trying for kits; Softmist moves into the nursery!
Population, 26.
Swallowkit becomes an apprentice! Swallowpaw's mentor is Willowbay.
Fishpelt moves back into the warrior's den and returns to her duties.

Burrpool and Windflower try for kits! They are successful, and Windflower moves into the nursery.

Cobwebears and Wasptip try for kits! They are successfull, and Wasptip moves into the nursery.
they/he prounouns
gay/mlm, demisexual (? still figuring it out.)

[] commissions! (closed)
[] 1x1 roleplay info!
[] art dump! (pinglist)

Nothing particularly eventful happened this moon. Nightstar and Vinekit have recovered from the worst of their wounds, and will now rest as the recover from the rest.

Nightstar and Snakemist decided they were fine, with minor open wounds along their bodies. They went on a border patrol with Mabel, but all three are now missing and have yet to return or be found.

Starkit and Feistyglow, against all odds, have miraculously pulled out of their monstrous wounds and are now recovering in the meds' den.

Nothing particularly eventful happened this moon. Nightstar and Vinekit have recovered from the worst of their wounds, and will now rest as the recover from the rest.

Nightstar and Snakemist decided they were fine, with minor open wounds along their bodies. They went on a border patrol with Mabel, but all three are now missing and have yet to return or be found.

Starkit and Feistyglow, against all odds, have miraculously pulled out of their monstrous wounds and are now recovering in the meds' den.
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I will be putting a full two days/moons into these posts until January. Events/encounters will occur every other moon.

Year 8, 3/12.
Population, 22.
Cedarslip is fully healed.

Sweetpaw and Hootpaw have passed their warrior assessments, and therefor earn their warrior names!
Sweetpaw is given the name Sweetwish, in honor of her miraculous recovery from wounds even Jaguarberry thought she wouldn't pull out of.
Hootpaw is given the name Hootwing.

Cherrywhisker gives birth! She and Bumblethunder are the proud parents of two daughters, Volekit and Burntkit. The clan welcomes them with open paws!

Hunting patrols keep coming back with less and less prey, until each and every patrol comes back empty-jawed. Thankfully, the prey returns fast enough that only a few warriors were hungry enough to be unable to any work. Everyone recovers!
Population, 30.
Streamscruff gives birth! She and Milktuft are the proud parents of five kits! The clan welcomes Turtlekit, Stoatkit, Waterkit, Eelkit, and Blazekit! Though most are healthy, Waterkit is born with asthma- concerning her parents and the medicine cat.

Hunting patrols are suddenly lost at words for the lack of prey on their lands. They get hit by the scarce prey harder than DriftClan, and one cat is found dead one morning from starvation.
Maggotcloud had starved, after offering their mother and new siblings their rations of food over and over again.
Stemshadow had done the same thing as Maggotcloud, though she only suffered severe malnutrition and will need to wait five moons before returning to her warrior duties- for she is very weak.

Year 8, moon 4/12.
Late Newleaf.
Population, 26.
With Quillfur and Whitelily moving back into the warrior's den, their kits become apprentices!
Beaverpaw, given the odd weakness they were born with, has chosen to live the life of a medicine cat, under Jaguarberry's watchful eye.
Archpaw's mentor is Dapplefleck!
Shellpaw's mentor is Bumblethunder!
Rabbitpaw's mentor is Rattleclaw!
Sprucepaw's mentor is Tallstride!

Softmist has given birth! She and Lightbreeze are the proud new parents of four kits! Pearlkit, Ghostkit, Opalkit, and Vinekit are welcomed with open paws! Ghostkit is slightly hard of hearing, but gets by very well so far.

Rattleclaw and Dapplefleck try for kits! They are successful, and Dapplefleck moves into the nursery.
Population, 33.
Pigeonpaw and Daisypaw have passed their warrior assessments! Therefor, earning their warrior names.
Pigeonpaw is given the name Pigeonmask, for his stark white-coloring around his eyes and face.
Daisypaw is given the name Daisyriver, for her stunning eye-color and calming personality.

Windflower has given birth! She and Burrpool are the proud parents of two kits; Buzzardkit and Dandelionkit!

Wasptip has given birth! She and Cobwebears are the proud new parents of Kestrelkit!
link to doc ;
I will be putting a full two days/moons into these posts until January. Events/encounters will occur every other moon.

Year 8, 3/12.
Population, 22.
Cedarslip is fully healed.

Sweetpaw and Hootpaw have passed their warrior assessments, and therefor earn their warrior names!
Sweetpaw is given the name Sweetwish, in honor of her miraculous recovery from wounds even Jaguarberry thought she wouldn't pull out of.
Hootpaw is given the name Hootwing.

Cherrywhisker gives birth! She and Bumblethunder are the proud parents of two daughters, Volekit and Burntkit. The clan welcomes them with open paws!

Hunting patrols keep coming back with less and less prey, until each and every patrol comes back empty-jawed. Thankfully, the prey returns fast enough that only a few warriors were hungry enough to be unable to any work. Everyone recovers!
Population, 30.
Streamscruff gives birth! She and Milktuft are the proud parents of five kits! The clan welcomes Turtlekit, Stoatkit, Waterkit, Eelkit, and Blazekit! Though most are healthy, Waterkit is born with asthma- concerning her parents and the medicine cat.

Hunting patrols are suddenly lost at words for the lack of prey on their lands. They get hit by the scarce prey harder than DriftClan, and one cat is found dead one morning from starvation.
Maggotcloud had starved, after offering their mother and new siblings their rations of food over and over again.
Stemshadow had done the same thing as Maggotcloud, though she only suffered severe malnutrition and will need to wait five moons before returning to her warrior duties- for she is very weak.

Year 8, moon 4/12.
Late Newleaf.
Population, 26.
With Quillfur and Whitelily moving back into the warrior's den, their kits become apprentices!
Beaverpaw, given the odd weakness they were born with, has chosen to live the life of a medicine cat, under Jaguarberry's watchful eye.
Archpaw's mentor is Dapplefleck!
Shellpaw's mentor is Bumblethunder!
Rabbitpaw's mentor is Rattleclaw!
Sprucepaw's mentor is Tallstride!

Softmist has given birth! She and Lightbreeze are the proud new parents of four kits! Pearlkit, Ghostkit, Opalkit, and Vinekit are welcomed with open paws! Ghostkit is slightly hard of hearing, but gets by very well so far.

Rattleclaw and Dapplefleck try for kits! They are successful, and Dapplefleck moves into the nursery.
Population, 33.
Pigeonpaw and Daisypaw have passed their warrior assessments! Therefor, earning their warrior names.
Pigeonpaw is given the name Pigeonmask, for his stark white-coloring around his eyes and face.
Daisypaw is given the name Daisyriver, for her stunning eye-color and calming personality.

Windflower has given birth! She and Burrpool are the proud parents of two kits; Buzzardkit and Dandelionkit!

Wasptip has given birth! She and Cobwebears are the proud new parents of Kestrelkit!
they/he prounouns
gay/mlm, demisexual (? still figuring it out.)

[] commissions! (closed)
[] 1x1 roleplay info!
[] art dump! (pinglist)
link to doc ;
I will be putting two full moons/days into these posts until January. Events/encounters will occur every other moon.

Year 8, moon 5/12.
Early Greenleaf.
Population, 24.
DriftClan vs DraftClan! Eight cats are injured, and the clan mourns the deaths of little Opalkit, who had gotten in the way, and Sweetwish- who had been protecting little Opalkit when noticing she had gotten out.
Bumblethunder will need to wait three moons before returning to his warrior duties.
Rabbitpaw will need to wait a single moon before returning to his apprentice duties.
Tallstride will need to wait two moons before returning to his warrior duties.
Archpaw will need to wait five moons before returning to her apprentice duties.
Sprucepaw will need to wait six moons before returning to his apprentice duties.
Lightbreeze will need to wait four moons before returning to their warrior duties.
Quillfur will need to wait six moons before returning to her warrior duties.
Wildjump will need to wait three moons before returning to his warrior duties.
Population, 32.
Stemshadow has a crush on Claystripe!

DraftClan vs DriftClan! Three cats are injured, and the clan mourns the death of Ashsquirrel- who had died protecting her mate, Cheetah-haze.
Darkfox will need to wait a single moon before returning to his warrior duties.
Swallowpaw will need to wait three moons before returning to his apprentice duties.
Scorpionblaze will need to wait three moons before returning to his warrior duties.

Year 8, moon 6/12.
Population, 24.
Yarrowstar finally succumbs to old age, living up to 170 moons; the oldest of the old you can get. His deputy, Cherrywhisker steps up despite still having nursing kits. She asks both the queens, Softmist and Dapplefleck, to watch over them and care for them as she goes to get her nine lives.
Cherrywhisker is given the name Cherrystar, and is now the leader of DriftClan!

DriftClan's new deputy is Bumblethunder!

Cedarslip and Wrenmask become mates after Cedarslip had confessed, surprising the tom who had been planning to ask for her paw the following moon.

Rabbitpaw is fully healed.

Dapplefleck gives birth! She and Rattleclaw are the proud parents of Bluebellkit, their daughter.
Population, 32.
Darkfox is fully healed.

Darkfox has grown a crush on Cheetah-haze!

Nothing truly exciting happens this moon.

I plan on making art of the leaders, deputies, and medicine cats for these! Stay tuned!!
link to doc ;
I will be putting two full moons/days into these posts until January. Events/encounters will occur every other moon.

Year 8, moon 5/12.
Early Greenleaf.
Population, 24.
DriftClan vs DraftClan! Eight cats are injured, and the clan mourns the deaths of little Opalkit, who had gotten in the way, and Sweetwish- who had been protecting little Opalkit when noticing she had gotten out.
Bumblethunder will need to wait three moons before returning to his warrior duties.
Rabbitpaw will need to wait a single moon before returning to his apprentice duties.
Tallstride will need to wait two moons before returning to his warrior duties.
Archpaw will need to wait five moons before returning to her apprentice duties.
Sprucepaw will need to wait six moons before returning to his apprentice duties.
Lightbreeze will need to wait four moons before returning to their warrior duties.
Quillfur will need to wait six moons before returning to her warrior duties.
Wildjump will need to wait three moons before returning to his warrior duties.
Population, 32.
Stemshadow has a crush on Claystripe!

DraftClan vs DriftClan! Three cats are injured, and the clan mourns the death of Ashsquirrel- who had died protecting her mate, Cheetah-haze.
Darkfox will need to wait a single moon before returning to his warrior duties.
Swallowpaw will need to wait three moons before returning to his apprentice duties.
Scorpionblaze will need to wait three moons before returning to his warrior duties.

Year 8, moon 6/12.
Population, 24.
Yarrowstar finally succumbs to old age, living up to 170 moons; the oldest of the old you can get. His deputy, Cherrywhisker steps up despite still having nursing kits. She asks both the queens, Softmist and Dapplefleck, to watch over them and care for them as she goes to get her nine lives.
Cherrywhisker is given the name Cherrystar, and is now the leader of DriftClan!

DriftClan's new deputy is Bumblethunder!

Cedarslip and Wrenmask become mates after Cedarslip had confessed, surprising the tom who had been planning to ask for her paw the following moon.

Rabbitpaw is fully healed.

Dapplefleck gives birth! She and Rattleclaw are the proud parents of Bluebellkit, their daughter.
Population, 32.
Darkfox is fully healed.

Darkfox has grown a crush on Cheetah-haze!

Nothing truly exciting happens this moon.

I plan on making art of the leaders, deputies, and medicine cats for these! Stay tuned!!
they/he prounouns
gay/mlm, demisexual (? still figuring it out.)

[] commissions! (closed)
[] 1x1 roleplay info!
[] art dump! (pinglist)

As Greenleaf turns to Leaf-fall, many prey items start to emigrate and become more and more hard to find. As a result, the prey pile started to diminish. Eventually, what little prey was caught was given to Featherfall and the kits. Both mentors, Stormwhisker and Bloodstrike, die of starvation, along with Bloodstrike's apprentice, Ghostpaw, and a warrior, Feistyglow.

Fogfur takes up Boundpaw as an apprentice and asked Brightlily to look for any potential new members. The orange tabby promises to return next moon.

Prey populations are returning slowly. Nobody starves this moon.

Nightstar and Snakemist return. They say Mabel disappeared when she said, "Hold on, I want to investigate something." The Clan-borne cats haven't seen her since, even after searching for her.

Brightlily comes back with two of her fellow barn cats, Catcher and Pudding.
- Both take up cultural names of ForestClan:
...Catcher becomes Mousechaser.
...Pudding's new name is Mudwhisker.

All kits become apprentices and both queens move out of the nursery.
- Due to a shortage of experienced warriors, the following happens:
...Nightstar takes on the training of two apprentices: Starpaw and Bluepaw.
...Fogfur will train Pinepaw and finish Boundpaw's training.
...Snakemist will be training Needlepaw and Sunpaw.
...Crowfeather will take on Swiftpaw's training.
...Rapidbrook will take on Puddlepaw's training.

Vinepaw decides he wants to be a medicine cat. He will be trained by Owlflight and Jumpingseed in the herbal practice.

As Greenleaf turns to Leaf-fall, many prey items start to emigrate and become more and more hard to find. As a result, the prey pile started to diminish. Eventually, what little prey was caught was given to Featherfall and the kits. Both mentors, Stormwhisker and Bloodstrike, die of starvation, along with Bloodstrike's apprentice, Ghostpaw, and a warrior, Feistyglow.

Fogfur takes up Boundpaw as an apprentice and asked Brightlily to look for any potential new members. The orange tabby promises to return next moon.

Prey populations are returning slowly. Nobody starves this moon.

Nightstar and Snakemist return. They say Mabel disappeared when she said, "Hold on, I want to investigate something." The Clan-borne cats haven't seen her since, even after searching for her.

Brightlily comes back with two of her fellow barn cats, Catcher and Pudding.
- Both take up cultural names of ForestClan:
...Catcher becomes Mousechaser.
...Pudding's new name is Mudwhisker.

All kits become apprentices and both queens move out of the nursery.
- Due to a shortage of experienced warriors, the following happens:
...Nightstar takes on the training of two apprentices: Starpaw and Bluepaw.
...Fogfur will train Pinepaw and finish Boundpaw's training.
...Snakemist will be training Needlepaw and Sunpaw.
...Crowfeather will take on Swiftpaw's training.
...Rapidbrook will take on Puddlepaw's training.

Vinepaw decides he wants to be a medicine cat. He will be trained by Owlflight and Jumpingseed in the herbal practice.
link to doc ;
Events/Encounters will occur every other moon.

Year 8, moon 7/12.
Late Greenleaf
Population, 24.
Tallstride is fully healed.

Wrenmask and Cedarslip try for kits! They are successful, and Cedarslip moves into the nursery.

DriftClan vs DraftClan! Five are injured, and Cherrystar loses her first life during the battle.
Rattleclaw will need to wait five moons before returning to his warrior duties; though his wounds are great, and he will die if he is not healed in this time.
Wrenmask will need to wait six moons before returning to his warrior duties.
Hootwing will need to wait five moons before returning to her warrior duties.
Shellpaw will need to wait five moons before returning to her apprentice duties.
Rabbitpaw will need to wait a single moon before returning to his apprentice duties.
Population, 32.
Scorpionblaze is fully healed.

Berrykit, Figkit, and Heatherkit, have become apprentices!
Berrypaw's mentor is Burrpool.
Figpaw's mentor is Flamecrash.
Heatherpaw's mentor is Tigerleap.
Briarflame moves back into the warrior's den to resume her duties!

Stemshadow backs out on confessing to Claystripe after seeing him speaking with a large group. She will procrastinate for another moon.

DraftClan vs DriftClan! Five cats are injured, but thankfully no-one is killed.
Cobwebears will need to wait three moons before returning to his warrior duties.
Cheetah-haze will need to wait four moons before returning to his warrior duties.
Claystripe will need to wait four moons before returning to his warrior duties.
Pigeonmask will die if he is not saved in two moons.
Tigerleap will need to wait three moons before returning to his warrior duties.

Look out for some art sometime soon! I'm planning to make art of the important figures in this clan.
link to doc ;
Events/Encounters will occur every other moon.

Year 8, moon 7/12.
Late Greenleaf
Population, 24.
Tallstride is fully healed.

Wrenmask and Cedarslip try for kits! They are successful, and Cedarslip moves into the nursery.

DriftClan vs DraftClan! Five are injured, and Cherrystar loses her first life during the battle.
Rattleclaw will need to wait five moons before returning to his warrior duties; though his wounds are great, and he will die if he is not healed in this time.
Wrenmask will need to wait six moons before returning to his warrior duties.
Hootwing will need to wait five moons before returning to her warrior duties.
Shellpaw will need to wait five moons before returning to her apprentice duties.
Rabbitpaw will need to wait a single moon before returning to his apprentice duties.
Population, 32.
Scorpionblaze is fully healed.

Berrykit, Figkit, and Heatherkit, have become apprentices!
Berrypaw's mentor is Burrpool.
Figpaw's mentor is Flamecrash.
Heatherpaw's mentor is Tigerleap.
Briarflame moves back into the warrior's den to resume her duties!

Stemshadow backs out on confessing to Claystripe after seeing him speaking with a large group. She will procrastinate for another moon.

DraftClan vs DriftClan! Five cats are injured, but thankfully no-one is killed.
Cobwebears will need to wait three moons before returning to his warrior duties.
Cheetah-haze will need to wait four moons before returning to his warrior duties.
Claystripe will need to wait four moons before returning to his warrior duties.
Pigeonmask will die if he is not saved in two moons.
Tigerleap will need to wait three moons before returning to his warrior duties.

Look out for some art sometime soon! I'm planning to make art of the important figures in this clan.
they/he prounouns
gay/mlm, demisexual (? still figuring it out.)

[] commissions! (closed)
[] 1x1 roleplay info!
[] art dump! (pinglist)