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Itty bitty sidenote: Anyone else think it was genius to make a female character an anagrammed Paul Krendler? And how about Fuller's commentary that the very first murder in Season 1 is hinted as being Dolarhyde's first kill? God, the thought that is going into everything makes me giggle excitedly.
Itty bitty sidenote: Anyone else think it was genius to make a female character an anagrammed Paul Krendler? And how about Fuller's commentary that the very first murder in Season 1 is hinted as being Dolarhyde's first kill? God, the thought that is going into everything makes me giggle excitedly.
Current Project A: BORDERLANDS! Got some brights for sale/trade? Shoot me a message, son!
Current Project B: MASS EFFECT! I'm shooting for the stars with this one. Dragons for the team, planets, and the Normandy herself! Let's talk breeding programs.
@TealSkeletore I haven't exactly seen many plot holes myself. You have to remember that Hannibal sees the bigger picture and given that we're working towards the end of the season, chances are that what plot holes are there will be promptly filled in. Fuller's got a good grasp on how to do storylines, I've always felt. So I wouldn't naysay the season quite so much, given that we've still got a few episodes to go. Personally, I felt the last episode was quite scary, given the engineering ingenuity of the current weekly killer.

As for the shipping? What shipping? I see a massively interesting dynamic but I wouldn't go so far as to say there's gay subtext there but these are just my own thoughts on the current ongoings with the show. I'm not saying that there haven't been moments where I've gone "Oh heyyyyy--" but a lot of it is just subtle for me.
@TealSkeletore I haven't exactly seen many plot holes myself. You have to remember that Hannibal sees the bigger picture and given that we're working towards the end of the season, chances are that what plot holes are there will be promptly filled in. Fuller's got a good grasp on how to do storylines, I've always felt. So I wouldn't naysay the season quite so much, given that we've still got a few episodes to go. Personally, I felt the last episode was quite scary, given the engineering ingenuity of the current weekly killer.

As for the shipping? What shipping? I see a massively interesting dynamic but I wouldn't go so far as to say there's gay subtext there but these are just my own thoughts on the current ongoings with the show. I'm not saying that there haven't been moments where I've gone "Oh heyyyyy--" but a lot of it is just subtle for me.
a writer is a world trapped in a person.

And thus I clothe my naked villany with odd old ends stol'n out of holy writ, and seem a saint, when most I play the devil.
@TealSkeletore realize that Australia is not the entirety of "overseas", correct?
It's incredibly popular in Europe.

Also Chilton is almost certainly not dead. He was shot in the cheek and through the neck.

And there is no gay subtext (yet). Just non-romantic intimacy between men. If that bothers you, maybe that's more a fault in your perception than with the writing.
@TealSkeletore realize that Australia is not the entirety of "overseas", correct?
It's incredibly popular in Europe.

Also Chilton is almost certainly not dead. He was shot in the cheek and through the neck.

And there is no gay subtext (yet). Just non-romantic intimacy between men. If that bothers you, maybe that's more a fault in your perception than with the writing.
@Mushroomy Well, being shot in the cheek and through the neck CAN do a terrific amount of damage to a person, so if Chilton isn't dead, he's definitely hurting. I'm trying to remember if his neck was grazed or not, because depending on where the bullet hit him and the path it took, he could possibly have bled out.

But I genuinely doubt Chilton's dead. He's due to get supped on by Hannibal by the end of Silence of the Lambs, after all.
@Mushroomy Well, being shot in the cheek and through the neck CAN do a terrific amount of damage to a person, so if Chilton isn't dead, he's definitely hurting. I'm trying to remember if his neck was grazed or not, because depending on where the bullet hit him and the path it took, he could possibly have bled out.

But I genuinely doubt Chilton's dead. He's due to get supped on by Hannibal by the end of Silence of the Lambs, after all.
a writer is a world trapped in a person.

And thus I clothe my naked villany with odd old ends stol'n out of holy writ, and seem a saint, when most I play the devil.
It's possible. Chilton has so much involvement in the story right now though that it feels like his death would involve a lot more drama then just getting shot in the face.

I'm sure Fuller wouldn't want to pass up the opportunity to build up Hannibal's resentment towards Chilton a bit more as well before he finally kicks the bucket. And of course, as you mentioned, getting chowed upon. He really can't leave that out. Chilton is the only one who acknowledged the cannibal puns, he can't get away without getting nibbled on at least a little bit.
It's possible. Chilton has so much involvement in the story right now though that it feels like his death would involve a lot more drama then just getting shot in the face.

I'm sure Fuller wouldn't want to pass up the opportunity to build up Hannibal's resentment towards Chilton a bit more as well before he finally kicks the bucket. And of course, as you mentioned, getting chowed upon. He really can't leave that out. Chilton is the only one who acknowledged the cannibal puns, he can't get away without getting nibbled on at least a little bit.
lol Will dreamed that Hannibal almost straight out told Will that he loved him in the first scene of the last episode and you guys are telling me there's no gay subtext? The show is gay as heck and it's getting more and more obvious. Fuller also openly ships them?
lol Will dreamed that Hannibal almost straight out told Will that he loved him in the first scene of the last episode and you guys are telling me there's no gay subtext? The show is gay as heck and it's getting more and more obvious. Fuller also openly ships them?
@TealSkeletore Like I said, I think there's definitely a tinge of homoeroticism but I don't think it's a bad thing. It makes the relationship between Will and Hannibal even more twisted. It's not a fuzzy 'ship to fawn over, it's a dark pit of perversity that the characters are falling into and it's chilling.
@TealSkeletore Like I said, I think there's definitely a tinge of homoeroticism but I don't think it's a bad thing. It makes the relationship between Will and Hannibal even more twisted. It's not a fuzzy 'ship to fawn over, it's a dark pit of perversity that the characters are falling into and it's chilling.
"Gay" implies explicit romantic attraction. We are talking the actual definition, not the highschool boy definition (i.e. OMG DUDE THATS SO GAY LMAO).
Love can be platonic. Love for a friend is still love. It doesn't mean you want to bang them.

So no, still not gay. Sorry.

If they end up in bed together by some wildly unimaginable plot twist, I will prostrate myself before you and dub you the master of gay subtexts.
"Gay" implies explicit romantic attraction. We are talking the actual definition, not the highschool boy definition (i.e. OMG DUDE THATS SO GAY LMAO).
Love can be platonic. Love for a friend is still love. It doesn't mean you want to bang them.

So no, still not gay. Sorry.

If they end up in bed together by some wildly unimaginable plot twist, I will prostrate myself before you and dub you the master of gay subtexts.

OK SO I'm a crazy new fan of Hannibal, because I just read Red Dragon and Silence of the Lambs, and they immediately skyrocketed to the top of my "Favorite Books" list. THEY ARE SO GOOD. I WILL DIE IF I CAN'T READ THE NEXT TWO.

I'm definitely planning on watching the show, but after I read the books (strict policy of mine XD). Does the show actually follow the books?

OK SO I'm a crazy new fan of Hannibal, because I just read Red Dragon and Silence of the Lambs, and they immediately skyrocketed to the top of my "Favorite Books" list. THEY ARE SO GOOD. I WILL DIE IF I CAN'T READ THE NEXT TWO.

I'm definitely planning on watching the show, but after I read the books (strict policy of mine XD). Does the show actually follow the books?
It has a lot of crazy uncanny reference to the books, including the Minnesota Shrike, references to the prelude where Harris talks about walking out at night on the field with dogs around him breathing, and how Hannibal is caught in Red Dragon. However, it is abstracted, spread out, and eventually does go off-book. Lines spoken by Clarice or narrated by Harris in later books are being brought out in different avenues due to the rights of Clarice being locked down for now.

That being said, this show is genius and how they're working around all these things is so smart. I loved re-reading Red Dragon while watching Season 1 just for all the little lines straight out of the book revisited. It's SO cool!
It has a lot of crazy uncanny reference to the books, including the Minnesota Shrike, references to the prelude where Harris talks about walking out at night on the field with dogs around him breathing, and how Hannibal is caught in Red Dragon. However, it is abstracted, spread out, and eventually does go off-book. Lines spoken by Clarice or narrated by Harris in later books are being brought out in different avenues due to the rights of Clarice being locked down for now.

That being said, this show is genius and how they're working around all these things is so smart. I loved re-reading Red Dragon while watching Season 1 just for all the little lines straight out of the book revisited. It's SO cool!
Current Project A: BORDERLANDS! Got some brights for sale/trade? Shoot me a message, son!
Current Project B: MASS EFFECT! I'm shooting for the stars with this one. Dragons for the team, planets, and the Normandy herself! Let's talk breeding programs.
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