

Make Flight Rising better by sharing your ideas!
TOPIC | Naming upon hatching is required
Again, the inefficiency we are addressing is between people who want names and people who don't care. Unnamed dragons will always exist because people want them to exist.

Potential solutions are for making sure unnamed dragons are unnamed by choice instead of for convenience. We can do that by decreasing the effort required to have named dragons and increasing the effort required to have unnamed dragons.

Another solution would be a pop up window that appears upon pressing the Exhalt button on an unnamed dragon, with a random name already populated. Players who want the dragon to be unnamed can take half a second to delete the name before pressing the button, but people who don't care will end up with named exalts. Just that tiny bit of effort is enough to make a difference.

Also, I would really like that feature because I name all my exalts the same thing for tracking purposes and it would be nice to have everything in one window.
Again, the inefficiency we are addressing is between people who want names and people who don't care. Unnamed dragons will always exist because people want them to exist.

Potential solutions are for making sure unnamed dragons are unnamed by choice instead of for convenience. We can do that by decreasing the effort required to have named dragons and increasing the effort required to have unnamed dragons.

Another solution would be a pop up window that appears upon pressing the Exhalt button on an unnamed dragon, with a random name already populated. Players who want the dragon to be unnamed can take half a second to delete the name before pressing the button, but people who don't care will end up with named exalts. Just that tiny bit of effort is enough to make a difference.

Also, I would really like that feature because I name all my exalts the same thing for tracking purposes and it would be nice to have everything in one window.
[quote name="Springdragon" date="2019-01-08 15:19:19" ] Again, the inefficiency we are addressing is between people who want names and people who don't care. Unnamed dragons will always exist because people want them to exist. Potential solutions are for making sure unnamed dragons are unnamed by choice instead of for convenience. We can do that by decreasing the effort required to have named dragons and increasing the effort required to have unnamed dragons. Another solution would be a pop up window that appears upon pressing the Exhalt button on an unnamed dragon, with a random name already populated. Players who want the dragon to be unnamed can take half a second to delete the name before pressing the button, but people who don't care will end up with named exalts. Just that tiny bit of effort is enough to make a difference. Also, I would really like that feature because I name all my exalts the same thing for tracking purposes and it would be nice to have everything in one window. [/quote] The whole problem is that the 'solution for making sure unnamed is by choice instead of for convenience' already exists. It doesn't matter WHY someone leaves their dragon unnamed, if they sell it unnamed, they left it unnamed [b]by choice[/b] and therefore it is [b]their choice[/b] that they have unnamed in their offspring list. The buyer naming the dragon should be a bonus to them rather than something that should be seen as a necessity. They [i]had[/i] the chance to name the dragon, [i]while it was in their lair[/i] and they chose not to. Therefore, if the dragon is exalted unnamed (or stays in a lair unnamed or gets attached to an account that goes inactive and remains unnamed), then the only one to blame is, and here is where most of the players who bring this up want to argue, [i]them[/i]. Once a dragon is named, it cannot be renamed 'Unnamed', so once a dragon is named, it has a name, period (well, depending on your definition of name... I consider unnamed a valid name choice). Therefore, no solution is required, because the solution already exists. That is why so many people get upset about this, because the players who complain about unnamed dragons in their lineages already have the solution at hand to prevent that, and they don't want to utilize it. They want to force others to maintain their offspring lists, and [b]that[/b] is what many people are rejecting. I maintain my own offspring lists, therefore other players should be responsible for maintaining their own. I am [i]only[/i] responsible for my own dragons, and no one's else. I name all dragons to leave my lair, and accept the responsibilty that they can be renamed at will by the person who buys them, but [b]not[/b] renamed 'Unnamed'. So, why can't other people do the same, and leave other players alone who want unnamed dragons in their lineages or for whatever reason exalts unnamed? Also, I am very much against being forced to delete a name because other players can't be bothered to give their dragons a name. I breed my own hatchlings, and I do NOT want them to be born with random names. If I decide to use the onsite generator, that should be my choice, and I should not be forced to use it, or have to take the time to delete the names. It is the people who actually care about unnamed in their offspring lists that should take the time to prevent it, NOT the people who don't care, or already take care of it in their own time.
Springdragon wrote on 2019-01-08 15:19:19:
Again, the inefficiency we are addressing is between people who want names and people who don't care. Unnamed dragons will always exist because people want them to exist.

Potential solutions are for making sure unnamed dragons are unnamed by choice instead of for convenience. We can do that by decreasing the effort required to have named dragons and increasing the effort required to have unnamed dragons.

Another solution would be a pop up window that appears upon pressing the Exhalt button on an unnamed dragon, with a random name already populated. Players who want the dragon to be unnamed can take half a second to delete the name before pressing the button, but people who don't care will end up with named exalts. Just that tiny bit of effort is enough to make a difference.

Also, I would really like that feature because I name all my exalts the same thing for tracking purposes and it would be nice to have everything in one window.
The whole problem is that the 'solution for making sure unnamed is by choice instead of for convenience' already exists. It doesn't matter WHY someone leaves their dragon unnamed, if they sell it unnamed, they left it unnamed by choice and therefore it is their choice that they have unnamed in their offspring list. The buyer naming the dragon should be a bonus to them rather than something that should be seen as a necessity. They had the chance to name the dragon, while it was in their lair and they chose not to. Therefore, if the dragon is exalted unnamed (or stays in a lair unnamed or gets attached to an account that goes inactive and remains unnamed), then the only one to blame is, and here is where most of the players who bring this up want to argue, them. Once a dragon is named, it cannot be renamed 'Unnamed', so once a dragon is named, it has a name, period (well, depending on your definition of name... I consider unnamed a valid name choice).

Therefore, no solution is required, because the solution already exists. That is why so many people get upset about this, because the players who complain about unnamed dragons in their lineages already have the solution at hand to prevent that, and they don't want to utilize it. They want to force others to maintain their offspring lists, and that is what many people are rejecting. I maintain my own offspring lists, therefore other players should be responsible for maintaining their own. I am only responsible for my own dragons, and no one's else. I name all dragons to leave my lair, and accept the responsibilty that they can be renamed at will by the person who buys them, but not renamed 'Unnamed'. So, why can't other people do the same, and leave other players alone who want unnamed dragons in their lineages or for whatever reason exalts unnamed?

Also, I am very much against being forced to delete a name because other players can't be bothered to give their dragons a name. I breed my own hatchlings, and I do NOT want them to be born with random names. If I decide to use the onsite generator, that should be my choice, and I should not be forced to use it, or have to take the time to delete the names. It is the people who actually care about unnamed in their offspring lists that should take the time to prevent it, NOT the people who don't care, or already take care of it in their own time.

Let them Fight
Let them Serve the Deities
Let them Exist in peace!
Dragons needed --->
Breed Characteristic Apparel!

Cuckoo Breed and Mutations!

Change Unnamed in YOUR dragon's profile!
[quote name="Springdragon" date="2019-01-08 15:19:19" ] Again, the inefficiency we are addressing is between people who want names and people who don't care. Unnamed dragons will always exist because people want them to exist. Potential solutions are for making sure unnamed dragons are unnamed by choice instead of for convenience. We can do that by decreasing the effort required to have named dragons and increasing the effort required to have unnamed dragons.[/quote] There is nothing wrong with Unnamed dragons, and any 'solution' that attempts to eliminate or reduce Unnamed exalts implies that there is something wrong with Unnamed dragons. Players who are bothered by unnamed dragons already have a fail safe solution: Name the dragon when it is in your lair and thus still your dragon. The biggest issue I see is that many people against exalting unnamed feel that the dragons they sold still belongs to them and thus they try to control what happens to it. The dragon no longer belongs to them. Even if that dragon is exalted, the ownership does not revert back to them. Dragons that are exalted are still tied to the account that exalted them (if you move flights all the dragons you exalted move with you) thus technically the owner of the dragon is the player who exalted them since they are still tied to that account. Exalted dragons still belong to the exalter, so if they choose to exalt them without bothering to name them ("for convenience") as their previous owner couldn't be bothered or for lore reasons it is perfectly in their right. [quote name="Springdragon" date="2019-01-08 15:19:19" ]Another solution would be a pop up window that appears upon pressing the Exhalt button on an unnamed dragon, with a random name already populated. Players who want the dragon to be unnamed can take half a second to delete the name before pressing the button, but people who don't care will end up with named exalts. Just that tiny bit of effort is enough to make a difference.[/quote] This would be very inefficient and a potential source of lag, especially during heated dom matches. Exalting Unnamed takes far more effort on the system's side than generating a random name and having to updating the database with the new name. I wouldn't object to a toggle that autonames dragons exalted from your lair as long as the default option was off (thus the default would be an unnamed dragon would be exalted unnamed). The reason it should be off by default is it's two less actions (generating the name then updating the database) the site would have to take before exalting thus less strain on the system and less lag potential. Nor would I mind if they incorporated an option to name (or rename) the dragon in the current pop up. It should be in the current pop up and not as an additional pop up before exalting when unnamed, as we already have too many confirmation pop ups and its unfair on those who want to exalt unnamed, especially when those who don't like unnamed dragons have a way to prevent them. The pop up could be changed to something like this: Exalting Unnamed to the service of deity will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small some of riches they have accumulated. This action is irreversible. Do you wish to continue? (Exalt Dragon)(Cancel) (Name/Rename Before Exalting) Clicking on name before exalting would then bring up the option to name or randomize the name and if the dragon is already named clicking on Rename Before Exalting should bring up a popup similar to the current rename screen when using a rename scroll (and should use a rename scroll)
Springdragon wrote on 2019-01-08 15:19:19:
Again, the inefficiency we are addressing is between people who want names and people who don't care. Unnamed dragons will always exist because people want them to exist.

Potential solutions are for making sure unnamed dragons are unnamed by choice instead of for convenience. We can do that by decreasing the effort required to have named dragons and increasing the effort required to have unnamed dragons.
There is nothing wrong with Unnamed dragons, and any 'solution' that attempts to eliminate or reduce Unnamed exalts implies that there is something wrong with Unnamed dragons. Players who are bothered by unnamed dragons already have a fail safe solution: Name the dragon when it is in your lair and thus still your dragon.

The biggest issue I see is that many people against exalting unnamed feel that the dragons they sold still belongs to them and thus they try to control what happens to it. The dragon no longer belongs to them. Even if that dragon is exalted, the ownership does not revert back to them. Dragons that are exalted are still tied to the account that exalted them (if you move flights all the dragons you exalted move with you) thus technically the owner of the dragon is the player who exalted them since they are still tied to that account.

Exalted dragons still belong to the exalter, so if they choose to exalt them without bothering to name them ("for convenience") as their previous owner couldn't be bothered or for lore reasons it is perfectly in their right.
Springdragon wrote on 2019-01-08 15:19:19:
Another solution would be a pop up window that appears upon pressing the Exhalt button on an unnamed dragon, with a random name already populated. Players who want the dragon to be unnamed can take half a second to delete the name before pressing the button, but people who don't care will end up with named exalts. Just that tiny bit of effort is enough to make a difference.
This would be very inefficient and a potential source of lag, especially during heated dom matches. Exalting Unnamed takes far more effort on the system's side than generating a random name and having to updating the database with the new name.

I wouldn't object to a toggle that autonames dragons exalted from your lair as long as the default option was off (thus the default would be an unnamed dragon would be exalted unnamed). The reason it should be off by default is it's two less actions (generating the name then updating the database) the site would have to take before exalting thus less strain on the system and less lag potential.

Nor would I mind if they incorporated an option to name (or rename) the dragon in the current pop up. It should be in the current pop up and not as an additional pop up before exalting when unnamed, as we already have too many confirmation pop ups and its unfair on those who want to exalt unnamed, especially when those who don't like unnamed dragons have a way to prevent them. The pop up could be changed to something like this:
Exalting Unnamed to the service of deity will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small some of riches they have accumulated. This action is irreversible. Do you wish to continue?
(Exalt Dragon)(Cancel)
(Name/Rename Before Exalting)
Clicking on name before exalting would then bring up the option to name or randomize the name and if the dragon is already named clicking on Rename Before Exalting should bring up a popup similar to the current rename screen when using a rename scroll (and should use a rename scroll)
3DS Friend Code: 5300-9941-4980
#UnnamedIsValid .:. Nature Sales Thread .:. Strider Subspecies
[quote name="DragonSage" date="2019-01-08 16:14:14" ] Nor would I mind if they incorporated an option to name (or rename) the dragon in the current pop up. It should be in the current pop up and not as an additional pop up before exalting when unnamed, as we already have too many confirmation pop ups and its unfair on those who want to exalt unnamed, especially when those who don't like unnamed dragons have a way to prevent them. [/quote] Actually I like this alternative. But I probably like everything in one pop-up, including the name field. So it would be something like: Do you wish to continue? Unnamed [img][/img] (Exalt dragon) (Cancel) And that name button works the same way as in dragon profile page.
DragonSage wrote on 2019-01-08 16:14:14:
Nor would I mind if they incorporated an option to name (or rename) the dragon in the current pop up. It should be in the current pop up and not as an additional pop up before exalting when unnamed, as we already have too many confirmation pop ups and its unfair on those who want to exalt unnamed, especially when those who don't like unnamed dragons have a way to prevent them.
Actually I like this alternative. But I probably like everything in one pop-up, including the name field. So it would be something like:

Do you wish to continue?
Unnamed button_rename.png
(Exalt dragon) (Cancel)

And that name button works the same way as in dragon profile page.
I always sell unnamed, but if I exalt unnamed, it is purely because I could not be bothered to name on that particular day, It currently takes a lot of extra effort to name compared to no effort to leave unnamed, especially on mobile. Decreasing the effort required to name by having an extra field on the "Are you sure you want to exalt?" popup harms nobody.

Edit: To clarify, I also only buy unnamed unless it's breeding fodder and I do not care about my offspring list, but if there's a way to make people happier without making other people unhappier, we should do it.
I always sell unnamed, but if I exalt unnamed, it is purely because I could not be bothered to name on that particular day, It currently takes a lot of extra effort to name compared to no effort to leave unnamed, especially on mobile. Decreasing the effort required to name by having an extra field on the "Are you sure you want to exalt?" popup harms nobody.

Edit: To clarify, I also only buy unnamed unless it's breeding fodder and I do not care about my offspring list, but if there's a way to make people happier without making other people unhappier, we should do it.
[quote name="DragonSage" date="2019-01-08 16:14:14" ] This would be very inefficient and a potential source of lag, especially during heated dom matches. Exalting Unnamed takes far more effort on the system's side than generating a random name and having to updating the database with the new name. I wouldn't object to a toggle that autonames dragons exalted from your lair as long as the default option was off (thus the default would be an unnamed dragon would be exalted unnamed). The reason it should be off by default is it's two less actions (generating the name then updating the database) the site would have to take before exalting thus less strain on the system and less lag potential. Nor would I mind if they incorporated an option to name (or rename) the dragon in the current pop up. It should be in the current pop up and not as an additional pop up before exalting when unnamed, as we already have too many confirmation pop ups and its unfair on those who want to exalt unnamed, especially when those who don't like unnamed dragons have a way to prevent them. The pop up could be changed to something like this: Exalting Unnamed to the service of deity will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small some of riches they have accumulated. This action is irreversible. Do you wish to continue? (Exalt Dragon)(Cancel) (Name/Rename Before Exalting) Clicking on name before exalting would then bring up the option to name or randomize the name and if the dragon is already named clicking on Rename Before Exalting should bring up a popup similar to the current rename screen when using a rename scroll (and should use a rename scroll) [/quote] Fair point. I hadn't considered the lag because I don't participate in dominance.
DragonSage wrote on 2019-01-08 16:14:14:
This would be very inefficient and a potential source of lag, especially during heated dom matches. Exalting Unnamed takes far more effort on the system's side than generating a random name and having to updating the database with the new name.

I wouldn't object to a toggle that autonames dragons exalted from your lair as long as the default option was off (thus the default would be an unnamed dragon would be exalted unnamed). The reason it should be off by default is it's two less actions (generating the name then updating the database) the site would have to take before exalting thus less strain on the system and less lag potential.

Nor would I mind if they incorporated an option to name (or rename) the dragon in the current pop up. It should be in the current pop up and not as an additional pop up before exalting when unnamed, as we already have too many confirmation pop ups and its unfair on those who want to exalt unnamed, especially when those who don't like unnamed dragons have a way to prevent them. The pop up could be changed to something like this:
Exalting Unnamed to the service of deity will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small some of riches they have accumulated. This action is irreversible. Do you wish to continue?
(Exalt Dragon)(Cancel)
(Name/Rename Before Exalting)
Clicking on name before exalting would then bring up the option to name or randomize the name and if the dragon is already named clicking on Rename Before Exalting should bring up a popup similar to the current rename screen when using a rename scroll (and should use a rename scroll)

Fair point. I hadn't considered the lag because I don't participate in dominance.
[quote name="hat17" date="2019-01-08 16:28:18" ] [quote name="DragonSage" date="2019-01-08 16:14:14" ] Nor would I mind if they incorporated an option to name (or rename) the dragon in the current pop up. It should be in the current pop up and not as an additional pop up before exalting when unnamed, as we already have too many confirmation pop ups and its unfair on those who want to exalt unnamed, especially when those who don't like unnamed dragons have a way to prevent them. [/quote] Actually I like this alternative. But I probably like everything in one pop-up, including the name field. So it would be something like: Do you wish to continue? Unnamed [img][/img] (Exalt dragon) (Cancel) And that name button works the same way as in dragon profile page. [/quote] This would work well. Any suggestion how to include the rename scroll for already named dragons? Already named dragons should probably be included in part to not single out Unnamed dragons which could suggest its wrong to exalt Unnamed and in part because it would be convenient if you catch a spelling error you want to fix before exalting (something that I have seen people complain about on occasion)
hat17 wrote on 2019-01-08 16:28:18:
DragonSage wrote on 2019-01-08 16:14:14:
Nor would I mind if they incorporated an option to name (or rename) the dragon in the current pop up. It should be in the current pop up and not as an additional pop up before exalting when unnamed, as we already have too many confirmation pop ups and its unfair on those who want to exalt unnamed, especially when those who don't like unnamed dragons have a way to prevent them.
Actually I like this alternative. But I probably like everything in one pop-up, including the name field. So it would be something like:

Do you wish to continue?
Unnamed button_rename.png
(Exalt dragon) (Cancel)

And that name button works the same way as in dragon profile page.
This would work well. Any suggestion how to include the rename scroll for already named dragons? Already named dragons should probably be included in part to not single out Unnamed dragons which could suggest its wrong to exalt Unnamed and in part because it would be convenient if you catch a spelling error you want to fix before exalting (something that I have seen people complain about on occasion)
3DS Friend Code: 5300-9941-4980
#UnnamedIsValid .:. Nature Sales Thread .:. Strider Subspecies
[quote name="DragonSage" date="2019-01-08 17:24:47" ] [quote name="hat17" date="2019-01-08 16:28:18" ] [quote name="DragonSage" date="2019-01-08 16:14:14" ] Nor would I mind if they incorporated an option to name (or rename) the dragon in the current pop up. It should be in the current pop up and not as an additional pop up before exalting when unnamed, as we already have too many confirmation pop ups and its unfair on those who want to exalt unnamed, especially when those who don't like unnamed dragons have a way to prevent them. [/quote] Actually I like this alternative. But I probably like everything in one pop-up, including the name field. So it would be something like: Do you wish to continue? Unnamed [img][/img] (Exalt dragon) (Cancel) And that name button works the same way as in dragon profile page. [/quote] This would work well. Any suggestion how to include the rename scroll for already named dragons? Already named dragons should probably be included in part to not single out Unnamed dragons which could suggest its wrong to exalt Unnamed and in part because it would be convenient if you catch a spelling error you want to fix before exalting (something that I have seen people complain about on occasion) [/quote] We don't need rename scroll at this point, since this is just a last minute check for those who doesn't want to exalt unnamed. Anything already named doesn't need to be renamed to exalt, as I'm sure 99% of the players use rename scrolls on permas, not dragons they are about to exalt in a second. And unnamed scrolls are used from hoard anyway, even if you're changing a name of a perma, it's not on the dragon's page (as of current). If they change that so you can rename on dragon's page, then yes it would make sense to include that here as well.
DragonSage wrote on 2019-01-08 17:24:47:
hat17 wrote on 2019-01-08 16:28:18:
DragonSage wrote on 2019-01-08 16:14:14:
Nor would I mind if they incorporated an option to name (or rename) the dragon in the current pop up. It should be in the current pop up and not as an additional pop up before exalting when unnamed, as we already have too many confirmation pop ups and its unfair on those who want to exalt unnamed, especially when those who don't like unnamed dragons have a way to prevent them.
Actually I like this alternative. But I probably like everything in one pop-up, including the name field. So it would be something like:

Do you wish to continue?
Unnamed button_rename.png
(Exalt dragon) (Cancel)

And that name button works the same way as in dragon profile page.
This would work well. Any suggestion how to include the rename scroll for already named dragons? Already named dragons should probably be included in part to not single out Unnamed dragons which could suggest its wrong to exalt Unnamed and in part because it would be convenient if you catch a spelling error you want to fix before exalting (something that I have seen people complain about on occasion)
We don't need rename scroll at this point, since this is just a last minute check for those who doesn't want to exalt unnamed. Anything already named doesn't need to be renamed to exalt, as I'm sure 99% of the players use rename scrolls on permas, not dragons they are about to exalt in a second.

And unnamed scrolls are used from hoard anyway, even if you're changing a name of a perma, it's not on the dragon's page (as of current). If they change that so you can rename on dragon's page, then yes it would make sense to include that here as well.
I don't support this because I frequently take a while to come up with names for my permanent dragons and I don't want to have spend on an extra renaming scroll every time I struggle to come up with a name on the spot. I almost always wait until the dragon is an adult before naming because the name that feels good when they're hatchlings won't necessarily feel good when they're adults.

for your family tree plotting, you're also likely to run into the problem of multiple dragons in your family trees having the same name, even if they're all named something other than "unnamed". I think you'd be better off categorizing your family tree plotting primarily by dragon id number (which is unique to each dragon the site and therefore you will not have duplicates in your family trees) and then including the names after that. that would much more easily solve your problems than by creating a whole host of problems for other people with your proposed change.
I don't support this because I frequently take a while to come up with names for my permanent dragons and I don't want to have spend on an extra renaming scroll every time I struggle to come up with a name on the spot. I almost always wait until the dragon is an adult before naming because the name that feels good when they're hatchlings won't necessarily feel good when they're adults.

for your family tree plotting, you're also likely to run into the problem of multiple dragons in your family trees having the same name, even if they're all named something other than "unnamed". I think you'd be better off categorizing your family tree plotting primarily by dragon id number (which is unique to each dragon the site and therefore you will not have duplicates in your family trees) and then including the names after that. that would much more easily solve your problems than by creating a whole host of problems for other people with your proposed change.
earth_3.png they/them

No support; if it's a dragon I actually like, it can take me ages to come up with a name I enjoy and I don't want to spend what precious treasure I make(I don't often have time to do much grinding or in general make any kind of decent profit) on renaming them if I named them a throwaway nickname.

The randomized names often kind of suck, or at least aren't extremely applicable to the individual.

The only way I would support this feature on any SIM adoptable site, not just this one, is when renaming is free and costs literally nothing. That isn't the case here, and I doubt it ever will be, so I can't in good faith support it here.

As echolaliate mentioned, if you're trying to track specific dragons, IDs work better anyway. Unless you pick a truly unique name, even a meaningful one you worked hard to settle on is probably repeated somewhere on here; there are truly a ton of dragons in this site. The random names are no doubt repeated endlessly across many lineages and often mark a fodder dragon rather than one anybody cares for.
No support; if it's a dragon I actually like, it can take me ages to come up with a name I enjoy and I don't want to spend what precious treasure I make(I don't often have time to do much grinding or in general make any kind of decent profit) on renaming them if I named them a throwaway nickname.

The randomized names often kind of suck, or at least aren't extremely applicable to the individual.

The only way I would support this feature on any SIM adoptable site, not just this one, is when renaming is free and costs literally nothing. That isn't the case here, and I doubt it ever will be, so I can't in good faith support it here.

As echolaliate mentioned, if you're trying to track specific dragons, IDs work better anyway. Unless you pick a truly unique name, even a meaningful one you worked hard to settle on is probably repeated somewhere on here; there are truly a ton of dragons in this site. The random names are no doubt repeated endlessly across many lineages and often mark a fodder dragon rather than one anybody cares for.
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YMPbu9R.png transcatcher.png