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TOPIC | Around the World! Lore Writing Game
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@arikin - Thank you for writing for Celosia! I'm working on something for Aero for you in return; I'll let you know when I have it finished!
@arikin - Thank you for writing for Celosia! I'm working on something for Aero for you in return; I'll let you know when I have it finished!
the department of beautiful crackles,
the center for readable text,
and viewers like you!
@arikin I'm sorry this took me so long to complete, it's been a bit of a busy week - but here's a little snippet for Aero. The sun was beginning to set and Aero was getting nervous. As a Light dragon, he wasn't always very good at navigating in darkness, and he didn't know this part of the Sunbeam Ruins too well - it was very close to the edge of the Tangled Wood, close enough he wouldn't have been sure if he had accidentally crossed the border if not for the towering height of the trees. He didn't much like the dark anyway - it always felt very encroaching - and trying to cross the sea, which was fast approaching, didn't seem very smart if he couldn't tell where he was. Aero decided to settle down for the night on the edge of the forest, right before land dropped off into sea. He didn't know how long he had been asleep when he woke to the sound of rustling. "Hello!" said a voice from somewhere in the woods. Aero squinted, but he couldn't see anything. It hadn't looked like anyone lived here when he'd been flying above... "Hello?" he said, cautiously. "Who's there?" "Can't you see me?" said the voice. Aero could not see whoever was speaking, and told the voice so. "Oh, you must not be from around here. Wait here, I'll bring you something to help!" Aero was nervous about the voice, but it hadn't done anything [i]yet[/i], and the voice didn't sound like it was mean or meant him harm at all, so he decided to stay put. It was only a few minutes before he could hear noises approaching again, and this time there was a tiny light floating steadily towards him. As it got closer, he could make out the outline of a [url=]green Skydancer[/url] next to it. "I can see you now," he called out. "Oh good!" the Skydancer said. "My name is Swiftwhisper; I'm from the Brightstar clan who lives in these lands. Who are you?" "Aero," Aero said. "I didn't realise there were any dragons living here." "Well, most of us don't talk very much with strangers. We're a bit of odd ducks here; not a lot of visitors. But you! I was so excited to see you; I [i]never[/i] get to meet new people!" Swiftwhisper fluttered her wings as she spoke, like she couldn't hold in all the excitement on her own. "Tell me about yourself! Where have you come from? Why are you here? I want to know [i]everything[/i]." "I'm from the Alliance of Avatir, in the Sea of a Thousand Currents" Aero told her, "and I'm just passing through. Travelling, you know. I just stopped because I didn't really want to fly at night." "Whyever not!?" Swiftwhisper exclaimed. Aero told her about how he couldn't see very well at night, nor navigate by the stars. "I can fix that!" she said. "We all know the stars well here. Here, come look." With the help of the floating lamp she lead him to the edge of the cliffside. "See that big one?" She gestured with her wing. "That's east, from here, towards the Lightweaver's tower. It'll always point that way, no matter where you are in the world." This wasn't as much help to Aero as she seemed to think it was, but he didn't want to be rude, so he thanked her for her help. "Of course!" she said. "But in return you have to tell me [i]all[/i] about where you're from." And so Aero did, for most of the rest of the night. He didn't realise how much he missed home, but it [i]was[/i] nice to meet new dragons too. Swiftwhisper finally took her leave as the dawn began to rise. But she told him before she left that he could take the lamp with him - "so you're never lost in the dark again." [item=Stardust Sap Lamp]
@arikin I'm sorry this took me so long to complete, it's been a bit of a busy week - but here's a little snippet for Aero.

The sun was beginning to set and Aero was getting nervous. As a Light dragon, he wasn't always very good at navigating in darkness, and he didn't know this part of the Sunbeam Ruins too well - it was very close to the edge of the Tangled Wood, close enough he wouldn't have been sure if he had accidentally crossed the border if not for the towering height of the trees. He didn't much like the dark anyway - it always felt very encroaching - and trying to cross the sea, which was fast approaching, didn't seem very smart if he couldn't tell where he was. Aero decided to settle down for the night on the edge of the forest, right before land dropped off into sea.

He didn't know how long he had been asleep when he woke to the sound of rustling.

"Hello!" said a voice from somewhere in the woods.

Aero squinted, but he couldn't see anything. It hadn't looked like anyone lived here when he'd been flying above...

"Hello?" he said, cautiously. "Who's there?"

"Can't you see me?" said the voice.

Aero could not see whoever was speaking, and told the voice so.

"Oh, you must not be from around here. Wait here, I'll bring you something to help!"

Aero was nervous about the voice, but it hadn't done anything yet, and the voice didn't sound like it was mean or meant him harm at all, so he decided to stay put. It was only a few minutes before he could hear noises approaching again, and this time there was a tiny light floating steadily towards him. As it got closer, he could make out the outline of a green Skydancer next to it.

"I can see you now," he called out.

"Oh good!" the Skydancer said. "My name is Swiftwhisper; I'm from the Brightstar clan who lives in these lands. Who are you?"

"Aero," Aero said. "I didn't realise there were any dragons living here."

"Well, most of us don't talk very much with strangers. We're a bit of odd ducks here; not a lot of visitors. But you! I was so excited to see you; I never get to meet new people!" Swiftwhisper fluttered her wings as she spoke, like she couldn't hold in all the excitement on her own. "Tell me about yourself! Where have you come from? Why are you here? I want to know everything."

"I'm from the Alliance of Avatir, in the Sea of a Thousand Currents" Aero told her, "and I'm just passing through. Travelling, you know. I just stopped because I didn't really want to fly at night."

"Whyever not!?" Swiftwhisper exclaimed. Aero told her about how he couldn't see very well at night, nor navigate by the stars.

"I can fix that!" she said. "We all know the stars well here. Here, come look." With the help of the floating lamp she lead him to the edge of the cliffside. "See that big one?" She gestured with her wing. "That's east, from here, towards the Lightweaver's tower. It'll always point that way, no matter where you are in the world."

This wasn't as much help to Aero as she seemed to think it was, but he didn't want to be rude, so he thanked her for her help.

"Of course!" she said. "But in return you have to tell me all about where you're from."

And so Aero did, for most of the rest of the night. He didn't realise how much he missed home, but it was nice to meet new dragons too. Swiftwhisper finally took her leave as the dawn began to rise. But she told him before she left that he could take the lamp with him - "so you're never lost in the dark again."

Stardust Sap Lamp
the department of beautiful crackles,
the center for readable text,
and viewers like you!
the department of beautiful crackles,
the center for readable text,
and viewers like you!
the department of beautiful crackles,
the center for readable text,
and viewers like you!
the department of beautiful crackles,
the center for readable text,
and viewers like you!
the department of beautiful crackles,
the center for readable text,
and viewers like you!
the department of beautiful crackles,
the center for readable text,
and viewers like you!
the department of beautiful crackles,
the center for readable text,
and viewers like you!
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