
Dragon Share

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TOPIC | Theme Week: ...but that tert.
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[url=] [img][/img] [/url] my random progen [b]Icee[/b] has an...unfortunate tertiary i was half tempted to scatterscroll him like i did with his mate until their colors were closer to one another, but i'm starting to fall in love with his signature goofy colors not to mention he's only one of 10 active dergs with his colors haha [url=] [img][/img] [/url] not quite on the theme, but close enough that i want to post my girl [b]Ventrue[/b] here! i actually love her colors, because they match the clan symbol she's based off of perfectly (at least, for what i wanted for her haha,) but her tert is...impossible to scry in a manner i think fits [img][/img] i think this is what i'm lookin' at haha


my random progen Icee has an...unfortunate tertiary
i was half tempted to scatterscroll him like i did with his mate until their colors were closer to one another, but i'm starting to fall in love with his signature goofy colors
not to mention he's only one of 10 active dergs with his colors haha


not quite on the theme, but close enough that i want to post my girl Ventrue here!
i actually love her colors, because they match the clan symbol she's based off of perfectly (at least, for what i wanted for her haha,) but her tert is...impossible to scry in a manner i think fits
i think this is what i'm lookin' at haha
remy - 22 - he/him
Back when I was relatively new, I got a lvl 25 dragon with two of my disliked genes (paint and crackle). [img][/img] I had no intentions of fixing him up at first, but I would still scry him in different ways just to see if there was hope for him. Shadow and black looked fine together, but that gold tert was ruining the appeal of the dark colors for me. Gold on dark colors does look nice, but none of the tertiary genes at the time could make it a bright, shiny gold. I still thought it looked like cheese or mustard. But later, bee and capsule were introduced and I liked them together on him. So this is what he looks like now. [img][/img] Then, somewhat recently, I found Wispwillow Magician while looking for spiral accents, and it is one impulsive gem purchase that I will never regret. On top of that, I had the whimsical jester apparel from the last Night of the Nocturne (I think). Just look at this perfect combination. I'm so proud of him. TvT [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
Back when I was relatively new, I got a lvl 25 dragon with two of my disliked genes (paint and crackle).


I had no intentions of fixing him up at first, but I would still scry him in different ways just to see if there was hope for him. Shadow and black looked fine together, but that gold tert was ruining the appeal of the dark colors for me. Gold on dark colors does look nice, but none of the tertiary genes at the time could make it a bright, shiny gold. I still thought it looked like cheese or mustard. But later, bee and capsule were introduced and I liked them together on him. So this is what he looks like now.


Then, somewhat recently, I found Wispwillow Magician while looking for spiral accents, and it is one impulsive gem purchase that I will never regret. On top of that, I had the whimsical jester apparel from the last Night of the Nocturne (I think). Just look at this perfect combination. I'm so proud of him. TvT

[img][/img] So, Cruggle here is my random progen, and I kinda like the mix of storm and carmine, but... [i]his tert is avocado.[/i] This morning, I realized avocado smirch looks like algae all over him! So now, he's a smelly swamp dragon and I love him. Here are his current plans: [img][/img] He's gross, he smells, and he's worked his way into my heart.

So, Cruggle here is my random progen, and I kinda like the mix of storm and carmine, but... his tert is avocado. This morning, I realized avocado smirch looks like algae all over him! So now, he's a smelly swamp dragon and I love him.

Here are his current plans:
He's gross, he smells, and he's worked his way into my heart.
So I bred two of my dergs for fodder, since their babies aren't that cute and I dunno I felt like I should at least contribute something to dominance. Plus there was a chance that they could make radioactive babies, and I REALLY want a radioactive dragon. Then one of the two eggs pops out like this: url=] [img][/img] [/url] Kinda cute, yeah? Jungle and Umber actually look really nice together. Hum, what's the tert, I suppose? Take a guess. A wild guess. Take any guess ever- VERMILLION. Are you kidding me? Vermillion? On a dark green dragon? Oh well. I should've expected that, I guess. The dad has as his tert and the mom has white. I guess the tert isn't too bad though cuz I can hide it with stained (which I am only now realizing is a great gene) if I want her to look sort of orangish and change the dark green look, or I could just keep it basic, if I wanna keep how she looks. I thing if I ever gene her, she'll get Skink/Striation or Spinner. You know what you may as well forget about genes cuz I really probably won't ever have enough gems or treasure for that. Maybe one day baldwin can save me... Oh yeah also if you forgot (cuz I sure did when I was typing this) she was bred to be exalted. GREAT NOW I HAVE TO DEBATE ThATTTT. Plus, wanna see her brother? [url=] [img][/img] [/url] He's also pretty cute (again, FODDER, so that's not really a good thing?). Then he's got... tomato. I could probably handle that a little easier that vermillion on the sister, because he doesn't look too bad with runes. Maybe an autumn derg? Who knows. Also, I'll probably set up a thread to debate exalting them or not. I'll put the link here if I do.
So I bred two of my dergs for fodder, since their babies aren't that cute and I dunno I felt like I should at least contribute something to dominance. Plus there was a chance that they could make radioactive babies, and I REALLY want a radioactive dragon. Then one of the two eggs pops out like this:
Kinda cute, yeah? Jungle and Umber actually look really nice together. Hum, what's the tert, I suppose? Take a guess. A wild guess. Take any guess ever-
VERMILLION. Are you kidding me? Vermillion? On a dark green dragon? Oh well. I should've expected that, I guess. The dad has as his tert and the mom has white. I guess the tert isn't too bad though cuz I can hide it with stained (which I am only now realizing is a great gene) if I want her to look sort of orangish and change the dark green look, or I could just keep it basic, if I wanna keep how she looks. I thing if I ever gene her, she'll get Skink/Striation or Spinner. You know what you may as well forget about genes cuz I really probably won't ever have enough gems or treasure for that. Maybe one day baldwin can save me... Oh yeah also if you forgot (cuz I sure did when I was typing this) she was bred to be exalted. GREAT NOW I HAVE TO DEBATE ThATTTT. Plus, wanna see her brother?


He's also pretty cute (again, FODDER, so that's not really a good thing?). Then he's got... tomato. I could probably handle that a little easier that vermillion on the sister, because he doesn't look too bad with runes. Maybe an autumn derg? Who knows. Also, I'll probably set up a thread to debate exalting them or not. I'll put the link here if I do.
I'm back.
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] My custom progen has this problem. Her tertiary is Violet and it just clashes with her other colours in every gene but basic and stained. It's actually quite a nice stained colour, if it wasn't for that I would have likely scattered her like my random.


My custom progen has this problem. Her tertiary is Violet and it just clashes with her other colours in every gene but basic and stained.
It's actually quite a nice stained colour, if it wasn't for that I would have likely scattered her like my random.
Misfortune's tertiary gene isn't really a bad color, although Magenta's brightness does clash with Berry and Metals. Here's how I would make it work. [img][/img] You can't go wrong with Stained. [img][/img] If you use Iridescent as your primary gene, you can get a really interesting look with Spines. [img][/img] Lastly, you gotta admit that Capsule works really well with this Skink/Striation combo.
Misfortune's tertiary gene isn't really a bad color, although Magenta's brightness does clash with Berry and Metals. Here's how I would make it work.

You can't go wrong with Stained.

If you use Iridescent as your primary gene, you can get a really interesting look with Spines.

Lastly, you gotta admit that Capsule works really well with this Skink/Striation combo.
Paz here was a gathered egg that I hatched. The pleasantness of a nice primary and secondary was ruined when I saw that he had [i]algae[/i] as his tert. Ugh. But I took it as a challenge to make it work-- somehow. I had initially scryed him with Spines, but now I think Opal looks better. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] (current look) [img][/img] (scry)
Paz here was a gathered egg that I hatched. The pleasantness of a nice primary and secondary was ruined when I saw that he had algae as his tert. Ugh. But I took it as a challenge to make it work-- somehow. I had initially scryed him with Spines, but now I think Opal looks better.


(current look)

[url=] [img][/img] [/url] This is Tsubasa. I've had him for four years. I'm pretty sure I got him before the scrying workshop was even a thing and I loved his Sky/Banana. His tert is Mulberry. For the longest time I wasn't sure what I was going to do with this poor dragon. [img][/img] And then one day Poison came out. And it turned out Poison Sky has some purple bits on it. I'm not totally sure about the secondary, but I've been leaning towards Paint so the white can match the white on his primary. As for Misfortune, I think the primary goes with the secondary and tert, but I don't think the secondary and tert go together and I think the secondary is actually harder to work with. My best guess is Stained or maybe Spines or Firefly.


This is Tsubasa. I've had him for four years. I'm pretty sure I got him before the scrying workshop was even a thing and I loved his Sky/Banana. His tert is Mulberry. For the longest time I wasn't sure what I was going to do with this poor dragon.

And then one day Poison came out. And it turned out Poison Sky has some purple bits on it. I'm not totally sure about the secondary, but I've been leaning towards Paint so the white can match the white on his primary.

As for Misfortune, I think the primary goes with the secondary and tert, but I don't think the secondary and tert go together and I think the secondary is actually harder to work with. My best guess is Stained or maybe Spines or Firefly.
I decided to go the “snazzy eyeburner” route for Misfortune after finding the stereotypical pretty or neat looks to be too boring. [img][/img] It might be even worse, but it sure is cool-looking.
I decided to go the “snazzy eyeburner” route for Misfortune after finding the stereotypical pretty or neat looks to be too boring.
It might be even worse, but it sure is cool-looking.

See, things were going just fine for one of the Nocturnes I hatched during the festival. [img][/img] Iridescent and bee just worked wonderfully on Shalong! He's such a beauty! Too bad it'll suck me dry of funds to gene him up [s]and all my [I]other[/I] nocts too[/s] And then his tert is [b]turquoise.[/b] Not even my good, faithful runes or filigree or even firefly can make it look good. So I decided to keep his tert basic, which [I]hopefully[/I] won't mess with babies too badly. As for Misfortune, I played around with her as a mirror and found that iridescent/current/filigree actually goes well together! [img][/img] Iridescent gives her berry a slight pinkish hue towards the front, making it look nicer with the magenta filigree, which isn't overly in the face! I used current to make the metals take on a bit of a redder tone as to match the rest! Not half bad! Could be better, but not bad! I played around with the breeds and it generally works pretty well for most of them!
See, things were going just fine for one of the Nocturnes I hatched during the festival.


Iridescent and bee just worked wonderfully on Shalong! He's such a beauty! Too bad it'll suck me dry of funds to gene him up and all my other nocts too

And then his tert is turquoise. Not even my good, faithful runes or filigree or even firefly can make it look good. So I decided to keep his tert basic, which hopefully won't mess with babies too badly.

As for Misfortune, I played around with her as a mirror and found that iridescent/current/filigree actually goes well together!


Iridescent gives her berry a slight pinkish hue towards the front, making it look nicer with the magenta filigree, which isn't overly in the face! I used current to make the metals take on a bit of a redder tone as to match the rest! Not half bad! Could be better, but not bad!

I played around with the breeds and it generally works pretty well for most of them!
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