

Community created guides, helpful strategies, and more.
TOPIC | Kelp Beds Kraken - 2 Fodder Trainer
@FeDog That's a very interesting build, please add me to pinglist so that I can prepare one ofmy dragons to become one when it's ready :)
@FeDog That's a very interesting build, please add me to pinglist so that I can prepare one ofmy dragons to become one when it's ready :)
Need money? Be My Alchemist!
I'd like to be added to the pinglist as well! Currently training up a dragon of mine, would be nice to have some other place to train fodder in (up to my neck in the Mire, ugh). :'D
I'd like to be added to the pinglist as well! Currently training up a dragon of mine, would be nice to have some other place to train fodder in (up to my neck in the Mire, ugh). :'D
@FeDog could I be added to the pinglist? This seems super cool and helpful!
@FeDog could I be added to the pinglist? This seems super cool and helpful!
y3NW8md.gif mXMhPXb.png
@FeDog please add me to the pinglists for updates/completion. This looks like a great idea.
@FeDog please add me to the pinglists for updates/completion. This looks like a great idea.
tumblr_inline_o3dilmkK3O1r3h1o8_540.png mlk7aif.pnglnAFce8.giftumblr_ntwzxj7Nls1r7cw6zo3_100.png
@FeDog please add me to the pinglists for updates/completion, too.
@FeDog please add me to the pinglists for updates/completion, too.
tSKOR3g.png . w.w . pSn2GKM.png

Can you add me to the pinglist, please? Thank you!

Can you add me to the pinglist, please? Thank you!
.........................wY5BsxP.png > she/her
> FR+8
> pings ok
> buy my dragons
> avatar dragon
> lore clan
@FeDog can i get a ping for updates? thanks :D
@FeDog can i get a ping for updates? thanks :D
i literally have no idea what to have as a signature
@FeDog Ping list for updates please!
@FeDog Ping list for updates please!
@FeDog been playing with the build for awhile now and I have come to give my honest feedback!

So my Kraken is Tyranus, an Ice dragon. The first version of the build I used was Meditate and he wound up just dying a lot (not sure what was up with that), so I switched back to Scratch (his original ability stone).

Under optimal conditions - a survivable starter pack and not more than a couple refreshes the entire time - I can get 2 fodder to level 6 in just over 2 minutes, which makes the Kraken the fastest build I've ever used.

The problem? In a dozen runs that I tested stats on, I only had optimal conditions twice. The other times it all took close to seven minutes or just over seven minutes to get 2 fodder to level 6... due to multiple refreshes. In one of the dozen runs where I timed everything, I had to refresh for a survivable starter pack (not 3 physicals, not a boss, not Abyss Strikers and a Relic Eel) nine times. Twice, in the twenty runs I didn't time, I remember having to refresh over two dozen times for a survivable starter pack, and it felt like it took longer than the Ruins usually takes in general.

There's a lot of refreshing happening here, not just for a starter pack itself, but for low health on things like Depins and Mammertees (where you can't just OHKO with a Rallied Elim, you have to do Scratch or another attack first, and they can get hits in, in the meantime), and the ever-fun Eliminate dodges, which are not survivable.

EDIT: I should also probably make it clear that the issue for me and what's slowing things down is the sheer amount of refreshing I have to do. I have the fastest wi-fi connection I can buy in my area so it's not a case of slow Internet speed, it's things like having to refresh a bunch of times to get a decent starter pack and then having to refresh a lot in-game either because of KO, Elim dodge, boss (and not enough health/breath to fight it), or my health being too low to be able to take on physicals who are gonna hit me. I also tried Tyranus with the 133 STR build and 2 fodder and he was wayyyy too squishy and died a lot, hence why he has the stats he's using now. (I also still had to refresh a lot when I was using 133 STR.)

Meanwhile, my Ruins Raider can consistently level 2 dergs to 6 in 3 minutes (sometimes slightly under). On the occasion where RNG luck is really bad with needing to refresh, it still usually doesn't take longer than 5 minutes.


Not good in a versus where speed is of the essence - as I said, it's the fastest build I've used under optimal conditions, the issue is that those conditions are rare, at least as far as my RNG luck is concerned. Not sure if my experience can be considered average or RNGesus just hates me. :P

Otherwise, good as a change of pace from the Mire or Ruins (I have a third leveling spot to switch things up when I get tired, and thus avoid coli fatigue, which helps with consistent money-making), and I imagine this build would be very good indeed for leveling permas into the higher levels (especially when they can help out the trainer).

Thank you and Rhabdo for putting this together!
@FeDog been playing with the build for awhile now and I have come to give my honest feedback!

So my Kraken is Tyranus, an Ice dragon. The first version of the build I used was Meditate and he wound up just dying a lot (not sure what was up with that), so I switched back to Scratch (his original ability stone).

Under optimal conditions - a survivable starter pack and not more than a couple refreshes the entire time - I can get 2 fodder to level 6 in just over 2 minutes, which makes the Kraken the fastest build I've ever used.

The problem? In a dozen runs that I tested stats on, I only had optimal conditions twice. The other times it all took close to seven minutes or just over seven minutes to get 2 fodder to level 6... due to multiple refreshes. In one of the dozen runs where I timed everything, I had to refresh for a survivable starter pack (not 3 physicals, not a boss, not Abyss Strikers and a Relic Eel) nine times. Twice, in the twenty runs I didn't time, I remember having to refresh over two dozen times for a survivable starter pack, and it felt like it took longer than the Ruins usually takes in general.

There's a lot of refreshing happening here, not just for a starter pack itself, but for low health on things like Depins and Mammertees (where you can't just OHKO with a Rallied Elim, you have to do Scratch or another attack first, and they can get hits in, in the meantime), and the ever-fun Eliminate dodges, which are not survivable.

EDIT: I should also probably make it clear that the issue for me and what's slowing things down is the sheer amount of refreshing I have to do. I have the fastest wi-fi connection I can buy in my area so it's not a case of slow Internet speed, it's things like having to refresh a bunch of times to get a decent starter pack and then having to refresh a lot in-game either because of KO, Elim dodge, boss (and not enough health/breath to fight it), or my health being too low to be able to take on physicals who are gonna hit me. I also tried Tyranus with the 133 STR build and 2 fodder and he was wayyyy too squishy and died a lot, hence why he has the stats he's using now. (I also still had to refresh a lot when I was using 133 STR.)

Meanwhile, my Ruins Raider can consistently level 2 dergs to 6 in 3 minutes (sometimes slightly under). On the occasion where RNG luck is really bad with needing to refresh, it still usually doesn't take longer than 5 minutes.


Not good in a versus where speed is of the essence - as I said, it's the fastest build I've used under optimal conditions, the issue is that those conditions are rare, at least as far as my RNG luck is concerned. Not sure if my experience can be considered average or RNGesus just hates me. :P

Otherwise, good as a change of pace from the Mire or Ruins (I have a third leveling spot to switch things up when I get tired, and thus avoid coli fatigue, which helps with consistent money-making), and I imagine this build would be very good indeed for leveling permas into the higher levels (especially when they can help out the trainer).

Thank you and Rhabdo for putting this together!
pings off | plz no random friend requests/PMs/profile comments
@FeDog is the alternate build option going to get updated to the front page? I keep having to dig through the thread to show people both (*unless it has been, and I am blind, and have missed it, which is possible)

Edited: now I see it - is it Beast Mode? Thanks! Never mind :D
@FeDog is the alternate build option going to get updated to the front page? I keep having to dig through the thread to show people both (*unless it has been, and I am blind, and have missed it, which is possible)

Edited: now I see it - is it Beast Mode? Thanks! Never mind :D