
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Arguments for/against unretiring items
[quote name="Berryshade" date="2018-03-03 23:07:51" ] Fests are a joke now. Nothing's valuable anymore. Goblins used to be like over 100kt but now I can barely sell any of them. [/quote] [center][color=brown]oh my god yeah. i only buy two goblins because most of them art still under 30 gems. lol. i don't know why i bother. festivals [b]are [/b]a joke because nothing retires besides maybe the apparel but with joxar it doesn't really matter. the skins and accents never, ever rise and stay at pitiful prices. i don't know what it is but but they are not worth buying to resell anymore. same with chests after...2015 i think. they just are never considered valuable. the money i make definitely isn't made from festivals.
Berryshade wrote on 2018-03-03 23:07:51:
Fests are a joke now. Nothing's valuable anymore. Goblins used to be like over 100kt but now I can barely sell any of them.
oh my god yeah. i only buy two goblins because most of them art still under 30 gems. lol. i don't know why i bother.

festivals are a joke because nothing retires besides maybe the apparel but with joxar it doesn't really matter. the skins and accents never, ever rise and stay at pitiful prices. i don't know what it is but but they are not worth buying to resell anymore. same with chests after...2015 i think. they just are never considered valuable.

the money i make definitely isn't made from festivals.
We don't support unretiring things. We think it's fun to have a small amount of items be hard to get and it'd be nice if more things retired. We think festival items should have stayed retired like they were originally :c
Price of year 1 festival stuff has gone down recently. And most retired items aren't expensive anyway. There's maybe a dozen items that actually cost more than geneing a dragon with gem genes, out of the thousands that exist. The golem workshop bosses cost more than virtually all retired items. We're ok with that.
And until this set of festivals something retired from all the previous sets.

We also can't see a way to do it that wouldn't mess everything up. Either they'd be super cheap or still just as hard to get so if someone can't afford them now they still won't be able to afford them.
Lottery/raffle/RNG system would just suck. And even if you made them a super rare chance in a Jox box you'd still end up with a flood. Just look at Noc scrolls during the first NotN. They had something like a 1% chance (maybe less?) of dropping from a fairly rare chest from fairly rare enemies in a laggy coli and they were still less than 1 mil by the end. And imagine if after all that luck you just got a leafydo or bluffclamber belongings.
Just putting them up for gems in the MP would either do nothing if they were for sale for more than the AH or screw over sellers if they were less. And it'd be a huge gem sink which would suck. We don't need gem prices soaring :D Then how much would you put them up for? Their price today? Their price 2 years ago? 100k gems?
The best option we've heard so far is a quest reward but that still wouldn't be great. Even if the quests were really hard and took months to complete there would be a flood by the end, there would be an optimal way to grind just like there is for the coli. And would you be able to pick your prize? Would it be random (imagine going through a months long quest and getting a sapling speaker)? Would there be quests for every retired item? We'd prefer new features go towards new content, not recycling old ones.

If downtime items were a reward for sticking around we don't see why festivals shouldn't be either :D Sure the theme is reused but the whole point of having new items each year is to reward you for staying with the site for that long.
Like ciceqi said you might not have been able to afford year 1 items but you bought extra companion comets so you can sell a few of them to buy that sprite you always wanted.

It does suck not being able to get the thing you (general you) want. But what about the people that want 4/5/6 digit dragons and can't afford them? Eventually they'll all be gone. Or gen 1 Imps or triple gen 1s? Or that UM accent from 5 years ago? There will always be goals that are really hard to achieve and things you want but can't have.
We don't support unretiring things. We think it's fun to have a small amount of items be hard to get and it'd be nice if more things retired. We think festival items should have stayed retired like they were originally :c
Price of year 1 festival stuff has gone down recently. And most retired items aren't expensive anyway. There's maybe a dozen items that actually cost more than geneing a dragon with gem genes, out of the thousands that exist. The golem workshop bosses cost more than virtually all retired items. We're ok with that.
And until this set of festivals something retired from all the previous sets.

We also can't see a way to do it that wouldn't mess everything up. Either they'd be super cheap or still just as hard to get so if someone can't afford them now they still won't be able to afford them.
Lottery/raffle/RNG system would just suck. And even if you made them a super rare chance in a Jox box you'd still end up with a flood. Just look at Noc scrolls during the first NotN. They had something like a 1% chance (maybe less?) of dropping from a fairly rare chest from fairly rare enemies in a laggy coli and they were still less than 1 mil by the end. And imagine if after all that luck you just got a leafydo or bluffclamber belongings.
Just putting them up for gems in the MP would either do nothing if they were for sale for more than the AH or screw over sellers if they were less. And it'd be a huge gem sink which would suck. We don't need gem prices soaring :D Then how much would you put them up for? Their price today? Their price 2 years ago? 100k gems?
The best option we've heard so far is a quest reward but that still wouldn't be great. Even if the quests were really hard and took months to complete there would be a flood by the end, there would be an optimal way to grind just like there is for the coli. And would you be able to pick your prize? Would it be random (imagine going through a months long quest and getting a sapling speaker)? Would there be quests for every retired item? We'd prefer new features go towards new content, not recycling old ones.

If downtime items were a reward for sticking around we don't see why festivals shouldn't be either :D Sure the theme is reused but the whole point of having new items each year is to reward you for staying with the site for that long.
Like ciceqi said you might not have been able to afford year 1 items but you bought extra companion comets so you can sell a few of them to buy that sprite you always wanted.

It does suck not being able to get the thing you (general you) want. But what about the people that want 4/5/6 digit dragons and can't afford them? Eventually they'll all be gone. Or gen 1 Imps or triple gen 1s? Or that UM accent from 5 years ago? There will always be goals that are really hard to achieve and things you want but can't have.
[quote name="Berryshade" date="2018-03-03 23:07:51" ] Fests are a joke now. Nothing's valuable anymore. Goblins used to be like over 100kt but now I can barely sell any of them. [/quote] This is exactly how I feel. There's no point in giving a damn about festivals because you can get the items whenever you want, for treasure or gems, later on if you feel like it. There's no incentive to participate.
Berryshade wrote on 2018-03-03 23:07:51:
Fests are a joke now. Nothing's valuable anymore. Goblins used to be like over 100kt but now I can barely sell any of them.

This is exactly how I feel. There's no point in giving a damn about festivals because you can get the items whenever you want, for treasure or gems, later on if you feel like it. There's no incentive to participate.
[quote name="ciceqi" date="2018-03-03 17:35:14" ] Unpopular opinion: I think they should retire MORE items and that the Joxbox was a horrible idea. Hear me out, though: the argument I always hear in favor of un-retiring is "think of the newbies!" Actually, can we not? Because by making it so that only the older fest items are retired, you're actually making it harder on newbies, because they have nothing of worth they can collect to appreciate in value to compare. Retired items are sort of a pyramid game: the oldest players have the oldest items, which means they can sell them for more to the newer players coming in. In a working system, those newer players would be able to collect Tier 2 items that, while not holding the same value as Tier 1, would still be of worth to the newbies coming after them. And so on. The Joxbox sort of put an end to, I wasn't even here for the crowns, but by Glittermom, I do not want to see another one. And we won't even talk about the bears. Right this moment, bears maybe have some worth again, since I believe we're in the between point of them being taken out of NotN and put into the Joxboxes, but that's sort of my point. Rarity is value. Take away everything of rarity under the guise of "helping" new players, and you've actually just made old players richer. Full disclosure: The Light Sprite is really the only old item I was interested in, and I had it in 15 months, so obviously I'm of the "if you want it, work for it" camp. If I were to seriously go after, say, a Skycat, though, I'd be pretty annoyed that all the fest stuff I collected in my first year is pretty much junk now. [/quote] It's not that an unpopular opinion XD Everyone keeps talking about the price of the light sprite and forgetting that celebration sage is also retired (5g on AH), festival sashes (most under 200g), acolytes (most under 200g) and so on, so the "inaccessible" are only 6? 7? items at most. I never understood why there is such huge focus on the Light sprite and its accessibility (semi-stable price of 40-50kg for the last 2+ years) and yet Boolean and the rest of KS are somehow exempt of this even though all familiars are equal in this game. I'm pretty sure that with a price of 800kg+, 99.9999% of FR's players won't own a Boolean, and both Boolean and Light sprite are on the same tier as a simple Psywurm regarding the effect they have on gameplay (that is, provide some chests and do nothing else). To sum up, I'm for retiring items because I cannot understand the logic of the other camp - why is it such a big deal that some items might be harder to get or that you had to do some specific things to get them for "free" (ie be a KS backer, grind in the failing coli during the first years, have an account at a certain date). I mean, I didn't see anyone unhappy that they will get a familiar at March 16th and everyone that joins later will not have that particular familiar if I understood the announcement correctly and that is the same principle that gave out Akirbeak and Speedy... :insert a confused emoji plz:
ciceqi wrote on 2018-03-03 17:35:14:
Unpopular opinion: I think they should retire MORE items and that the Joxbox was a horrible idea. Hear me out, though: the argument I always hear in favor of un-retiring is "think of the newbies!" Actually, can we not? Because by making it so that only the older fest items are retired, you're actually making it harder on newbies, because they have nothing of worth they can collect to appreciate in value to compare. Retired items are sort of a pyramid game: the oldest players have the oldest items, which means they can sell them for more to the newer players coming in. In a working system, those newer players would be able to collect Tier 2 items that, while not holding the same value as Tier 1, would still be of worth to the newbies coming after them. And so on.

The Joxbox sort of put an end to, I wasn't even here for the crowns, but by Glittermom, I do not want to see another one. And we won't even talk about the bears. Right this moment, bears maybe have some worth again, since I believe we're in the between point of them being taken out of NotN and put into the Joxboxes, but that's sort of my point. Rarity is value. Take away everything of rarity under the guise of "helping" new players, and you've actually just made old players richer.

Full disclosure: The Light Sprite is really the only old item I was interested in, and I had it in 15 months, so obviously I'm of the "if you want it, work for it" camp. If I were to seriously go after, say, a Skycat, though, I'd be pretty annoyed that all the fest stuff I collected in my first year is pretty much junk now.

It's not that an unpopular opinion XD

Everyone keeps talking about the price of the light sprite and forgetting that celebration sage is also retired (5g on AH), festival sashes (most under 200g), acolytes (most under 200g) and so on, so the "inaccessible" are only 6? 7? items at most. I never understood why there is such huge focus on the Light sprite and its accessibility (semi-stable price of 40-50kg for the last 2+ years) and yet Boolean and the rest of KS are somehow exempt of this even though all familiars are equal in this game. I'm pretty sure that with a price of 800kg+, 99.9999% of FR's players won't own a Boolean, and both Boolean and Light sprite are on the same tier as a simple Psywurm regarding the effect they have on gameplay (that is, provide some chests and do nothing else).

To sum up, I'm for retiring items because I cannot understand the logic of the other camp - why is it such a big deal that some items might be harder to get or that you had to do some specific things to get them for "free" (ie be a KS backer, grind in the failing coli during the first years, have an account at a certain date). I mean, I didn't see anyone unhappy that they will get a familiar at March 16th and everyone that joins later will not have that particular familiar if I understood the announcement correctly and that is the same principle that gave out Akirbeak and Speedy...

:insert a confused emoji plz:
KS items should absolutely not be unretired. People paid real money for those and it's a huge slap in the face to turn around and re-release them after they were supposed to be exclusive.

I kind of feel the same way about Boolean, although the completionist within me does wish it wasn't an achievement. ;;

As for festivals...hoo boy.
I'm not happy that the Jox Box exists. I wasn't a fan of it from the moment it was announced and I'm not a fan of it now. Festivals are a joke, there's no incentive to participate if you can still get literally everything from the festival later on anyway. And the "but think of the newbies!!!" argument doesn't work on me. At the end of the day, nobody NEEDS a Sprite or Boneyard Tatters. If you want one, you should save for it, simple as that.

Plus it's inconsistent. Either retire ALL festival items or NO festival items. Nothing has any value in the long term like the old festival stuff does and so there's no point trying to collect various items.

And that's my rant. I don't know how to end this.
KS items should absolutely not be unretired. People paid real money for those and it's a huge slap in the face to turn around and re-release them after they were supposed to be exclusive.

I kind of feel the same way about Boolean, although the completionist within me does wish it wasn't an achievement. ;;

As for festivals...hoo boy.
I'm not happy that the Jox Box exists. I wasn't a fan of it from the moment it was announced and I'm not a fan of it now. Festivals are a joke, there's no incentive to participate if you can still get literally everything from the festival later on anyway. And the "but think of the newbies!!!" argument doesn't work on me. At the end of the day, nobody NEEDS a Sprite or Boneyard Tatters. If you want one, you should save for it, simple as that.

Plus it's inconsistent. Either retire ALL festival items or NO festival items. Nothing has any value in the long term like the old festival stuff does and so there's no point trying to collect various items.

And that's my rant. I don't know how to end this.
[quote name="Berryshade" date="2018-03-03 23:07:51" ] Fests are a joke now. Nothing's valuable anymore. Goblins used to be like over 100kt but now I can barely sell any of them. [/quote] This.
Berryshade wrote on 2018-03-03 23:07:51:
Fests are a joke now. Nothing's valuable anymore. Goblins used to be like over 100kt but now I can barely sell any of them.
I don't really have an opinion one way or the other on unretiring festival things. Most days I wish they'd just retire everything, but as I know that won't happen, other days I go back and forth on whether or not it is a good idea.

However, I've always been curious about something regarding sprites and figure as this seems to be a fairly civil discussion thread, maybe I can get an answer here. Why do some people care so much about whether sprites are obtainable?

One argument I've seen is because FR has a bestiary and mentions collecting familiars when people register. But then I would think I'd see more outcry over the downtime items. And even then, there is literally no way 99.99% of the population can complete their bestiary/collect them all because of the KS and Boolean familiars, but most people who want the sprites unretired seem to be okay with KS ones and Boolean staying out of reach. So if people can be content with calling a KS/Boolean-less bestiary "complete", why can't they do the same for a sprite-less one? (For the record, I think a majority of the users on the site are okay with this. Especially given the drop in sprite prices. I just don't see it in these types of threads.)

For the argument that people just like the lineart/think they are cute, there are the nymphs. (Which is what I think cased the sprite prices to crash in the last year or so. Getting a recolor satisfied a lot of people, I think.)

I have also heard the argument that people want them for flight reps/flight pride. But there are at least five other familiars that would work for that. And it seems to always be about the sprites, when I think a better case would be made for the apparel, as a flight rep/pride dragon could wear sunchasers/sunguard/solar blades all at once, but can only have one familiar equipped. And yet if I see apparel mentioned at all in these kinds of threads, it often seems like an afterthought tacked on to the main point of unretiring sprites.

So what am I missing? Why are so many people so intent on getting the sprites to be unretired?
I don't really have an opinion one way or the other on unretiring festival things. Most days I wish they'd just retire everything, but as I know that won't happen, other days I go back and forth on whether or not it is a good idea.

However, I've always been curious about something regarding sprites and figure as this seems to be a fairly civil discussion thread, maybe I can get an answer here. Why do some people care so much about whether sprites are obtainable?

One argument I've seen is because FR has a bestiary and mentions collecting familiars when people register. But then I would think I'd see more outcry over the downtime items. And even then, there is literally no way 99.99% of the population can complete their bestiary/collect them all because of the KS and Boolean familiars, but most people who want the sprites unretired seem to be okay with KS ones and Boolean staying out of reach. So if people can be content with calling a KS/Boolean-less bestiary "complete", why can't they do the same for a sprite-less one? (For the record, I think a majority of the users on the site are okay with this. Especially given the drop in sprite prices. I just don't see it in these types of threads.)

For the argument that people just like the lineart/think they are cute, there are the nymphs. (Which is what I think cased the sprite prices to crash in the last year or so. Getting a recolor satisfied a lot of people, I think.)

I have also heard the argument that people want them for flight reps/flight pride. But there are at least five other familiars that would work for that. And it seems to always be about the sprites, when I think a better case would be made for the apparel, as a flight rep/pride dragon could wear sunchasers/sunguard/solar blades all at once, but can only have one familiar equipped. And yet if I see apparel mentioned at all in these kinds of threads, it often seems like an afterthought tacked on to the main point of unretiring sprites.

So what am I missing? Why are so many people so intent on getting the sprites to be unretired?
I'm a huge collector of rare items, familiars and old festival apparel. I have spent millions in treasure and thousands in gems to obtain these items. Sometimes going so far as to pay real money for gems.

To me this is a huge attraction of the game.

If these items are "unretired" that fun will end.

When something is made "easy" it loses value. If, as new players, we want these items we should have to work for them. And yes! Some things may not be obtainable. I can live with that.

I'm a huge collector of rare items, familiars and old festival apparel. I have spent millions in treasure and thousands in gems to obtain these items. Sometimes going so far as to pay real money for gems.

To me this is a huge attraction of the game.

If these items are "unretired" that fun will end.

When something is made "easy" it loses value. If, as new players, we want these items we should have to work for them. And yes! Some things may not be obtainable. I can live with that.


As long as they don't unretire KS/first year stuff I don't give a damn :D

As long as they don't unretire KS/first year stuff I don't give a damn :D
I think having goals are good for the economy and for keeping interest. I think Joxar's box having festival items is a bad idea. It was become very hard for people to use festivals as a way of saving.
Recolors are great idea, and I wish awakened familiars would be locked to the bestiary.
I think having goals are good for the economy and for keeping interest. I think Joxar's box having festival items is a bad idea. It was become very hard for people to use festivals as a way of saving.
Recolors are great idea, and I wish awakened familiars would be locked to the bestiary.