

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Age of Automatons (OPEN)
((I'm so sorry, I'm going to have to drop out...
IRL things are about to eat me alive...
So sorry again...))
((I'm so sorry, I'm going to have to drop out...
IRL things are about to eat me alive...
So sorry again...))
Beneath the surface a turbulent depth awaits.
His reassuring squeeze to Godiva's shoulder did set her mind at ease a bit. A lot of people say that what she does is commendable and a great service, but the need to help others just runs deep in her code. She was built to help people so she helps people, as simple as that. And she sure is needed with all these people of all races who either don't know how to take care of themselves or are caught in the fight between the Rebellion and the Throne. She just wants everything to be over so everyone can stop hurting and dying.

Still sensing happiness from him, he replied and said that he had a 'crick in his neck', as he put it, after sleeping on it funny. And after a quick body scan she found there there were no other problems, just as he said. So, she immediately launched into some recommendations, "I would recommend putting some heat on it, especially before bed, and maybe stretching it. Also, refrain from sleeping on it. In a few days it should be gone." After her nearly automated speech, she blinked her optic sensors (a useless function to her, it was just to make her seem more lifelike) and a smile returned to her face.

"Ah, the Doctor needs some usual parts, but also some I have not heard of. I'll need some help on finding that..."

Godiva trailed off as Worrick noticed her staring at his arm and quickly snapped her attention back to his face. Thinking she had been acting rude by staring, she was just about to apologize when he grabbed his metallic arm and pulled the prosthetic away from his body. Godiva's eyes widened in horror as she said in a panic, "No, what are you - ?" He was offering his arm to her. His metal arm. His 'Droid' arm, as she called it in her head. She immediately scanned him again, but there was no harm done to his arm and he wasn't in pain. So then...

"You can just detach it?", she said quietly, reaching a hand out and carefully taking the metal forearm. She had heard of prosthesis that could do this, but seeing it in use was still rare. Usually they were attached and don't come off, but this was not the case with Worrick's. Something presented itself within her memory banks and she started to speak again, "Oh...yes, I feel like I have seen you without it on, when you were working on it, but I suppose I just didn't make the connection...".

'Which is a little silly', Godiva thought to herself, turning the object over in her hands. It was all black with glowing spaces where the joints are when it is on. After another quick scan she could see that it was quite durable and was very complicated and intricate. Almost a work of art. She would have looked at it for hours and discovered all its secrets, but she knew she was here for a reason. Maybe she would ask again later if she could look at it longer...if it wasn't rude.

Holding the arm out to Worrick once more she then chose to look at the metal band just below his elbow. That was what must have connected his nerves to the arm, but what a feat of engineering that is. The tissue around the band was scarred, but Godiva knew there was nothing she could do to help that. It was too old of a wound.

"It' incredible feat of engineering and I would love to look at it more later, if that's okay. I don't want to...hold onto it for too long, just in case something happens." She kept a tight grip on it as she held it out to him, her tail swishing a little nervously.
His reassuring squeeze to Godiva's shoulder did set her mind at ease a bit. A lot of people say that what she does is commendable and a great service, but the need to help others just runs deep in her code. She was built to help people so she helps people, as simple as that. And she sure is needed with all these people of all races who either don't know how to take care of themselves or are caught in the fight between the Rebellion and the Throne. She just wants everything to be over so everyone can stop hurting and dying.

Still sensing happiness from him, he replied and said that he had a 'crick in his neck', as he put it, after sleeping on it funny. And after a quick body scan she found there there were no other problems, just as he said. So, she immediately launched into some recommendations, "I would recommend putting some heat on it, especially before bed, and maybe stretching it. Also, refrain from sleeping on it. In a few days it should be gone." After her nearly automated speech, she blinked her optic sensors (a useless function to her, it was just to make her seem more lifelike) and a smile returned to her face.

"Ah, the Doctor needs some usual parts, but also some I have not heard of. I'll need some help on finding that..."

Godiva trailed off as Worrick noticed her staring at his arm and quickly snapped her attention back to his face. Thinking she had been acting rude by staring, she was just about to apologize when he grabbed his metallic arm and pulled the prosthetic away from his body. Godiva's eyes widened in horror as she said in a panic, "No, what are you - ?" He was offering his arm to her. His metal arm. His 'Droid' arm, as she called it in her head. She immediately scanned him again, but there was no harm done to his arm and he wasn't in pain. So then...

"You can just detach it?", she said quietly, reaching a hand out and carefully taking the metal forearm. She had heard of prosthesis that could do this, but seeing it in use was still rare. Usually they were attached and don't come off, but this was not the case with Worrick's. Something presented itself within her memory banks and she started to speak again, "Oh...yes, I feel like I have seen you without it on, when you were working on it, but I suppose I just didn't make the connection...".

'Which is a little silly', Godiva thought to herself, turning the object over in her hands. It was all black with glowing spaces where the joints are when it is on. After another quick scan she could see that it was quite durable and was very complicated and intricate. Almost a work of art. She would have looked at it for hours and discovered all its secrets, but she knew she was here for a reason. Maybe she would ask again later if she could look at it longer...if it wasn't rude.

Holding the arm out to Worrick once more she then chose to look at the metal band just below his elbow. That was what must have connected his nerves to the arm, but what a feat of engineering that is. The tissue around the band was scarred, but Godiva knew there was nothing she could do to help that. It was too old of a wound.

"It' incredible feat of engineering and I would love to look at it more later, if that's okay. I don't want to...hold onto it for too long, just in case something happens." She kept a tight grip on it as she held it out to him, her tail swishing a little nervously.
An illustration of a blue Fire Flight Mirror dragon with black antlers and black wings, wearing gold jewelry. Blue fire is along the bottom of the picture, and the backdrop is of the Ashfall Waste. Links to progen.
When Godi began to list off how to remedy the crick in his neck, Worrick couldn't help but smile a bit. She was always doing this. No matter how small or insignificant the symptom was, she was always trying to solve it. Sure her programing had something to do with that and the remedies she read off were probably just a part of her database, but he felt like it was more than that. Like she actually wanted to help people. He knew that droids were far more than than just their programming; they had wills of their own. So, he didn't take her advice as just her trying to do her job. "I'll keep that in mind. Thanks, Godi." The man told her, rolling his shoulders just a bit. Now, that wasn't to say he was going to take her advice exactly since he very often would just tough out any sort of illness or discomfort that he had, but he did appreciate her advice. It was like the feeling you get when someone cares about your well being, a sort of warmth that's hard to describe and just leaves you smiling.

As he detached his prosthetic, Worrick couldn't help but feel kind of bad about worrying her. Honestly, he should have expected Godi to panic a bit when someone just rips off their arm and he mentally scolded himself. Usually, it wasn't a good thing when someone's arm comes off. Well, he'd just have to make it up to her later. How exactly, he didn't know but he would think of something. "Yeah, my prosthetic comes off. Usually, I remove it before I sleep since it tends to be a bit uncomfortable to wear then. You see, it's because of the metal band here on my arm." The man explained, pointing with his hand on his still-attached arm to the metal piece right below his elbow. "It connects my nerves to the circuits in the prosthetic so that it will act like my normal arm. But it also lets me remove it since the entire thing isn't connected to me." This made it more handy while making adjustments and repairs, which was why he'd wanted this version of he prosthetic. Sure, it had been a little painful to remove it at first, but he'd long since gotten used to it to where he didn't even feel anything when he removed the prosthetic.

While he was explaining a bit about his false arm, Worrick watched on as Godi turned the prosthetic this way and that as she examined it. Now that he thought about it, a robotic arm would be a pretty interesting thing to droids like her. They were both made of the same general things like circuits, metals, and such. So, he could see why she would be so curious about his arm. When she held out his arm for him to take it back, the man rather casually accepted the robotic arm and swiftly reattached it. Her remark about his arm couldn't help but bring a thought to mind. Well, you're the incredible feat of engineering that I love to look at. As the thought crossed his mind, Worrick quickly scolded himself once more. Yes, he'd come to have a bit of a crush on the droid before him, not that he wanted to admit that. The main reason being that he didn't want to ruin the friendship they had. Honestly, real friends were hard for him to come by and Godi was a very good friend to him and one of the few people he could say he was truly close to. Romance held the chance to ruin friendships and he couldn't risk the bond he valued so much. Besides, he had no idea if Godi would have any interest in him at all. No, it was much better to stay quiet about it.

Trying to come up with a topic to distract himself from his own thoughts, Worrick quickly turned his focus to the list of items Auriel needed. "So, you mentioned needing help finding some of the parts that the Doc needs? I can go ahead and gather up the things that he usually needs, but I need to know what I am looking for when it comes to the rest of it." He told the droid. Beginning to walk towards the back of the store where the storage room was located, he motioned for Godi to follow since she most likely had the list of parts. "Which reminds me, I don't think I asked, how are things over at the Doc's? You doing okay over there?" He asked as he walked.
When Godi began to list off how to remedy the crick in his neck, Worrick couldn't help but smile a bit. She was always doing this. No matter how small or insignificant the symptom was, she was always trying to solve it. Sure her programing had something to do with that and the remedies she read off were probably just a part of her database, but he felt like it was more than that. Like she actually wanted to help people. He knew that droids were far more than than just their programming; they had wills of their own. So, he didn't take her advice as just her trying to do her job. "I'll keep that in mind. Thanks, Godi." The man told her, rolling his shoulders just a bit. Now, that wasn't to say he was going to take her advice exactly since he very often would just tough out any sort of illness or discomfort that he had, but he did appreciate her advice. It was like the feeling you get when someone cares about your well being, a sort of warmth that's hard to describe and just leaves you smiling.

As he detached his prosthetic, Worrick couldn't help but feel kind of bad about worrying her. Honestly, he should have expected Godi to panic a bit when someone just rips off their arm and he mentally scolded himself. Usually, it wasn't a good thing when someone's arm comes off. Well, he'd just have to make it up to her later. How exactly, he didn't know but he would think of something. "Yeah, my prosthetic comes off. Usually, I remove it before I sleep since it tends to be a bit uncomfortable to wear then. You see, it's because of the metal band here on my arm." The man explained, pointing with his hand on his still-attached arm to the metal piece right below his elbow. "It connects my nerves to the circuits in the prosthetic so that it will act like my normal arm. But it also lets me remove it since the entire thing isn't connected to me." This made it more handy while making adjustments and repairs, which was why he'd wanted this version of he prosthetic. Sure, it had been a little painful to remove it at first, but he'd long since gotten used to it to where he didn't even feel anything when he removed the prosthetic.

While he was explaining a bit about his false arm, Worrick watched on as Godi turned the prosthetic this way and that as she examined it. Now that he thought about it, a robotic arm would be a pretty interesting thing to droids like her. They were both made of the same general things like circuits, metals, and such. So, he could see why she would be so curious about his arm. When she held out his arm for him to take it back, the man rather casually accepted the robotic arm and swiftly reattached it. Her remark about his arm couldn't help but bring a thought to mind. Well, you're the incredible feat of engineering that I love to look at. As the thought crossed his mind, Worrick quickly scolded himself once more. Yes, he'd come to have a bit of a crush on the droid before him, not that he wanted to admit that. The main reason being that he didn't want to ruin the friendship they had. Honestly, real friends were hard for him to come by and Godi was a very good friend to him and one of the few people he could say he was truly close to. Romance held the chance to ruin friendships and he couldn't risk the bond he valued so much. Besides, he had no idea if Godi would have any interest in him at all. No, it was much better to stay quiet about it.

Trying to come up with a topic to distract himself from his own thoughts, Worrick quickly turned his focus to the list of items Auriel needed. "So, you mentioned needing help finding some of the parts that the Doc needs? I can go ahead and gather up the things that he usually needs, but I need to know what I am looking for when it comes to the rest of it." He told the droid. Beginning to walk towards the back of the store where the storage room was located, he motioned for Godi to follow since she most likely had the list of parts. "Which reminds me, I don't think I asked, how are things over at the Doc's? You doing okay over there?" He asked as he walked.
((Aww, he's crushiiinnnggg. :D))

Yes, of course it would make sense for Worrick to take off his prosthetic, especially for sleep. Godiva was supposed to stay calm under pressure and danger, but him taking off his arm had thrown her off. She made sure those memories were saved so she wouldn't freak out anymore if he took off his arm. He probably thought she overreacted. She thought she overreacted.

"Yes, you can just round up the usual parts, but there are some new things that I don't think I've heard of before", she called after him as he walked towards the storage room, motioning for her to follow. She walked behind him into the big back room, looking around at all the tech and weapons being stored away for future use. There were many different parts needed for upgrading, but also guns, grenades and even a sort of EMP generator. Those were quite dangerous, and not only to electronic things like her. She had to admit she was a little nervous with the generator and all sorts of weapons all around her, but she trusted Worrick.

Opening her hand, the little lens appeared in her palm again and the holographic list appeared. "Ah, here is the list. As you can see, a lot of it is the usual, but some are new things. Hopefully you will be able to find them with ease", she said, scanning the room quickly for any possible immediate threats. Nothing seemed to be turned on, which was good, but her tail still twitched slightly.

Turning her gaze back to him, Godiva said, "Yes, I'm doing quite nicely over at Auriel's house. It's really good to have a stable home to live in. They are both quite kind and I just clean up after them." She smiled again at the memory of this morning, which was nearly the same as every morning. "Sometimes they are out for a while, but then I just wander around and help out where I can."

Godiva held her hand out to Worrick so he could see the list easier as a question suddenly popped into her head. "Worrick...have you ever had any accidents dealing with all these parts and weapons? I mean, a lot of them are quite deadly, but I see they are all off so...I was just wondering." Her gaze landed on the generator again for a moment before looking back up at him, wondering if while he was stocking the shelves back here he tripped or fell or something and set off a weapon.
((Aww, he's crushiiinnnggg. :D))

Yes, of course it would make sense for Worrick to take off his prosthetic, especially for sleep. Godiva was supposed to stay calm under pressure and danger, but him taking off his arm had thrown her off. She made sure those memories were saved so she wouldn't freak out anymore if he took off his arm. He probably thought she overreacted. She thought she overreacted.

"Yes, you can just round up the usual parts, but there are some new things that I don't think I've heard of before", she called after him as he walked towards the storage room, motioning for her to follow. She walked behind him into the big back room, looking around at all the tech and weapons being stored away for future use. There were many different parts needed for upgrading, but also guns, grenades and even a sort of EMP generator. Those were quite dangerous, and not only to electronic things like her. She had to admit she was a little nervous with the generator and all sorts of weapons all around her, but she trusted Worrick.

Opening her hand, the little lens appeared in her palm again and the holographic list appeared. "Ah, here is the list. As you can see, a lot of it is the usual, but some are new things. Hopefully you will be able to find them with ease", she said, scanning the room quickly for any possible immediate threats. Nothing seemed to be turned on, which was good, but her tail still twitched slightly.

Turning her gaze back to him, Godiva said, "Yes, I'm doing quite nicely over at Auriel's house. It's really good to have a stable home to live in. They are both quite kind and I just clean up after them." She smiled again at the memory of this morning, which was nearly the same as every morning. "Sometimes they are out for a while, but then I just wander around and help out where I can."

Godiva held her hand out to Worrick so he could see the list easier as a question suddenly popped into her head. "Worrick...have you ever had any accidents dealing with all these parts and weapons? I mean, a lot of them are quite deadly, but I see they are all off so...I was just wondering." Her gaze landed on the generator again for a moment before looking back up at him, wondering if while he was stocking the shelves back here he tripped or fell or something and set off a weapon.
An illustration of a blue Fire Flight Mirror dragon with black antlers and black wings, wearing gold jewelry. Blue fire is along the bottom of the picture, and the backdrop is of the Ashfall Waste. Links to progen.
Worrick walked into the large storage area where he kept all of his stock that wasn't out on display. Things like extras of the weapons in the windows, various other weapons that might not be the best sellers but someone might have use for, assorted parts used for weapons and other tech, ammunition, power cells, pieces of tech that could be used for combat and those that had more mundane purposes. Pretty much, if you needed a weapon or part, it could most likely be found in this room or at least something similar to it. Grabbing a spare box, he began to sort through the familiar shelves and pulling out the usual items that Auriel needed at a pace that spoke to how often he had to gather these items. By the time Godi walked into the room, he'd been able to gather most of the parts into the box. His attention shifted to her as she walked inside, looking to her for what other parts Auriel needed. As she showed him the list, the man's forest green gaze flickered over the hologram produced from her hand. "Hmm, these shouldn't be too hard to find in here. Might take me a minute to find all of them, though." He murmured in thought. Just as he was about to start to look for the parts, Worrick noticed movement from behind Godi. Her tail was swaying a bit and, having known her long enough to pick up on some of her habits, he recognized it as being a sign of her nervousness. "You know you can wait out in the shop, right? I know you aren't fond of weapons and I'll be out in just a little while." He added.

When Godi spoke of how she was doing quite nicely at Auriel's place, the man gave a nod. "I'm glad to hear it." Although, when she mention that she just cleaned up after them, Worrick couldn't help but worry a bit. Some people did not think of droids as equals and while he didn't think Auriel would treat her poorly, what she said made him worry just a little bit. Godi meant a lot to him, so it was only natural for him to worry about her well being. Granted, she probably insisted on helping however she could just given her personality. "They don't make you do everything, do they? I know the Doc is being nice and letting you stay there but that doesn't mean you have to be their maid. If you ever have a problem or you need a place to stay, my door is always open. I know it's not as nice as the Doc's place but it's something." He chuckled.

Continuing to sort through the parts in the room and place the ones that were needed in the box, Worrick paused as Godi asked him if he had ever had an accident in his shop with all the weapons. After thinking for a moment, the man shook his head. "No, can't say I have. I know how to properly handle and store weapons. I know I don't mention it much but I had proper weapons training in the military." He began to explain casually but decided to leave the part about his military experience where it was and continue with something else. It wasn't like he really wanted to hide anything about how he'd been in the royal military but that could lead into his involvement in the Droid Rebellion and he really didn't want to talk about that with her of all people. Hopefully, his casual tone would aid in just letting that part disappear in flow of the conversation. "All of the weapons are unloaded and the safety is on for good measure. All explosives are kept in specialized containers that keep them stored in such a way that they won't explode and, if they do, the blast will be contained. Any dangerous tech in here, I've taken the power source out of so that it won't accidentally go off."

Finding the final piece he was looking for, the man set it in the box and turned to Godi. "Yeah, the weapons and such in hear are pretty much safe. I worry more about the weapons people are holding than the ones that are stored away." As if to demonstrate his point, Worrick raised his robotic hand to the sleeve of his opposite arm and pulled the sleeve up to reveal an old scar that looked to have come from some sort of burn wound on his upper arm. "Luckily, it only grazed me but this is a scar from a laser pistol someone tried to shoot me with. This is probably where I say something like 'You should see the other guy'." The man chuckled a bit.
Worrick walked into the large storage area where he kept all of his stock that wasn't out on display. Things like extras of the weapons in the windows, various other weapons that might not be the best sellers but someone might have use for, assorted parts used for weapons and other tech, ammunition, power cells, pieces of tech that could be used for combat and those that had more mundane purposes. Pretty much, if you needed a weapon or part, it could most likely be found in this room or at least something similar to it. Grabbing a spare box, he began to sort through the familiar shelves and pulling out the usual items that Auriel needed at a pace that spoke to how often he had to gather these items. By the time Godi walked into the room, he'd been able to gather most of the parts into the box. His attention shifted to her as she walked inside, looking to her for what other parts Auriel needed. As she showed him the list, the man's forest green gaze flickered over the hologram produced from her hand. "Hmm, these shouldn't be too hard to find in here. Might take me a minute to find all of them, though." He murmured in thought. Just as he was about to start to look for the parts, Worrick noticed movement from behind Godi. Her tail was swaying a bit and, having known her long enough to pick up on some of her habits, he recognized it as being a sign of her nervousness. "You know you can wait out in the shop, right? I know you aren't fond of weapons and I'll be out in just a little while." He added.

When Godi spoke of how she was doing quite nicely at Auriel's place, the man gave a nod. "I'm glad to hear it." Although, when she mention that she just cleaned up after them, Worrick couldn't help but worry a bit. Some people did not think of droids as equals and while he didn't think Auriel would treat her poorly, what she said made him worry just a little bit. Godi meant a lot to him, so it was only natural for him to worry about her well being. Granted, she probably insisted on helping however she could just given her personality. "They don't make you do everything, do they? I know the Doc is being nice and letting you stay there but that doesn't mean you have to be their maid. If you ever have a problem or you need a place to stay, my door is always open. I know it's not as nice as the Doc's place but it's something." He chuckled.

Continuing to sort through the parts in the room and place the ones that were needed in the box, Worrick paused as Godi asked him if he had ever had an accident in his shop with all the weapons. After thinking for a moment, the man shook his head. "No, can't say I have. I know how to properly handle and store weapons. I know I don't mention it much but I had proper weapons training in the military." He began to explain casually but decided to leave the part about his military experience where it was and continue with something else. It wasn't like he really wanted to hide anything about how he'd been in the royal military but that could lead into his involvement in the Droid Rebellion and he really didn't want to talk about that with her of all people. Hopefully, his casual tone would aid in just letting that part disappear in flow of the conversation. "All of the weapons are unloaded and the safety is on for good measure. All explosives are kept in specialized containers that keep them stored in such a way that they won't explode and, if they do, the blast will be contained. Any dangerous tech in here, I've taken the power source out of so that it won't accidentally go off."

Finding the final piece he was looking for, the man set it in the box and turned to Godi. "Yeah, the weapons and such in hear are pretty much safe. I worry more about the weapons people are holding than the ones that are stored away." As if to demonstrate his point, Worrick raised his robotic hand to the sleeve of his opposite arm and pulled the sleeve up to reveal an old scar that looked to have come from some sort of burn wound on his upper arm. "Luckily, it only grazed me but this is a scar from a laser pistol someone tried to shoot me with. This is probably where I say something like 'You should see the other guy'." The man chuckled a bit.
Saraxi's gaze landed on a Plutonian talking to several others. He looked awkward and embarrassed and she smirked a little. She decided she would wait until he was alone to pick his pocket of whatever shinies he was carrying; indeed she could see the glint of gold.
Saraxi's gaze landed on a Plutonian talking to several others. He looked awkward and embarrassed and she smirked a little. She decided she would wait until he was alone to pick his pocket of whatever shinies he was carrying; indeed she could see the glint of gold.
((@StStrawburry bump?))
((@StStrawburry bump?))
((I kind of feel embarrassed because of these three consecutive posts but I probably need to drop out too due to other stuff both irl and on FR @sufferkat))
((I kind of feel embarrassed because of these three consecutive posts but I probably need to drop out too due to other stuff both irl and on FR @sufferkat))
((@Juniipersass aw ;-; that's ok, you're removed now.))
((@Juniipersass aw ;-; that's ok, you're removed now.))
Gregor approached the clearing where he was supposed to meet Mech. He noticed the Droid hiding behind a bush, so he walked into the middle of the clearing and simply cleared his throat loudly.

Gregor approached the clearing where he was supposed to meet Mech. He noticed the Droid hiding behind a bush, so he walked into the middle of the clearing and simply cleared his throat loudly.
