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TOPIC | Tarot Readings (Open!)


@Tsuni The reading I randomly chose for you is called The Solution. It covers a task, the problems, the solutions, and what you can learn from it! Thank you for letting me experiment on you!

The Task: The 10 of Pentacles tells me that you're seeking success, with an emphasis on your finances. You've been strapped for cash lately, so you're starting to look at different ways that you can improve your financial standing. Or, perhaps, you're simply seeking to buy something in particular, and aren't sure of how to go about it.

The Problem: The Wheel of Fortune is one of my personal favorite cards, as it's a reminder of the ebb and flow of life. Though you may be feeling as though you're down right now, this will soon shift, just as it always does, into fortune and success.

The Solution: Ace of Cups. This card represents the ripple effect of life - a single drop in the water ripples through the entire pond. This is a reminder to start small and build into something mighty. Plan your ripple effect carefully.

New Insights: Three of Pentacles. You do not have to face this alone - you can embrace and expect support from others as well. This is not a handout or charity, this is someone caring about and trying to take care of you.

The Conclusion: Page of Swords. Life is what you perceive it to be. So if you perceive yourself to be unsuccessful, you will remain so. Picture yourself at the height of your success, and celebrate the small victories along the way.
@Tsuni The reading I randomly chose for you is called The Solution. It covers a task, the problems, the solutions, and what you can learn from it! Thank you for letting me experiment on you!

The Task: The 10 of Pentacles tells me that you're seeking success, with an emphasis on your finances. You've been strapped for cash lately, so you're starting to look at different ways that you can improve your financial standing. Or, perhaps, you're simply seeking to buy something in particular, and aren't sure of how to go about it.

The Problem: The Wheel of Fortune is one of my personal favorite cards, as it's a reminder of the ebb and flow of life. Though you may be feeling as though you're down right now, this will soon shift, just as it always does, into fortune and success.

The Solution: Ace of Cups. This card represents the ripple effect of life - a single drop in the water ripples through the entire pond. This is a reminder to start small and build into something mighty. Plan your ripple effect carefully.

New Insights: Three of Pentacles. You do not have to face this alone - you can embrace and expect support from others as well. This is not a handout or charity, this is someone caring about and trying to take care of you.

The Conclusion: Page of Swords. Life is what you perceive it to be. So if you perceive yourself to be unsuccessful, you will remain so. Picture yourself at the height of your success, and celebrate the small victories along the way.
@ThunderInvader I love past life readings! Thank you for letting me read for you!

The 8 of Pentacles tells me that you were someone who was entangled within a web - more than likely a thief of some kind, trapped by debts you could not pay. The Hermit is a card of solitude, meaning that you were a loner. You worked alone, you lived alone, and you liked it that way, keeping any who tried to get close at arm's length. The Knight of Swords says that you had to fight for every single thing that you had, for you didn't live in easy times. You were, ultimately, proud of what you earned and accomplished over the years. The Eight of Wands says that, surprisingly, you passed after a long fulfilling live lived exactly the way you wanted it to be in the end.
@ThunderInvader I love past life readings! Thank you for letting me read for you!

The 8 of Pentacles tells me that you were someone who was entangled within a web - more than likely a thief of some kind, trapped by debts you could not pay. The Hermit is a card of solitude, meaning that you were a loner. You worked alone, you lived alone, and you liked it that way, keeping any who tried to get close at arm's length. The Knight of Swords says that you had to fight for every single thing that you had, for you didn't live in easy times. You were, ultimately, proud of what you earned and accomplished over the years. The Eight of Wands says that, surprisingly, you passed after a long fulfilling live lived exactly the way you wanted it to be in the end.
@dasammit Thanks for letting me read for you!

The Past: The Strength card for the Dark Fairytale deck depicts a fairy screaming in rage, and this represents how you feel about your past. You have powered through every negative thing thrown at you to get where you are today, and you continue to power through all things that come your way with the same resilience. You can rest assured in your own power.

The Present: The Heirophant. Currently you're in the role of mentor to those around you. You know a little more than them, and their putting this knowledge to use. However, you should be aware that even the teacher must learn at times - you can never stop learning.

The Future: The Devil. This card represents a trap of your own making, which you're currently on the path towards. However, it's important to remember that even if you ensnare yourself, you are the one who holds the key to unlock the cage door - you can set yourself free at any time.
@dasammit Thanks for letting me read for you!

The Past: The Strength card for the Dark Fairytale deck depicts a fairy screaming in rage, and this represents how you feel about your past. You have powered through every negative thing thrown at you to get where you are today, and you continue to power through all things that come your way with the same resilience. You can rest assured in your own power.

The Present: The Heirophant. Currently you're in the role of mentor to those around you. You know a little more than them, and their putting this knowledge to use. However, you should be aware that even the teacher must learn at times - you can never stop learning.

The Future: The Devil. This card represents a trap of your own making, which you're currently on the path towards. However, it's important to remember that even if you ensnare yourself, you are the one who holds the key to unlock the cage door - you can set yourself free at any time.
@Dullanyan Thank you for letting me read for you!

A note: I drew all Swords for you. This means that the reading is really focused on your own thoughts and internal battle.

Past: Six of Swords. This card is one of despondence, with which you are intimately familiar. A world full of change and misfortune has left you bereft, and you have often struggled with despair.

Present: Five of Swords. Currently, you feel as though the world is against you. This card recommends that you take a step back and look at the bigger view of the world - you're not seeing the forest because you're too focused on the trees, as it were.

Future: Queen of Swords. This is a very positive card. Your future shows you exactly where you need to be and comfortable with yourself - you look in the mirror and know that what looks back is proud to be there. Loyalty and truth are your friends here.
@Dullanyan Thank you for letting me read for you!

A note: I drew all Swords for you. This means that the reading is really focused on your own thoughts and internal battle.

Past: Six of Swords. This card is one of despondence, with which you are intimately familiar. A world full of change and misfortune has left you bereft, and you have often struggled with despair.

Present: Five of Swords. Currently, you feel as though the world is against you. This card recommends that you take a step back and look at the bigger view of the world - you're not seeing the forest because you're too focused on the trees, as it were.

Future: Queen of Swords. This is a very positive card. Your future shows you exactly where you need to be and comfortable with yourself - you look in the mirror and know that what looks back is proud to be there. Loyalty and truth are your friends here.
@Animequeen Thanks for letting me read for you!

Past: The King of Cups. You are compassionate and caring, and have been for all your life. You have been burned by this empathy in the past, but still you carry on, trying to help and show others that they deserve to be helped.

Present: Judgement. This card tells me that you're facing a series of choices, and that you're unsure about the outcome. The decisions you make need to be well thought out, but swift nonetheless - this does not mean rash. Consider the consequences.

Future: The High Priestess. Your future is one of wisdom and knowledge. You will go far in your pursuits due to the strength of your mind, and your virtue and compassion will carry you in life.
@Animequeen Thanks for letting me read for you!

Past: The King of Cups. You are compassionate and caring, and have been for all your life. You have been burned by this empathy in the past, but still you carry on, trying to help and show others that they deserve to be helped.

Present: Judgement. This card tells me that you're facing a series of choices, and that you're unsure about the outcome. The decisions you make need to be well thought out, but swift nonetheless - this does not mean rash. Consider the consequences.

Future: The High Priestess. Your future is one of wisdom and knowledge. You will go far in your pursuits due to the strength of your mind, and your virtue and compassion will carry you in life.
@JoyLayne Thanks for letting me read and experiment on you! I've landed on a one card Stress Reading that will go into the card that is least favorable towards you and represents the stress within your life and how to interpret it.

This card is the Ten of Wands. The Shadowscapes deck depicts this card as a woman with a city upon her back - this represents the burdens that you take on and shoulder upon yourself, which build and stress you out. Simply put, you seem to have a hard time saying no to others' requests, or perhaps life has just thrown so much at you that you feel you can't bear the weight of it all. However, the woman on this card also represents the tree - the trunk is strong, as is your foundation, to bear the weight of the branches, the leaves, the fruit, and the beasts that will come to depend on you. Even though you bend under the weight, you do not break. In the end, this will make you stronger.
@JoyLayne Thanks for letting me read and experiment on you! I've landed on a one card Stress Reading that will go into the card that is least favorable towards you and represents the stress within your life and how to interpret it.

This card is the Ten of Wands. The Shadowscapes deck depicts this card as a woman with a city upon her back - this represents the burdens that you take on and shoulder upon yourself, which build and stress you out. Simply put, you seem to have a hard time saying no to others' requests, or perhaps life has just thrown so much at you that you feel you can't bear the weight of it all. However, the woman on this card also represents the tree - the trunk is strong, as is your foundation, to bear the weight of the branches, the leaves, the fruit, and the beasts that will come to depend on you. Even though you bend under the weight, you do not break. In the end, this will make you stronger.
@Cadomarie Thank you for letting me read for you! The reading I've randomly chosen for you is The Next Steps, which is a three card spread that goes over how to achieve a minor goal.

This Is Important Now: The King of Wands. Wisdom is paramount. In every decision you make, you should consider the wisdom of the choice and the consequences that ultimately affect not only you, but everyone around you.

Set This Aside for Now: Though the Hermit says that you crave the comfort that comes with true solitude, you have no time for it at the moment. Now, though it drains you, you must go out into the waking world and work towards your goal, because timing is key. You cannot afford to sit back and relax, because it will not simply fall into your lap.

Take Into Consideration: The Sword. This represents not only the triumph in battle, but also the double edge. Remember that everything comes with a price, and be aware of what you will give up in order to achieve your goal.
@Cadomarie Thank you for letting me read for you! The reading I've randomly chosen for you is The Next Steps, which is a three card spread that goes over how to achieve a minor goal.

This Is Important Now: The King of Wands. Wisdom is paramount. In every decision you make, you should consider the wisdom of the choice and the consequences that ultimately affect not only you, but everyone around you.

Set This Aside for Now: Though the Hermit says that you crave the comfort that comes with true solitude, you have no time for it at the moment. Now, though it drains you, you must go out into the waking world and work towards your goal, because timing is key. You cannot afford to sit back and relax, because it will not simply fall into your lap.

Take Into Consideration: The Sword. This represents not only the triumph in battle, but also the double edge. Remember that everything comes with a price, and be aware of what you will give up in order to achieve your goal.
@W1F1N1GHTM4R3 Thank you for letting me read for you! Unfortunately this is not a very positive reading - your past life was certainly one of strife.

The 8 of Cups says that you were friends with despair and misery early on. This is a travesty, for you had so much potential, and though the 6 of Wands shows that you fought as hard as you could against the world, you eventually crumbled under the pressure. The 3 of Wands depicts you returning home, where you found safety and security at least in those that loved you, though you craved recognition from the outside world as well. The 5 of Pentacles' marker is desperation, and you were intimately familiar with it as your life went on.

Sorry it wasn't a more positive reading!

@W1F1N1GHTM4R3 Thank you for letting me read for you! Unfortunately this is not a very positive reading - your past life was certainly one of strife.

The 8 of Cups says that you were friends with despair and misery early on. This is a travesty, for you had so much potential, and though the 6 of Wands shows that you fought as hard as you could against the world, you eventually crumbled under the pressure. The 3 of Wands depicts you returning home, where you found safety and security at least in those that loved you, though you craved recognition from the outside world as well. The 5 of Pentacles' marker is desperation, and you were intimately familiar with it as your life went on.

Sorry it wasn't a more positive reading!

@Fujoshi Thank you for letting me experiment on you! The reading that I randomly chose for you is "How Do I Find...?" meaning that you can use it to find something that you've been searching for.

This Way: Six of Cups. This is a reminder to be open minded. When you're looking for something, you must check everywhere - not just where it should be. Instead, look at the world with something like a child's innocence, wide eyed and able to take anything and everything in stride. Then you will find what you seek.

And This Way: Five of Cups. In order to find what your spirit seeks, you must first grieve for what you have lost. This is okay. You are allowed to feel. Take a moment and feel the intensity of the emotion, let it wash over you, and ride the wave into happier times.
@Fujoshi Thank you for letting me experiment on you! The reading that I randomly chose for you is "How Do I Find...?" meaning that you can use it to find something that you've been searching for.

This Way: Six of Cups. This is a reminder to be open minded. When you're looking for something, you must check everywhere - not just where it should be. Instead, look at the world with something like a child's innocence, wide eyed and able to take anything and everything in stride. Then you will find what you seek.

And This Way: Five of Cups. In order to find what your spirit seeks, you must first grieve for what you have lost. This is okay. You are allowed to feel. Take a moment and feel the intensity of the emotion, let it wash over you, and ride the wave into happier times.