

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Age of Automatons (OPEN)
@/sufferkat, got it, thanks for correcting me!
@/sufferkat, got it, thanks for correcting me!
Friendly beep bump
Friendly beep bump
DVynlKm.png cvLaV29.png ePOliyb.png ZbbUWnK.pngikTPgzn.pnggUe2de3.png, 20
((Let me know if this is okay or if I need to change anything :3))

Name: Worrick Lancer

Species: Earthen

Age: 26

Gender: Cis Man

Sex: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Home District: District 1

Status: Secretly loyal to the rebellion but keeps up appearances as being loyal to the throne

Physical Appearance:
Worrick is quite a tall fellow for a human at about 6'4" which would make him stand out a bit if he was only around humans, which isn't likely to happen often with all the species that call the first district home. Well muscles and physically fit, even though he has been out of the military for quite some time now, he prefers to stay in shape. While he may not be as conditioned as he was in the past, he's still no slouch and very much handle himself in a fight. A very prominent feature that one might notice as soon as you see the man would be his robotic prosthetic from his forearm down. Just below his elbow is a cuff-like metallic implant that works to connect the nerves in his arm to the robotic forearm so that he is able to control it like he would as if it was part of his body. The robotic arm itself is covered in a smooth, black plastic-like substance that is supposed to be very durable. The areas where the material gaps, like where the arm and hand would need to bend, a soft blue light glows from whenever it is on. Which sometimes it isn't as he will typically not have his arm connected to the implant when he sleeps. His skin tone is lightly tanned and scarred here and there from his time in the military. Like some do after leaving the military where you are required to keep your hair short, Worrick has dark brown hair that goes down to just above his shoulders, but he usually keeps his hair tied back or at least partially tied back. His eyes are a deep, forest green.

His clothing consists of fairly casual, durable clothes that will last a long time. This often means clothing in dull colors and plain design. But he prefers his clothes to be practical anyways. Often wearing a simple shirt underneath a sturdy jacket, plain pants, and some boots. Usually, he isn't wearing the jacket while he is tinkering.

Worrick is a fairly serious person who doesn't like to beat around the bush while talking to someone. If you are hinting around about something to him, he will probably understand what are you trying to say but he will still tell you to cut out the hinting and just tell him what you want. That doesn't mean that he isn't above lying to benefit the rebellion, actually he is a pretty decent liar. He'd have to be in order to make sure it wasn't discovered that he was secretly helping the rebellion. But if it is someone he is supposed to be allied with, he prefers them to tell him exactly what they want rather than hiding it behind pretty words. Along with this serious nature of his, he is also generally calm and it takes some button pushing to make him lose his cool. Looking down on others because of things like their species, praising the king, and harming those who can't protect themselves are a few of the things that really get under his skin. His sense of humor is rather dry and sarcastic, you're not going to get any knock knock jokes out of this guy. While he may be blunt and occasionally sarcastic, he is rather compassionate in a sort of aloof way. Like he will either do something nice for someone in a way where they don't know it was him or he will make it seem like he would be annoyed to help out and only say that he'd "try but no promises" only to do as much as he possibly could to make what that person asked happen. even then, he'd probably play it off as luck rather than his own efforts. He'd a good guy, but he just doesn't like to let that be obvious.

He very much enjoys tinkering around with some of the tech he has around, figuring out how it works and maybe make something useful out of them. This has sort of let to him offering repairs as well as the parts to repair them. Worrick really does love to learn about more about tech and it is one of the things he is honestly very passionate about.

Occupation: Tech, weapons and parts dealer

Worrick was born to a rather middle class family of produce traders in district 1 and honestly he wasn't overly happy with his life when he reached his teen years. His parents were pretty overbearing and had already decided that he would take over their business when he got old enough and were probably also ready to pick out who he was going to marry to help business as well. Stuck in a fate where you had to sell vegetables your whole life, who would want that? So, just as soon as he was old enough to enlist in the army, that's where Worrick ran off to. The life as a soldier was strictly regimented but it wasn't nearly as bad as selling produce. His days in the military weren't terrible, he made a number of decent friends and was often a part of helping people. So, he really didn't mind the lack of freedom that much. That was until the Droid Rebellion began and he began to see a lot more fighting. One day, his group of soldiers was sent into a supposedly abandoned city in order to check for a potential droid headquarters. Boy, did they find one. Not long after entering the city, they were overrun and outnumbered. Having to hold up in a small building to try and buy time, he called in to report what they were dealing with and how they needed backup. The sounds of aircraft approaching the city soon could be heard but it was not backup that greeted them but the sounds of artillery being dropped on the city. Worrick barely remembers what happened next as it is just a burr of deafening noises and a whole lot of pain. Waking up later, he someone had been spared by much of the explosions and rubble, save for his right forearm. Which he had to go through the gruesome and excruciating task of amputating it himself as it was completely crushed under rubble. Somehow managing to survive the process and recover enough to leave the ruined city, he kept his head down low and sought help from a friend who owed him a favor. This friend let him stay and recover more as well as outfit him with his robotic prosthetic forearm.

It was only after he'd recovered that Worrick was able to look into what had happened. Apparently, the story being told was that his team bad been a diplomatic group sent to a droid base to seek peace only to be kill upon entry, which resulted in the artillery attack in response. It had all been set up so that the king and his government the right to attack and level the base. Essentially, they had sacrificed pawns to gain an advantage. This is a driving force as to why Worrick is for the rebellion. With nothing left to do and him having supposedly died, he'd gotten that freedom he'd always wanted just in a way he never expected. So, he joined the rebellion and set himself up as a tech shop owner to help out the rebellion secretly while also doing what he liked as well. Which is where he has been ever since, helping some shipments "disappear" randomly or it happens to get ambushed by rebels who somehow knew where it was going to be.

Love Interest: Open. Willing to discuss if anyone wants to. If not, I'll just see what happens in the roleplay.
((Let me know if this is okay or if I need to change anything :3))

Name: Worrick Lancer

Species: Earthen

Age: 26

Gender: Cis Man

Sex: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Home District: District 1

Status: Secretly loyal to the rebellion but keeps up appearances as being loyal to the throne

Physical Appearance:
Worrick is quite a tall fellow for a human at about 6'4" which would make him stand out a bit if he was only around humans, which isn't likely to happen often with all the species that call the first district home. Well muscles and physically fit, even though he has been out of the military for quite some time now, he prefers to stay in shape. While he may not be as conditioned as he was in the past, he's still no slouch and very much handle himself in a fight. A very prominent feature that one might notice as soon as you see the man would be his robotic prosthetic from his forearm down. Just below his elbow is a cuff-like metallic implant that works to connect the nerves in his arm to the robotic forearm so that he is able to control it like he would as if it was part of his body. The robotic arm itself is covered in a smooth, black plastic-like substance that is supposed to be very durable. The areas where the material gaps, like where the arm and hand would need to bend, a soft blue light glows from whenever it is on. Which sometimes it isn't as he will typically not have his arm connected to the implant when he sleeps. His skin tone is lightly tanned and scarred here and there from his time in the military. Like some do after leaving the military where you are required to keep your hair short, Worrick has dark brown hair that goes down to just above his shoulders, but he usually keeps his hair tied back or at least partially tied back. His eyes are a deep, forest green.

His clothing consists of fairly casual, durable clothes that will last a long time. This often means clothing in dull colors and plain design. But he prefers his clothes to be practical anyways. Often wearing a simple shirt underneath a sturdy jacket, plain pants, and some boots. Usually, he isn't wearing the jacket while he is tinkering.

Worrick is a fairly serious person who doesn't like to beat around the bush while talking to someone. If you are hinting around about something to him, he will probably understand what are you trying to say but he will still tell you to cut out the hinting and just tell him what you want. That doesn't mean that he isn't above lying to benefit the rebellion, actually he is a pretty decent liar. He'd have to be in order to make sure it wasn't discovered that he was secretly helping the rebellion. But if it is someone he is supposed to be allied with, he prefers them to tell him exactly what they want rather than hiding it behind pretty words. Along with this serious nature of his, he is also generally calm and it takes some button pushing to make him lose his cool. Looking down on others because of things like their species, praising the king, and harming those who can't protect themselves are a few of the things that really get under his skin. His sense of humor is rather dry and sarcastic, you're not going to get any knock knock jokes out of this guy. While he may be blunt and occasionally sarcastic, he is rather compassionate in a sort of aloof way. Like he will either do something nice for someone in a way where they don't know it was him or he will make it seem like he would be annoyed to help out and only say that he'd "try but no promises" only to do as much as he possibly could to make what that person asked happen. even then, he'd probably play it off as luck rather than his own efforts. He'd a good guy, but he just doesn't like to let that be obvious.

He very much enjoys tinkering around with some of the tech he has around, figuring out how it works and maybe make something useful out of them. This has sort of let to him offering repairs as well as the parts to repair them. Worrick really does love to learn about more about tech and it is one of the things he is honestly very passionate about.

Occupation: Tech, weapons and parts dealer

Worrick was born to a rather middle class family of produce traders in district 1 and honestly he wasn't overly happy with his life when he reached his teen years. His parents were pretty overbearing and had already decided that he would take over their business when he got old enough and were probably also ready to pick out who he was going to marry to help business as well. Stuck in a fate where you had to sell vegetables your whole life, who would want that? So, just as soon as he was old enough to enlist in the army, that's where Worrick ran off to. The life as a soldier was strictly regimented but it wasn't nearly as bad as selling produce. His days in the military weren't terrible, he made a number of decent friends and was often a part of helping people. So, he really didn't mind the lack of freedom that much. That was until the Droid Rebellion began and he began to see a lot more fighting. One day, his group of soldiers was sent into a supposedly abandoned city in order to check for a potential droid headquarters. Boy, did they find one. Not long after entering the city, they were overrun and outnumbered. Having to hold up in a small building to try and buy time, he called in to report what they were dealing with and how they needed backup. The sounds of aircraft approaching the city soon could be heard but it was not backup that greeted them but the sounds of artillery being dropped on the city. Worrick barely remembers what happened next as it is just a burr of deafening noises and a whole lot of pain. Waking up later, he someone had been spared by much of the explosions and rubble, save for his right forearm. Which he had to go through the gruesome and excruciating task of amputating it himself as it was completely crushed under rubble. Somehow managing to survive the process and recover enough to leave the ruined city, he kept his head down low and sought help from a friend who owed him a favor. This friend let him stay and recover more as well as outfit him with his robotic prosthetic forearm.

It was only after he'd recovered that Worrick was able to look into what had happened. Apparently, the story being told was that his team bad been a diplomatic group sent to a droid base to seek peace only to be kill upon entry, which resulted in the artillery attack in response. It had all been set up so that the king and his government the right to attack and level the base. Essentially, they had sacrificed pawns to gain an advantage. This is a driving force as to why Worrick is for the rebellion. With nothing left to do and him having supposedly died, he'd gotten that freedom he'd always wanted just in a way he never expected. So, he joined the rebellion and set himself up as a tech shop owner to help out the rebellion secretly while also doing what he liked as well. Which is where he has been ever since, helping some shipments "disappear" randomly or it happens to get ambushed by rebels who somehow knew where it was going to be.

Love Interest: Open. Willing to discuss if anyone wants to. If not, I'll just see what happens in the roleplay.
@AbyssRanger he sounds perfect! Added him to the list :3
@AbyssRanger he sounds perfect! Added him to the list :3
Name: Saraxi Helenova(sisters with Carana, down below)
Species: Tetraxian
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Sex: Female
Sexuality: Straight(yes, boring, I know, keep it down)
Home District: District 5
Status: New Rebellion
Physical Appearance: Creamy saffron skin with coral highlights on cheekbones, nose, basically anything that stands out sharply. Blood orange hair in a choppy lob, metallic black eyes. Usually wears a stark white and hot pink sweater vest or a wraparound lavender tank top with lace sleeves and always has a metallic black miniskirt over either fluffy rainbow leggings or real gold thread fishnet leggings. Very slim, muscular legs and arms, long elegant neck and fingers. Stereotypically attractive face-high cheekbones, large eyes, button nose, full mouth, arched eyebrows, and feathery sweeping bangs.
Personality: Very realistic and gullible, always tagging around her older sister and wanting to imitate her. When she was younger she had a strange disorder leaving her always in a "thought spiral" similar to OCD but it's cured, however sometimes she goes on completely unrelated tangents. She is a singer and her voice has been compared to that of a siren. Saraxi plays the keytar and does gigs with it when she needs cash, and is also a wanderer and collects stamps from faraway places, imagining what they look like.
Occupation: Decoy for her sister/otherwise unemployed
Backstory: Her disease also wiped her memory of her past, and the only two things she remembers are: the fancy bottle the poisoned drink that caused her disease came in, and her sister. Her older sister, her anchor, her idol. Saraxi has literally no direction, no purpose without her. Her sister joined the rebellion around when Saraxi was 19, so she joined with her, and the two moved to District 1 to be closer to its heart.
Love Interest: ??(i mean hopefully it's gonna get filled in, but...)
Name: Saraxi Helenova(sisters with Carana, down below)
Species: Tetraxian
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Sex: Female
Sexuality: Straight(yes, boring, I know, keep it down)
Home District: District 5
Status: New Rebellion
Physical Appearance: Creamy saffron skin with coral highlights on cheekbones, nose, basically anything that stands out sharply. Blood orange hair in a choppy lob, metallic black eyes. Usually wears a stark white and hot pink sweater vest or a wraparound lavender tank top with lace sleeves and always has a metallic black miniskirt over either fluffy rainbow leggings or real gold thread fishnet leggings. Very slim, muscular legs and arms, long elegant neck and fingers. Stereotypically attractive face-high cheekbones, large eyes, button nose, full mouth, arched eyebrows, and feathery sweeping bangs.
Personality: Very realistic and gullible, always tagging around her older sister and wanting to imitate her. When she was younger she had a strange disorder leaving her always in a "thought spiral" similar to OCD but it's cured, however sometimes she goes on completely unrelated tangents. She is a singer and her voice has been compared to that of a siren. Saraxi plays the keytar and does gigs with it when she needs cash, and is also a wanderer and collects stamps from faraway places, imagining what they look like.
Occupation: Decoy for her sister/otherwise unemployed
Backstory: Her disease also wiped her memory of her past, and the only two things she remembers are: the fancy bottle the poisoned drink that caused her disease came in, and her sister. Her older sister, her anchor, her idol. Saraxi has literally no direction, no purpose without her. Her sister joined the rebellion around when Saraxi was 19, so she joined with her, and the two moved to District 1 to be closer to its heart.
Love Interest: ??(i mean hopefully it's gonna get filled in, but...)
@sufferkat is this good?? (is it still open?) ((also sisters with Saraxi, is that okay?))
Name: Carana Helenova
Species: Tetraxian
Age: 26
Gender: Demigirl
Sex: female
Sexuality: Ace, heteroflexible
Home District: 5
Status: New rebellion
Physical Appearance:
Carana has pale blueish silver skin and long, wavy dark blue hair. Her eyes are strange, and a metallic black color. She literally will wear whatever, and doesn't care at all, though she does keep an assortment of various sharp metals in pockets and whatnot.
Personality: She's often distant and staring upwards at the sky, especially at night. Carana is especially drawn to the stars, and loves the night, and also really likes music and art and storytelling of all kinds.
Occupation: unemployed (*cough* she steals stuff *cough*)
Backstory: She barely remembers anything from her past at all, only flashes of color, crying, pale faces and angry shouting. And one other important thing- her sister. Her little sister that she cares about more than the world- than her own life, almost. If anything were to happen to her... well, I can't say the outcome would be good. She joined around the age of nineteen, when she realized that both her sister and her loss of memory stemmed from the monarch, and she wasn't okay with that. Not because of herself, but rather because her sister didn't deserve to forget everything- she was worth everything. The two moved to District 1 when Carana wanted to get closer to the heart of the rebellion, and her sister tagged along. You can't separate the two.
Love Interest: ~To be determined?~ (I'm pretty excited about that part...)
@sufferkat is this good?? (is it still open?) ((also sisters with Saraxi, is that okay?))
Name: Carana Helenova
Species: Tetraxian
Age: 26
Gender: Demigirl
Sex: female
Sexuality: Ace, heteroflexible
Home District: 5
Status: New rebellion
Physical Appearance:
Carana has pale blueish silver skin and long, wavy dark blue hair. Her eyes are strange, and a metallic black color. She literally will wear whatever, and doesn't care at all, though she does keep an assortment of various sharp metals in pockets and whatnot.
Personality: She's often distant and staring upwards at the sky, especially at night. Carana is especially drawn to the stars, and loves the night, and also really likes music and art and storytelling of all kinds.
Occupation: unemployed (*cough* she steals stuff *cough*)
Backstory: She barely remembers anything from her past at all, only flashes of color, crying, pale faces and angry shouting. And one other important thing- her sister. Her little sister that she cares about more than the world- than her own life, almost. If anything were to happen to her... well, I can't say the outcome would be good. She joined around the age of nineteen, when she realized that both her sister and her loss of memory stemmed from the monarch, and she wasn't okay with that. Not because of herself, but rather because her sister didn't deserve to forget everything- she was worth everything. The two moved to District 1 when Carana wanted to get closer to the heart of the rebellion, and her sister tagged along. You can't separate the two.
Love Interest: ~To be determined?~ (I'm pretty excited about that part...)
Beneath the surface a turbulent depth awaits.
Name: n.M.E.C.H. KnightGuard[non-Monochromatic Expressive Command Housing droid] (Reffered to as Mech) Species: Droid Age: 23 Gender: Male Sex: None Sexuality: Straight Home District: Mech was fabricated and assembled in district 4, transported to district 1 where he was downloaded with all the combat information the King’s Castle had access to. Status: Rebel Warrior, former guardian to the throne. Physical Appearance: Mech’s silver chassis is painted blue with silver and yellow accents, and more than enough bullet holes, scrapes, and dents. Exactly 8 feet 6 inches tall, Mech is equipped with a left shoulder-mounted flamethrower (also called a flamer) and a right-handed close-range Fusion Blaster. His right shoulder is equipped with an advanced targeting system that allows him to fire more precise shots. Mounted on his back are two propulsion modules to increase movement speed and mounted on his head are two communications antenna for mid-battle. His chest opens up for a small storage area that is often left empty. [img][/img] Personality: Mech is equipped with multiple knowledge and sentience hard drives that can give him a variety of personalities, but some consistencies include (but are not limited to) calculating the odds and then defying them, being overprotective, keeping a close “team” of rebel allies and the decent moral character of most droids. Occupation: Rebel Warrior, part-time mechanic Backstory: Mech was engineered along with fifty other models similar to him as a large squad of warriors and guards for the King. Mech was left nearly completely destroyed after a rebel attack on the King’s Castle, after which he was left a scrapped hunk of metal and shipped as waste to District 6. He was then repaired by a strange mechanic there, downloaded with data cards and hard drives to make him a nearly fearless rebel Warrior and, if necessary, a leader. His memories of being a guard for the King were mostly wiped after his destruction. Love Interest: Unseeking (Once the model is painted I will upload my own image, the image above is only temporary and was credited on the page i found it on to Totem Pole)
Name: n.M.E.C.H. KnightGuard[non-Monochromatic Expressive Command Housing droid] (Reffered to as Mech)
Species: Droid
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Sex: None
Sexuality: Straight
Home District: Mech was fabricated and assembled in district 4, transported to district 1 where he was downloaded with all the combat information the King’s Castle had access to.
Status: Rebel Warrior, former guardian to the throne.
Physical Appearance: Mech’s silver chassis is painted blue with silver and yellow accents, and more than enough bullet holes, scrapes, and dents. Exactly 8 feet 6 inches tall, Mech is equipped with a left shoulder-mounted flamethrower (also called a flamer) and a right-handed close-range Fusion Blaster. His right shoulder is equipped with an advanced targeting system that allows him to fire more precise shots. Mounted on his back are two propulsion modules to increase movement speed and mounted on his head are two communications antenna for mid-battle. His chest opens up for a small storage area that is often left empty.
Personality: Mech is equipped with multiple knowledge and sentience hard drives that can give him a variety of personalities, but some consistencies include (but are not limited to) calculating the odds and then defying them, being overprotective, keeping a close “team” of rebel allies and the decent moral character of most droids.
Occupation: Rebel Warrior, part-time mechanic
Backstory: Mech was engineered along with fifty other models similar to him as a large squad of warriors and guards for the King. Mech was left nearly completely destroyed after a rebel attack on the King’s Castle, after which he was left a scrapped hunk of metal and shipped as waste to District 6. He was then repaired by a strange mechanic there, downloaded with data cards and hard drives to make him a nearly fearless rebel Warrior and, if necessary, a leader. His memories of being a guard for the King were mostly wiped after his destruction.
Love Interest: Unseeking

(Once the model is painted I will upload my own image, the image above is only temporary and was credited on the page i found it on to Totem Pole)
“What type of hero am I? The hero who does not stop. No matter the odds. I will stop the ball an inch from the floor, and bring the fight back from zero. Be certain in my strength, and it will be unending. Lend me your hopes and your dreams and I will break through any wall in my way, stop any opponent that crosses my path, and fight back any force that opposes me!”

All accepted!

All accepted!
@Eldarowability Whoops I just noticed that Mech doesn't have a last name. After the uprising, most Droids tried to give themselves a normal place in society, last names being part of that. :3
@Eldarowability Whoops I just noticed that Mech doesn't have a last name. After the uprising, most Droids tried to give themselves a normal place in society, last names being part of that. :3