Just ping me or send a CR for the amount of gems you want! [SOLD]
Selling a prismatic token for 100g or 100kT
Just ping me or send a CR for the amount of gems you want! [SOLD]
Selling a prismatic token for 100g or 100kT
Is this valuable still? I'd like to buy all if possible :)
Is this valuable still? I'd like to buy all if possible :)
gaston sorry sold! but I am selling a prismatic token for 100 gems or 100kT cheapest in the game
gaston sorry sold! but I am selling a prismatic token for 100 gems or 100kT cheapest in the game
I'll have to pass on the token sadly. But thank you for telling me!
I'll have to pass on the token sadly. But thank you for telling me!
gaston I am selling 100 gems for 1:900
gaston I am selling 100 gems for 1:900
May I buy them all please? ^^
gaston OF COURSE! why not? I did not tell you just so I can say no you may not buy them
gaston OF COURSE! why not? I did not tell you just so I can say no you may not buy them