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TOPIC | Wavecrest Saturnalia 2017
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[quote name="BurrakuDusk" date=2017-04-23 01:01:10] [img][/img] I think the Throatarium skin looks lovely on my Abyss/Abyss/Cyan Bogsneak! All of these skins and accents are beautiful, it's hard to say which is my favorite! [/quote] @BurrakuDusk Uhhhh! Yes very neat bog you got there! :3 And happy Wavecrest Saturnalia everyone!! :D
BurrakuDusk wrote on 2017-04-23:

I think the Throatarium skin looks lovely on my Abyss/Abyss/Cyan Bogsneak! All of these skins and accents are beautiful, it's hard to say which is my favorite!

Uhhhh! Yes very neat bog you got there! :3

And happy Wavecrest Saturnalia everyone!! :D
[quote name="Forelle" date=2017-04-23 00:30:04] I love the apparel for this festival! It's amazing and I need about 50. :D Also a huge shoutout to @Piney ! Not only is your pun amazing, the skin also makes one of my dragons look exceptionally gorgeous. Thank you so much! Also... "The eyes of the windsinger." Good one. SPIES! [img][/img] [/quote] I skipped that part @Forelle, wonder where are the eyes of the Tidelord???
Forelle wrote on 2017-04-23:
I love the apparel for this festival! It's amazing and I need about 50. :D Also a huge shoutout to @Piney ! Not only is your pun amazing, the skin also makes one of my dragons look exceptionally gorgeous. Thank you so much!

Also... "The eyes of the windsinger." Good one. SPIES!

I skipped that part @Forelle, wonder where are the eyes of the Tidelord???
Happy Wavecrest Saturnalia everyone! Idk why but I've been waiting for this for a while. Probably because my birthday is also on the same week
Happy Wavecrest Saturnalia everyone! Idk why but I've been waiting for this for a while. Probably because my birthday is also on the same week
*seafoams at the mouth*
*seafoams at the mouth*
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Once again the big apparel is super cool! Getting ten, stat. Good thing I hoarded like 300 shells after the last festival. The gobbo is also cute.

Also pls Arcanist, leave the festivals alone! Don't even try to blame the goblin on Windsinger, we know it was your fault anyway. somehow.
Once again the big apparel is super cool! Getting ten, stat. Good thing I hoarded like 300 shells after the last festival. The gobbo is also cute.

Also pls Arcanist, leave the festivals alone! Don't even try to blame the goblin on Windsinger, we know it was your fault anyway. somehow.
I've stayed awake for 5 hours waiting for this to come! And I already managed to get a skin from a chest! :DDDD [url=] [img][/img] [/url] ^Wavecrest and her Bubbling Goblin wish you all a happy Wavecrest Saturnalia^
I've stayed awake for 5 hours waiting for this to come!
And I already managed to get a skin from a chest! :DDDD


^Wavecrest and her Bubbling Goblin wish you all a happy Wavecrest Saturnalia^
The skins are amazing! And the goblin is really cute ^^
The skins are amazing! And the goblin is really cute ^^
|| D A W N
» she/they
» fr+15
‘ A folded paper moon
-like I’m wandering in-between ’

ahhhh, all the skins are so amazing... So pretty. I need them all <3
And that familiar is so precious. I need it blehh
ahhhh, all the skins are so amazing... So pretty. I need them all <3
And that familiar is so precious. I need it blehh
@TheSiren341 I don't know but I really hope he hasn't lost them somewhere. D:
@TheSiren341 I don't know but I really hope he hasn't lost them somewhere. D:

gotta find me a mecha bogboy now

gotta find me a mecha bogboy now
Hey, I'm Charlie!
nonbinary & queer
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