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TOPIC | Fantasy / sci-fi book suggestions?
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@Kairo - Yay! :D You'd love it.
@Kairo - Yay! :D You'd love it.
@Rainforest if you're into steampunk books I recommend the Predator City quartet by Philip Reeve (starting with Mortal Engines), and the Leviathan series by Scott Westerfield (I recommend this one if you like cool biologically modified animals - they've got whales that act as blimps, 2 headed eagles, it's pretty neat).

I also recommend the book Trollhunters by guillermo del toro. It's about this kid that discovers an underground civilization of trolls and helps them fight, it's got a Netflix cartoon that's also really good but the plot and characters differ a bit.
I've just started Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency by Douglas Adams after watching that show - it's a bit different, less pew pew sci-fi and more subtle, but still really good. Hard to describe, but good.

If you're a fan of star wars I recommend Hard Contact by Karen Traviss (lots of clones which are gr8), and if you want something lighter and funny then Good Omens by Neil gaiman and terry pratchett is good. (And while you're at it, check out their other books.)
@Rainforest if you're into steampunk books I recommend the Predator City quartet by Philip Reeve (starting with Mortal Engines), and the Leviathan series by Scott Westerfield (I recommend this one if you like cool biologically modified animals - they've got whales that act as blimps, 2 headed eagles, it's pretty neat).

I also recommend the book Trollhunters by guillermo del toro. It's about this kid that discovers an underground civilization of trolls and helps them fight, it's got a Netflix cartoon that's also really good but the plot and characters differ a bit.
I've just started Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency by Douglas Adams after watching that show - it's a bit different, less pew pew sci-fi and more subtle, but still really good. Hard to describe, but good.

If you're a fan of star wars I recommend Hard Contact by Karen Traviss (lots of clones which are gr8), and if you want something lighter and funny then Good Omens by Neil gaiman and terry pratchett is good. (And while you're at it, check out their other books.)
@Rainforest The book of the new sun. Great mix of Sci-Fi and Fantasy done right.

Santiago: a myth of the far future. As western as space can get. And with plenty of bounty hunting on top of it. The same author also made Birthright, which is an interesting read into a sci-fi timeline of humans in space.

Want more like Santiago? Try Spellslinger or The Serpent's Head.

Ansible. Serial about a special group that sends students minds into time and space without ever knowing if they'll return. You can also learn about the middle east a little.

The ambassador series. Aaaaaaay it's space politics. Hauntingly relevant today, at least at the start.
@Rainforest The book of the new sun. Great mix of Sci-Fi and Fantasy done right.

Santiago: a myth of the far future. As western as space can get. And with plenty of bounty hunting on top of it. The same author also made Birthright, which is an interesting read into a sci-fi timeline of humans in space.

Want more like Santiago? Try Spellslinger or The Serpent's Head.

Ansible. Serial about a special group that sends students minds into time and space without ever knowing if they'll return. You can also learn about the middle east a little.

The ambassador series. Aaaaaaay it's space politics. Hauntingly relevant today, at least at the start.
My writing project.
A Turn of Light by Julie E. Czerneda. It has dragons (well one), magic, mystery, magic house toads, and various other creatures. I love reading, but i found this one by chance and its really good.
A Turn of Light by Julie E. Czerneda. It has dragons (well one), magic, mystery, magic house toads, and various other creatures. I love reading, but i found this one by chance and its really good.
@Rainforest If you like books about animals and books about dragons, then how about a book series that is about animals and dragons?

Definitely check out The Summer King Chronicles by Jess E. Owen! She published the books herself, so not many people know about the series, but it's amazing. It follows the story of Rashard, a young gryfon of the Vanir - one of the gryfon clans - who struggles with his identity and his heritage and tries to uncover the truth about his past. It has wolves, dragons, african wild dogs, lions and all kind of other critters, and of course, gryfons! The characters are all amazingly well developed and feel very real, and the world building is amazing. There's also a lot of norse mythology, so that's cool! I am not lying when I say that the books are as good as their covers look.

You could also check out A Natural History of Dragons by Marie Brennan! The series is set in the Victorian time and follows the adventures of Isabella Trent, whose dream it is to become a dragon naturalist. They're not as action packed as other dragon books (since the series strives more for realism than exciting adventures), but it's still a very interesting read and it does have its exciting moments! What I love most about the series is that the dragons are treated like normal animals and not like magical beings (they still can breathe fire or other things, though!), and you'll get to read a lot about their hunting and breeding habits as well as how they might be related to one another and to other animals. The main characters are all lovely and three-dimensional, and the friendship between Isabella and Tom is heartwarming (no romance between these two, by the way! There is some romance in the series, but it never interfers with the story and is also written very realistically, which is quite refreshing).
@Rainforest If you like books about animals and books about dragons, then how about a book series that is about animals and dragons?

Definitely check out The Summer King Chronicles by Jess E. Owen! She published the books herself, so not many people know about the series, but it's amazing. It follows the story of Rashard, a young gryfon of the Vanir - one of the gryfon clans - who struggles with his identity and his heritage and tries to uncover the truth about his past. It has wolves, dragons, african wild dogs, lions and all kind of other critters, and of course, gryfons! The characters are all amazingly well developed and feel very real, and the world building is amazing. There's also a lot of norse mythology, so that's cool! I am not lying when I say that the books are as good as their covers look.

You could also check out A Natural History of Dragons by Marie Brennan! The series is set in the Victorian time and follows the adventures of Isabella Trent, whose dream it is to become a dragon naturalist. They're not as action packed as other dragon books (since the series strives more for realism than exciting adventures), but it's still a very interesting read and it does have its exciting moments! What I love most about the series is that the dragons are treated like normal animals and not like magical beings (they still can breathe fire or other things, though!), and you'll get to read a lot about their hunting and breeding habits as well as how they might be related to one another and to other animals. The main characters are all lovely and three-dimensional, and the friendship between Isabella and Tom is heartwarming (no romance between these two, by the way! There is some romance in the series, but it never interfers with the story and is also written very realistically, which is quite refreshing).
@applejuice - Holy cow, those seem so amazing!!!!! Are there only four books in that series? Aghhhhhhhh, thank you soooooo much for telling me about them!

((Also, I really like your username.))
@applejuice - Holy cow, those seem so amazing!!!!! Are there only four books in that series? Aghhhhhhhh, thank you soooooo much for telling me about them!

((Also, I really like your username.))
@Rainforest You're welcome! Yes, both series only have four books, though A Natural History of Dragons will get a fifth one to conclude the series in April. The Summer King Chronicles are finished, though :)

(Hehe, thanks :D)
@Rainforest You're welcome! Yes, both series only have four books, though A Natural History of Dragons will get a fifth one to conclude the series in April. The Summer King Chronicles are finished, though :)

(Hehe, thanks :D)
@applejuice - Oh, wow. I'm so excited to read them! ^-^
@applejuice - Oh, wow. I'm so excited to read them! ^-^

Totally The Mortality Doctrine Series by James Dashner.

It's basically about when the worked becomes to advanced, people can go into the internet, and make worlds using codes. Some people almost live there, and the world would fall apart without it. Everything has being going great for years until multiple? people disappear and some are found dead in the real world. The killings are linked to a cyber terrorist, slowly coding his way into the internet, and real world.
I didn't explain it very well, but oh it's such a great series. Super exciting and a little confusing, but it's a mystery as well.

Totally The Mortality Doctrine Series by James Dashner.

It's basically about when the worked becomes to advanced, people can go into the internet, and make worlds using codes. Some people almost live there, and the world would fall apart without it. Everything has being going great for years until multiple? people disappear and some are found dead in the real world. The killings are linked to a cyber terrorist, slowly coding his way into the internet, and real world.
I didn't explain it very well, but oh it's such a great series. Super exciting and a little confusing, but it's a mystery as well.
@OracleOreo00 - Those. Sound. Amazing. :D
@OracleOreo00 - Those. Sound. Amazing. :D
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