hey i’m the delivery man i’ve got a veilspun creature for a “fruit basket named chevy.” idk why it says that on the address but this thing keeps sprouting more arms and biting me so can he come get it pls
Thank you!! It feels very exciting to win a dragon for once, even if I'm going to sell him :'D I hope you are enjoying your dragon as well! Also I remember, Qilin is one of my most beloved dragons, thanks again for selling him to me <3
Welcomed new hatchlings!
4 Guardian Female, 1 Obelisk Male
Jul 05
Became friends with alwaystiredart
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.
Jul 01
Became friends with SpookDuke
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.
Recent Achievements
Dec 25
You Can Pet the Dog in this Game
Dec 25
Learning Opportunities (25)
Dec 25
How Dare You Call this "Useless Knowledge" (50)
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Magnus looks great tho !!