

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
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First off, I apologize if this is in the wrong category: I'm not sure if it belongs here or the "Creative Corner". Also, if there are typos or things that don't make much sense, I haven't been awake that long, so once again, sorry for that. Please just ask what I meant and I'll explain better once awake! =3

Okay, anyways, main reason I'm posting this:

I'm working on my Clan's lore, and would like it to be... I guess the word is interactive? OR semi-interactive? Where any allies and/or enemies my Clan has can still get together and rp things with not only my own Clan/dragons, but maybe even the other allies and enemies?

The thing is, for "enemies" I'm looking for something very specific- Plague and Shadow Flight Clans. I have this idea for my Clan, a mixture of story/history, and possibly headcanons I guess, that they've been attacked and/or tricked (possibly more than once) by Clans from these Flights, so don't trust them (they assume the Clans are working together, but they don't have to be!)

As for allies, any other Flight is fine!

I do have a thread ( ready to put my lore in (other headcanons and such will be written there later today),and, with the permission of those who ask to join, either as allies or enemies, I could put your Clan there, too (mentioning them as ones who attacked or helped in the Clan's history, or putting a dragon in a relationship- maybe not breeding, if you don't want that, but rivals, or friends- any kind of relationship, really!)

All I ask with role-playing is that you're semi-literate (you must be able to write more than "He walked over and sat down"). You don't have to write three pages, but please, give something to work with! (I understand if you're rushing/have to go soon, or can't think of what to write- it happens! But please try not to make it an all-the-time thing.)

Also, please understand if I go afk! I will try to keep that from happening too much, but I am in college, and things happen. I'll respond asap, but classes may prevent that until later at night.



I would like people to rp and help world-build, and just make my Clan more interactive in general. If interested in being an ally or enemy Clan, please @ me below! =3

*Note: Enemy Clans must be Shadow or Plague, Allies can be any other Flight
First off, I apologize if this is in the wrong category: I'm not sure if it belongs here or the "Creative Corner". Also, if there are typos or things that don't make much sense, I haven't been awake that long, so once again, sorry for that. Please just ask what I meant and I'll explain better once awake! =3

Okay, anyways, main reason I'm posting this:

I'm working on my Clan's lore, and would like it to be... I guess the word is interactive? OR semi-interactive? Where any allies and/or enemies my Clan has can still get together and rp things with not only my own Clan/dragons, but maybe even the other allies and enemies?

The thing is, for "enemies" I'm looking for something very specific- Plague and Shadow Flight Clans. I have this idea for my Clan, a mixture of story/history, and possibly headcanons I guess, that they've been attacked and/or tricked (possibly more than once) by Clans from these Flights, so don't trust them (they assume the Clans are working together, but they don't have to be!)

As for allies, any other Flight is fine!

I do have a thread ( ready to put my lore in (other headcanons and such will be written there later today),and, with the permission of those who ask to join, either as allies or enemies, I could put your Clan there, too (mentioning them as ones who attacked or helped in the Clan's history, or putting a dragon in a relationship- maybe not breeding, if you don't want that, but rivals, or friends- any kind of relationship, really!)

All I ask with role-playing is that you're semi-literate (you must be able to write more than "He walked over and sat down"). You don't have to write three pages, but please, give something to work with! (I understand if you're rushing/have to go soon, or can't think of what to write- it happens! But please try not to make it an all-the-time thing.)

Also, please understand if I go afk! I will try to keep that from happening too much, but I am in college, and things happen. I'll respond asap, but classes may prevent that until later at night.



I would like people to rp and help world-build, and just make my Clan more interactive in general. If interested in being an ally or enemy Clan, please @ me below! =3

*Note: Enemy Clans must be Shadow or Plague, Allies can be any other Flight

I'd love to be allies! =D The more the merrier, I always say. I'm an Ice clan living on the southern side of the Icefields. I've got most of my lore linked in my signature. The TL;DR Is that my clan is heavily martial and primarily runs on a knighting system. Basically a big ol' army. Trade info can be found here. Basically weapons, little ice baubles, and magic scrolls (ex. gene changing).

The leader of my clan, the Sun Prince Aelius, recently had a daughter. Soleil is currently trying to win the hand of an eldest princess of another clan, but assuming that goes south Aelius would probably send her off to see the next suitor. lol Dad of the Year.

If not Soleil, then I have plenty of children of nobles who could be married off for an alliance. =D Entirely lore-based since I don't like mixing lore relationships with breeding-relationships. Or we can just not go with arranged marriages at all and just make friends the old fashioned way with delegations and ambassadors—the whole shebang.

I'd love to be allies! =D The more the merrier, I always say. I'm an Ice clan living on the southern side of the Icefields. I've got most of my lore linked in my signature. The TL;DR Is that my clan is heavily martial and primarily runs on a knighting system. Basically a big ol' army. Trade info can be found here. Basically weapons, little ice baubles, and magic scrolls (ex. gene changing).

The leader of my clan, the Sun Prince Aelius, recently had a daughter. Soleil is currently trying to win the hand of an eldest princess of another clan, but assuming that goes south Aelius would probably send her off to see the next suitor. lol Dad of the Year.

If not Soleil, then I have plenty of children of nobles who could be married off for an alliance. =D Entirely lore-based since I don't like mixing lore relationships with breeding-relationships. Or we can just not go with arranged marriages at all and just make friends the old fashioned way with delegations and ambassadors—the whole shebang.
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This sounds cool. My clan's lore is sorta being made up as I go, so it's not the most complete, but I've got some things down.
It's a Arcane clan led by a tiny fae, Westanova. It's a fairy peaceful little clan that's a bit more like a bunch of stragglers just hanging out together than a real "everyone is family" clan. They interact with other clans a lot and almost none of the kids stay when they grow up, they all move out to join other clans or go to serve a deity.
They can, and sometimes will go about meeting other clans formally, with representatives and such, but much more often one clan member will just go and starting mingling with another clan and mistakes and accidents have to sorted out afterwards.
What did you really expect from a Arcane clan?

As for roleplaying, I'm literate and on near daily. My dragon roleplaying is a bit rusty, but nothing that a little practice couldn't fix.

This sounds cool. My clan's lore is sorta being made up as I go, so it's not the most complete, but I've got some things down.
It's a Arcane clan led by a tiny fae, Westanova. It's a fairy peaceful little clan that's a bit more like a bunch of stragglers just hanging out together than a real "everyone is family" clan. They interact with other clans a lot and almost none of the kids stay when they grow up, they all move out to join other clans or go to serve a deity.
They can, and sometimes will go about meeting other clans formally, with representatives and such, but much more often one clan member will just go and starting mingling with another clan and mistakes and accidents have to sorted out afterwards.
What did you really expect from a Arcane clan?

As for roleplaying, I'm literate and on near daily. My dragon roleplaying is a bit rusty, but nothing that a little practice couldn't fix.

My clan is from the shadow flight, and it'd be interesting for our clans to be enemies. Besides from the fact my clan is aligned with the shadow flight, the clan consists of demons and assasins. If you're interested, you can shoot me a PM and we can discuss.

My clan is from the shadow flight, and it'd be interesting for our clans to be enemies. Besides from the fact my clan is aligned with the shadow flight, the clan consists of demons and assasins. If you're interested, you can shoot me a PM and we can discuss.
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+2 fr time

I'd be interested in a clan roleplay cause I've been wanting to do one so badly after finally obtaining my clan's leader. My lore thread is right here. Everything should be up-to-date after I added in the clan's leader.

I'll be around if you're interested.

I'd be interested in a clan roleplay cause I've been wanting to do one so badly after finally obtaining my clan's leader. My lore thread is right here. Everything should be up-to-date after I added in the clan's leader.

I'll be around if you're interested.
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Hatchery_____Art Shop
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Clan Lore
@Smoketiry I have a subfaction in my plague clan based off of the Predator movies, if you're still looking for enemies. The majority of them aren't plague-eyed themselves but they keep their faces hidden anyways. I have a three kingdom system- The Railclawers, a raider's haven with a tribal theme, the Empatheians, a dynasty based partially on Ancient Rome and partially on SWTOR's sith empire, and the Forgive Me Nots, a nomadic cannibal cult that wishes to enslave the gods themselves. The former-most might be willing to stir up some chaos and cause a bit of distrust.

I'm literate, play daily and try to post several times daily, and my clan itself has an interactive story as well that will change and respond to my RP partners' actions.
@Smoketiry I have a subfaction in my plague clan based off of the Predator movies, if you're still looking for enemies. The majority of them aren't plague-eyed themselves but they keep their faces hidden anyways. I have a three kingdom system- The Railclawers, a raider's haven with a tribal theme, the Empatheians, a dynasty based partially on Ancient Rome and partially on SWTOR's sith empire, and the Forgive Me Nots, a nomadic cannibal cult that wishes to enslave the gods themselves. The former-most might be willing to stir up some chaos and cause a bit of distrust.

I'm literate, play daily and try to post several times daily, and my clan itself has an interactive story as well that will change and respond to my RP partners' actions.

Monster Collector

@Mypilot @evearellie @Lavendetta @Kaixin @Sylveandiff

Wow, I wasn't expecting so many responses in such a short amount of time! Sorry for not responding such as fast, then!

To actually respond to what everyone said:

@Mypilot I'm not sure if I can get to the lore via your signature (my computer is being a butt thanks to wifi, and some links and pictures don't show up? I can see where you have for[?] places to click, but I'm not sure which one leads to your lore! >.<') Also, I can see my Clan's leader, Pixin, getting incredibly excited at finding out your Clan trades gene-changing scrolls though! ("I know we don't need them, but-")

As for the marrying-for-an-alliance, that sounds cool! =D My Clan is a bit.. I guess odd, when it comes to breeding and mates? As in, a dragon can take a mate, but still breed with other dragons in the Clan (*not sure how to explain without going into more detail*) Pixin doesn't have any children right now... I think the oldest son any of my dragons have is Sawel, and he's been bred before! (Although, I do have Zircon, not to mention Bayne and Larkspur once they get older!)

Although I'm good with making friends the old fashioned way too! =D

@evearellie Sounds good! =3 I'm glad to have you! (Sorry, not trying to ignore the question! Just can't tell if it was you being rhetorical/silly, like "Ah, typical Arcane, what do you expect?" cause that's seems like something they would do, or if you actually meant "Do you have plans for Arcane like you do Shadow and Plague?")

@Lavendetta Your Clan sounds cool! I'd love to have you as an enemy! (Wow, that's kinda strange to say, isn't it?) Anyways, I'll PM you once I post this answer!

@Kaixin I'm interested! =3 If you'd like, I can PM you as well?

@Sylveandiff Sounds fun~! I'd love to have you as an enemy!
@Mypilot @evearellie @Lavendetta @Kaixin @Sylveandiff

Wow, I wasn't expecting so many responses in such a short amount of time! Sorry for not responding such as fast, then!

To actually respond to what everyone said:

@Mypilot I'm not sure if I can get to the lore via your signature (my computer is being a butt thanks to wifi, and some links and pictures don't show up? I can see where you have for[?] places to click, but I'm not sure which one leads to your lore! >.<') Also, I can see my Clan's leader, Pixin, getting incredibly excited at finding out your Clan trades gene-changing scrolls though! ("I know we don't need them, but-")

As for the marrying-for-an-alliance, that sounds cool! =D My Clan is a bit.. I guess odd, when it comes to breeding and mates? As in, a dragon can take a mate, but still breed with other dragons in the Clan (*not sure how to explain without going into more detail*) Pixin doesn't have any children right now... I think the oldest son any of my dragons have is Sawel, and he's been bred before! (Although, I do have Zircon, not to mention Bayne and Larkspur once they get older!)

Although I'm good with making friends the old fashioned way too! =D

@evearellie Sounds good! =3 I'm glad to have you! (Sorry, not trying to ignore the question! Just can't tell if it was you being rhetorical/silly, like "Ah, typical Arcane, what do you expect?" cause that's seems like something they would do, or if you actually meant "Do you have plans for Arcane like you do Shadow and Plague?")

@Lavendetta Your Clan sounds cool! I'd love to have you as an enemy! (Wow, that's kinda strange to say, isn't it?) Anyways, I'll PM you once I post this answer!

@Kaixin I'm interested! =3 If you'd like, I can PM you as well?

@Sylveandiff Sounds fun~! I'd love to have you as an enemy!
@Smoketiry Nah, it was rhetorical. Sorry if that wasn't clear. XD Though if you have some sort of plans, or anything, I wouldn't mind.
@Smoketiry Nah, it was rhetorical. Sorry if that wasn't clear. XD Though if you have some sort of plans, or anything, I wouldn't mind.
@evearellie Haha, okay! I thought it was, but wasn't sure! XD I don't have anything for Arcane (yet..) although I plan on having headcanons/whatever you want to call them for every Flight, and their powers, how they affect how my Clan interacts with them, etc! (Although, I worry that may make it so others may not want to actually interact, so it's more of an optional thing. =3)
@evearellie Haha, okay! I thought it was, but wasn't sure! XD I don't have anything for Arcane (yet..) although I plan on having headcanons/whatever you want to call them for every Flight, and their powers, how they affect how my Clan interacts with them, etc! (Although, I worry that may make it so others may not want to actually interact, so it's more of an optional thing. =3)
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