Wolfkitten @
Omegajupiter @
"Very well then. We will set out for Dragon Home in the morning. For now, we will get some rest."
He settled down in the dirt immediately, not really putting any effort into his first impression. He was exhausted, and he didn't care to keep his appearance before his own health.
He fished into his bag, and pulled various items from it. A small package of dried grass, a cloth sack of grubs, two strips of jerky, and dried minnows. He untied the cloth sack and set it in the dirt, using it as a sort of picnic blanket. He looked expectantly at the others, waiting for them to join him.
Wolfkitten @
Omegajupiter @
"Very well then. We will set out for Dragon Home in the morning. For now, we will get some rest."
He settled down in the dirt immediately, not really putting any effort into his first impression. He was exhausted, and he didn't care to keep his appearance before his own health.
He fished into his bag, and pulled various items from it. A small package of dried grass, a cloth sack of grubs, two strips of jerky, and dried minnows. He untied the cloth sack and set it in the dirt, using it as a sort of picnic blanket. He looked expectantly at the others, waiting for them to join him.
She/Her + 22 + FR Member for 8+ years!
Oldie lover! Open to contact for any oldies on exalt row!
Please use the first two tabs of my lair, and first three tabs of my den for forum games!
omegajupiter @
rinnabear @
There really wasn’t much of a response from any of the dragons before her when she tried to show her strength. Then again how much strength can a tiny little fae possibly contain? Well by golly she could really be a nuisance if the situation called for it! But it seemed that wasn’t the case… For which she was thankful. For now the three dragons before them seemed safe… Ish. She did eye the wildclaw and the mirror slightly warily. She hadn’t missed the soft chuckle from the mirror female. But Nessie was under no misconception that she could challenge the mirror and live to tell the tale. But both of the other dragons were allowing the Imperial to speak. Did he hold the interests and authority of all of them? Possible. Nesaia never really found herself to be suited for a leadership role of any sort. Discernment never had been a trait that was strong in the tiny fae. The only reason she made such an attempt is because she was, in essence, leading the tiny tundra that she had been playing with during the horrid incident. She missed Sairia so much right now. She would have known what to do and if she could trust the three! She looked to Minx but he didn’t seem to have any objection. But if that was because of her words or because he actually held any trust for these new dragons, she didn’t know. But with a gentle nod she cemented it. They would join them… For now. Then again only Eaol was sealed with this bond… Minx was completely free to do what he felt was necessary. But the way he held Eaol, and showed such an instant protective nature for the tiny hatchling… Ness doubted he was going to be going anywhere anytime soon.
Well just then after it seemed to be settled, the imperial dragon was speaking again. She noticed none of them gave their names… Was it a mistake to reveal hers, Eaol’s, and Minx’s too soon? Oh goodness she hoped not! Did the other dragons just not feel that this detail was not important? Nessie shivered, her frills going rather crazy and twitching betraying what her passive face didn’t reveal. She was nervous. But she had just forged her own treaty! She hoped… She nodded in response to the Imperial’s plan. Rest… Perhaps now that they were in a group she could get some real rest… Yea right… Fat chance. But she was determined that this would work. If it didn’t, really they wouldn’t be any worse off would they? Unless these other lone dragons decided they made a good dinner… Yet at that point it would be hopeful that it would be a quick and merciful death… Nesaia shuddered and shoved those thoughts roughly from her head. No. Stay the path. This would be ok.
Eaol perked up his ears, still trembling as he couldn’t see anything held in the coatl, Minx’s tail. He wasn’t sure exactly what was happening, but he had heard Nesaia speak peace to Minx, and the large coatl settled right down. Voices were not raised… He hoped that meant that Nessie had managed to keep peace… She had always been good at that back at home… He was young, only a few weeks of age, but she always did her best to make peace, even with the hatchlings. It was well known… Or had been… That Nesaia abhorred violence and conflict. It upset her so! And thus she spent a lot of time being the peacemaker. Eaol was a bit of an observer and he noticed how the rest of their clan had treated the tiny fae. She had been beloved by most… But now… That was over. A single tear slipped down as he quivered, this in his mind. Yet it wasn’t long before he was drawn around and cuddled close by the coatl. Eaol wasted no time and nuzzled in against Minx, enjoying and taking solace in the feeling of his claws running through his fur. He didn’t know this dragon, but he felt they could trust him. He was good and kind… From his vantage point now, he could see the other dragons. He saw Nesaia, now standing on the ground, wings flared out between him and Minx, and the other trio… He wasn’t certain what was going on, but he knew Nesaia had it well in claw. He sighed as his eyelids were feeling horribly heavy. Yet just then he sniffed. Was that… What was that? He sniffed again. He smelled grass! His eyes flew wide. They hadn’t found a whole lot of foliage that was edible in a while! But he definitely smelled grass. He looked over quickly searching for the smell. He sought out the Imperial and his voice came forth softly. “You have food?” He trembled all over as his stomach gave an eager snarl. He pressed against Minx but stretched his neck curiously toward what the imperial was laying out.
omegajupiter @
rinnabear @
There really wasn’t much of a response from any of the dragons before her when she tried to show her strength. Then again how much strength can a tiny little fae possibly contain? Well by golly she could really be a nuisance if the situation called for it! But it seemed that wasn’t the case… For which she was thankful. For now the three dragons before them seemed safe… Ish. She did eye the wildclaw and the mirror slightly warily. She hadn’t missed the soft chuckle from the mirror female. But Nessie was under no misconception that she could challenge the mirror and live to tell the tale. But both of the other dragons were allowing the Imperial to speak. Did he hold the interests and authority of all of them? Possible. Nesaia never really found herself to be suited for a leadership role of any sort. Discernment never had been a trait that was strong in the tiny fae. The only reason she made such an attempt is because she was, in essence, leading the tiny tundra that she had been playing with during the horrid incident. She missed Sairia so much right now. She would have known what to do and if she could trust the three! She looked to Minx but he didn’t seem to have any objection. But if that was because of her words or because he actually held any trust for these new dragons, she didn’t know. But with a gentle nod she cemented it. They would join them… For now. Then again only Eaol was sealed with this bond… Minx was completely free to do what he felt was necessary. But the way he held Eaol, and showed such an instant protective nature for the tiny hatchling… Ness doubted he was going to be going anywhere anytime soon.
Well just then after it seemed to be settled, the imperial dragon was speaking again. She noticed none of them gave their names… Was it a mistake to reveal hers, Eaol’s, and Minx’s too soon? Oh goodness she hoped not! Did the other dragons just not feel that this detail was not important? Nessie shivered, her frills going rather crazy and twitching betraying what her passive face didn’t reveal. She was nervous. But she had just forged her own treaty! She hoped… She nodded in response to the Imperial’s plan. Rest… Perhaps now that they were in a group she could get some real rest… Yea right… Fat chance. But she was determined that this would work. If it didn’t, really they wouldn’t be any worse off would they? Unless these other lone dragons decided they made a good dinner… Yet at that point it would be hopeful that it would be a quick and merciful death… Nesaia shuddered and shoved those thoughts roughly from her head. No. Stay the path. This would be ok.
Eaol perked up his ears, still trembling as he couldn’t see anything held in the coatl, Minx’s tail. He wasn’t sure exactly what was happening, but he had heard Nesaia speak peace to Minx, and the large coatl settled right down. Voices were not raised… He hoped that meant that Nessie had managed to keep peace… She had always been good at that back at home… He was young, only a few weeks of age, but she always did her best to make peace, even with the hatchlings. It was well known… Or had been… That Nesaia abhorred violence and conflict. It upset her so! And thus she spent a lot of time being the peacemaker. Eaol was a bit of an observer and he noticed how the rest of their clan had treated the tiny fae. She had been beloved by most… But now… That was over. A single tear slipped down as he quivered, this in his mind. Yet it wasn’t long before he was drawn around and cuddled close by the coatl. Eaol wasted no time and nuzzled in against Minx, enjoying and taking solace in the feeling of his claws running through his fur. He didn’t know this dragon, but he felt they could trust him. He was good and kind… From his vantage point now, he could see the other dragons. He saw Nesaia, now standing on the ground, wings flared out between him and Minx, and the other trio… He wasn’t certain what was going on, but he knew Nesaia had it well in claw. He sighed as his eyelids were feeling horribly heavy. Yet just then he sniffed. Was that… What was that? He sniffed again. He smelled grass! His eyes flew wide. They hadn’t found a whole lot of foliage that was edible in a while! But he definitely smelled grass. He looked over quickly searching for the smell. He sought out the Imperial and his voice came forth softly. “You have food?” He trembled all over as his stomach gave an eager snarl. He pressed against Minx but stretched his neck curiously toward what the imperial was laying out.
Come ride the winds with me!
They'll take you where you've never been.
RinnaBear @
Poodragon @
Nova watched the fae's frills to see her basic emotions about the situation. She stepped up and grabbed a piece of jerky and started to nibble on the food. She picked up a couple minnows and a bit of the dry grass, passing the fae as she walked over to the coatl and tundra. She set it in front of the two, "I'm Nova." She knew they didn't trust "the big scary dragons" She gave a soft smile to the two before looking over to the fae. The only reason she let the imperial speak and act like a leader was because he was bigger and stronger, she didn't have much chance against him, no matter how unhappy she was about it.
Minx tilted his head at her and loosened his tail around Eaol, letting him easily step out of it if he wanted. He slowly sniffed the minnows before picking one up in his mouth. He ate it and nodded in thanks to the mirror and Krait.
RinnaBear @
Poodragon @
Nova watched the fae's frills to see her basic emotions about the situation. She stepped up and grabbed a piece of jerky and started to nibble on the food. She picked up a couple minnows and a bit of the dry grass, passing the fae as she walked over to the coatl and tundra. She set it in front of the two, "I'm Nova." She knew they didn't trust "the big scary dragons" She gave a soft smile to the two before looking over to the fae. The only reason she let the imperial speak and act like a leader was because he was bigger and stronger, she didn't have much chance against him, no matter how unhappy she was about it.
Minx tilted his head at her and loosened his tail around Eaol, letting him easily step out of it if he wanted. He slowly sniffed the minnows before picking one up in his mouth. He ate it and nodded in thanks to the mirror and Krait.
((Are you still interested in the RP?))
((Are you still interested in the RP?))
She/Her + 22 + FR Member for 8+ years!
Oldie lover! Open to contact for any oldies on exalt row!
Please use the first two tabs of my lair, and first three tabs of my den for forum games!
oh gods I've completely forgotten this sorryyyy D: I've been really busy lately because of schoolwork and stuff, so right now I don't have time to roleplay :/
oh gods I've completely forgotten this sorryyyy D: I've been really busy lately because of schoolwork and stuff, so right now I don't have time to roleplay :/
[procrastination intensifies]
((That's totally fine! I understand that schoolwork can pile up fast, and I respect that you put your education before the internet. I hope you come back soon! ^^ ))
((That's totally fine! I understand that schoolwork can pile up fast, and I respect that you put your education before the internet. I hope you come back soon! ^^ ))
She/Her + 22 + FR Member for 8+ years!
Oldie lover! Open to contact for any oldies on exalt row!
Please use the first two tabs of my lair, and first three tabs of my den for forum games!
(I am game for continuing! Perhaps we could just say that Poodragon's baby just tagged along and they can join in again when they are able?)
(I am game for continuing! Perhaps we could just say that Poodragon's baby just tagged along and they can join in again when they are able?)
Come ride the winds with me!
They'll take you where you've never been.
(Same. It's all right with me with whichever one we decide on)
Forgot to tag: @
RinnaBear @
Wolfkitten @
rinnabear @
omegajupiter @
(Sorry, I cannot continue this rp right now because currently I'm drowning in schoolwork and am also sick and have iritis in my right eye and some kind of infection in my left eye so... I pretty much cannot see at all. You can continue of course if you want, and maybe I can come back once I'm feeling better and have more free time?)
rinnabear @
omegajupiter @
(Sorry, I cannot continue this rp right now because currently I'm drowning in schoolwork and am also sick and have iritis in my right eye and some kind of infection in my left eye so... I pretty much cannot see at all. You can continue of course if you want, and maybe I can come back once I'm feeling better and have more free time?)
[procrastination intensifies]
(Aw. Really sad to see you go but it's understandable. I just got sick today and cant get to sleep because I can't breath out my nose and it kinda hurts my throat to breath out my mouth cause it's sore and no matter how much I drink, feels dry. I've been getting sick and getting hurt alot lately)
(Aw. Really sad to see you go but it's understandable. I just got sick today and cant get to sleep because I can't breath out my nose and it kinda hurts my throat to breath out my mouth cause it's sore and no matter how much I drink, feels dry. I've been getting sick and getting hurt alot lately)