

Create, adopt, or show off your adoptables.
TOPIC | [CLOSED] Oneiir's Adopt Shop
@Oneiir Ooh these are awesome! [image of dragon] [img][/img] (I don't own him yet so I only have the scry image. He is bubblegum poison/moon saturn and banana stained.) [b]Apparel:[/b] N [b]Accent:[/b] N [b]Skin:[/b] Y/N [b]Payment:[/b] Treasure [b]Additional Notes:[/b] None [b]May I use your adopt as an example?:[/b] Y

Ooh these are awesome!

[image of dragon]


(I don't own him yet so I only have the scry image. He is bubblegum poison/moon saturn and banana stained.)

Apparel: N
Accent: N
Skin: Y/N
Payment: Treasure
Additional Notes: None
May I use your adopt as an example?: Y

Total: 55kT

Total: 55kT
@Oneiir [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Apparel:[/b] Y [b]Accent:[/b] Y [b]Skin:[/b] N [b]Payment:[/b] Gems [b]Additional Notes:[/b]Nothing [b]May I use your adopt as an example?:[/b] Of course! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Apparel:[/b] Y [b]Accent:[/b] Y [b]Skin:[/b] N [b]Payment:[/b] Gems [b]Additional Notes:[/b]Nothing [b]May I use your adopt as an example?:[/b] Of course!


Apparel: Y
Accent: Y
Skin: N
Payment: Gems
Additional Notes:Nothing
May I use your adopt as an example?: Of course!


Apparel: Y
Accent: Y
Skin: N
Payment: Gems
Additional Notes:Nothing
May I use your adopt as an example?: Of course!


Total: 321g

Total: 321g
@Oneiir [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Apparel:[/b] Yes, [item=pink and purple flair scarf] [b]Accent:[/b] No [b]Skin:[/b] No [b]Payment:[/b] Treasure [b]Additional Notes:[/b] The new base looks really good!! [b]May I use your adopt as an example?:[/b] Yes


Apparel: Yes, Pink and Purple Flair Scarf
Accent: No
Skin: No
Payment: Treasure
Additional Notes: The new base looks really good!!
May I use your adopt as an example?: Yes
54IVqpH.png MZSEWS2.png

@Oneiir [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Apparel:[/b] N [b]Accent:[/b] Y [b]Skin:[/b] N [b]Payment:[/b] Gems [b]Additional Notes:[/b]nothing [b]May I use your adopt as an example?:[/b] Y And this one!How much is it all together?


Apparel: N
Accent: Y
Skin: N
Payment: Gems
Additional Notes:nothing
May I use your adopt as an example?: Y

And this one!How much is it all together?
@Oneiir, looks like you have 6 skydancers to fill your open slots. Too bad I didn't check in time! I'm loving that SkyDancer base!! I'll be waiting for anotherr open slot! Thanks for pinging me!!
@Oneiir, looks like you have 6 skydancers to fill your open slots. Too bad I didn't check in time! I'm loving that SkyDancer base!! I'll be waiting for anotherr open slot! Thanks for pinging me!!

Total: 70kT


The total for all 3: 428g

Total: 70kT


The total for all 3: 428g

I extended the slots to 10 and I still have 1 more slot open so I'll reserve it for you! Just send in your order when you're ready :D

I extended the slots to 10 and I still have 1 more slot open so I'll reserve it for you! Just send in your order when you're ready :D

I actually found a shop where I spent most of my treasure on. XD
I'm really sorry about that.

I actually found a shop where I spent most of my treasure on. XD
I'm really sorry about that.

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