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TOPIC | Owlcat not showing up in familiars list
I purchased two owlcat familiars in a fairly short timespan (maybe ten minutes?). Both arrived fine via mail, but when I went to equip them to a dragon, only one showed up. Both appeared in my hoard, but only one was "availible" to give to a dragon. I put the one that didn't work in my vault, took it out, and it still does not show up in the availible familiars box. If it helps at all, it's a red-winged owlcat and I've been trying to give it to nocturnes.
I purchased two owlcat familiars in a fairly short timespan (maybe ten minutes?). Both arrived fine via mail, but when I went to equip them to a dragon, only one showed up. Both appeared in my hoard, but only one was "availible" to give to a dragon. I put the one that didn't work in my vault, took it out, and it still does not show up in the availible familiars box. If it helps at all, it's a red-winged owlcat and I've been trying to give it to nocturnes.
@MissyGreenEyes You can only have one type of familiar attached to any dragon in your lair- so if you have multiple of the same familiar, you may choose only one dragon to bond it to :)
@MissyGreenEyes You can only have one type of familiar attached to any dragon in your lair- so if you have multiple of the same familiar, you may choose only one dragon to bond it to :)
@chespin Yep, I know that. The owlcat will not show up to give to ANYBODY, though. If I'm swapping familiars or giving a familiar, it (the owlcat) doesn't even show up as an option.
@chespin Yep, I know that. The owlcat will not show up to give to ANYBODY, though. If I'm swapping familiars or giving a familiar, it (the owlcat) doesn't even show up as an option.
@MissyGreenEyes Unless I am misunderstanding you, that's how it's supposed to work :D

This dragon has an owlcat- until you remove it the familiar will not show up in the box for anyone. Let me know if I'm not being clear or if I'm not understanding the problem :D
@MissyGreenEyes Unless I am misunderstanding you, that's how it's supposed to work :D

This dragon has an owlcat- until you remove it the familiar will not show up in the box for anyone. Let me know if I'm not being clear or if I'm not understanding the problem :D
@chespin Say I were to remove a Moonbeam Crayfish familiar from a dragon. In the box on the left side of the change familiar screen, there should be little icons of the familiars you have availible from your hoard. The owlcat is showing up in my hoard, but not in that box, thus I cannot equip it, even if I have removed the crayfish.

The owlcat with Lupine is the one that works that was purchased within a short time period of the other, nonfunctional one.
@chespin Say I were to remove a Moonbeam Crayfish familiar from a dragon. In the box on the left side of the change familiar screen, there should be little icons of the familiars you have availible from your hoard. The owlcat is showing up in my hoard, but not in that box, thus I cannot equip it, even if I have removed the crayfish.

The owlcat with Lupine is the one that works that was purchased within a short time period of the other, nonfunctional one.
@MissyGreenEyes The two owlcats are the same item-- if you have duplicates of a familiar, the system treats them all the same, which is why bonding levels are counted not for each individual familiar but for all of them. IE with your owlcat if you were to remove it, then sell it and attach a new one, the bonding level would stay the same and not reset.

Regardless of how many of one single type of familiar you have (for example, the owlcats), you can only have one bonded to your entire clan at a time. It's a bit hard to explain but it's the intended behaviour :D

You can test this with other duplicates if you have them as well. It's not possible to attach a duplicate familiar to a dragon :D
@MissyGreenEyes The two owlcats are the same item-- if you have duplicates of a familiar, the system treats them all the same, which is why bonding levels are counted not for each individual familiar but for all of them. IE with your owlcat if you were to remove it, then sell it and attach a new one, the bonding level would stay the same and not reset.

Regardless of how many of one single type of familiar you have (for example, the owlcats), you can only have one bonded to your entire clan at a time. It's a bit hard to explain but it's the intended behaviour :D

You can test this with other duplicates if you have them as well. It's not possible to attach a duplicate familiar to a dragon :D
@chespin Well that is just odd. Thank you for being patient with me and helping me with the issue. I guess I've got to sell an owlcat!
@chespin Well that is just odd. Thank you for being patient with me and helping me with the issue. I guess I've got to sell an owlcat!

Another option is to toss it into Baldwin's pot to create a Muck, which can be used as an ingredient to create other items there.

Another option is to toss it into Baldwin's pot to create a Muck, which can be used as an ingredient to create other items there.
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